Sorry about the delay, and for any's really early in the morning…Thank you for waiting and I hope you like the chapter!

Word spread rapidly throughout the camp. The Medicine Man was here, and although the Phantom's presence came with a feeling of great relief it also brought fear. News of the Medicine Mans arrival came with a warning. They must be silent about his appearance, absolute secrecy. The King's men were said to be near and no one wanted their savior to fall into the King's hands after the selflessness he had shown. Silently the villagers traveled back and forth, delivering the message to more and more as they attempted to act completely normal.

Don smiled at the two kids in his makeshift medical bay, Don knew from past observations that the twins argued constantly and would be squabbling right now if not for the fact that they were too busy staring at him with awestruck gazes. Maybe if he took off his cloak he would seem less mysterious and they would lose interest…Seriously they hadn't even blinked in the last few minutes.

The twins never even glanced at Keaton and Fira who were patiently laying in the corner, usually kids loved them but the twins refused to even look at them if it meant looking away from him, it seemed that they couldn't believe that they were actually seeing the Phantom.

Honestly the attention was making him kind of uncomfortable.

Turning to the siblings Don gave a small unsure smile before informing them of his orders. "You want the breaks to heal properly so you must take care not to participate in any strenuous activities or else you could re-brake the bone." The twins had come into his tent with one having a broken arm and the other a broken leg, but instead of crying and whining over their injuries like most children the two had been quite proud that they had gotten the injuries while defending each other before being saved by Raph.

Don's anger was quickly rising, even though they had not been the only injured children and there were many, many more adults that had needed medical assistance Don always found that he couldn't stand seeing children injured. It made him sick to think about it but he held his emotions in check and fumed silently.

Don's anger at the guards for beating two defenseless children subsided slightly when amusement took over at the current situation in his medical tent. Raph had walked in to say that there were only a few more patients that needed help and he had not been prepared for the blurs that came flying at him. Donnie couldn't contain his laughter at Raph's bewildered expression when the twins attempted to tackle him in a bear hug as thanks for their rescue, and as if Raph wasn't teetering from supporting the two kids Keaton had joined in causing Raph to tumble to the ground. Fira was squawking in the corner of the tent and if Donnie didn't know better he would swear she was laughing. His own laughter was loud in the small tent much to Raph's annoyance and even if it did earn him a smack on the head and a death glare from the resident tough guy Donnie knew it was worth it.

Don began to teasingly complain that only Mikey deserved being smacked on the head when the tent was torn apart and something hit him on the head. The force had been enough to send Don crashing to the ground and for a moment he just remained motionless trying to get his bearings.

The blurry images cleared as his eyes became more focused and Don was horrified and slightly exasperated to see guardsmen rushing around him just waiting for him to try to get up. Didn't these guys know when to give up? Whirling his head around Don took in his situation and decided that his best bet would be to startle them. So, making sure to give nothing away Don immediately launched to his feet.

Surprised, the guards yelled and stumbled for a second before they began to rush at him with swords, clubs, hammers, and….was that a kitchen knife? Shaking his head Don ignored the strange choice of weapons and somersaulted over the guards towards where the entrance to the tent used to be. Don knew that he needed his bo in order to level the playing field a bit and last he checked his bo had been by the entrance and was probably still laying on the ground somewhere near there.

Upon reaching what was left of the tent entrance Donnie quickly scanned the ground before yelling out a victorious "HA!" when he grabbed his weapon while simultaneously knocking out three guardsmen. After defeating the guards in his immediate vicinity Donnie dared to glance around. He couldn't see Leo, Raph or Mike and he couldn't hear Keaton's vicious battle growl or Fira's accompanying screech but Don knew they were fighting somewhere in the camp, or maybe helping the villagers. Looking at the surrounding chaos Donnie could only think that the villagers didn't deserve this. They didn't deserve this constant fear for their lives and their homes. His thoughts were cut short when he picked up on the presence approaching him from behind and he spun around preparing himself for battle.

Don's tense posture relaxed once he realized that the presence was only Leo, the next second Don quickly realized that relaxing was a mistake when a club came zooming by his head. With the saying 'safety in numbers' echoing in Don's head he rushed to Leo's side. Leo glanced over his shoulder and asked "Are you ok?" "Yep I'm fine, how are the others?" "They're ok, Raph and Mikey are helping everyone get to safety. Stay close. We don't know what they're after." Donnie nodded and followed Leo as he jumped into the fray. Don felt secure with Leo at his back, they were having no trouble defeating the guards charging at them and at that moment everything seemed like it would be fine. Don believed they would be ok.

Then the feeling of security vanished. Worried, Don whipped his head around to frantically look for the turtle in blue that he had learned to trust with his life. There he was! Fending off some guy who had managed to wrap a chain around his arm and sword. They were forcing him further and further away. Donnie began to panic. Leo would be in trouble if they immobilized him. Weaving around his opponents Donnie evaded their weak attempts to harm him and focused solely on getting to Leo's side.

Don narrowed his eyes at the guards who formed a wall to block his path, he couldn't afford to waste his time on them, he needed to get through to help Leo. Don was momentarily distracted when he heard the loud thud of armor hitting the ground. Donnie looked up to see Raph and Mikey beating the guards that were surrounding Leo to the ground. He saw Leo turn around, most likely looking for him after being separated and Don barely managed to register the panicked look on his face before a cloth was slipped over his nose and mouth and everything went black.

Leo was mad. He was outright irate. The guards had managed to separate Don from him and now they were stealing him away! No, he couldn't let them take him away. Don had looked at him with complete trust to get them out of this and he had failed. With a roar of anger that was uncharacteristic for him Leo launched himself at the guards. They had no time to prepare, he was attacking anything that dared to get in his way. Concentrating his senses Leo briefly acknowledged Raph viciously pounding enemies on his left and Mikey's unsettling seriousness on his right as they barreled through the wall of enemies intent on blocking them from their fourth. They weren't going to take Don without one heck of a fight. The guards that had ambushed them originally were down for the count and not likely to get up for a very long while, leaving the brothers free to chase after the guard escaping with Donnie. The brothers were quickly catching up to the man, their panic waning under the knowledge that against the three of them the man didn't stand a chance.

They leaped as one, intent on overtaking the man when mid leap he threw something at the ground and smoke erupted everywhere. They landed and launched themselves in the direction where the man last was only to find him gone and the space empty. The smoke was hindering their sight. Now that their attention was on the smoke they were forced to acknowledge that it wasn't normal, alarmed Leo realized he was starting to feel drowsy. He began to yell a warning to his brothers when the smokes effects rendered him unconscious. Leo only thought one thing as he fell to the ground and his eyes slid shut. "I'm sorry Donnie."

Daylight was breaking when Leo awoke to his Fathers concerned voice and the clear helplessness in his brothers' eyes. Immediately Leo knew that Don was gone, Keaton's tortured howl and Mikey's defeated voice saying "They took him Leo, we didn't make it" only served to drive the point home.

The captain of the King's guard led his men to the entrance of King's room. He could feel the sweat beading on his brow as he struggled against his fear. As captain of the guards the responsibility would fall on him for the capture of the Medicine Man, but also for the failure to kill the others. Anxiously looking at the door that would lead him before the King the captain swiftly chose two others to follow him and carry the turtle's unconscious body as he entered the room. Reaching the middle of the room the man kneeled and spoke.

"Sir, we have captured the one the villagers call Medicine Man" "Oh? What of the others?" "They escaped Sir. Our numbers were too few to kill them. They were too strong." "I see. You failed to complete your task. I should have you killed, but, you did return with the one I wanted so I will spare you. However, you are removed from your position. You will tend to the sorcerers every whim. Is that understood?" "Y-yes, your majesty" The sorcerers liked to experiment on their helpers…he was as good as dead. "Take the prisoner to his cell. I will see to him later." The king's teeth flashed as he grinned at the sight of the captured turtle. The number one nuisance in his Kingdom. The villagers' symbol for hope, now powerless in his hands for the King to do as he wished with. His grin only widened as the doors clanged shut. He would take care of the others later. They would be weakened without the Medicine Man. The King doubted they posed much of a threat.

Donnie slowly came back to the waking world and blinked warily but the darkness wouldn't go away. What happened? Why did his head hurt so much….wait…where was he? This wasn't home. Ignoring his pounding headache Donnie suddenly jumped to his feet, well, he tried to. A weight that felt like a chain on his foot provided a reminder of his situation. That's right. He was captured wasn't he? What about Leo, Raph and Mikey? Did they make it out? Were they ok? Did Keaton and Fira make it? Donnie really hoped they did.

Knowing that it was useless to spend too much time worrying about his very capable friends Don looked around his prison. He couldn't see a thing. The room he was in was completely dark. After feeling around the floor Donnie concluded that they had taken all of his things, he was pretty sure he dropped his bo when they knocked him out but the herbs and supplies in his cloak pockets were gone too.

There was nothing he could do.

Slinking back against the wall Donnie groaned into his hands. He hoped everyone was ok. Bringing his knees to his chest Donnie made himself as small as possible. He had no idea what would happen now. He could only try to lesson his headache and recover enough to put up a fight when the King came for him.

Thanks for reading!