A/N: First thing first- This chapter is Looooooooooooooong. It just kept going and going and going... and then going and going and going (you get the picture) I don't know what more to say, other than Holy snitch! If this isn't received well I'm never ever EVER doing this again. Scouts honor that I will stay well below 7000 words if nobody like this. This took weeks to write, literal weeks!

Hello! It's the next chapter everyone! Alright so, it's chapter three (Which I have finally finished. THANK YOU GOD) so let's do this. I'm keeping the show on the road and now that Appora has met the Doctor and Donna, now it's onto the big escape! It's a long chapter, like really really really long. Much longer than I'm usually comfortable with, so I debated for awhile if I should have just cut this in half and post the other half later after using a terrible cilff-hanger. Then I finally sucked it up and said what the hell. Be happy, because I was planing on keeping one half of this from you guys for another month.

So to be clear, we know the Doctor can be a lovable travelling pacifist who rather see a celebration of life and make a witty joke somewhere inbetween. Yes yes, we know this. But we also know that he is not someone to be messed with. He's the Oncoming Storm, the man with darkness, with burning anger and chilling vengeance and unstoppable power. You can be the Doctor friend or you can be the Doctor's enemy. So yes, this is going to be fun to write.


This is the warning everyone. This chapter has mentions of abuse, crippling emotional stunting, violence, death threats, alien cursing, explosions, evil evil people, and terribly murky schemes. Be ready and don't say I didn't warn you.

Actually, I might have to change the rating from T to M... ah crap. I'll worry about that next chapter (shrug). Oh well.

Summary: She was just a rare pet of a rich collector, never stepping out of her cage, a library without any doors or windows. Her entire life is controlled, watched, and her only company were the countless books they give her. But she dreamt of one day seeing the sky. Then he came. The most terrifying man in the universe. The Doctor.

Disclaimer: I do not have a Beta yet, which is probably a bad thing. I'm also writing this on my phone which is just... ugh. So yes unfortunately, there will be spelling mistakes and grammatical errors no matter how hard I try. And no, nope nothing. I still own nothing at all. And yes, I'm starting to feel harassed by having to remember such a depressing fact all the time.

Chapter three- You can't have her

The sudden white light that takes over her vision is brighter than anything she's ever experienced. It's blinding, painfully taking away her vision and leaves her rubbing black spots out of her eyesight. Her stomach plummets and she stumbles, suddenly extremely nauseous.

"Just a quick localized jump, nothing fancy!"

"What-" She squeaks, her voice like blades against her throat and she's tugged forward, a tight hand wrapped around her wrist. She almost trips over her feet and she's stumbling, her eyes finally focusing on the sight of the Doctor's back as he drags her forward.

She trips multiple times, the ground different under her feet and without shoes her toes curl from the cold grated metal. The dramatic temperature drop is uncomfortable and she can't think for a moment. They're running, down endless corridors with hundreds of numbered doors as her eyes dart around frantically.

Room 302654.

Room 301652.

Room 301650.

The Numbers went on and on, the letters carved into metal lit bright green and seemingly stretching on for miles. The ceilings were stories high, bright spotlights above their heads and a low loud hum was in the air, the sounds of large fans and air blowing overwhelming.

"Got to run better than that! This is a top of the line automated religious security system, they're going to catch on that you're not in your room in, oh if I had to calculate a quick guess, three minutes!" The Doctor shouts over the noise, yanking on her wrist again.

She lifts her legs higher, trying her best not to trip over the metal grates, running as fast as she possibly can as she's dragged by the bigger Time Lord.


Where was she?

Where was her library?

"Just back the way we came." Donna is panting in a sing-song voice, glaring over her shoulder at the Doctor. "You never said anything about a time limit!"


"Three minutes! Donna focus! Body moving feet running, move!"

"Oi I'm gonna smack you!" Donna gives him the dirtiest look she can manage as they sprint down the hall and he has the decency to grunt, rolling is eyes.


They finally round the first corner, down another identical corridor when it finally hits her, and Appora's mind screeches to a blinding halt. She comes to an abrupt stop, ripping her hand from his grasp as she freezes in the middle of the hallway.

She can't breath, her throat closing as her lungs constrict and she curls away from them, her eyes darting around frantically even though she can't seem to focus on anything in particular.

It's too much. It's far too much.

Where? Where was her library? Where was it?

Where where where where?

"No! We do not have time for that!"

The cool touch against her temple jerks her back into her body and suddenly she can feel again. Her hearts are pounding quickly, her skin cold and clammy as she shakes and she's finally aware that she was holding her breath. Her eyes are wide, wild and panicked as she takes a desperate gasp of air, her lungs burning as she hyperventilates.

The Doctor is right next to her face, his eyes piercing her own as the hallway spins. She can feel him, the searing chill gabbing deep, buzzing away in a desperate attempt to calm her down.

"It's alright. It's okay!" He loudly coos, pulling her rational thoughts forward while pushing the panic deep and away from the surface. It's artificial, a complete contrast to her real consciousness but she can't fight him as he forces her down. The buzz of the Doctor's determination is overpowering.

"Doctor!" Donna hisses, looking behind them, "We have to go!"

Appora takes another desperate breath as the ceiling changes, yellow light flooding the hallway as Donna yelped, and a siren goes off and the Doctor's face turns grim. He brings their foreheads together as he slips her orange box out of her hand and into her dress pocket, and he rubs the back of her head as he tries to calm her down.

"You can do this. I promise you, you can do this. Come on." The buzz of his thoughts are loud as she tries to comprehend, tries to find something to latch onto as her fingers curl tightly around his coat.

This wasn't good. She couldn't think. She can't understand what she should do.

"It's alright. Just focus on me, just me." He nudges her with his head and she does, focusing on his wants on his needs from her instead of the terrifying panic. She nods back as she takes another breath, slower and deeper now as she stares back with his determination flooding her mind.

"I've got you." His hand is around her wrist, tight and overwhelmingly powerful.

"You've got me." She echoes, her voice absolutely awful and he nods, brushing her temple with his thumb before squeezing her wrist with his other.

"Now run."

He's pulling again and this time she doesn't resist, following right behind him as the sirens blare, and they bolt down the corridor.

"You said three minutes. That was not three minutes!" Donna hisses as she pants, and Appora is trying desperately to keep up. Donna glares as the Doctor takes another corner at full speed. "Who taught you how to count?!"

"It was just an estimate!"

"Yea well so's your driving!"

"Focus!" The Doctor snaps as he tugs Appora up again after she trips, and he shoots her a quick once over before focusing on her bare feet. He looks between her and the room numbers as they pass into another hallway, and this time the walls have different doors, larger and numberless.

They finally make it to the end of the hall, all three of them out of breath as the sirens blare, and there is a smaller light above their heads blinking rapidly.

"Where now?" Donna's panting as the Doctor looks around, and Appora is gasping for breath, sweat drenching her dress.

She's never run like this. Never.

There are four large doors on every side, and as the Doctor decides which way to go next Appora tries to collect herself. The Doctor glanced at each one with a critical eye, his grip around her wrist tight to the point of uncomfortable, so Appora decides to focus on that. She no longer paid attention to her surroundings, she couldn't, not if she wanted to continue thinking.

Panic bad.

Breathing good.

"We'll have to improvise now." He frowns as he looks at the door to the furthest left, quickly pulling them to it. "This way."

"Do we still-" Donna tries to get closer, stepping to his side as he places his hand on the door scanner. It slides open with a snap and they yelp, jumping back.

A large red android is standing right behind the entrance, its bright yellow optics staring down and a hand outstretched crackling with electricity.


The Doctor quickly slapped his hand over the scanner again and the door snaps shut.

"Never mind." He squeaks before clearing his throat, taking a step back while pushing Appora further behind him. "We'll go this way."

Appora yelps as a snap sounds behind them and they whirl around, only to see another door opening. She gasps as the Doctor chokes, quickly pulling her behind him, the same red android now standing in the other doorway.


Another door opens, than another and another. All four entrances now with androids standing at attention.

The Doctor and Donna back up the way they came, both with an arm around Appora as the androids take a step into the hallway at the same time, their hands glowing menacingly. Appora gasps as they turn, coming closer and the Doctor pulls her farther behind him, shielding her from view.

"Alright new plan."


"Run!" He shouted and their off, turning tail as fast as possible. Dragging would be putting it lightly now as he pulls her along, and the Doctor doesn't look back as they ran for their lives.

Appora let's out a shocked squeal as a beam goes off right above their heads, the arched spray of electricity exploding as it burned the wall. Donna screamed, ducking her head as the androids continue to fire off, aiming to kill.

Appora looks back at the pursuing droids marching in lines as they continued to whistle their warning, and the Doctor takes the next left, pulling both her and Donna into the narrow hallway.

"Come on! This way!"

They make it half way down the hall when more doors snap open, more androids stepping out and blocking their path. The Doctor grunts and spins around, an arm around her shoulder.


They were surrounded, the exit blocked by four more.

Oh no. No no no no no.

Appora cries out a few choice curse words in Sycorate as she hides in the Doctor's coat, burying her face into her shoulder as they back up to the wall.

"What now!?" Donna yelps, both of them glancing between the androids in front and behind them. "Do something!"

The Doctor yanks his screwdriver out from his coat pocket, quickly flicking it to the wall behind them. "On it!"

There is a spray of sparks beside them as they ducked down and the Doctor quickly flashes his sonic over a certain panel, an audible click heard over the electric explosions. He's growling and Appora tenses, feeling his anger.

"A bit of a short cut!" He shouts before he slams his knee hard against the wall. The panel flies off, slamming back into the vent before falling into the black abyss hidden underneath it.

Donna gasps, already seeing where he was going with his so called 'new plan'.

"This is what you call a short cut!?" She hisses as she glances back, the androids still getting closer.

The Doctor moves his grip, no longer holding her shoulder but instead wrapping an arm around Appora's waist. She gasps, clawing at the front of his suit as she stares in wide eyed horror at the man sized hole the Doctor uncovered.


"The core ventilation system, expands the entire facility! The artificial gravity matrix should go right through it!" He's looking back, grunting as he grabs Donna's wrist. She shrieks, shaking her head vehemently.

"Should!? No! Oh no! No I refuse to do this! This is-"


Appora screams as an explosion goes off right next to her, a searing sting cutting into the side of her face and the Doctor yells, ducking her further under his arm. He whirls around, a panicked look of terror and outrage etched across his face.

"Donna there is something you need to know!" He's shouting frantically as more explosions go off and Donna is screaming too, taking a step closer to the hole.

"What!?" She shrieks, spinning around to look him dead in the eye.

He doesn't hesitate to push her right into the hole.

She's screaming as she falls out of sight and the Doctor isn't far behind, throwing them both in without another glance back. A hand almost wraps around Appora's shoulder, instead ripping her dress as she falls forward and she lets out a wail as they plummet through the darkness. She squeezes her eyes shut, bracing for impact as the Doctor yelps.


There was a sharp pain in her head, then nothing.

Appora gasps as she comes around, the Doctor yanking her up into a sitting position as her vision spins.

The room they landed in was small, barely big enough to stand up in and it was extremely dark. Tiny red lights were blinking on the sides of the wall, barely making anything visible, and the different tunnels surrounding them looked just as deep and forbidding. There was a constant sound of air blowing through the vents that vibrated the walls and Appora shivers at the chill.

She blinked off the dizziness and she can see the Doctor sitting next to her, searching her face frantically through the dark as he inspects the large gash on her cheek. She squeaks and he scowls, rubbing a thumb against the blistered skin as she flinches away with another yelp.

"St-stop it." She whispers in Gallifrenian, her voice cracking painfully as the words were harsh against her throat, and she tries to push his hand away. But he doesn't stop, instead trying to whip away the blood and dust in an attempt to help. "Please, that hurts."

Donna is groaning a few feet away, laying face down. She slowly lifts her head as she blows the hair out of her face with a scowl, and the Doctor glances between them nervously.

"See." The Doctor's tense, his eyes gleaming through the dark as he wipes her skin with his coat sleeve before stumbling to his feet. He dusts off his clothes as he cracks a wary grin. "Nothing to worry about, everything's under control."

He holds a hand out for Appora as she tries to get up, and she grabs it as he lifts her to her feet easily. He then checks her over again, patting down her arms, back and stomach as Appora instinctually waves off the hand he tries to rub against her temple.

She's not willing to share her current distress from the pain in her jaw, just moving her mouth to speak had sent sharp stabbing agony down the side of her head. If he knew the amount of pain she was in he probably wouldn't be able to think straight either, a telepathic connection was not always a good thing to have.

She flinches back as he makes a move for her face again, eyeing him as she coughed up dust, and she was completely confused as he brought his screwdriver closer to her cheek.

"It's alright. I have to see, it's deep." His voice has that edge to it again as he tries to get closer but she backs up, shielding the side of her face with a hand as she nervously looks between the glowing device and his burning gaze. Donna stumbles to her feet behind them before limping over, groaning as she came up behind his back.

She then proceeded to punch him as hard as she could in the back of the head.

He lets out a shout as he stumbles, almost dropping his sonic and he spins around, looking at Donna in pained disbelief.

"Ow!" The Doctor yelps and Donna gives him a glare that threatens nothing less than a slow and painful death. ""What was that for!?" He pouts as he rubs frantically at the lump forming on the back of his skull.

"Never. Ever. Ever do anything like that again! Do you hear me, never!" She hissed and Appora jumped, looking between the two of them as Donna continues to advance towards the Doctor, pointing sharply as he brings his hands up, trying to fend her off. "Do not throw people into bottomless dark holes! Who does that!?"

"It worked didn't it?" He grumbles, rubbing his head an indignant scowl. "Did I mention the alive and not dead part?" Donna sneers with her hands on her hips.

"Great, wonderful. And how did falling into an endless pit stop them from following?" She huffs as she starts to dust herself off, still shooting him an unimpressed growl as she gives Appora a once over for herself.

"Are you alright?" Donna asks as she momentarily forgets her anger, taking notice of Appora's pales and sweaty face in the shadows, a bit of red smeared under her hand. Appora nods shakily, shying away from her worried hand.

"It was hunch." He was still grumbling as he watches Appora's reaction, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket as he rubbed his head with a pained expression. "The ventilation systems too narrow for security droids to walk through, and the artificial gravity is specialized to keep people alive, so jumping wasn't deadly. It's completely automated, controlled by the main computer. So..." He hissed as he trails off, looking around at the multiple passages.

"So, your first thought was jumping into an endless pit." She slaps him on the arm with a pained groan. "That's so you."

"Again, worked. Not dead. That's got to count for something." His eyes narrow as he scowls at her, positively pouting. "And stop hitting me!"

"Oh suck it up prissy pants."

The Doctor sent her one last look before turning back to Appora, holding out the dark blue handkerchief. "Here, hold this against it."

She hesitates before taking it, pressing it against her skin with a hiss as the soft cloth felt like needles against her blistered flesh. They glanced around the dark as the Doctor moved closer to Appora, and the surrounding multiple passageways went in every direction.

Donna groaned, running a hand through her hair nervously. "Ok then, which way space man."

"The core computer room will have its own directive, a separate system." He glances around before settling on the vent system with brown lights over it, unlike the others. "That one."

"Well let's get a move on!" Donna sighed in relief before stomping forward, still with a slight limp as she grumbled under her breath. Appora took a step to follow, only for the Doctor to catch her by the elbow, stopping her with the soft touch.

She turns back as the Doctor comes closer, and she can hear him buzzing pleasantly again as she looks between him and the nervous hand he was running through his hair. She watches in confusion and he glanced at her feet and his mind poked hers invitingly.

"Hold on, just a moment." He speaks up over Donna's mumbling and she freezes in place, frowning in confusion as she spun around. Both women watched as the Doctor suddenly starts to bend down.

"What, what now? What are you doing?" Donna watched the Doctor started to untie his shoes, slipping them off along with his socks, and she raised an eyebrow with an incredulous sound. "What in the world are you doing?"

"Compromising." He grunts as he places the shoes in front of Appora's bare feet and she tilts her head to the side, just as lost as Donna.

She tries to follow as the Doctor gives her an encouraging smile, and she pressed the cloth harder to her face as she leaned back. Her brows knit in confused worry as he stood back up, and she glances between the sneakers and socks, noticing right away that the dark brown shoes had laces.

"Put them on, they'll be big but it's better than the alternative. You're body's not use to these types of conditions." He gave her a quick nudge as she continued to hesitate, "Come on, you'll trip less."

"Th... thank you." She cringed in english as the pain in her throat became unbearable, and she tugged on her dress sleeve with her spare hand as she trailed off, nervously looking around. "But..."

"What? What is it?" The Doctor was frowning again as she glanced at his now bare feet, biting her lip as she flushed at his confusion. She glances to the side, only to see Donna staring as well and she ducked her head down.

She had read millions of books. Wonderful beautiful books over millions of different topics. History, Science, math, agriculture, arts, and so very much more.

But learning how to make a knot was against the rules.

Her ears reddened as she avoided their eyes. She could slightly remember how to make simple ties from her childhood but it was so long ago, almost completely forgotten. She was sure if she were to try she would fail, and her face burned in embarrassment as she looked anywhere but at the Doctor.

"I don't know..." She murmured lowly, feeling suddenly extremely inadequate in front of a truly educated Lord of time.

The Doctor stops frowning, his face easing off into a blank mask as he tilts his head to the side with a hum. For a moment the tension returns to his shoulder, his eyes burning in the dark before he nods.

It seemed the Doctor didn't need the direct telepathic connection to figure out her plight. He dropped back down and without another word grabbed one of her feet as she yelped. He helps her into the socks, and she can't stop blushing in silent mortification as he then helps her with the shoes. He laces them up, knotting each without a complaint as she sputters incomprehensibly.

Donna is smiling besides them as Appora continues to sputter, and she's laughing softly as the Doctor stands back up. She reaches over to nudge him on the arm with a chuckle, grinning as the Doctor waved her off.

"Big softy."

"Shut up." He grumbles without any real bite, scratching his cheek before grabbing Appora's wrist again. He makes his way towards the tunnel and Donna scoffs, whirling around to walk behind them.

"Yea yea. Let's just get a move on before you try rolling her in bubble wrap and carry her everywhere."


They were walking through the vents for awhile, Donna holding up the rear as the Doctor pulled her along, and Appora didn't protest as the Doctor moved his hold from her wrist to her hand, intertwining their fingers. He was using his sonic for more light, the blue tip glowing brightly as they follow the specific path further into the facility.

Appora uses the silence to study the Doctor, examining him in every way she could.

He's wearing rather nice clothing under his long brown coat. A black pin-stripe evening suit with a dark red tie as though he just stumbled out of a fancy party, and without shoes he looked rather overdressed now. He was also very tall and lanky, but it somehow suits him even as he towers over her, the top of her head barely reaching his chest. His face is unique, with distinct features she couldn't easily forget and his hair was framed with those large, burning brown eyes that reminded her of the pictures of dignitaries in her history books. His hair is tousled and she can see how messy it is even in the dark, the chocolate brown color giving him a rather boyish feel.

She could only guess how old he was or what regeneration he might be, nothing really giving him away. Even his timelines were strangely a mess, so many loops and sidelines and even a few discontinued possibilities, just glancing at what he could or would be was giving her a headache.

He notices her staring, glancing back each time with a smile and he squeezes her fingers, and she ducks down. She was extremely conscious of her ragged appearance now, her hair knotted and her clothing ripped and dirty, and her nervous tic of smoothing out the crinkles of her dress occurs as she avoids his gaze. At least her jaw was starting to hurt less, the blistered skin numbing over as the bleeding finally stopped, so she dropped her hand and glanced behind her.

The human was just as interesting to see, her clothing somehow tight and loose at the same time. She was wearing dark leggings with her own pair of running shoes, her skirt just above the knee with a light green shirt tucked in around a large belt. She had a jacket that was covered in dust, her dark red hair tossed over her shoulder as she glanced around the tunnel just as interested in the surroundings as the Doctor. And even her timelines, which shouldn't be as hard to understand in comparison to a Time Lord, were almost as impossible to look through as well.

For the first people she had seen in over two hundred years, they were extremely fascinating.

"A dead end?" Donna spoke up incredulously as they reached the end of the tunnel, and Appora turned back around to see the same thing. "Well that's promising."

"It's not, look." The Doctor took a step closer to the wall, holding the sonic closer to illuminate the corners. The sharp edges curved inwards under the lights and the Doctor trailed a finger over it.

"What is it?" Donna came up beside him as Appora leaned forward, following the Doctor's finger as the outline of a door became more obvious.

"It's a hatch, the overdock. The manual override for the main computer cooling vents goes through here." He nods as he glances at Appora who is looking between him and the door. "Leads right into the main center from here."

"Well that's good." The Doctor nods in agreement as Donna sighs in relief, and Appora backed off, giving the Doctor room to work.

"Hmm. I just have to get through the encoded locks and rewire a few things." He bent down, knocking against the door in specific spots as he flips through the settings on his screwdriver. "Shouldn't take more than a minute."

Appora took a couple steps back as the Doctor moved around, trying different corners of the door as he mumbled under his breath. She walked to the side and she looks around the darkness, only to jump as another arm wrapped around her.

She looked to the side to see the human smiling, the woman a head taller and far more mature than she was. She gave her a nervous tilt of her lips, looking between her hand around her arm and her kind eyes.

"I've got you. Just stay by me until he's finished alright?" She chirps and Appora nods, seeing no reason to protest the help, even from a stranger. After all she had followed them this far hadn't she? The two women turned back to watch the Doctor, and Donna raises an eyebrow as Appora flushed again.

"I'm s-sorry, but," Appora trailed off in embarrassment as she blushed, ducking down as her voice comes out as barely a whisper. Oh my, this was terrible. "Uh, what.. What did you say your name..." She whispers as Donna smiles, waving off her embarrassment with a lighthearted laugh as she squeezes her arm in comfort.

"It's fine. I'm Donna, Donna Noble." Appora nods back, trying to smile as she leaned back, but from the worried look Donna still gives her she must have managed to create something far from happy.

"D-Donna." She murmured before clearing her throat, trying again to give her a better smile. "That's pretty." It must have worked this time, because Donna seems to relax, giving her a more genuine nurturing grin.

"Thanks and don't worry." She nudges her and Appora blinks in confusion, glancing over at the Doctor and she grinned. "It might look like he doesn't have a clue, but that's just the way his face looks." Donna chuckles as she slowly nods.

"I have ears. I can hear you." The Doctor spoke up, not turning around as he worked but Appora could mentally hear him rolling his eyes.

"Oh just hurry up!" Donna snapped, huffing as she snaps her hair over her shoulder.

"Just a moment. I've almost got it." He grumbles, tapping away at the edges harder. "So demanding."

Donna looked ready to make a come back, her eyes narrowing as she opens her mouth with a witty reply on the tip of her tongue when she stops, her brows frowning in confusion instead.

She turned around to stare into the dark with a thoughtful expression, watching in silence as though she was waiting for something, and Appora followed her gaze. Donna didn't blink as she frowned more, her eyes darting around as the three of them fell into a silence, the only sounds were of the Doctor working on the door. Appora could feel her stiffen next to her as she glared, before Donna took a step deeper into the darkness that they had come from.

"Doctor, I think..." Donna spoke up as she stared down the vents, trying to see around the curved corner further away. "I think I might hear something."

"What was that?" The Doctor hummed, not looking up from his spot he was kneeling on the floor. "I'm almost done."

Donna narrowed her eyes as they stared out and she chewed on her lip, glancing over at Appora to find her doing the same, staring out in confusion. They glance at each other, confirming their suspicions.

"I said I might hear something." Donna tried again, speaking up as she turns back in worry.

"Probably just a mouse." He mumbled as he tapped.

"They have mice here?"

"No." The Doctor and Appora spoke at the same time, glancing at one another in surprise. Donna sighed dramatically, a hand on her hip as she huffed in annoyance.

"Then why would it be a mou-"


The Doctor froze as Donna spun around with a yelp.

"That's a big mouse!" She snaps as she pulls Appora behind her in worry.

"Donna." The Doctor is up and next to them in a flash, staring into the dark with a serious expression.

"You heard that right?"

"Donna." He held out a hand, his face like stone as he stared out. "Give me Appora. Appora come here."



They all jump, and the Doctor darts back to the door, already scanning as he tugs Appora with him. She squeaks in surprise at the suddenly rough treatment and Donna and him start moving around frantically.

"What was that!?" Donna hisses, taking a step back. "What the bloody hell was that?!"

Donna freezes with a gasp as something large moves out from around the curved vent, still hidden in the dark, but whatever it is, it's large and leaning over as it comes closer. Donna sputters and a terrified chill runs down Appora's back and she squeezes the Doctor's arms for everything she worth. The shadow jerks with each step, walking with heavy movements.

When it finally comes completely around the corner, a large yellow optic snaps on, flooding the vent with light as it focuses on them. The outline of the red android is now visible and the large metal form bends over awkwardly, marching forward.


"Doctor!" Donna's shrill squeal overtakes the room as the Doctor rams his shoulder into the door, his eyes just as panicked. "Open! Open it right now!"


"Doctor!" She screams as the androids hand raises, starting to glow.


"It's stuck!" He yells as Appora yelps, the crackling of electricity buzzing through the air. Donna backs up with a shriek as the android fires off, the beam going off next to her, barely missing her head.

"What do you mean it's stuck!?" She snarled as she tries kicking the door and the Doctor rams his shoulder into it again. "Well unstick it!"

"I'm trying! The locking mechanism's jamming, I have to get it open manually!" He growls as he takes a step back before running into the door with a shout. It still didn't budge as he gasps, cringing in pain.


"Doctor it's getting closer!" Donna gasps in horror and he tried again, grunting in pain as the metal refused to give way. "I thought you said they couldn't beam down here!?"

"I was obviously wrong wasn't I!" He snarls, slamming his entire side into the jammed door and Appora is shaking as the android fires again, repeating its warning as she stumbled to her feet beside Donna.

She fumbles as she stepped away from the door, glancing between the oncoming security and the two trying desperately to escape. Her mind burns, her chest pounding as a thousand possibilities stood in front of her.

Do nothing and they would die.

Do nothing and she would be alone.

Do nothing and she would go back to her cage.

It was an obvious choice.

She takes a few more steps back, towards the android and Donna notices, making a panicked grab for her before having to duck another round of electricity again. The Doctor squawks as she braces her shoulders, and she can feel the android only feet away.

She runs forward as fast as she can and slams into the door beside the Doctor with a loud crack, the sound of flesh hitting steel overpoweringly loud as she knocks the air out of her. Her ears ring and the room spins dangerously.

But the door flies open.

She falls forward on her hands hard, her weight braced on her palms and she gasps, and the Doctor was already up and pulling before she can get air again. She gasps as they run into a brightly lit hallway and she covers her eyes from the opposing glare.

This floor was a complete contrast from the vents, decorated as a stylish mansion. The floors were covered in pristine white carpets and delicate rugs and on the walls hung decorated expensive art. They passed a large aquarium full of large tropical fish before dodging around glass tables and furniture.


"In here!" The Doctor snaps as he suddenly yanks her to a stop and she croaked, stumbling as he opened another door. He yanked the three of them in as the android down the hall continued to get closer.

He slams his hand across the door scanner before bringing up his sonic, exploding the modem as the door clicked shut. They back away from the door as Appora's eyes dart around the room, finding themselves in some sort of command station.

"Will that hold?" Donna gasps for breath, backing away from the door more as the Doctor runs a manic hand through his hair.

"Maybe." He nods, glancing at the computer system in the middle of the room.


The sound of metal striking against metal vibrates through the air and they jump, the Doctor pulling them both back.

"No." He snaps and spins to the door across the room, running as he hisses. "But it will give us time! I just need time!" The door he's now trying to unlock is very different, a large obviously pressurized lock holding it in place, and it was twice as large as any other they had seen.

"What's through there?" Donna runs up beside him, pulling Appora behind her by her hand.


"The control room. Get in there and we can get back to the planet!" He's fumbling, scanning the lock frantically as he looks behind them.


The other door across the room starts to shake as another android hits it and Donna and Appora spun around with a gasp, noticing now that all three doors into the room were shaking as they were continuously struck.

"Some good news would be great right now!" Appora nods frantically as Donna shrieks, backing up against the wall and taking her with her.

"Oh no. No no no no no!" He snarls, yanking on his hair as he spins back around, his eyes darting around wildly. "No!"

"That's not good news you idiot!"

His arm shoots out, ripping Appora from Donna's grasp. He presses her against the front of him as he pushed her back hard against the wall, covering her with his body as he wrapped his arms around her, and she clings to him as tightly as possible.



"Do something!"

He tries again, running his sonic over the door multiple times, panic starting to take over as he tries punching it in the end. He hisses, shaking his hand in pain as Appora flinched back from his rage.

"I'm trying!" He yelled, kicking the door.

"Well try harder! You got the last stuck one open!"

"It's dead bolted, I can't open it!"

Bam Bam Bam Bam

He spins around, his eyes pitch black as the remaining color drains from his face.

One of the doors finally gave way, slamming to the ground in a spray of sparks.


No sooner did one fall did the others, androids filing into the room faster than ever, more coming in after the other. Donna screamed as the Doctor presses Appora hard against the wall, curling his body completely around her.

"Doctor do something!" Donna screams as she claws at his arm in panic, the glowing hands getting progressively closer. "Do something!"


"I can't!" He screams over Donna as he curls closer to the ground, covering Appora's head as she starts to sob, her lips trembling as tears drenched her face.

"Use your screwdriver thing! Just do something!" She cries out over the android's message and she presses herself closer to the ground, trying in vain to back up more. Their faces glow under the light of the metal hands and she shrieks in fear. "Doctor!"

"Please." Appora sobs into the Doctor's neck, pressing herself as close as she could as pure panic finally overcame their minds, and the Doctor's mind roared in resistance, howling.


Then there was silence.

For a second no one moved, bracing for impact.

Donna finally cracked open an eye, only to squeal loudly.

A glowing hand was only a hair away from her face, the crackling glow heating her skin as she turned her face to the side as she tensed completely. The Doctor looked up next, quickly tilting his head to the side and away from the metal hand resting dangerously close to his throat, and his eyes dart back and forth around the room in panic as everything remained still.

"W-What?" Donna squeaked as she shivers, still too afraid to move. "What's happening? Doctor what's happening?"

The Doctor's mouth moves soundlessly, unable to form a thought as he continues to hold Appora down against the wall. She whimpers, cracking an eye open as the Doctor refuses to budge and she claws at his waist and bites her tongue until it hurts.

"I-I.." The Doctor swallows painfully, "I don't know. They've just... stopped?"

He takes his chance, snapping a hand out to wave in front of the android in front of him, and he shakes it inches away from the frozen optic. He scowls in angered confusion as it doesn't move, the now frozen android army around them still as if a switch as been flicked.

"What's happening?" He growled as he looked around frantically, still not understanding. "Why did they just stop?!"

"Did you do this?" Donna croaks in relief, leaning away from the wall as she lets out a shaky breath. "Because I will bloody kiss you mate."

"No. No it wasn't me, I didn't do this." He was speaking so quick that Appora had to watch his lips, barely catching it. He looked over and let out a chocked gasp, flailing as he made a desperate grab for her. "Donna what are you doing!?"

Donna was walking forward, stepping closer to the androids with an arm out to poke it in the chest. The Doctor made a move to stop her but she was already out of reach, and he wasn't willing to move from his spot over Appora.

"Donna stay back!" He reached out again with a yell, "Just don't!"

"But look, they're not moving." She tilted her head, her face pale and sweaty as she moved a shaking hand closer still. "Why aren't they moving?"

Appora make a move to stand, shifting her weight to get a better look before a vice grip holds her waist in place, the Doctor's grip unmovable. He lets out a hiss and she freezes, and he shakes his head vehemently.

"No, no no." He croaks, giving her a pointed look, "Don't move."

Donna finally pokes one in the chest with a terrified gasp, jumping back to the Doctor's side even though they continue to stay frozen.

"Are you sure you didn't do this?" She turns to look at the Doctor, an expression of panicked worry etched across her features. The Doctor quickly shook his head, leaning back slightly to see around the android, glancing at the open doorways behind them.

"No. I told you it wasn't me." He starts, glaring out.


A man's voice blares over the loud speaker above their heads and both the Doctor and Donna jerk back with a yelp, pushing Appora down on reflex. The voice chuckles nervously as the sound of someone rustling through clothes can be heard.

"Ah, I must have pushed the wrong button! One moment, sorry!" The voice was quieter this time as the ceiling flashed a familiar green, and all the androids dropped their hands ant once, shifting back into the waiting position. Donna and Appora yelp as the Doctor flinched, still not moving from his place above her as his shoulders tensed again.

He finally moved slightly, pulling Appora further to her feet as he held her arms in a death grip, still not letting her see out.

Through one of the open doorways on the other side of the room a very cheerful man gallivanted in.

"Hello again!" he chirps, waving enthusiastically at the three of them, another pair of white androids behind him. "Hello hello!"

She thought the Doctor was rigid before, dear gods. She yelps as the hands around her arms suddenly tightened painfully, and she cringes as the Doctor moved closer to block out the rest of her view like an impenetrable wall.

He was buzzing, loudly. So loud that Appora had to clench her jaw, her mind pounding in protest to the mental backlash that the Doctor's dark thoughts were causing.

"It's you." Donna murmurs, glancing around the room again at the unmoving droids. "Did.. you do this?"

"Yes and really hello! Making it his far, extraordinary!" He laughs heartedly, the sound joyous as he walked closer. "I'm sorry for the welcome committee, they don't get much practice up here you see."

The Doctor must have sent him a rather harsh look as he pointed his sonic in his direction, because she can hear the man back off.

"Now now now, No need for such drastic actions." He holds up a hand in surrender as the Doctor continues to point, and the two men stare each other down. The man cracked a handsome grin as he took another step forward.

"Come now. I'm running a ligament business here and you lot are threatening my customers?" He walked into the middle of the main room with a happy whistle, his cane taping loudly with each step. He pats one of the android on the shoulder, brushing off some imaginary dust as he hummed. "You're acting like a bunch of thugs, don't make me have to recalibrate your systems."

"Barrzon." The Doctor's voice is calm, not a hint of aggression in it as he refuses to lower his sonic. But Appora could feel the shimmering heat in his head, his hand tight around her as his joints creaked, holding back.

She could feel his chilling rage, his ever encompassing anger chipping away at her mental walls like claws.

"Doctor John Smith! Or is it just the Doctor now?" He chuckles, tapping his cane jokingly as he glances over, giving Donna a pleasant wave. "And his ever beautiful assistant, the human Donna. That is your name isn't it?"

Appora glances over to see Donna as she curls a hand around the Doctor's coat, seeing the other woman scowling as she glares darkly ahead. The man just continued to chuckle lightly.

"Well, it is a surprise to see you both here, surely." He sighs as if he was tired, running a hand over his chin. "You've come a long way from my sea side home all the way up to the moon. Now how did you accomplish that?"

Appora knew that voice. She had heard it before hundreds, no millions of times over Mella's comm system and she jumped as she finally remembered who this was. She knew this man.

That was the Warden's voice.

It was the Warden.

Her head jerks up over the Doctor's shoulder with a muffled gasps, peering out in shock. The Doctor notices immediately, tugging on her arm to try to stop her. But she won't, she can't stop.

She needed to see.

The man standing on the other side of the room was tall, extremely so, and he was at least a foot taller than the Doctor. And he was blue.

His skin was a deep shade that had a natural gleam, his hair silver and styled in a short professional cut. It was combed to the side to give him a somewhat bachelor air, his crips black tuxedo night suit tailored just right, and the metallic cane he held in his left hand gave his image a bit of a flare, his polished shoes contrasting his skin. He had large sliver rings on his fingers, and on the right side of his face he had some sort of computer integrated to his skin, a green light blinking by his temple.

She knew his species, she had read of it before many times. He was most certainly a Lobotov. It was a race from the wealthy planet called Yana, a level eight settlement in the thirteenth sector galaxy. They were a well known race throughout the universe, noted for their rich resources and highly treasured culture. Yes, she knew his species, his history.

The Warden has a kind smile, his gray eyes aged and seemingly pleasant.

She didn't need to be told that this was him. She knew, this was her owner.

"Well, it is so nice to speak in person again. We weren't able to talk much during the party earlier, and it seems we have a lot to discuss." He taps his chin again, humming as though he was thinking of something very interesting. "You're most certainly not a broker from New New York Wall Street. Pretending to be someone at my party, I bet your name isn't even John Smith is it? Don't have a cent to your name, let alone human in origin."

"Sorry, just a traveling homeless man." The Doctor continues to stare without humor as he leveled his sonic at his face, still glaring as he kept his voice somehow completely even. "And you're not much of the caring humanitarian you parade around as."

"That's rude!" Barrzon gasped, a hand over his stomach. "Come, we have to talk. After all, you're the first Time Lord I've ever seen wondering around the universe! You're absolutely magnificent, a wonderful rare event." He takes another step closer, waving his cane with a smile as Donna bristled.

"You stay away from us!" Donna snarled, raising a fist. "We've got nothing to say to someone like you." She snapped, trying to burn him with her eyes.

"Oh. Well that might make this complicated. How are we supposed to come to an agreement if no one's willing to listen." He sighs, looking over at the Doctor. "Those eyes of yours, you seem tense? How about you lower your sonic device and discuss this over dinner, maybe some nice drinks? I take it my overbearing security isn't helping?"

Barrzon brings a hand up to the side of his face, tapping the blinking green light on his temple with his pleasant smile still in place.

The android's optics all turned green, lowering their hands in unionized before moving back, making a large circle around the room as they gave the four of them more room. The Doctor lowered his sonic in surprise and Donna moves further away from the wall nervously as the androids turn their optics away.

"There, better?" He waves his hands in a show, showing them the bottoms of his hands in a sign of peace. "I don't want to antagonize you, I've read so much about you Doctor." The Doctor stiffens again, scowling as he moved his hand to grip Appora's hand tightly.

"Enough of your games." He snapped, standing at his full height as he glared down the politician.

"Hmm." Barrzon trailed off, opening his mouth to say something more before the Doctor cut him off.

"How many people have you locked away?" The Doctor snaps, his jaw clenched as his eyes burned, and his words are like acid as he hisses out his anger. "How many lives have you taken and destroyed?"

Barrzon visibly deflates, rolling his eyes to one side as he taps the device on his face again with a disappointed sigh.

"Oh don't be so overdramatic. I'm a politician, not some sort of mastermind criminal you're trying so desperately to make me out to be." He scoffs, waving off the accusation with a casual hand and a tap of his cane, patting his stomach again. "And I'd hardly call any of them people."

He knew what he was doing, of course he did, and his sly smirk confirms it as Donna visibly bristles, hissing as he points an accusing finger at the man.

"First the Ood and now this guy?" She snarls as she turns her chin up in disgust, her eyes burning as she growls darkly. "You make me sick!"

"I don't lobotomize them that would harm the product! They spend their entire lives in my system and are well taken care of! This is an exhibit not a prison." He grumbles, snapping as he's highly offended by Donna's comments. "They are kept safe and happy until they are either exchanged or expire naturally. I oversee every major project and the pieces understand only what is allowable. They're no different from cultured plants really."

"They're people!" Donna snaps, losing it at the man's care free attitude over the whole thing. "People you've thrown in cages!"

The Doctor's hand is painful and Appora bites her tongue, sure she will have a bruise later. He's barely breathing as his hand tightens around his sonic, and she can almost see the darkness emitting from him, his mind swallowing her fear and replacing it with crippling anger.

"Come now, Just look at the one behind your back sir Doctor. You call one of my many pieces a person?" He raises a brow before snorting, and Donna looks ready to throw something. "Hardly."

"Then explain it, because I really don't understand." The Doctor's voice is cold and Donna stops at the sound of it.

The politician grins, spinning his cane before pointing it in the Doctor's direction, the polished silver tip gleaming as he chuckles again.

He's clearly focused on Appora, and she freezes as they make eye contact.

She can't breath.

The Doctor moves in font of her with a deep exhale, his breath like a snarl and Donna steps to his side as well, blocking Barrzon from her.

"Leave her alone." It was a steady sentence and the Doctor neither raises his voice nor changed his temper, but his three words held more threats than she had ever thought possible.

"You stay away from her." Donna hissed, clenching her fist at her sides as she glared. "You take one step closer and I'll deck you, you understand?"

Instead of looking deterred in the slightest Barrzon grinned brighter, laughing loudly as Donna and the Doctor's backs went rigid.

"Still so rude! I've done nothing to deserve this. Everything number three-o-one four five eight understands is a testament to my programs." He laughed again, running his hand through is hair in indignant frustration.

"Don't. Call. Her. That." Donna spat, grabbing Appora's free hand as she started to breath again, her face pale and she tried to think. "Her name is Appora."

"I'll call her whatever I please, seeing how I own her." Barrzon shot back without hesitation, not even taking Donna statement into consideration. "This isn't your precious freedom aspiring solar system, what I'm doing is completely legal in this sector. There are owners and then there are those that are owned, unlike most people I just happen to ship in my possessions. She's been in my system for a very long time and it's easier to remember them by their numbered room. Less languages I have to deal with."

He spun around, leaning over the computer console as he typed quickly. "Just look!"

A screen appears above their heads and Donna jumps, the Doctor remaining still as he watched, his face a blank mask as he continues to hide Appora. An image flickers to life in the air, the screen moving as data compiled next to it.

It was a video of a nine year old little girl, huddled in a corner with an android standing over her. Barrzon sighs as he turned around, pointing up at the screen with an expectant look.

"She speaks because I've taught her how, she understands emotions and discipline, the correct behaviors because I have taught them. She is kept in pristine environments that are fitted to her individual needs and only perfect prolonged health is allowable. The only difference she has to a few others is she's alone. By the time I was able to come in possession of one, the planet was already time locked." He stood up straighter as he tugged on his suit, clearly proud of his achievements and Donna can't figure out which scene is more terrifying. A man proud of such things, or the frightened child shown above.

Appora looked up, seeing herself as she curls her fingers tighter around the Doctor's hand, and the Doctor's knuckles are already white as he squeezes her hand until it hurts.

"She's been conditioned past the point of her species, past the point of her individuality. She may look like you Doctor, bleed like you but she is as much a wild Time Lord as your human assistant."

The Doctor still hasn't looked away from the screen, his eyes like ice as he watches the frightened glances the younger Appora keeps giving the screen, the android leaning even closer.

"You're mad." Donna croaks, standing by Appora's side, and she can't bare to look at the screen any longer. Barrzon seems to understand her distress to some degree, humming as he pushes another button, turning off the display. He sighs as the Doctor looks back down at him, his brown eyes burning dangerously.

"I'm certainly not. Really I'm just running a business Miss Donna." He sighs again as neither comment and he tries again to get them to see in his perspective. "It's no different from the zoo programs you have back on Earth. You could understand this if you just tried."

"I won't." Donna croaks, looking away. "Someone like you, I hope I never do."

Barrzon raises an eyebrow at that statement, and he runs a hand across the device on his face as another thought flashes through his eyes that makes him brighten again. The Doctor notices immediately, tensing as he took a step forward. Barrzon chuckles lightly, tapping his cane as he stepped away from the computer.

"Might an example help?" He smiled brightly and Doctor sneers.

"Stop it." The Doctor lets out a dark exhale, the sound like a growl as Appora freezes in horror, fear binding her in place as the Doctor glares him down. "Whatever you are thinking of doing, don't you dare." Barrzon doesn't seem to notice his comment, trying to glance behind his back to see Appora.

"Number Thee-o-one four five eight?" He chirps, raising an expectant brow.

"Barrzon I said don't!" He snaps louder as Donna grabbed Appora's arm and she clawed the Doctor's hand in fear.

"Bad girl, you're been incredibly bad." He tapped his can twice, loudly thunking it against the carpet underneath them as he tilted his head to the side. His voice lowers as the smile slipped off his face and his posture changed, looming over the three.

"Now sit." He snaps darkly.

Appora sits.

She falls to the ground as her legs give out and the Doctor stumbles back as she almost takes him down with her. Donna squawks as she tries to pull her up on reflex but Appora stares blankly ahead as the Doctor spins around, searching her face desperately.

"Appora!" Donna yelps, trying again to pull her up. "What, what's going on?"

"She's completely integrated." Barrzon spoke up over their panic and the Doctor tried to tug her to her feet again, still getting no response. Appora could finally able to see the Warden clearly from her place on the floor. "Every thought is created by my rehabilitation programming. It's training, like a normal animal in a zoo."

He brings a hand up, snapping his fingers loudly.

Appora closes her eyes as she takes a desperate gasp of air, absolutely trembling.

"Now get up." Barrzon barks and she shot up, stumbling as her legs quakes and Donna wraps her arms around her, trying to help.

The Doctor snarls, spinning around as he points his sonic, burning rage focusing outwards as his mind spirals dangerously. Appora groans as her minds throbs, the pure intent in the Doctor's actions make her already overwhelmed mind crumble even more.

"ENOUGH!" He roars, his voice echoing through the room as his sonic whirls.

Barrzon pauses, raising another brow as he looks between the glowing blue device and the hate etched across the Doctor's features.

"Not the reaction I was hoping for." He sighs dramatically as he points his cane at the Doctor in the same way, mocking his aggressive stance. "A sonic device really, come on. Don't lose your demeanor sir Doctor. What exactly are you going to do with that?"

"To you?" The Doctor snarls darkly, "Nothing."

He flicks his arm to the right, pointing his sonic towards the wall and the high pitched whirl of the device changes pitch as the Doctor stares Barrzon down.

The side of the wall rumbled before slowing raising, revealing a window that expanded the entire length of the wall. Donna gasped as the three of them turned to look out into space and Appora didn't know what to think as she focused on the large green planet below.

The planet Yana was very beautiful, the green skies cloudy as it turned slowly, another larger gaseous purple planet just behind it. It had silver oceans and mountain tops peaking out from behind the clouds and there were three other moons circling the planet. A large space gate hung just outside the planet's outer atmosphere as smaller ships and satellites moved lazily across their view and Appora shuttered, never seeing another world before.

It was truly beautiful.

"It's a wonderful view, what did you have to pay for something like that?" Appora jumps as the Doctor personality somehow does a complete one eighty, his posture becoming visible calm again as his face returns to his previous blank stare. Appora glances between the planet and him as the mental link pounds desperately, and she brings a hand up to rub her head with a hiss.

The politician hesitates, unsure what to do against the Doctor as he lowers his sonic, looking away as he seemingly became more interested in the view than him. He frowned, looking out as well with a hum.

"More than you could even imagine." He frowned deeper as he tapped his facial device, leaning against his cane as he tried to steer the conversation back into his favor. "It's the most valuable estate in the entire orbit. But now, I must get to-"

"Oh no!"

Appora and Donna jumped as the Doctor cut him off with with a snapped bark, and he finally moved away from them, closer to Barrzon.

"No no no, no more of that! No more grand speeches, I've had enough speeches to last a lifetime!" He sighed mockingly as he ran his hand through his ruffled hair. "I get it, you're just the bad misunderstood guy and I'm the one who's going to somehow stop you. And blah blah blah blah!" He stuffed his hands into his coat pockets, scoffing as he turned back to look behind him at the girls. He wiggled his brows as he grinned, suddenly completely relaxed.

"Get a load of this guy, am I right?" Donna brows shot up as she looked at him incredulously, and Appora glanced between him and the Warden in even more fearful confusion.

"You serious right now?" Donna whispered in anger and the Doctor chuckled again, shrugging humorlessly.

"Well then." Barrzon leaned fully on his cane as he scowled, holding out a hand expectantly. "If that is all Doctor, might I have my inventory back and I'll let you go on your way." He snaps in irritation as the Doctor turns back to him, a grin splitting his face.

Appora grabbed the arm that Donna had around her, squeezing back as she pressed herself against her side. She shivered as the Doctor just smiled.

"Nah." He shrugged again as he straightened his tie, "I could do that, but it's not like you'll be keeping her for very long."

Barrzon scoffed back as his face twisted into a nasty scowl. "I hardly think there's much you can do about it." He snapped, taking a step back to stand next to his white androids as the Doctor just kept smiling. He seemed almost surprised by that, pointing at his ragged appearance.

"Me?" The Doctor gasped, "Oh no, not me. Me, no no no. I'm just a man with a little sonic backed into a corner. What could I do?" He chirps and Appora recoils from the Doctor's constant buzzing, the feeling making her queazy.

"I don't seem to be following." Barrzon snaps, glaring as he motioned his white androids closer. "Do you have a point in all of this, or can I get back to my desk?" He growls as his real personality starts to show, his once pleasant nature falling away to show the beast below.

The Doctor walks closer to the window, passing by the frozen droids with a whistle. He spins around, the glass inches away as he balanced on the heels of his feet.

"Now don't rush things. Like you said earlier, patience is a true virtue right? I'm getting there. Because you see Barrzon, I had some time on my hands while waiting to get Appora. Hours!" He chirps as Donna pulls them closer to the Doctor, glancing around nervously as she kept the other girl wrapped protectively in her grasp.

"All of that time just sitting in a room waiting for the right moment, trying to figure out what to do. You gave me time to think, to plan. Never do that, never."

"On man, I don't see it Doctor." Barrzon snapped, sneering as he tapped his temple. "What can one man do against me when I own half the galaxy?" His gray eyes glowered as he patted his stomach again, but his hands twitches nervously.

"For one?" The Doctor trails off, "You've got quite the black list for a business man, an entire hidden finance record for your little legal hobby up here on the moon. It was hidden under a few things but I found it. You're very meticulous, keeping records of everything." He grinned darkly, flashing his teeth. "Which is good for me. Very very good."

The Warden stiffens and positively snarls, his lips pulling back to show his sharp teeth which gleamed under the lights.

"Do not joke." He hisses low as he leaned over, his stature that of a predator and Appora yelped, never seeing such a sight.

"Oh come on Barrzon, good chap where's your sense of fun? You were all jokes at the party!" The Doctor gasps mockingly. "All I did was make a simple twenty first reroute. I just had Donna make a phone call."

"A phone? Impossible, you can't get a signal out from here." He isn't joking anymore as he growls, clenching the top of his cane in his hand as the metal creaks under his grip.

"You wanna bet?" Donna snaps, standing up straighter as they stood by the Doctor's side once more.

"Yep." The Doctor pops the words, twirling his sonic as the dark edge returned to his features, his eyes darkening dangerously. He takes a set closer as he somehow towers over the taller man.

"You see Barrzon, while you might not see them as people, other's sure do." His voice went deep as he snatched Appora hand again, threading their fingers. "The lost princess and second to the throne of Abbrovori? Two children of the almost extinct Amazonian trees? I've met their aunt, she was a wonderful woman. And what about the fifty three presumed extinct lines from protected level eight and nine planets? That's forty nine sectors of supposedly dead children, over a thousand planets with over five hundred universally protected species?" He snarls and he pulls Appora closer, his fingers clenched painfully tight.

"The best of the best and rarest of the rare? You've been a very busy man Barrzon." Appora shivered at his tone, his words like ice as her owner hissed again and she tries to lean away.

"Doctor. What. Did. You. Do." He growled out each word, the light blinking at his temple flashing yellow as he slammed his cane down.

"Like I said, I just made a call. Just a message. You said earlier that everything you've done is legal right, so there wasn't any need to speak with the authorities. No, no no. I sent out the call to people much more important."

"Doctor!" Barrzon snarled, done with his games.

The Doctor laughed, laughed and Appora shivered away from his touch as he burned.

"You really shouldn't let me talk like this, I've got got a gob you know!" He continued to laugh, not seeming to notice Appora's frightened glance as he licked one of his fingers, holding it up as he raised an eyebrow, humming. "And if I'm right, I just wasted enough time to watch the best part. And they should be showing up right about..."

The grin almost split his face as he bares his teeth.


The entire moon station shakes, the floor suddenly buckling violently under their feet.

"What!?" Donna squawked as she grabs onto the Doctor who was grinning maniacally, giggling like mad as an dark glee flashed through his eyes, and Appora yelped as she ducked under his arm, hiding as he cackled. The androids in the room came back online as a couple fell to the floor, unable to get up as they rolled on their backs and the remaining turned towards the window.

Lights burst from behind the Doctor, behind the glass and they all had to cover their eyes as a low hum filled the room.

Barrzon stumbles as the tremors become worse, spinning around in horror as a dark outline appears to cast the light, blocking out the planet underneath it. Spotlights flood the room, darting around before focusing on Barrzon as he ducked down, an arm in front of his face as he gasps.

"UNIDENTIFIED UNITS ENTERING ORBIT. MULTIPLE OBJECTS SCANNED." The androids spoke in unison as their optics flashed yellow, raising cracking hands towards the light.

Appora gasps as the red spinning gears of a large cannon takes the place of the floodlight, pointed directly into the room as Barrzon stumbled back, trying to hide behind his droids. The large weapon of a ship spins right outside of the window and Donna sputtered trying to back up, only for the Doctor to grab her by the arm holding her in place.

The large ship finally moves back, shifting away from the room as the rumble of its engines shakes the air also.

Only to show the other hundred ships now behind it. Barrzon screams, falling to his knees as he drops his cane.

More spotlights fill the room, a few focusing on the three of them before darting to converge on the business man. The ships were giant, monstrous and of every shape and technological advancement. There were some that were larger than the moon station, bigger than the moon, and a couple that rivaled the large planet beneath them. Smaller, more agile ships and drones flew around the open gaps between ships, zipping past.

Not only were they swarming the moon, but the entire planet was surrounded and even more were coming in the distance. Ships clearly ready for battle were appearing in warp jumps and through the space bridge, flashing into orbit with their weapons already on display in a show of pure aggression.

Donna wailed as Appora jumped, audio transmissions flooding the room as multiple conversations went off at once. No one could make out what they were saying, the voices mingling and flooding as Appora tried to cover her ears.

"What!?" Donna spun around, staring in horror at the Doctor. "What's happening!? That one minute phone call did this!?"

"Oh yes, HA!" The Doctor barked in glee, waving enthusiastically at the ships hovering menacingly right outside.

"Wh-What?" Appora tires to shout over the noise, shaking like a leaf as she finally spoke up, clinging to the Lord's side. "What did you do?" The Doctor cheers as he grinned down at her, giving her a wonderful smile.

"Just one phone call! But sent across the entire universe!" He laughs louder as he spun around, meeting Barrzon's terrified eyes. "A call to the moms and dads! Entire planets and they've come rushing in from every corner, oh look at how they've come! Look Barrzon, look at them! Because every single one knows exactly what you've done!"

He snapped his sonic up into the air, setting off a high pitched whirl as he cackles. The radio frequencies in the air became clearer, filling the room with the conversations going through space.

"This is Alpha Apple sixteen Starfleet, Locked on to transmissions last known location. Entering air space at two localized nots."

"-Danial Marcass Bridget, Captain of Torchwood fleet sixty seven, mother of Tarry Bridget-"

"This is the Commanding officer of the main system speaking, transmission recieved and confirmed. The Space Station United Kindoms Generation eight, under oath of the queen we are existing Yana's space bridge and into immediate air space. Do you read? Message has been confirmed."

"-President Allexian delta IV of the Amazonian district, and-"

"In range, Ship Kirro Dealt Owl locked on. Massage has been recieved and targets locations locked-"

"This is level five procedure orange. Message received, awaiting signal to approach."


"-Weapon systems prom six in position, centering ports four and seven into aggressive procedures.-"

The Doctor flicked off his sonic with another barked laugh, swinging Appora's arms back and forth in glee as the ship's messages fazed out again.

"Who are they?" Donna gasps as she looks out in wonder at the fleet, and Barrzon tries to back up further towards the door to escape, but the spotlight continued to follow his every move.

The Doctor cheered as he brought Appora's hand up to his mouth, giving the back of it a quick kiss as he twirled his sonic.

"Oh they're all here Donna! Atraxi, Siltheen, Cribbovori, Kalloperteratheolica, Bog, Moxx Push, Martian, Trecolovati, the British Empire, the Amazonians, the Drackons! And so very very much more! Four thousand children Donna, all of them taken by one man! I'm no expert when it come to family, but you never ever ever touch someone's child!" He points at Barrzon as a chaotic burning hate gleamed behind his eyes.

"Every single one of them is a person you've taken something precious from Barrzon! Look at them because they're all here just for you! The parents are here and oh are they just pissed!"

"Amazing." Donna gasps as the Doctor laughed, picking up Appora and spinning her in righteous joy. She squawked as his thoughts rattled her head, the mixture of joy and anger and hate, of overwhelming relief causing her head to spin.

"HA!" He places her back down and kissed the top of her head, waving outside again as he pointed his sonic at the glass.

"Hello momma bear! Doctor to momma bear do you copy!"


Appora gasped as a closer beam of light focused on them, tinging her skin as the energy made her hair stand up on end.

"Oi!" Donna shrieked as she tries desperately to pat down her hair that was now sticking straight up like she had been struck by lighting. The Doctor grabbed Donna by the arm as she patted down her body, not liking the feeling either. He curled his other hand around Appora's back, pulling her tight against his chest as he turned back to glare at the fleeing man.

"There's nowhere to run and you can't hide anymore. Do you really think no one would notice? Taking children, taking a Time Lord?"

The anger finally spills through, shadowing his face as he finally snarled with all of his rage at the cowering man.

"How dare you."

"T-This!?" The politician shrieked as his skin became lighter, turning to a sickly greenish blue as he tapped desperately at his temple. "Do you understand what you have done to me? To my people Doctor!? This will destroy us! This is something that is never spoken of outside of our planet, this is normal here Doctor! What have you done!?"

"Not my problem." His voice is flat and without remorse as he tightened his grip around Appora, "Oh, and yes. You're right about one thing, my sonic isn't a weapon. But it does have a nice way of synchronizing with specific signals."

He grinned as he showed the small orange box held in the hand around Appora's back, the device blinking. "Like the teleport of an approaching ship in radius to the three boxes we're holding for example!"

"No!" Barrzon howls, pointing frantically as the androids turned to them, their hands glowing. "Stop them! Stop them!"

"Bye!" The Doctor shouted as he braced and Appora squeezes her eyes shut, burying her face into his shoulder as the energy around them strengthened. Barrzon howls again as he lunged forward, trying to stop them as his face crumbled into terror and despair.


His scream was the last thing she heard as they were jerked forward, light once again taking over everything.

End of Chapter three.

A/N: This. Took. Way. Too. Long. LITERALLY WEEKS WENT BY TO FINISH THIS! Oh holy hell, I can't believe I'm finally done and by gods almighty is it long as crap! Look at it! LOOK AT IT! It's 14,000 words! 14,000?! There were just too many scenes I had to make, SO MUCH DIALOGUE! Ghaa! And I literally just told myself last chapter that I would never make an update longer than 7,000 words.

... hahaha. Hahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

(Frustrated sobbing)

So, what did you think of my stereotypical 'bad guy', as well as my Doctor melt down? I was thinking about making a more realistic villain (more three dimensional and less of a cut-and-paste Disney bad guy) but I just gave up as I cried over a cup of coffee. Hopefully I at least kept the Doctor in character, even with his absolute anger. I mean, he's killed in the past for less so... yea. He started to scare me half way through the chapter and I had to rewrite the ending twice. I kept making it way too M in nature. Oops.

Did you like the two little treats I threw in there? Huh huh? The planet is named Yana (snicker. If you don't understand the reference well... Uh. Hmmm) and the alien associated with kidnaping children is a blue man who has a secret military facility on a rock? (You know. BLUE MAN. KIDNAPPED CHILDREN. Hidden secret BASE where STOLEN children are kept and then CONDITIONED into thinking a certain way?)

Get it? I tried so hard to make it as obvious as possible. (I'm bad at this.)

Like I said in the beginning I don't have a beta and I'm writing this on my phone, so I'm really sorry for any mistakes I didn't notice before posting this. I'll try to fix them as soon as I possible can!

Lizeyli: Oh my god! Are you serious?! That's amazing thank you! Hmm, I didn't really make the connection with Clara and Appora, but they do both wear red dresses don't they? I was just going with what we've seen so far of Gallifrey- with all of their formal clothes and rustic colors and such. I'm not basing Appora off Clara's personality (Oh no no no) afterall I'm trying to make her as unique and original as I possible can. And yes, my Dalek is rather funny isn't it. Just don't tell him that. ;D

Crazycus: Sorry, but no death by the Doctor's hands this time. Don't get me wrong there were a few versions of this chapter where he did kill him (but then I thought, nah. That's not the Doctor. Maybe if the Master found her. But would he snap a guys neck?) But really, I think I left the guy and his entire planet to an even worse fate- pissed off parents. (Shiver)

Spiritcaster: That's good, I thought I might have driven you off! I'll try to keep them coming as quick as possible (THE NEXT ONE WILL NOT BE THIS LONG. I SWEAR ON ME MUM IT WON'T BE!) but like I said before sometimes parts take forever to get right. Urgh. And I'm glad you like their relationship so far, hopefully you like the fluff I threw in this time! :D

etiquette-faux-pas: Yes! That's amazing you know how I feel! That's wonderful! You're right, It's almost impossible not to write a Mary Sue, so I've pretty much already given up on that. Now I'm just going with the thought process of 'How do I make my Mary more of an original Mary compared to the other Mary's without treading into too too much Mary?'. Yes, it hurts my head as well. You think her reactions seem genuine? That's a relief! I'm always stressing over how to make my character more believable and relatable. So when someone says I've done it I do a little dance of happiness! Thank you!

And a ever loud SHOUT OUT to tooker86, Femkemarise, 88dragon06, watergoddesskasey, and annienygma for leaving me a review WHICH I LOVE SO MUCH, GOD I WISH I COULD HUG EACH ONE OF YOU!

woundedowl: Wow that... that was something wasn't it? I feel like I'm going to need some time to recover after that. Not too shabby huh, what do you guys think?

Appora: Something? Oh it was something alright! Apparently I'm a complete mess and it's entirely your fault! What in the world is behavioral reconditioning and how could you do that to me!? You made me!

Doctor: (glaring) Door. I hate doors. They are almost always the reason why I almost die. Wooden doors, locked doors, stuck doors, knocking doors. My worst enemy.

Donna: You threw me into a bottomless pit!? Oi! Come here right now!


woundedowl: What the hell do I have to do to satisfy you people?!

Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, favorited and alerted to my story so far, I hope you continue to respond and enjoy my story. Please continue to tell me what you think, I just can't believe that you seem to like my silly attempt at an OC story. So see everyone next time!

Please review and tell me what you liked and what you didn't. Was it too long, too short, or maybe too drawn out or overdramatic? Maybe you happened to like something and would like me to continue with it? Tell me!

Until next time, have a brilliant life everyone! Bye!