Summary and Title: This fanfiction is called Mirrors Are A Curse. After suffering from poor body image America tries to change this by taking extreme measures. Warning! Anorexic!America, RusAme, depressed!America, and things like that. Don't like, don't read. Eventual Yaoi.

Rated M: This chapter will only be rated T, but the whole fanfiction will be rated M. Mostly this chapter has cursing and poor body image.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, Captain America, and things like that.

A/N: Okay, so this is my first multi-chaptered fanfic. I don't know how many chapters there will be, but hopefully this will turn out well. Translations will be at the bottom. Please tell me what you think! So, for now, enjoy!

"You're such a fat-ass Amerika." said a Russian voice echoing throughout the huge halls.

"W-what? I-I love you. How could you say that?" Said America, feeling as though his heart would break. Russia finally was leaving him because he wasn't good enough. "R-Russia, please don't leave me!"

"до свидания, Amerika." Said the tall Russian walking out the door to God knows where.

"Russia!" America screamed as he woke up in a cold sweat. "Oh, it was just a dream."

America sat up and looked at the familiar surroundings, glad to know that he was in his huge apartment instead of the unknown mansion where his dreams were frequently placed as of late. He thought about his dream and how he…. how he dreamed of Russia leaving him? How ridiculous, he and Russia were not even together!

He eventually debated to get up and get out of bed, against his own judgment to sleepily look at his Captain America themed clock. As he did this he found the time to be 8:05.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed as he threw on a clean suit that he had thankfully set out the night before.

"Okay, maybe if I hurry I can make it to the airport on time!" He quickly went to the bathroom and stepped on the scales, frowned and went to the mirror and checked his stomach progress. He still had slight pudge (That he was just imagining.) and a very round face, it made him almost embarrassed.

He stayed in the mirror longer than necessary before grabbing his suitcase and heading to the airport to the flight for Italy.

Luckily, he got onto the plane just in time and arrived there safely. It took all of his strength to resist the food he was offered on the plane, but he had to be strong, for his people.

He went to the hotel building where he would be staying for the duration of this World Meeting. He heard that they nations would be sharing rooms. He just hoped that he would either room with Canada or England.

When he eventually went to the hotel that he was told to go he was greeted with an overly excited Italy.

"Ciao America! Um, let's see, you will be staying in a-room 245!" Italy said holding out the hotel key for America

"Thanks dude, that's sounds cool." America took the key from Italy nodding as he walked past.

He wonder down the long halls, the carpet being a beautiful, rich, red. When he saw the room number 245, he took a deep breath and went inside. However, when he saw the room, his roommate was the last person he was expecting.

A/N:Hm, so I wonder who America's new roommate is... Okay, so that was my shitty attempt at a cliffhanger, but you can't blame me for trying! So, if you do happen to come across this, tell me who you think the roommate is. I have some chapters planned out already, but I'm going away for dance somewhere for five weeks, so I don't know when I'll be able to update this. Now for the translations!

до свидания-do svidaniya- goodbye.

Ciao- hello

Thanks so much for reading and it would mean the world to me if you were to tell me how this is! Reviews make me write faster!