Chapter 1!

It had been November 5th, 2008, that was the day the team got the case about Ethan Hayes, a boy who was kidnapped and found about a week later. He was smothered, not sexual assaulted and cleaned up before being left in plain site, in the deserts of Las Vegas. They got the case when another boy went missing, Micheal Brigges.

So, the team flew to Las Vegas, Spencer's hometown. On the way he had a strange dream, he was at a crime seen with his team and they found the 6 year old boy they had been looking for dead, but Henry was there. JJ's newborn son and Spencer's Godson. Henry was born a week ago and JJ's temporary replacement Jordan Todd had stepped in. This was her second case with them, without JJ.

It had been hard for Spencer to be back in Las Vegas with this case about a missing child, but he had solved it with the help of his mother, Diana Riley.

It had taken them only a day to solve the case. The woman had turned out to be a mentally ill woman who got her child taken from her three weeks before. She went off of her medication to protect her baby from complications. After he was taken she started taking older boys, thinking that they were newborns.

The woman, Claire got arrested and Spencer went into the house alone and got Micheal while Claire threw an empty blanket (that the team thought was him) into a fire.

Michael got returned to his parents alive and the case was closed. Spencer spent the night with his mother at Bennington Sanitarium and the next day the team returned to Quantico, Virginia.

Friday, November 7th 2008.

The team got back on Friday at about noon. They planned to finish some paper work before heading to their homes. They had the weekend booked off, unless of course, they got an urgent case, which they all hoped they wouldn't, but knew they most likely would. So, after completely their paperwork (and sneaking some of theirs into Spencer's so they would finish by the end of the night), everybody quickly hurried out.

"Aren't you coming Pretty Boy?" Morgan said as he went to leave.

"No, I think I'm going to hang back for a while" Spencer looked up from his work, "after all, I'm not done since somebody snuck papers onto my desk".

Morgan laughed, "I'm sorry kid, but you finish them so much faster".

"Yeah, I know. It's not like I have anything to go home to anyway, right?"

"Come on, don't be like that. Besides, we all know the only thing you have planned for the weekend is watching Star Trek".

Spencer grimaced for a moment before smirking, Morgan didn't have any idea...

"Well, I'll be done soon", he said getting up with his coffee mug, "then I'll go watch Star Trek all night long".

Morgan laughed, patted Spencer on the shoulder and left the office.

Derek didn't know the truth. In fact, none of the team did. The only one that had was Gideon and Elle and the only reason Elle knew was because she happened to run into him and his family one day during a day off.

She hadn't been surprised the way he had expected. She didn't seem to think of him as a baby the way the rest of the team did and that was why he cared about her so much, but she had ended up leaving the BAU. That was why Emily was there. In Spencer's mind, and he'd never admit it out loud, Emily couldn't replace Elle. It wasn't that he didn't care about her because he did. In the last two years they had gotten pretty close and she was officially a member of the team, of their family, but Spencer still missed Elle. Elle hadn't told anybody, she didn't even bring it up until Spencer did and then she promised that she wouldn't tell the team. She had kept his secret, understanding his reasons and became a part of his families lives.

Gideon knew because he had been a part of it. He was the one who had saved Spencer and his family seventeen years ago. Rossi had been there to, but he didn't seem to remember him. Spencer wouldn't be surprised if he didn't remember the case, it was so long ago and he had retired before what had happened with his little sister, Samara. Spencer was surprised however that Hotch didn't remember him from what had happened with Samara. It had only been nine years ago, three years before he had become a member of his team.

When Spencer had first started at the BAU six years ago, he had been worried about whether or not Hotch remembered him. He knew Gideon knew and didn't care, Rossi was retired and Alex Blake wasn't working there anymore, so he didn't have to worry about them, but Hotch. He was worried about what Hotch would think of him if he did remember him and if he would be accepted as a member of the team. Hotch hadn't remembered though and so he kept it secret. At first it was because he didn't trust the team, but then when they took him into their family, he didn't want to lose them by telling them the truth.

After Gideon left, or rather after Gideon abandoned them, Spencer had been worried again when Rossi had returned, but he hadn't remembered him either and for that he was grateful.

Little did Spencer know, a part of his past was about to come back for him. His secret and his past would be revealed and someone would get hurt, him.