His hair was too long now, nearly reaching hs fluffy white tail, and he didn't like it. The faun went to the river in the forest to cut it. It took hours, but he eventually found a heavy stone, sharpened it and used it to cut the long black locks to his deer ears. It was difficult to cut the hair around his antlers, but he managed it. He swept away his hair for the birds to take and use for their nests, and took off his decorated breechcloth to take a small bath in the small spring with the waterfall and river.

The current was gentle this time of year, and didn't threaten to sweep the small man away. He soaked for a bit in the shallower parts before rubbing the water into his hair and the brown, and white-spotted fur on his outer thighs. The fur extended to his sides to frame his smooth abdomen and then stopped right before his flat pecs contrasting greatly against his fair skin. He wasn't like other fauns in that he had humanoid feet instead of hooves; this made him better at climbing, however he would never be able to beat any other fauns in a race.

With a sigh he finished his bath and trudged out of the water. He stood on the shore and shook head to tail, knocking off the excess water so he could grab his breechcloth and belt without soaking it. He looked to the sky seeing that the sun was still pretty high in the sky, and decided not to go home just yet and went to the eroded boulders near the waterfall. He laid down on a flat one and let the sun's rays dry him.

The heat eventually went away and was replaced by a cool breeze. The faun woke up and looked around, surprised to have slept the day away. His stomach grumbled loudly, berating him for neglecting it and he headed for home where he still had food stored from the previous winters. Jams, pickled vegetables, fish jerky, bread, cider. He wiped his mouth when he noticed the drool and rushed ahead as quietly as possible. He finally came to his tree-hut and climbed up to it.

The wooden hatched creaked as he opened it and groaned again as he shut it, and the woven floor sagged as he rolled onto it. He laid there for a while before finally finding the candle and using his trusty flint and steel to light it, not worrying about the wood around him since he had applied a new layer of protective lacquer to it just the other day. It was a special mixture he learned from an elder faun that kept out the rain and couldn't catch on fire. He set the candle on a wooden shelf and found the bag of jerky he had as well as a jar of jam and a roll, and dined on the simple meal.

He let out a delighted sigh as he finished and put away the little bit of jerky and jam left away in their wall-chest. With the night still young and his energy still high from his earlier nap he decided to pass the time with his favourite pastime: drawing.

He reached over to the small chest next to the candle and pulled out some parchment and charcoal and set the items up on a small desk that was attached to the wall. The faun got comfy and started sketching landscapes and people from his memories.

The faun yawned and rubbed his eyes, instantly regretting it when he notice the dark coal stains on the tips of his fingers and sides of his palm. He briefly surveyed the drawing he'd finished that night. It was of a human girl clinging to the back of a long-bodied dragon that swam in the river. He humphed. Most of his drawings turned out like this; a simple and real landscape would turn into a fanatical scene instead.

He put the drawing away, and left in search of breakfast as well as to go to the stream and wash his face and hands.

After washing quickly, the deer man took a moment to gaze at his reflection. He fluffed his shortened hair a little and smiled making his brown eyes shine sweetly. Blushing at his vanity, he turned and headed off towards the grove of fruit trees.

The branches were weighted down by their ripe burdens, and he joined the other fauns there for the morning meal. As he approached, young faun and anggitay children rushed to him to greet him and ask for him to get the fruits he they couldn't reach themselves. He obliged them and climbed the trees to gather some of the sweetest fruits from the high branches, and passed them out to the grateful children. He climbed once more and ate berries right off their branches until he was full, before simply gathering some and putting them in the bag he carried on his belt. He'd put them away later.

He settled amongst the children as one of the other fauns pulled out his flute and played a soothing tune for everyone. He closed his eyes and listened to the long breathy notes that made him think of wind blowing through trees and the short twittering ones that reminded him of the birds. Almost too soon the song ended and all of the other fauns and anggitay left to go back to the safety of their village and farms. He waved at them and watched until the trees had engulfed them all.

It was times like this that he wished he could stomach living around others, but alas the constant company that occurred in a village put him on edge, and he had to remain in his self-isolation.

He went home and stored his morning spoils in the chest with his other food, and with nothing else better to do he roamed.

His home sat right on the edge of the deep forest where the dangerous creatures and plants lived. The daring soul he was he ventured in from time to time, though never very far. He was always very careful and vigilant when he roamed there, taking cover in the trees when he thought a predator was nearby. A particularly loud rustle of a bush sent him up a thorny tree. He stared down at the creature who'd popped out of the brush.

It was a jaguar male, and he was built big. Shoulder length brown hair framed a sleepy yet feral face with spots running down his neck to the backs of his arms, his sides, and the sides of his legs. His long dark brown tail matched his cat ears and hung limp behind him. The faun swallowed and looked away as he blushed; the jaguar had nary a cloth to hide his large pride.

The jaguar sniffed the air and walked towards the tree the faun hid in startling the frail creature enough to accidentally stab himself with one of the trees thorns. He held back his whimper, but moaned woozily as the world went hazy. He lost his grip on the branch and slipped from the tree, falling into a bush below. He breathed deeply as he willed away the dizziness from the tree's toxins.

"Hmm? Diner's come to me for once..." The faun gasped as he felt a heavy hand grabbed hold of one of his antlers and lift him into the air. He stared at the unfocused image of three jaguar men and thrust both feet at the one in the middle.

The jaguar grunted and released him as the air rushed from his lungs, and the terrified faun made a break for it.

It started as stumbles into the tree trunks, but soon the haze lifted and he could run straight once more. His heart beat faster as his surroundings became more and more foreign to him, and he realized that he had gone wrong way. He came to a rock face too steep for him to climb, and waited for the jaguar to grow near.

The predator burst from the trees on all fours and launched himself at the faun, but the deer ducked under him and darted for the safety of the trees once more. He hoped that he was running the right way, but couldn't be sure, for the thick canopy over head obscured the sun's position, and the area around him appeared to be all new.

The jaguar behind him snarled and the faun looked behind him briefly.


He bounced off the wall he appeared to run into but before he could fall, hands grasped his upper arms and held him upright. He looked up and screamed; the wall had been another jaguar male.

He was slightly bigger than the other predator behind him, he was taller and his muscles more defined, and again he wore nothing to cover his nether-regions. His skin was an olive hue and bore to same dusting of darker colored jaguar spots. His brown hair was shoulder-length as well, but the front strands were pulled back and away from his face where there was a discolored patch of skin around his eyes and over the bridge of his nose resembling a white mask.

The new predator wrapped an arm around the faun's torso, trapping his arms, and ended his prey's screams by thrusting two fingers into his small mouth. The fingers tasted of old blood and dirt and the faun gagged and bit at the fingers, though the jaguar didn't show signs of feeling any pain.

The first jaguar came through the trees and stopped before them. He yawned. "Aw, I wanted to catch him..."

"Well obviously you were too slow," the other told him. "Maybe if you spent less time sleeping you'd be able catch a hoof-less faun!" The moment he removed his fingers the faun began screaming again and he replaced them. "So much noise! Keep that up and I'll gut yah right here!" That remark made the faun freeze and when he removed his fingers again he did not scream, he only whimpered pleas to them.

"Please... let me go! Don't eat me, I beg of you... Just let me go home..." The sleepy man grasped his chin. "D-Don't touch me..!"

"He's kinda cute..."

The bigger jaguar batted away the smaller's hand. "Don't make nice with dinner, Now," he turned the faun to face him and held his thin arms behind his back, "use his clothes to tie him up."

He whimpered as his breechcloth was removed and heard the sounds of it being ripped. A piece was used to bind his wrists tightly behind his back. He felt the jaguar's hand grab his ankle and he yelped and kicked him away. The masked one snarled, yanked one of his antlers back and bit into his bared throat. The faun went still and did nothing as his ankles were bound and the remainder of his breechcloth was shoved in his mouth. The jaguar removed his threatening fangs, threw him over his shoulder, and carried him away.

It was getting dark when his ankles were untied and he was forced to walk into a dark cavern. He paused at the entrance and stared wide-eyed at the bones strewn about. His breathing grew ragged when he recognized two of the skeletons as faun. They really are going to eat me..! Oh Gods above! He grunted when he was roughly shoved forward towards the deeper end of the cave where the entrance to another smaller cave. He forced to kneel and crawl in, which was difficult with his arms still being tied, and one of the jaguars moved a heavy stone in front of the entrance, trapping him inside.

The faun took a moment to work the ruined cloth out of his mouth and retreated to a corner with the company of his morbid thoughts.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed when cruel sounds touched his ears. They went stiff as he heard claws ripping at flesh and the sloppy sound eating. The jaguars were feasting right outside. Loud cracks made him flinch as bones were snapped and clattered when they were thrown away. Tears came to the fauns ears as visions of him being eaten in the same way plagued his mind. He tried to cover his ears with his knees and sobbed pitifully as the sounds of eating continued. He dreaded the silence that followed.

Light flooded into the cave as the stone was pushed away. The faun squealed as he was dragged from his corner and into the larger torch-lit room. He was placed in between the two jaguars with his head towards the sleepy one and his tail towards the masked one. He felt his antlers being set on something hard and yelped it pain as they were snapped off leaving sad horns the length of his pinky; a drastic change from their original, big beautiful branches. The masked only touched the faun's thigh and the frail being broke down into sobs.

"Please! K-Kill me quickly! Don't make it painful, I don't want to suffer! Oh Gods, please do it quick!"

The sleepy jaguar placed a hand over his mouth; ending his pleas, but not his sobs and tears. The masked one leaned forward and dragged his rough tongue up the faun's stomach to his chest, and he latched his mouth onto a nipple. Suckling on the sensitive flesh he moved the other jaguars hand away and shoved three fingers into the faun's warm mouth. They didn't taste of blood and dirt anymore, in fact they tasted as if the jaguar had just washed them. The digits massaged the omnivore's tongue, making saliva and soaking in it. The soaked fingers left his mouth and crept low towards his nether-regions.

The faun whimpered when he felt a slick finger touch his entrance and finally began sliding inside. He felt a blush coat his cheeks as the finger thrusted into him and another finger soon joined the first. Do they intend to humiliate me before they eat me? Oh, why were such cruel creatures placed on this earth? The sleepy jaguar joined in on the "humiliation" and gently pinched the nipple the masked jaguar had been ignoring. The faun looked up at him and was unnerved by how intently he stared at his face, studying the faces he made as he was violated. The faun schooled his face to the best of his ability in attempt to defy the sleepy-eyed carnivore, however he inevitably got the face he'd wanted when the masked jaguar added his third finger and scissored his fingers within him. He stifled his moans but little whimpers still escaped from time to time.

The fingers left and the jaguar rubbed his large pride firm before pressing it to the stretched hole. The faun let out frightened cries as it pressed harder and harder until the head popped through the ring of muscle. The jaguar began to gently thrust deeper and deeper until the faun thought he was filled to the brim. The other jaguar took hold of his shoulders and lifted him off the rocky floor slightly, and he could look down and see that the masked one wasn't even halfway sheathed inside of him. He swallowed nervously. "T-Too big..."

"Hey, turn him over," the sleepy one demanded, and the masked one obliged him; pulling out and then flipping the faun onto his stomach. He held him up by his hair. "Relax your jaw," he told the fawn as he pressed his own pride to his thin lips. The faun unwillingly did what was asked of him and the length slid inside, penetrating deep and making him gag. His throat distended and he blushed bright at the heady musk the prick let off, and moaned when the jaguar reached down to touch the bulge his length created in his little throat. He joined in on the moaning as thrusted into the faun's mouth at a steady pace. "Mmf... ah!" He suddenly he pulled out leaving just the tip against the faun's lips. He said a few curses through his harsh pants. "I almost came already..."

The faun let his tongue slip out and chanced a taste at the precum pearling at the prick's slit. It was salty and slightly bitter but it intoxicated him anyway, and he began nibbling and licking at the head.

The sleepy man chuckled at the faun and looked to the other jaguar, who'd taken a liking to the faun's short fluffy tail; nibbling at the underside playfully as he waited his turn to have his way with the inebriated deer man. "Lay on your back with him in you lap."

The masked man made an impatient huff and relinquished his hold on the tail. He laid in the way the other had indicated with the faun facing away from him. He pressed his prick to the faun's entrance and held his legs so that he slid down on him, taking the length deeper within him than before. The faun howled in pain and ecstasy and fought at his binds anew.

The other jaguar stood and took advantage of the faun's yell, shoving his throbbing pride back into his mouth with a snap of his hips. He held the faun's head still and thrusted into his mouth while the masked one bucked into the small body from below. Soon his thrusts became sloppy and desperate until finally thrusted once more, as deep as he could and came in the constricting wet heat. The faun choked a little before finally sucking back the hot seed and swallowing. The soft, spent member shrank and slipped from his mouth as the jaguar fell onto his butt with a pleased sigh.

"My turn." The faun yelled out as the masked jaguar sat up and he fell onto the spent jaguar's chest. The masked jaguar repositioned himself on his knees and began pistoning into the abused hole at a bruising speed. The room filled with squelching sounds, as well as the slaps of each time their flesh met, and the faun's sobs and moans.

"A-ah! No! NO! Ugh! I'm -hya!- gonna b-burst! Kyaah!" The faun arched as creamy streams of his cum rushed out of him. His climax made him tighten around the length still in him and urged it to release as well.

The masked man slid out and shoved the faun higher on the sleepy one's chest who awoke and gently kissed the faun and nibbled on his neck as he ripped the flimsy cloth binding his wrists. The other held the fauns battered cheeks open and licked at his abused hole before covering it with his mouth and sucking out the seed. When he finished he moved up and gently pressed kisses to his spine and shoulder blades.

"I-I don't understand..." the faun murmured after enduring most of the cleaning. "I thought you wanted to eat me?"

"We did," the sleepy one murmured.

"But we changed our minds when we noticed how cute you were." The masked one lifted away from them, and in a spectacular feat of flexibility began to clean himself, starting with his balls.

The faun watched the jaguar for a while and spoke once more. "B-But why did you," he blushed, "have your way with me?"

"Well, with the way you wagged your ass at us when you crawled into that room, how could we not?" the masked one chuckled.

"That wasn't on purpose! You try crawling without having use of your arms!" he cried indignantly. He yelped when the jaguar finished cleaning himself and leaned over to chomp on his tail again. "W-Why do you keep doing that?"

"Becuf ist fuan."

"'Because it's fun'," the other jaguar translated. He scratched his chin in consideration and leaned over the faun. "Let me try." The masked one huffed and let go and the other latched on. "Hunf, fis ist fuan..." He let go and fluffed it a few times before laying back down and grasping the fauns face. "What's your name, deer man?"


"I am Heracles and that is my mate Sadik. From now on you belong to us."

"What?! But-but-!"

Sadik snuggled up behind him and nipped at his neck. "Don't try to run away, Kiko, or we will eat you..."

Thanks for reading this sudden story idea I had and I sure hope you enjoyed! This series will have many short stories, but continuations of chapter can be written if there are enough requests!

Anyway, thanks again! Be sure to review and check out my profile for semi-weekly update on all my stories including this one!

...maybe *laughs*