Kenzi walked slowly into the Light Fae compound. It had been two days since the gang had figured out that she was the Gypsy Queen and she had had constant phone calls and text messages since then. Now that her secret was out, she also had a guard of three Mesmer's at all times for her own protection. Kenzi was no fool, she knew that they wanted to be sure of her allegiance to whatever cause or monster they were to fight next. Truth was, all Kenzi cared about anymore was protecting her people and doing what was best for them. She had seen in her visions just how easily she was cast aside and forgotten about when she left. They had only ever truly seen her as a human with kleptomaniac tendencies. Useful but easily cast aside when no longer needed. They had seen that Lauren had the greater value to their cause and standards and had chosen her to replace. It helped that she was Bo's lover. But things had changed. She was now the powerful one, the one with an army they could use if they could manipulate her. Kenzi was not about to let that happen. Her people were not tools for others to use and abuse before casting them aside. Mesmer's came to her line for protection, she would not let them be abused.
Lachlan sat at his desk waiting for the Gypsy Queen. He owed the bloodline more than anyone else, after all, they were the ones to who returned him from the grave. It was simple really. They took the power from the next great evil, the lives that were to be taken and simply used the future sacrifices to exchange his life. It meant that she had made Fae-Kind safer for the next couple of years. Lachlan also respected, not only Kenzi's power, but also how she treated her people. She put them first, no matter the sacrifices she had to make. They were what was most important to her beside her mate. This made her the kind of leader that Lachlan actually respected, though she was new to power, so he wasn't sure how great of a leader she would be in the future. An army of half psychotic Mesmer's were not known to be peaceful after all. Lachlan stood as Kenzi entered the room. He walked towards her, embracing her in welcome.
"Welcome, My Queen," said Lachlan "How may I assist you? And where is Vex?" Lachlan gestured to a leather couch where tea was waiting for them. Kenzi smiled and sat next to Lachlan, taking a cup of tea that he poured.
"Vex, well, Vex does not enjoy morning sunlight," laughed Kenzi. Lachlan laughed with her.
"Yes," said Lachlan "seeing him in sunlight is a rare treat."
"Vex is Vex Lachlan," said Kenzi "but he is my Consort and he respects those responsibilities. He was up late organising my security. Since he was still asleep when I left, Vex will either storm the compound to yell at me for being irresponsible, or will do so over the phone." Lachlan chuckled.
"Yes, he is rather protective of you," said Lachlan "but then, you are his Queen and Soul Bound. Speaking of that, why are you here?" Kenzi's smile changed into a frown as she considered the answer to that particular question.
"A number of things brings me to you Lachlan," said Kenzi "My old family now want me dead or seek to use and abuse my gifts and use my people as their own personal army. I cannot allow that and I will not allow that to happen. I spent 6 months away from them and they only now contact me to seek an alliance that will no doubt only bring pain and suffering, while they reap the rewards. I am new to power, I know this. I have little experience and I am now facing something I am unsure of how to handle. I suppose I came here for guidance. You are the Naga Reborn, among the oldest and at the same time youngest of Fae kind. You have seen many leaders, both good and bad and have served many. I came here for wisdom in how I deal with the Blood King and his followers so that I will be feared and respected."
Lachlan observed the former human carefully. It was true, he had lived a long time and could give her the options she could take and give her the guidance she needed. He respected that she understood the position that she was in and recognised her own inexperience for what it was. Some leaders refused to seek counsel when they needed it and that meant bloody and short reigns and even tyrannical rules. That she was seeking advice was wise and at the same time foolish.
"I can give you advice," said Lachlan "but why do you seek it from me? A leader of the Light, who could so easily bias the advice to benefit myself?" it was a test. A test to see how easily someone could take advantage of the new ruler. Kenzi's eyes turned cold.
"I am no fool," she said with hidden authority and power in her voice "I would use your advice, the Morrigan's and my own advisors and then explore the future of each of those choices before making my decision. Besides, you owe my family a great debt with your revival at the expense of a powerful foe." Lachlan inclined his head in acceptance of the fact that he was in her debt and was actually impressed with how she was going to choose the fate of her people. It was a wise decision to use all assets available and then explore the outcomes of those options.
"Why don't you just look to the future instead of asking advice?" asked Lachlan in curiosity.
"The future is fluid," said Kenzi "ever changing with the smallest of decisions changing things. For example, each sip of that tea you drink Lachlan will affect the level of concentration as the Caffeine wears off later, which could then alter how you will deal with the infraction you will have to deal with when you are woken at midnight. When I have no definite choice, I have no idea what actions will cause a desirable outcome to all parties involved."
"Then I will help you Kenzi," said Lachlan. Kenzi smiled. There was the sound of distant shouting before the doors were slammed open. Both Kenzi and Lachlan stood as a man in Black approached them. Lachlan just smiled in amusement.
"Why the hell didn't you wake me Kenzi?!" demanded one seriously pissed off Vex.
AN; Okay, first chapter done, please let me know what you think, remember, more reviews means the faster I update.