Hey guys, Kris here. Regents have been crazy, and I havent had much time to write, so I aplogize for the lateness of the next chapter of kidnap marker. Please bear with me. I found this little one shot in my drive, and figured it put something out for you guys to read in my absence. Reviews make me smile! enjoy!

A quiet night in tonight. Mark and Roger were currently in the loft, cleaning up after a nice home cooked meal. Mark stacked their plates in the sink, and smiled as the musician kept placing kisses on his neck. He swatted at him playfully, giggling.

"Rog- come on! I gotta do these dishes, we can make out in a second… be a good boy and get me the dish cloth from our room, please?" Roger grunted, but nodded, taking his hands off the smaller blond, and trotting towards Roger's, well, now Roger /and/ Mark's bedroom. He disappeared inside, and Mark returned to the plates, humming quietly as he soaked them.

A few seconds later, a blood curdling scream sounded. Mark jumped about ten feet, dropping the dish. It broke in the sink, but he had bigger concerns right now. /Roger/. Fuck, what if he got hurt? what could be wrong? panic rose in his chest as he bolted toward their room, only to be slammed into by the subject at hand himself. Mark struggled as the taller man jumped into his arms, clinging to him. "R-og!" he grunted, and they both toppled to the floor, Roger still in Mark's lap.

"Mark! thank god you're here! its… its in there!" His face was pulled down, and Mark started to look him over for damage. Upon finding none, Mark snapped.

"What the hell is your problem!? with a scream like that, you should be sporting a stab wound!" Roger held onto him tighter.

"Babe, this is worse than a stab wound… just… look on the dish cloth…" his voice was laced with fear. Mark got up, leaving his spooked lover on the floor, and walked cautiously into their room. A little black object was resting on the towel.. not an object… a bug… a spider?

"Rog, it's just a-…" Mark finally got the idea, and started laughing. "You scream like a two year old child, for /that/!? Oh god, get a load of this… Roger Davis, Badass rocker, menace of avenue B, terrorized by a man eating house spider…"

"You shut your whore mouth! it tried to kill me! it hissed, I swear!" Mark snorted, walking over to it, and shaking it off the towel. It flew onto one of Roger's baseball bats on the floor. Another scream from the musician got his attention. "MaRK NO! GET IT OFF THERE! IT'S USING TOOLS! IT'S LEARNING! FUCK ME, IT /KNOWS/!"it made a web toward the ceiling, and when it got in the air, Roger bolted. Mark laughed, chasing after him. Maybe Roger wasn't such a hardass sometimes after all.