A/N: Hey guys! :) I have a question: Do you think it's best to have Mabel react just to fanfiction, or maybe some other stuff? Like videos and the internet that doesn't include fanfiction? Just a suggestion. Also, I don't want to go straight to the reactions, I would like to add a few ideas. You know, some stories just have them react right away. And because the idea is used a lot, I want to throw in some ideas. Is it okay with you guys? If not, these chapters would be short...

Also, I WILL do a Dipper goes to taco bell chapter. Why? I watched School days (I THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE AND INNOCENT AND GAHHH! IT JUST HAPPENED!). I can survive. Also, I watched Higurashi. I'm more than ready. (Fine, I liked Higurashi...who doesn't like murdering twins?) Oh and the Fujisaki twins. Lies. All lies. (IT'SAGUYALLALONGANDIDONOTKNOWWHATTOSAYABOUTTHEINCEST... I USED TO SHIP THEM..UNTIL I FOUND OUT! *cries in corner* I still do 0.0)

Oh. Please look up TheRealSweaterLover. It's not my doing.

I'm sorry that this chapter came late. Looking up evil names takes time. And plot twists. Never make a poet/ insane/ sister character. Especially when she could just be a five year old. I still don't regret it.

Also, never plan on torturing another pair of twins. SPOILERS...SPOILERS EVERYWHERE

Also, the rise of the angry WhiteRose fans. Can't they handle it like WenDippers? Geez.

Disclaimer: GravityVanel14 owns nothing. Because if she did, she'd say, "Umm what now?" Plus, she'll make the series more depressing and get swords, scythes, but mostly scythes. And mentioned stories do not belong to me, but to Alisi Thorndyke! Said stories are Behind The Mask, Wrath Of Catherine, Child Of Destiny, Prophecy's light and Catherine (That awkward moment when you had never heard of her until now)- related one shots in Always By Your Side. I believe a guest requested that. Other stories are fake, except one...

...The kittens are coming...

ALONG WITH THE FREAKING WHITEROSE FANS! RUNNNNNNNNNN! (Or just me, for joining the wrong war section when the great war occurred...WANGERS ALL THE WAY! Does incest count if the siblings don't have the same mom, but dad? I don't ship whateva you call it but...)

Oh and I just found an amazing pair of evil siblings. Or maybe they're just partners...But they're genderbent versions of themselves...EVIL SIBLINGS ALL THE WAY!

EDIT: I wrote this back like, two months ago. Oops. Because chapter will be way too long and my main focus is currently No Two Snowflakes and Before My Heart Turned To Stone, this shall be a three part chapter. Sorry about that.

Mabel reacts to Alisi Thorndyke!

It was a 'normal' day in Gravity Falls for the Mystery Shack.

Stan was busy with the last tourist group of the day, Dipper was busy admiring Wendy (He didn't admit it though), Wendy was reading a magazine and telling Dipper about some festival that will come in a few week, Soos was fixing something, and Mabel was pretending to hear but was secretly reading fanfiction all along. Even if Dipper tried to take it away from her.

"It's the best festival of the entire year!" Wendy said with a smile. "And it's just amazing! "

"Wow...It sounds cool." Dipper replied, still staring at Wendy.

Wendy, who's eyes were focused on the magazine, nodded. "It is! I'm so glad you two can come! "

Dipper smiled. "Will it be just the two- I MEAN THREE! Of us?"

"Nope. Friends are coming too."

Dipper sighed. "Oh..."

"Wait, where's Mabel?"

The two looked at Mabel, sitting on the floor with the twins' laptop.

Mabel looked up and laughed nervously. "Oh, I'm not doing anything! Just ya know, staring at the screen..."

They stared at her with a 'huh?' look.

"I'm gonna go now..."

Mabel got up and grabbed the device, looked at them one last time before walking to the twins' room.

"That was..."


Mabel laid in bed, looking at the laptop. She read again the same sentence over and over again.

"Bill and I..." She shuddered and clicked on her PM inbox. To her surprise, she had a PM from a user names, YouKnowWhoIAm.

"Actually I don't..." She clicked on the message that read, '"Ya miss me?"

Mabel raised an eyebrow before typing, "I don't know you..."

"Of course you do!"

Smacking her forehead, Mabel typed her response. "Not really."

"You don't even remember your Fanfiction bud?"

"Didn't you say it was just two stories?"

"I'm always watching."

"You already said that!"

"Annoyed, Shooting Star?"

"Stop calling me that!"

"It's my revenge."

"...I dunno how to respond to that."

"Making me read such story...Is that what you do on your free time? Or do you read Pinecest lemons?"

"...Which is?..."

"I'll send you a link later, Bye! Buy Gold!"

Meanwhile, Bill was laughing manically at his master plan. "Ah yes! This will work! Sweet revenge!" He chuckled as he began searching said story.

"The infamous Taco Bell story. This will be fun." He copied the link and smirked. "Perfect." Add more evil laughter to the evil floating Dorito.

Mabel blinked. "Should I type that?" She shrugged. "Note to self, look up Pinecest lemons." As if the name didn't hint anything. Seriously, even I knew right away. Geez. Anyways, Mabel did the usual: Scrolling down the main page to find something to read. Even though she had work to do, Mabel decided that it was just a short break. As if Stan ever would let that happen.

Mabel continued reading, with a bored look on her face. She ignored the PM that YouKnowWhoIAm had send, not interested in what the floating dorito would say. "So many MaBill stories...Ugh. What's up with everyone's fascination towards pairing me up with a triangle?" She read each story's summary until she found one that was rather...funny.

"GidDip?" She blinked. "I'm not going to bother..."

In the Gravity Falls Jail.


Back at the shack, Mabel clicked on a story titled, The Wrath Of Catherine.

"Catherine? I've always wanted that name!"

Upon learning that Stanford's office copier can copy human beings, Gideon sees an opportunity to get his revenge on the Pines by making a copy of Mabel to exact his revenge. Continued summary inside and as usual NO PINE/CLONECEST!

"What's up with everyone's fascination with saying, 'No Pinecest!' and what's Clonecest?" To her credit, Mabel doesn't even know what Pinecest is. She's still innocent about this. But her mind will be corrupted a-

ANYWAYS, Mabel read the author's note which stated that this was a continuation of a series of one-shots called Versus Mabel from Always By Your Side. In that case, Mabel decided to read that first. However, she was confused when she read the disclaimer. "What?"

Shrugging it off, she went to read Always By Your Side. Once more, Mabel became confused. "Alex Hirsch owns-"

Back at the gift shop, Dipper sneezed.

"I'll look that up, along with Pinecest..." She scrolled down and began reading.

"So I make a sister called Catherine...And she- WHAT?!" Mabel's eyes widened. "She wants to replace me, poisons Dipper, and nearly kills me?" She blinked. "Gah. I don't know how to react to that. Catherine seems so...I'll never make a clone. Wait, Dipper never told me about Tyrone! Or did he? Ugh. I'm so confused!"

"And who's Alex Hirsch?"

Cue another sneeze from Dipper. This time with Bill, Stan, and Soos. I bet I'm not counting someone else.

"So confused..." She sighed. "I'll read the other one then!" Mabel cheerfully clicked 'Always By Your Side' and found the Versus Mabel one shot. Reading, Mabel found herself strangely amused. Then again, her favorite fanfic was about Dipper dying.

"That explains a lot...Why would she kill me though?"

"Oh she wants to replace me!"

"So I don't trust Dipper?"

"Then he's poisoned?"

"Why would Gideon do that?"

But the greatest shock: