Disclaimer: Wish I did, but Skip Beat doesn't belong to me.

I kinda hope this happens in the manga. It'd be hilarious! XD

Sho the Fool

Sho couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Kyoko going into a super expensive, ultra high class apartment building one night. She was laden own with groceries and wearing that disgusting uniform, but kept walking in a business-like determination. He'd recognize her anywhere, he was sure of it. But what was she doing going into that building?

Curious, he decided to follow her. Doormen and security was pretty easy to dodge when he got inside, having practice with hotels and the like over the years, so he didn't have a lot of trouble getting in. For some reason Kyoko seemed to be on name basis with one or two of them and even had a card that let her in. Did she live there now? No... she wasn't doing this well.

He was surprised she took the stairs at first, but then became rather happy. It was easier to tail her this way. How she could happily go up seven flights though while carrying those bags was a mystery to him. He was exhausted just carrying himself! He barely made it to her floor's landing before she completely vanished from sight. Clueless girl didn't even realize he was following her.

Huffing and puffing, he managed to see which apartment Kyoko slipped into. Rather, Sho saw her grocery bag go into one of the condos. He didn't see her enter anywhere. It took several minutes to catch his breath, then many more to regain his composure. There was no way he was going to give her the pleasure of seeing his exhausted self. Fuwa Sho had his professional pride after all. He was not going to look like a wretch while confronting his old childhood 'friend'.

Finally presentable (took thirty minutes or more really. Stairs) Sho strode over to the apartment as if he owned the hotel. He knew just what he was going to say to her too. 'Well well well! So! What did you sell to get this place? What exactly does 'Love Me' stand for anyway?' Then he would push past her frozen form and check out the place, making it his own. Everything that was hers was his after all.

Grinning and getting into position, he rang the doorbell next to the room he knew she went into. He came up with a million scenarios as he waited the thirty seconds it took for her to answer the door, each one as likely as the next. She was not getting out of this unscathed.

Then the door opened.

To Tsuruga Ren.

The two men looked at each other for a moment, silent and frozen. Sho's mind short circuited entirely, not believing that this man would be there at that precise moment. This man! Of all the people in the world! Why did Kyoko-

In a flash, the actor grinned one of his shining gentleman smiles, something the musician only saw once before. "I'm sorry. We're not interested. Goodnight sir."

Without a second's hesitation, Tsuruga slammed the door shut on his face. All Sho could hear was its echo through the hallway and the clicking of many locks.

Ren felt a great deal of satisfaction at slamming the door in that arrogant brat's face. The kid really needed to be fully rejected by someone like that, among other things. He did feel sorry for the door though. The hinges might never be the same. Adding a third lock on the door was a good idea after all, and just as satisfying to put in place after that rejection. A dark smirk peeked out of his features as he headed back into the main part of his apartment.

"Who was that?" Kyoko poked her head out of the kitchen, a ladle in her hand. Her curiosity never ended in certain affairs, especially since Ren didn't have many visitors at his home in general. Only three people knew where he lived... well four now but he wasn't about to count him.

"No one important." Ren picked up his cell phone just as the doorbell started going off like crazy, accompanied with a lot of door pounding. There was likely shouting on the other side as well, but the place as soundproof. Thank heavens.

"Sounds like you ticked them off..." The girl sweated a little over the noise, clearly getting annoyed. He had to act fast to keep those two separated right then, and was.

"Looks it." He found the number he needed on his phone and pressed send. Putting it to his ear, he put on his best smile for the conversation. Kyoko left him to handle things after the first few words. "Ah yes, security? This is apartment 721. I have a very angry young man at my door who will not leave. Would you mind escorting him out? ... Yes he's outside my door right now. ... No, I don't think he lives here. He's getting rather aggressive to my door. ... Well he's blond, young, and seems to think he's someone important. He may be a stalker. You might want to look for holes in the security grid. ... Thank you for your assistance."

Ending the call, Ren's shining smile went back to devious satisfaction. He may have sworn not to hurt anyone ever again, but it didn't mean he wasn't a sadist who enjoyed watching punks get what was coming to them.

From inside the apartment, he could hear both Kyoko cooking like she owned the kitchen (which she did) and Fuwa being subdued against his door by security. It wasn't graceful on their end by any means, but why would he want it to be? Five minutes later, he watched from a window to the ground far below. Fuwa Sho was making quite a scene. The tabloids were going to destroy him.

Well, that's what he got for tailing Kyoko and attempting to barge into his apartment. Ren's dark smile only grew. Served the bastard right. For once, he won.


A/N: XD yeah read another fic recently where Sho followed Kyoko to Ren's place and wondered why Ren didn't just slam the door on his face and call security to get rid of him. So this is what I did. So much fun! Hope you liked