The following takes place after the events of Equestria Girls and the exclusive shorts from Rainbow Rocks, but before the events of Rainbow Rocks.

What a day! Pinkie Pie was so excited for what she had planned today. First she would go clothes-shopping at the mall with Rarity, help decorate the animal shelter for a special event with Fluttershy, help Applejack make apple cider, and then she'd play soccer with Rainbow Dash! The day ahead seemed so amazing, Pinkie was joyfully skipping down the sidewalk. She did so every day, but today her bouncy movements seemed more gleeful and excited.

Pinkie Pie skipped down the streets of the colossal city, heading in the direction of the mall to meet Rarity. People on the sidewalks moved to avoid her. Pinkie swung around a lightpost whenever she had to turn down another street. She recognized a few people and raised her hand in greeting whenever she caught their eye.

Pinkie went past a bakery. A sweet smell emitted from it, and she knew this place could give Sugarcube Corner a run for its money. Pinkie did a small hop over a crack in the sidewalk. She skipped past an alley with a blue telephone box in it that she was positive hadn't been there yesterday. Pinkie went past the doors of the guitar store she remembered Rainbow Dash once taking on Trixie in a guitar battle in. The city never ceased to amaze her!

Today, it seemed to hold a surprise as well.

Pinkie turned the corner, and stopped. It couldn't be. She stared at another girl who was about halfway down the sidewalk. The girl was walking toward her, but didn't seem to notice Pinkie Pie instead appearing focused on a paper she was holding in her hand. Closer observation revealed a few more papers under her arm. A small puppy walked behind her.

Was it really her? Those clothes, the dark purple skirt under a light blue dress shirt, her long hair streaked with purple and pink colors. Pinkie stared in stunned silence for a few seconds before her face broke into a wide grin. She ran toward the girl and began to bounce up and down excitedly next to her.

"Twilight! It's you! I can't believe it! You're back!"

Twilight looked up, completely taken by surprise. She took a step back, away from the pink-haired girl who was smiling so wide that it looked painful.

"Uhm, I don't think I know you," Twilight told Pinkie, "Sorry…"

Pinkie's wide smile fell a bit. "W-what? You don't know…? Twilight! It's me! Pinkie Pie! Remember me? Rainbow Dash? Applejack? Sunset Shimmer? The crown? Canterlot High?"

Twilight thought the strange girl was just babbling, but she did recognize the name Canterlot High.

"I don't go to Canterlot High. Isn't that school out in the suburbs or something?" Twilight suddenly gained an interest in the papers under her arm. "Um, I'm gonna go now… Sorry, but I just don't know you. Come on, Spike."

Twilight's puppy let out a small bark, and followed as Twilight began to walk down the sidewalk. She looked back only once with a confused expression on her face. Pinkie had stopped smiling completely. How had her friend not recognized her? After the adventure that they had had, after Twilight brought all of them back together after Sunset Shimmer had torn them apart, and Twilight didn't recognize her?

When Pinkie Pie arrived at the mall to meet Rarity, Rarity noticed her friend wasn't her normally excited self. Such behavior was completely un-Pinkie Pie. She hardly talked when normally she'd be talking a mile a minute. Unless it was Rarity's imagination, Pinkie's hair was drooping slightly as well...

It was like that for the rest of the day. All of her friends asked her what was wrong, but Pinkie couldn't tell them.

She didn't want them to feel as bad as she did.