So I got quite a few PM's from people who don't use AO3, asking if I could please post the rest of this, and all of them citing how many PWP stories are up on that aren't deleted or causing any trouble, plus how many naughty scenes I already have, and I couldn't argue with a one of them. So, for all you here who don't go to AO3, here's the rest of this story, and lets hope that I really don't end up in trouble for this, lol ;)

If asked later, Spencer couldn't have described the route they took, or even the hotel they arrived at. He didn't really notice anything even as Remy took them into an elevator and up to his room. All of his focus was on keeping his hands to himself and not jumping on the man right where they were. Remy seemed to be of the same mind. He kept his hands to himself until they made it inside of his hotel room.

Spencer was the last one in the room and he shut the door carefully behind him. When he turned around, Remy was right there, only inches away from him. All the lust that they'd held back before was pushing towards the surface now. The heat that Spencer had felt before had only grown. For someone who could talk so much normally, he seemed to have lost the ability to speak well tonight. He couldn't find a single thing to say as he watched Remy take a small step forward, bringing their bodies right up against one another, pushing Spencer back against the door. Spencer couldn't stop the small pleased sound from humming up his throat at the feel of the strong body pushing up against him. Red-on-black eyes locked on his, pupils already dilating with lust, and that sinful mouth was quirked up at the corner. Remy's free hand came up, wrapping around the back of his neck, firmly holding him in place so that, when Remy leaned in, they were just scant inches apart. "Y' got one last chance to walk away here, Spencer. If y' want it, take it now." The hand on Spencer's neck gave a squeeze, making the young genius close his eyes, his chin tipping up in silent appeal.

He heard Remy make a sound he couldn't quite decipher and then the hand on his neck was shifting, curving around the side, coming up underneath his chin and forcing his chin up higher at the same time that Remy's hips pushed a little more. Spencer swore he felt it as all the blood in his body shot straight to his cock. His hands slapped back to press against the door and he bit his lip. God! Very, very rarely did anyone catch that hint, yet Remy had caught it instantly.

There was a whisper of movement and then Remy's warm breath was right by his ear, making him shiver. "Mais, but y' respond s' sweet, cher. Look at y'. Y'r a little masochist, aint y'? Look at how hot y' are with just a little dominance."

Because it wasn't in him to submit completely and because he wanted to see just what the other man would do, Spencer just had to test his bounds. "You couldn't handle me." He whispered back before he bucked his hips in an effort to dislodge Remy at the same time as trying to pull his head back. The response he got was more than he'd expected and fit perfectly into what he wanted. Remy's hips rode with his before slamming back into him and forcefully pinning him against the door with a thud that people nearby probably heard. The hand at his throat tightened; not enough to cut off his air yet but enough to threaten to. Remy's other hand slid off his hip and into the small of his back, pulling him in close and tight.

A sharp nip at his ear had Spencer's knees quivering. "Fight all y' want, cher. I'll enjoy de fight just as much as I'll enjoy winning." That cocky confidence sent an arrow of heat through Spencer. Yes, he'd made the right choice. This man was exactly what he wanted. That sinful mouth was moving along his jawline and all Spencer could think was Yes, now, please, kiss me now, yes, yes. His body was on fire and he wanted only one thing; could only think of that one thing. Who cared about any other pleasantries? They were both knew what they were here for, what they wanted. When Remy's lips were at the edge of his, Spencer arched against the hands holding him, silently begging for more, needing more. Bless him, Remy gave it to him.

Their second kiss was just as mind blowing as the first. Remy's mouth assaulted his, wringing a gasp from the him which only prompted Remy to slip his tongue into the now parted lips, tasting and teasing and driving Spencer absolutely mad. There were so many sensations, all at once, he could barely focus. The mouth on his, that talented tongue dueling with his own. The hand on his throat that had a nice, tight grip, keeping him in place so that he couldn't run away. The other hand on his hip, holding him tightly. And the hard, hot body pressed right up against his and, oh shit, the hips that were grinding into his.

He brought his hands up, grabbing at Remy's shirt to pull him even closer. One leg lifted and curled around Remy's hip, making them press even more intimately together. Remy broke their kiss with a ragged curse, hips jerking at the change in sensation. He dropped his hand from Spencer's neck, bracing the young man on both hips, pulling slightly. Spencer got the clue. He moved his hands up to Remy's shoulders and braced before lifting his other leg up, wrapping it as well so that his legs were locked together behind Remy's back. He was running solely off of sensation now, his brain only able to focus on him and Remy and what was exploding between them. His hands slid up to cup Remy's face and yank him in for another kiss. This time it was Spencer whose tongue darted out; Spencer who took. He felt Remy's hands drop back, cupping his ass, kneading him through his jeans, and he moaned into their kiss.

Remy drew them away from the door and back into the room in a show of strength that only made Spencer moan. He ground his hips down and moaned happily when he found himself pushed up against another wall after only a few steps. With Spencer braced, it freed Remy's hands enough that he could grab at the hem of Spencer's shirt and tug up until he could pull it up and over his head, breaking their kiss for just a split second. When the shirt was on the floor, Spencer found himself pinned by Remy's eyes just as much as he was by his body. "I'm gonna take y' hard and fast de first time." Remy promised in that husky Cajun drawl of his, sending shivers down Spencer's spine. He ran firm, calloused hands up and over Spencer's sides, up to his chest where he pinched at his nipples, making Spencer gasp and writhe against the wall. Remy let out a pleased sounding chuckle. "I'm gonna leave y' a mindless puddle in de middle of de bed. Den I'm gonna start all over again."

"God." Spencer breathed out. "Do it. Do it."

That was the only encouragement Remy needed. He pulled them away from the wall, making the effort to head further inside what Spencer was just now realizing was a suite. They only made it to the living room area before once more Spencer found himself against the wall, this time with enough force that the picture hanging there fell down. Wanting more, Spencer dropped his legs, making it easier for his hands to get in and start tugging at Remy's shirt. Remy's mouth latched onto his neck, licking and biting and tasting, and Spencer threw his head back, thumping it against the wall. He somehow managed to get enough coordination to pull the man's shirt up and actually get it over his head, tossing it off to the side. As they broke apart this time, Spencer reached a hand down, grabbing one shoe and yanking it off, letting it land where it would. Remy was doing the same. Shoes and socks joined the torn shirt on the floor and then they came back together, chest to chest, skin heating skin, hands grabbing and holding and feeling and then they were moving once more, not even paying attention to the end table they knocked into.

When they ran into the couch, though, it overbalanced them enough that they tumbled, Remy twisting them just enough that Spencer found himself landing on his back across the cushions instead of on the floor. Not that he would've cared either way if it meant he ended up with Remy lying on him like this. He was pinned down by Remy's weight and he shamelessly let his legs fall open so the man dropped between them. Hands were at his belt, pulling it free, while lips were moving over his jawline. "Look at y', so hot and wanton. Y' need dis, don't y'?" Remy murmured against his skin in a husky whisper. "Y' need de fight just as badly as y' need someone strong enough to win."

When teeth closed over the top of his neck, marking the skin, Spencer moaned loudly, his nails dragging down Remy's back. "Yes, yes, I need it, Remy. God." He didn't care that he was begging. He would beg all night long just so long as this never stopped.

"Bon." With that murmured praise, Remy sucked on the spot he'd just bit, drawing a bruise. In contrast to the softness of his voice, Remy's hands were hard and fast, yanking Spencer's belt free and undoing his jeans quickly. Spencer's hands moved around Remy's sides, going to unhook his pants as well. It took maneuvering and twisting, but the two men shed their pants there on the couch until Spencer was in only his boxers and Remy was completely naked, a sight Spencer barely had time to enjoy before he was being kissed senseless once more.

Eventually, Remy broke their kiss and grabbed hold of Spencer's hand, yanking him up and over to the door a few feet away that took them into the bedroom part of the suite. Spencer got a quick view of a large bed and then the Cajun was toppling them both onto the bed and Spencer found himself stretched out, hands pinned above him, once more with Remy's weight over him. That much skin against skin was enough to have Spencer moaning. His moans grew louder as Remy started to taste each inch of exposed skin, working his way lower and lower. He let go of Spencer's hands with a growled out "Stay." And then his mouth was latching on to one pebbled nipple, biting the sensitized flesh and making Spencer arch and cry out.

Spencer brought his hands down, wanting, needing, to touch. But Remy let out a low growl and he caught Spencer's wrists both in one hand, slamming them back down. "Keep em dere."

There was no missing the way that Spencer's cock jumped at that. Remy smirked a little, sure that Spencer would stay where he was put. Then he went back to exploring his body. Spencer fought to keep his hands still. Really, he did. As Remy tortured one nipple and then the other, Spencer thrashed under the sensations and his moans grew louder and louder, but he tried to keep his hands still. When Remy moved down his stomach, tracing his tongue over one of the scars there, Spencer made as if to stop him, to say something, but then Remy was going lower and his tongue was darting into Spencer's belly button at the same time that those talented hands were pulling at his boxers, yanking them down and off in one smooth move. When one of those long fingered hands wrapped around him, Spencer almost screamed.

He felt Remy slide back up, his hand still wrapped around Spencer's cock, pumping it slowly and firmly. Propped up on his other arm, Remy looked down into Spencer's face, watching him as he writhed and made sounds that should have embarrassed him, yet they didn't. "Remy…" His name came out as a breathless plea. For what, Spencer wasn't too sure. He wanted so much right then. When the hand let go of him, he moaned at the loss. Eyes heavy with lust, he watched Remy shift on the bed, moving to grab something from the nightstand. It put him in just the right position that Spencer could lift himself and slip forward and do one of the many things he was aching to do. Before Remy could stop him, Spencer moved right up to the man's impressive hard on and he swooped down, taking him in his mouth. Though not extremely thick, the other man was long. Spencer had to slowly move his head down, letting his throat adjust as he took his full length in.

He felt Remy's body jerk at the first contact and he heard him moan, loudly. Spencer hummed with satisfaction as he took more of him in. Remy straightened back up and Spencer moved with him, getting in a better position to fully enjoy himself. He pulled back before sliding forward, giving just a small scrape of teeth, a bit of suction, and he was rewarded with Remy's jerking hips and a hand coming up to thread in the hair at the back of his head. He didn't mind the touch at all. If anything, he wanted more. He got it when he deep throated the man. Remy's hand convulsively tightened in his hair before loosening and pulling back just a little, almost in apology. Spencer couldn't speak to tell him it was okay so he repeated his gesture, sucking Remy in deep, hollowing out his cheeks. Once more Remy's hand tightened and this time Spencer hummed happily. Remy got the hint.

The hand in Spencer's hair locked tight, right on that pain/pleasure edge once more, and Spencer moaned loudly around the hardness in his mouth. He bobbed his head faster, loving the taste and feel of him, and yet aching to have Remy inside of him. When the hand in his hair pulled his head back, pulling them apart, Spencer didn't protest. He let Remy lay him down and then those lips were on his again, Remy's tongue in his mouth, and Spencer moaned, knowing the other man could taste himself. A hand settled around his throat, pinning him to the bed in a bruising grip that had Spencer's cock twitching and a gasping moan slipping out.

Fingers dropped down between Spencer's legs, going low to trace over the puckered entrance there. Spencer let his thighs fall open and he pushed his hips down, begging for more. He felt the cool fingers probing at his entrance, the cold such a contrast to the heat that was in the rest of his skin. It had been so long since Spencer had done this that it took a second for that first finger to slide in. He pushed down against it, welcoming that feeling.

One finger turned to two and Spencer broke their kiss to drop his head back against the bed. The burn was there, making him shudder. He felt Remy stop, waiting a moment for him to adjust, and then those fingers were moving, sliding in and out of him, scissoring to stretch his body until Spencer started to push against them. Remy had let go of his throat and was watching him again. His eyes were so dilated the red was just a thin ring. As two turned to three, that burn hit again, enough to make him wince this time, but Remy's fingers twisted and curled and rubbed against that place inside that had Spencer's whole body bowing. Lights exploded behind his eyes and he barely noticed the moan that was more a sob that came past his lips. His hips moved, pushing and rolling, fucking himself on Remy's fingers while grinding their aching cocks together until the both of them were panting and sweating. Now. It had to be now, or it would be over with before they got the chance.

The fingers left him and he could hear Remy tearing open the condom, sliding it on and then he was back, his body stretching over Spencer's. Their eyes locked when Remy pressed against him, seeking entrance. Slowly, never breaking eye contact, Remy pushed in. Heat gripped Spencer as he was inexorably filled by the man above him. The burn was there, but the pleasure was greater, making him ache in an entirely different way. Yet…Remy was being oh so careful with him all of a sudden and it had Spencer whining slightly in his throat. He didn't want to take this slow. Didn't want nice and easy. What had happened to the man who'd wrestled up here with him? Needing, aching, desperate, Spencer lifted his legs and locked them around Remy's waist, using them to yank the man close, fully impaling himself on that hard heat, relishing in the sharp stab of pain just as much as the feeling of fullness that nothing else could replace. Remy's moan mixed with his in the otherwise quiet room.

"So." Remy gasped out. "Dat's how y' want dis, den, huh?" Pulling almost all the way out, until just the tip was in, Remy shoved back in, hard and fast, making Spencer cry out.

Spencer brought his hands up, needing to hold on to something, anything. Put his hands on Remy's back, holding him close, as the man thrust in once more. The room filled with the sound of slapping flesh and the headboard of the bed slamming into the wall and moans that were almost screams peppered with the occasional plea or whispered English and Cajun words.

All of a sudden Remy pulled free and Spencer moaned loudly at the empty feeling. It didn't last long. Hands gripped his hips and Spencer found himself being flipped over. He immediately drew his knees up under him, pushing his backside up into the air, and the hiss that Remy gave at the wanton display thrilled him. Remy gave him no quarter. There was no gentleness, just as Spencer wanted. Firm hands gripped his hips so tightly he knew they'd bruise tomorrow and there was one soft press as their bodies were lined up and then Remy gave a hard push and slammed in deep until the front of his thighs pressed against the back of Spencer's. A howl tore out of Spencer that people probably heard rooms away. He didn't care. His hands scrabbled at the blankets and he tried to move, to get Remy to move, anything but staying frozen like this!

Remy moved with sharp snaps of his hips that kept pushing Spencer down into the bed, leaving him unable to get enough leverage to get up on his hands and knees. All he could do was kneel there with his face down in the bed and sob out his pleasure as Remy fucked into him hard and fast, as he bent down over him and pressed sucking, biting kisses into his back, his spine, marking him all over. The force of their coupling moved them on the bed and Spencer's knees spread wider, bringing Remy in even deeper. A long stream of Cajun followed that Spencer didn't understand. Then a hand moved off his hip, scratching up his spine until it reached his hair, and Spencer keened loudly when it fisted into his hair and held his head down. He was turned just enough to still be able to gasp in air but there was no way he could move out from Remy's hold. One hand in his hair, one on his hip, and the solid heat of him shoving deep into him; Spencer was pinned, trapped here in the most delicious way.

The lust was like a bonfire in him now and it was burning him apart. Spencer felt it growing and growing and knew that soon he was going to come apart, the pleasure too much. The hand on his hip abruptly let go and slid around, grasping his leaking cock, and Spencer's moan echoed around the room. "Dat's it." Remy panted, his thrusts picking up speed. "Y'r so fuckin hot, so tight. Let go. Let me feel y' come."

It was as if his body had only been waiting for those words. No sooner had Remy said them than the pleasure exploded in Spencer and he was bucking into Remy's hand, screaming into the bedding as Remy shoved his face down more to muffle him. Remy rode out his orgasm, milking his cock until there was nothing left to give and Spencer was nothing more than a limp body underneath him. Only then did Remy move both hands back to Spencer's hips. His thrusts were harder, faster, lasting only moments more before he shoved in deep and gave a throaty cry of his own as his completion crested through him.

Spencer was barely coherent when Remy's weight dropped down over him. Skin pressing against skin, the both of them sweaty and panting. How long they lay there, he had no idea, but eventually their breathing evened out and their bodies cooled. He was perfectly happy and content to stay in the position he was in. The last thing he wanted was to move. Apparently that wasn't meant to be. Remy shifted off of him, sliding out and making them both moan a little bit. "I t'ink y' done dis Cajun in, cher." Remy said with a husky laugh. He was pulling his condom off, tying it off and tossing it into the garbage can before stumbling his way out of bed.

Spencer was working on getting up. Really, he was. His body was just too relaxed to want to cooperate. However, he did manage to make his throat work. "Thanks."

Chuckling, Remy walked back over to the bed, sitting down beside Spencer. In his hand he had…a washcloth? Spencer found out why a second later. Remy ran it over his stomach, cleaning up the mess there. "Y' look like a content cat, all stretched out dere." Remy teased him. He tossed the washcloth off to the side before sliding back in the bed. As Spencer started to force himself to move, thinking that he should really go and wash up properly, he found himself being abruptly pinned down on his back, Remy stretched out over him. Bright eyes smiled down at him and those sinful little lips were smirking once more. "Where do y' t'ink y'r going?" Remy purred.

"To clean up." Spencer answered. He tried to focus on what he was saying and not on the firm body that was holding him down to the bed.

Remy chuckled and dropped his head, nuzzling at Spencer's neck. "Why? Y'r just gonna get dirty again." He bit at Spencer's neck, right below his ear, sucking a mark to life and drawing a low moan from Spencer that only made Remy laugh again. He pressed a kiss over his mark and moved down, licking over still damp skin. "I told y', cher, I was gonna fuck y' hard de first time, till y' was a puddle in de bed. Den I was gonna start all over again."

Son of a bitch. Spencer let his hands weakly fall to the bed. How could he even think to protest to that?

Another chuckle sounded, just a bit huskier than before, and he felt a nip right over his Adam's apple. "Just lay back, cher, and enjoy de ride."

As another mark was brought to life on his collarbone, Spencer thought that was perfect advice, and he let himself slump down into the bed, giving himself over to the pleasure to come, his inner demons silenced for now.