Disclaimer: I do not own Kickin' It.

You're Mine Now

Kim's P.O.V

So Jack and I are now officially a couple. It's pretty cool.

Pretty cool? You were jumping around in your room for an hour last night, it's way more than just cool.

Okay, fine, I may have been really excited and all but that's what every girl does...Don't judge me!

As I walked down the hall of Seaford High, I felt someone grab my waist from behind and pull me back a bit.

"Hey babe," I greeted, tilting my head back against his chest as I looked up at his gorgeousness.

"Hey," He smiled back, leaning down and pecking my lips softly.

"So where are we going on our first date?" I asked as he linked our hand and intertwined out fingers.

"We went on our first date yesterday..." He pouted slightly.

"Uh, I don't think making out for two hours classifies as a date." I stated, raising a brow at him.

"To me it does." Jack replied, leaning over again and pressing his lips to mine.

"Okay." I mumbled against his lips, "I don't think the middle of the hall is the best place for this." He stared into my eyes as I stared back into his, both of us waiting for the other to give up.

"Fine." Jack mumbled, standing back up, causing me to smirk in victory.

We continued to walk until some girl with strawberry-blonde hair walked up to Jack with a flirty -And stupid looking- grin.

"Hey Jack," She fluttered her lashes and bit her lip making her look like a total idiot. "Wanna go out tonight?"

"No thanks Brittney, I have a girlfriend now." He responded with a slight smirk that only I seemed to have noticed as he raised our entangled hands.

Her face fell and she rose a brow my way, before rolling her eyes and walking off.


"Don't worry about it. She's a total jerk, even I can see that and I'm one of the biggest jerks in Seaford. I would never date her. Besides, I have you. And you're better than anyone." He whispered to me sweetly.

"Thanks Jack."

"No problem Kimmy." He then leaned over to me again and placed his soft lips on mine. Gosh, doesn't this boy ever get tired of this?

I kissed back for a little while, until I realized something and pulled away a bit.

"Wait. Just cause we're dating does that mean you're gonna be a goodie goodie? I still like bad boys you know." I stated, walking away right after.

He chased after me and turned me around before he started to speak, "Don't worry babe. I'm still gonna be the jerk I always was, that doesn't mean I'm gonna cheat on you though. I love you, only you, and I hope you know that."

"Yeah, I know it. And I'm glad that you're mine now." I whispered to him, pulling on the facing of his leather jacket, bringing him closer to me, then wrapping my arms around his torso in a tight hug.

"I love you too." I mumbled into his chest so quietly it was almost inaudible. Almost. He heard me.

We just stood there in the hallway, hugging for a while, as I kept my face hidden in his shirt and he played with my hair softly.

Well then, I found that super short and cute, hope you did too. So two more chapters and then...We're done. I'm gonna miss this story but it's going to make updating easier if I don't have a lot of stuff going on.

By the way, if you hadn't heard Can't Touch This (Olivia's song) then you can hear it again on oliviaholtfanz's tumblr She posted it again so go check it out before it gets deleted by Hollywood Records again!

And lastly, to Alex. Dude, if you love Leo you should let him know but in the most subtle way possible because you don't want to ruin the friendship if he doesn't feel the same. Honestly, from what you told me about him in past reviews, he seems likes a great person so he probably wouldn't let your friendship get ruined because of that. Plus, after ten years of friendship, I doubt he doesn't like you (or love you) back, especially considering how awesome you are. If everyone is saying he likes you too, give it a shot! I mean, if my bestie and I like each other than anything can happen (Considering he's the first guy to ever say he has a crush on me) (He's my GummyBear and I'm his Cinnamon Apple) (Lol ignore the awkward nicknames we have for each other). Good things can happen if you try! I'm gonna ship you guys, by the way. Aleo Forever!