This is for all of you that are Alanna and Keladry fans. In other words you are fond of Tamora Pierce's writing. This is dedicated to Lil Miss Moony who inspired me to write this. She is a writer here so go check her out! This is my own work and my disclaimer is I don't own any of these characters for they belong to Tamora Pierce. This is before Kel's Ordeal. ~Enjoy!~

Keladry and Cleon

Kel walked in to the practice courts with her glaive and sword. They were Raven Armory, which was the finest weaponry in the realm. She started to do her routine of slashes and twirls when Cleon came over.

She stopped doing her routines and smiled at him.

"My sunrise! How lovely you look today!" Cleon said warmly and kissed her warmly pulling her toward him.

She pulled back for a minute and smiled teasingly

"Don't I look lovely everyday or just today?" Kel said happily.

"Of course sunrise! You couldn't look better!" Cleon said smiling and kissed her again.

"Oh, excuse me. I didn't know I was intruding on something. I was going to get my squire but since she's busy...." A smiling Raoul said and started to turn around.

Cleon and Kel jumped apart embarrassed that Raoul caught them kissing.

" Sorry Sir. I'll go now so you can be with your squire in peace. Excuse me." Cleon said and left head down, plainly embarrassed.

"So, you and Cleon have affection for each other I see. How long has this been going on?" Raoul asked Kel.

" Well not that long. About a year or so. How did you sneak up so quietly?" Kel said amazed yet embarrassed. Raoul smiled and put his hand on Kel's shoulder.

" When you've been a knight for as long as I have you get used to being very quiet to sneak up to your enemies and stabbing them or something close to that. Come on, let's go inside and you can explain this all to me over a snack." Raoul said and with his hand on Kel's shoulder led her inside the building to eat a snack before supper.