AN: Here's an additional chapter of Not Dead Yet, as requested. Very sorry for the delay!

Annie's eyes slowly opened, and for a tiny moment, she forgot where she was. But the coldness of the metal table against her back and the black restraints pinning her down soon reminded her that she was being held prisoner in the Capitol. Her body was sore due to the cruel treatment that she had been subjected to, and the bright white lights of the laboratory gave her a piercing headache.

She had no idea what time it was, or even what day it was. All she knew was that she had been strapped to this table for almost a week. Her thoughts turned to Finnick. It had been so long since she had seen him. She didn't know if he was okay, if he was still here, or if he was even still alive. She'd do anything to feel his lips press against her own. To feel warm and safe in his strong arms. To hear him say that everything was going to be alright, and they were going to get out of here really soon.

The door of the laboratory opened. Hoping it was Finnick, Annie quickly turned her head, but was both disappointed and frightened when she saw that it was in fact President Snow. Noticing that Annie was awake, President Snow smiled maliciously.

"My dear Annie," he said quietly, slamming the steel door.

The loud thud made Annie jump. Feeling her raw cuts rub against the material of the restraints stung furiously and she let out a small yelp of pain. Snow tutted and began walking towards her.

"Such a delicate little thing you are..." he purred.

He placed his hand on Annie's head and started stroking her greasy hair, but Annie jerked her head to the side in an attempt to shake him off. Snow reluctantly removed his hand.

"Where's Finnick?" Annie's shaky voice asked, avoiding eye contact with Snow.

"Why, he was here just minutes ago."

"Finnick was here?!" Annie's eyes flooded with tears.

So he was alive! And he had been here to see her, and she had been asleep! Annie cursed herself as a tear fell sideways down her face. Snow delicately wiped it away with his thumb.

"Yes, he was here."

"Did he say anything? Is he coming back? Please, he has to come back! I need to see him!"

"I understand, Miss Cresta, but unfortunately... your feelings are not mutual."

Annie's face screwed up in confusion.

"What?" she asked.

"Mr Odair requested to be escorted back to his cell. He said he did not wish to visit you again."

"Why?!" she whispered as fresh tears escaped from her eyes. Snow gently wiped them away as he talked.

"There, there, sweetheart... don't cry. Mr Odair expressed rather a lot of... disgust... at your current state. He didn't want to take responsibility for you. He decided it would be easier to just... let you go."

Annie shook her head.

"No. You're lying!" she cried.

Snow made shushing noises, but instead of calming down, Annie became more hysterical.

Finnick wouldn't say that. He couldn't. They loved each other! They had talked about getting married and having children and starting a family of their own... every day he told her how much he loved her, every day! They had shared so many intimate moments, so many secrets, so many stories... how on earth could he just throw that all away? Annie had lost count of the amount of times Finnick had comforted her after nightmares plagued her sleep, and vice versa. She was so accustom to wearing the silver anchor necklace that he had got her for her birthday a few years ago that she could still feel it against her skin even when she took it off to wash or swim. She knew that she could trust Finnick with anything, no matter what it was. She thought their bond was made of the strongest type of love... but she was wrong. Annie didn't want to believe Snow, but something about his hushed voice and the way he wiped her tears away made her think that perhaps he was telling the truth.

"Finnick may not love you, Miss Cresta... but I'll always adore you," Snow's voice lowered even further until it became a seedy hiss. "Would you like me to show you just how much I adore you?"

Annie's eyes widened in fear and she shook her head violently.

"No, please! I just want Finnick, please, let me see Finnick!" she sobbed.

"HE DOESN'T WANT YOU!" Snow raised his voice to a shout. "Stupid girl..." he muttered.

Annie looked up at him, trembling under her restraints, wondering what he was going to do next.

"You're mine now, Annie Cresta."