Disclaimer: I do not own the characters to this story but thank Jane Austen for the inspirational source material. Also please note that some sentences are quoted directly from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen or from the 2005 movie adaption.

Feel free to send comments, criticism, grammar errors, or questions my way. This is my first time writing fanfiction so I welcome anything you have to say!

Elizabeth couldn't sleep, there was too much on her mind. First, Jane was sick. Of course this illness could have been avoided if their mother wasn't trying to secure Mr. Bingley. Can you imagine the heartlessness of a woman who would send their eldest daughter on horse back in the rain to a house three miles away in the hopes that her daughter would be forced to stay the night in the home of a suitor? Elizabeth could not only imagine this woman but loathed to admit that she was her mother.

The second of Elizabeth's troubles culminated in the insufferable Miss Bingley. The woman would not leave her alone! Obviously Miss Bingley had her sights set on attaining Mr. Darcy's attention; more like attaining his fortune and position in society Elizabeth scoffed. Miss Bingley presented a problem however since she seemed to perceive Elizabeth as a threat even though Mr. Darcy clearly hated her. Elizabeth wondered why Miss Bingley hadn't noticed his disdain which was evident through his continuous challenging of her opinions, staring at her whilst trying to illuminate her numerous faults, and insulting her. Elizabeth could still remember his words from the Meryton Assembly, "She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men". Not handsome enough to tempt you Mr. Darcy? Good thing she had no desire to tempt him as he so eloquently stated. Goodness the man was so conceited, arrogant, pig-headed…

Elizabeth stopped mentally insulting Mr. Darcy and turned her thoughts to her third and final problem that had arisen during the two days she had spent at Netherfield nursing her dear sister, Mr. Bingley. It was quite obvious that Mr. Bingley had developed feelings for Jane but the question remained, would he act on these feelings? Elizabeth hoped that their mother's horrendous visit to Netherfield earlier that day with her silly younger sisters would not impact the depth of affection Mr. Bingley held for her sweet, serene Jane. She suspected however that Miss Bingley would not look with pleasure on the match, especially given today's events, and may try to prevent it. Thus the task of thwarting Miss Bingley's interference and preventing her mother from ruining Jane's chance at love fell to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth sighed realizing sleep would elude her for a lot longer if she did not get a book. Reading always put Elizabeth's mind at ease which in turn would help her drift to sleep when her mind was too full of thoughts to rest. Unfortunately that meant she would have to go downstairs to Mr. Bingley's limited library to choose a book. Elizabeth reluctantly climbed out of bed and grabbed her dressing gown. Although her night dress was quite modest Elizabeth donned the dressing gown as well in case she should encounter anyone, but in truth who would be up at such an ungodly hour by choice Elizabeth mused. Before turning towards the stairs Elizabeth quietly entered her sister's chambers across the hall to ensure she was sleeping comfortably. Assured that Jane was indeed peacefully sleeping Elizabeth set off for the library. After quietly descending the stairs Elizabeth quickly found the entrance to Netherfield's library relieved she had not woken or met anyone during her journey. Surprisingly Elizabeth noticed that a candle had been left burning within the library, but since it conveniently brightened the room Elizabeth decided she would blow it out after she completed her quest for a book.

Running her fingers along the spines Elizabeth recognized that while she might enjoy a novel or book of philosophy she knew that scripture, being relatively dry, would bring about slumber much quicker. Randomly choosing a book of scripture from the shelves Elizabeth turned around and almost lost her footing in fear. Illuminated by the light of the candle stood Mr. Darcy whose presence had gone unnoticed and who had frightened Elizabeth when she turned around.

"Mr. Darcy", Elizabeth said dismissively with a quick bow of her head as she made her way to exit the library.

Elizabeth was rattled. Not only did she just experience quite the scare but she was very discomforted by Mr. Darcy's stare and lack of greeting as she strode past him towards the door. Slowly letting go of the breath she unknowingly held, Elizabeth was shocked once again when Mr. Darcy grabbed her wrist to stop her departure. Turning around warily Elizabeth saw Mr. Darcy take two steps towards her as he released her wrist to wrap his arm around her waist instead. Elizabeth forgot the book she was holding and dropped it to the floor as Mr. Darcy pulled her against his body. Now completely overwhelmed by the intimate position in which she found herself Elizabeth struggled to reprimand Mr. Darcy let alone form coherent sentences. When Mr. Darcy's eyes locked on her lips and his face started leaning towards hers Elizabeth slightly regained her senses.

"What…" was all Elizabeth was capable of saying before Mr. Darcy claimed her lips. Although aware that she should protest again Elizabeth was quickly distracted. She forgot about the impropriety of the act, she forgot about her intense dislike of the man, and even forgot where she was. All of Elizabeth's focus was now on the kiss and the feelings it had awakened within her body. Mr. Darcy's left arm around her waist and right hand that seemed to be caressing her cheek only added to Elizabeth's upheaval. As Mr. Darcy's tongue brushed against her lips Elizabeth moaned and instinctively opened her mouth to allow his tongue entry. Wrapping her arms around his neck Elizabeth continued to feel lost in the sensations the kiss was eliciting. Thinking she never wanted this bliss to end she was suddenly brought back to reality when Mr. Darcy's right hand left her cheek and brushed her breast. With all the force she could muster - even though her senses were still burning under his touch - Elizabeth pushed Mr. Darcy away from her. Elizabeth watched as Mr. Darcy stumbled backwards looking confused and surprisingly a little hurt.

"Do not touch me again!" Elizabeth practically yelled as she enunciated each word seething with the anger that now encompassed her body replacing the previous sensual desire.

Picking up the discarded book Elizabeth ran out of the Netherfield library and towards her chambers no longer concerned with how much noise she was making. Quickly she closed the door to her room and turned to stare into the darkness. The entire encounter replayed in her mind. Ashamed at her lack of control Elizabeth realized she had been thoroughly compromised by a man she detested. Tomorrow she would confront him. Tomorrow she would demand their kiss be kept a secret and tell him that despite being compromised she would not marry him out of obligation since she refused to attach herself to someone so abominable.