Two months had passed since the Companions had spoken their wedding vows in Mara's Temple. Kjirsten remembered it fondly – so many of their friends had been there. Even Brynjolf and Karliah made an appearance sans guild armor, hanging in the shadows at the back and sneaking out before anyone noticed them, but it had pleased her nonetheless.

Shading her eyes against the bright afternoon sun Kjirsten passed around cool bottles of ale to all the men and women who volunteered their help in completing their new house. Situated on a hill on the border between Whiterun and the Pale, the two-story manor made a striking statement on the quiet plains. Sauntering to her husband in the shade of a large tree, Kjirsten handed him a drink before sitting beside him with a smile.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Farkas took her hand and nodded. They sat in the coolness, listening to their fellow Companions laughing together on their homestead, and Kjirsten finally felt like she'd come home. She unwrapped some bread and dried venison from her dress pocket and passed them to her husband. "Well, I should probably make arrangements with Lydia to help me furnish the new house as soon as possible."

Farkas took a quick pull of his drink before replying. "No need. Vilkas and I can build most of the furniture ourselves."

Kjirsten nodded thoughtfully. "Good, then we'll just worry about purchasing the detail pieces. Oh," she remarked casually, "don't forget to leave room upstairs for a children's room." The man beside her paused halfway through his responding nod and turned to look at his wife, eyebrows drawn in confusion as he processed her words.

"Do you mean…you're with child?" Kjirsten smiled brightly. "My child?! I'm gonna be a father!" She laughed uproariously at her husband's reaction, squealing in surprise when he suddenly lifted her up and swung her around in a small circle. Their friends turned to the couple curiously and Farkas yelled proudly over her head, "I'm gonna be a father!"

Cheers and congratulations enthusiastically met them and Farkas invited them all to the Bannered Mare to celebrate. Everyone gathered their scattered belongings and walked back to Whiterun happily. Farkas took his wife's hand tenderly gazing at the beautiful woman in awe. His Kjirsten, the Dragonborn, was actually carrying his child! There were no words to accurately express his feelings.

Kjirsten returned his gaze, her insides practically boiling at the adoring stare of her hulking husband. If someone had told her a year ago that she would be the Dragonborn of legend and married to one of the Companions with a child on the way she'd have laughed them out of Tamriel. A year ago she'd been destined for the chopping block for daring to return home to Skyrim in the middle of a civil war, only to be saved by Alduin, the World-Eater. Kjirsten smiled wickedly causing her husband to furrow his brows in confusion once more.


The blonde flicked her other hand dismissively. "Oh, just thinking that if Alduin were still alive I would send him a thank you letter or a birth announcement!" Even though it wasn't very funny, it was hilarious to Kjirsten who couldn't contain her giggles. Farkas snorted good-naturedly at the mental image her words conjured in his mind, but he admitted that his wife spoke the truth. If it hadn't been for Alduin they would never have met, since she wouldn't have been made Thane of Whiterun. The very idea sent icy shivers through his body and he quickly embraced his wife.

Kjirsten practically purred when his strong arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling her flush against him in the middle of the road. Propriety be damned. She heard his heart pounding faster than normal and wondered what had him so upset, but focused on soothing her gentle giant. Running her fingers languidly up and down his back until his heart calmed down and he lowered his head for a hard kiss.

Farkas drank in the pleasant surprise in her blue eyes when he pulled back. "Never thought I would say this, but thank the Nine for the World-Eater!" Understanding dawned on her face, her features softening in response to his heartfelt sincerity, and she cradled his stubbly jaw with her small hand.

"Yes, and thank Mara for you." Farkas smiled tenderly at her – the warm smile that relaxed his whole face, which he reserved for her alone. She tugged gently on his hand, "Come on, we should catch up with everyone else." Kjirsten squealed again when he reached under her bum and scooped her effortlessly into his arms, picking up the pace with his longer strides, and carried her all the way to the city gates. The blonde was thankful the city guards wore full-face helmets so she wasn't able to see their knowing smirks, but she still felt them when they addressed the couple at the gate.

By the time they reached the Bannered Mare the evening shenanigans were in full swing, but everyone paused when Farkas threw open the door with a massive smile and a blushing Dragonborn in tow. "I'm gonna be a father!" His announcement nearly brought down the house as the city celebrated with the newlyweds. Farkas tossed Hulda a heavy purse of coin telling her that drinks were on him that night, but she informed him the first round was on the Mare. Once the moons were high in the sky and most of Whiterun was completely inebriated, Farkas carried his now sleeping wife in his arms while Lydia rushed ahead to get the door to Breezehome. Nodding his thanks to their huscarl the Companion gingerly carted her up the ladder to their bedroom and laid her down. Easing himself beside her he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her golden hair.

He let go at last. Shoulders shaking with repressed emotion his silent tears rolled down his cheeks, some of them even falling onto Kjirsten's neck, as he cried tears of joy, hope, and happiness. Marriage didn't feel like he thought it would – for him it came as easily as breathing when he'd been so certain that part of him would probably feel confined. Of course, even expecting the confinement, not marrying Kjirsten had never been an option. But this – this freedom to be himself and be accepted, to have a partner through all of life's battles and not just a Shield-Sister…that meant more to him than he could ever hope to express. And now he found out he was going to be a father. A son or daughter, he didn't care, to call him Papa and teach how to fish and fight.

"Thank you," Farkas whispered roughly in her hair.

"You're welcome," Kjirsten rolled over then and cupped his face, "though I should be thanking you. I wouldn't be pregnant without your help." She kissed his lips one more time before snuggling happily into his chest mumbling goodnight and quickly descending into sleep again. Farkas brushed his lips across her forehead and relaxed his aching muscles so he could finally sleep and dream about what life had in store for the Companion and the Dragonborn.

A/N: Well, that's all folks! Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for the sugar coated ending, but for some reason with these two I couldn't help it! Leave reviews and be sure to check out my other works. See ya on the next one!