"Land ho! Close up those sails! Ease her in, lads!"

Captain Ryan Harrison shouted orders as the Castello glided atop the sea towards the solid mass of land before them. Walking to the starboard side of the brig, Harrison could see the majestic castle standing atop the small island in the fjord.

Arendelle always had been a pleasing sight. More so when it wasn't covered in ice. Harrison hadn't been present for what people were now calling "The Great Freeze" (A rather unimaginative title, in his opinion), but he could picture it well enough from the descriptions he had heard.

A few minutes later, the Castello reached the port. Crewhands anchored the small ship while Harrison lept over the railing to the dock, where two men stood waiting.

"Greetings. Name and Business in Arendelle?" One of them said curtly.

"Captain Ryan Harrison, hailing from Denmark." Harrison responded. "Delivering supplies and news from Dezertis."

"What sort of news?"

"The kind you wouldn't believe." A wry smile formed on his lips as he took out an envelope. "There's been some kind of natural calamity. In the middle of summer, in a desert region, the air began to freeze and snow fell like rain."

He expected surprise from these words, of course, but not the utter shock in the guards' faces.

"…everything all right?"

"Y-yes. Thank you for the information." A guard responded. He took the letter, read it over twice, and scurried away.

Harrison frowned. He had expected some level of shock, to be sure, but the reaction he just witnessed seemed much more…personal. Almost like recognition.

Shrugging, he returned to his vessel to help unload the crafting equipment. Wasn't his fault some people handled news poorly.


"And you've told no one else?"

"No, Prince Hans. Just as you asked."

"Good." Hans nodded once. "Tell no one of these news. To do so would cause a panic. People would begin to believe her majesty has malicious desires, which I do not believe is the case."

"Uh…alright then. Sir." The guard added quickly, walking away briskly.

A crease appeared in Hans' forehead as his thoughts swirled. There was no mistake about it. The Queen was in Dezertis. The timing of this event fell perfectly into place with her absence, not to mention there was no other explanation for such a fantastical event. The only aspect he felt uncertain about was how on earth she managed to get that far away from Arendelle so quickly.

Trivial. He thought dismissively. What mattered now was his containment of these news. Matters would have to be taken into his own hands.

"I assume you've heard?"

James' slick voice reached his ears. Dropping his mask of princely affection, he turned to face the Coucil member.

"Of course."

"Then you know we must move quickly."

"You worry about keeping the matter under close wraps. I will deal with Anna."

"She is certain to find out sometime soon. Very soon. How will you prevent her from running off to find her and bringing her-"

James stopped, considering his own words. "Actually…why don't we allow her to do that? Attempt to bring back the Queen? She'll most certainly fail, leaving the crown at your dispense and no need for underhanded actions."

It was an option Hans had considered. But Anna had proved herself obnoxiously unpredictable. Hans could not find the same skepticism James displayed concerning her ability.

"It's not enough. She could alert other countries of Elsa's powers, to which they'll most certainly recognize her hand in this Dezertis blizzard. That and, though she faces impossible odds, I cannot entirely doubt her tenacity. She may very well bring her back."

James snorted. "How exactly-"

"I don't care how." Hans interrupted. "I care that it's possible. And I won't accept that. Besides, I have a better plan."

Hans extended his hand. "Do you have it?"

James looked ready to argue, but relented, handing over a single scroll.

Hans put it away swiftly. "We move now."

The councilman looked shocked for the first time. "Now?! But, we-"

"No arguments, Councilor. Ready your men. Keep everything quiet."

"…very well."

James hurried off, leaving Hans alone with his scroll.

He took a rare moment to calm his beating heart. It was difficult not to be nervous. But he steeled himself nonetheless. He had calculated every outcome, analyzed any potential failures. Failsafes had been devised. Everything had been rehearsed. Yet even the greatest actor can feel hesitant before his final show.

What would Father think? And his brothers? Shock? Most likely. Pride? Not so much. Jealousy?

Without doubt.

And that was all he cared about. To see the smug grins of those twelve cursed faces suddenly warp into anger and outrage was worth anything.

No hesitation. No mercy.

With that confidence in his heart, he marched back into the castle.


"This is stupid."

And yet you're still walking with me.

"This is completely stupid.

Oh, shut up.

Kristoff would have sent back a bitter retort, but the fact that his stomach was queasier than that of a seasick drunkard was dulling his otherwise sharp wit.

Sven had somehow convinced him to ask Anna out for a night sleigh ride. It was beautiful weather, and the coolness up on the mountain would be perfect to beat the heat. And as luck would have it, there was to be a full moon tonight.

It was, in all honesty, going to be quite romantic. But there lied the problem.

"You realize I can't go back from this? She'll know I mean for it to be romantic…"

Two weeks ago you would've point-blank refused to even utter the R-word. Sven noted. And this is what it's about, my friend. No relationship gets off the ground without taking a few risks.

Kristoff heaved a nervous breath. He never looked this jittery before, not ever. Wolves, ice ventures, dangerous climbs, he'd never bat an eye. But asking a girl on a date? It was like he was standing in the midst of an earthquake.

He had no idea when it had become apparent that he was…interested in Anna. It had just kind of happened. He was happier when he was around her. He enjoyed teasing her, just as much as he enjoyed her teasing him. She seemed so headstrong. Like nothing would faze her. From the viewpoint of an ice harvester/mountain man, a woman who feared nothing was rather attractive.

There was also the little fact that Anna was drop-dead beautiful. What Kristoff had once considered a cute, rather freckly face, he now saw a magnetic, stunning portrait of a face. Maybe those paintings in the castle had affected him.

Kristoff's rather flattering thoughts forced another sigh. Of course I say all this now. In my head. And then I'll actually see her and realize I've completely forgotten everything I meant to say…

Sven snorted suddenly. Kristoff looked up to see, much to his shock (or was it joy? Hard to tell with the spike in his heartbeat…) that they had arrived at the castle.

The enormity of Anna's home managed to remind Kristoff of a few things. Anna was, however much she didn't fit the part, a Princess.

An engaged Princess.

Like ice breaking beneath his feet, sending him into chilling water, Kristoff realized that Anna, in fact, already had a fiancé.

"D'aaaaaAH!" Kristoff shouted, wheeling around. How could he have forgotten?!

No time to get cold feet pal.

"Sven, Anna's already marrying someone else! I can't do this, I can't just-"

You didn't have a problem with it before!

"That's because we were just…spending time together!" Kristoff objected. "She already has Hans…"

Hans, shmans. I've seen the way Anna looks at you. What you guys have is real. All you have to do is take the first step.

Kristoff murmured something at this. Sven heard something akin to: "If you're wrong I'll feed you to something".

Kristoff, you can do this. She likes you. She really does. You don't need to rush anything, just ask her on the date. It'll go from there.

Kristoff's eyes finally met Sven's, and to the latter's elation; they showed a spark of confidence and excitement.

"All right, fine."

Sven nickered happily as his blonde friend took a step towards the castle.


The familiar voice was as welcome to Sven's ears as a roasted pig at a vegan feast.

Turning with as much callousness as he could muster, Sven looked at the sideburned individual walking towards them.

"Hans." Kristoff said. Not so much in greeting, but in observation.

Hans smiled and nodded at him. "Glad I caught you. Princess Anna wanted me to show you something."

Kristoff twisted his hat in his hands unconsciously. "What?"

Hans smiled more broadly and held out his arm towards the stables beside the castle. From it, two guards rolled out one of the most beautiful and terrible sights Sven had ever seen in his life.

It was a sleek, hand-carved sleigh. It's runners looked like they could carve through pavement as well as they could snow. The paint was fresh and magnificent. It practically screamed perfection. It even had attachable wheels! Despite the situation, Sven couldn't help but ogle at it.

Kristoff appeared to be the same, his mouth parting slightly at the sight of the magnificent creation.

"I believe you were owed a sled?" Hans said, still wearing a smile.

Kristoff took a moment to nod once.

"Excellent. I hope this'll do. Anna wanted to make sure you were paid back in full before turning the attention to our wedding."

A million questions tore through Sven in the span of a millisecond.

Wedding?! Anna?! Already?!

Sven turned quickly to look at Kristoff. Where there was once hope and belief on his face, he now looked like the world simply didn't exist.

"…Married." He whispered in a monotone statement.

Hans' friendly grin faltered. "Er…yes. Did she not tell you? We decided on a date…"

Kristoff's silence was clear.

"…Right. I'm sorry about that. I suppose she wanted to surprise you. And I may have spoiled it…" Hans continued, looking much more subdued. "But yes, she wanted to make sure you were taken care of."

Sven's eyes flew from Kristoff to Hans. This couldn't have been happening…the timing was too perfect!

Too perfect…just like Mr. Goody-Two-Sideburns over there! He thought angrily.

Kristoff, this guy's full of-

"Fine. Let's go, Sven."

The stony words hit Sven, most appropriately, like rocks. He whirled his snout in shock towards the speaker.


The blonde mountain man did not heed him, instead walking towards the sleigh and hitching it up with machine-like efficiency.

Kristoff, what are you thinking!? He's lying! He has to be!

"Thank you for the sleigh…Prince Hans." Kristoff muttered to the ginger calamity himself.

Hans nodded, a sad smile on his face. "Don't thank me. Thank Anna. I'm sure she'd like to see you before-"

"No. Sorry. Work to do. Apologize to her for me." Kristoff interrupted, grabbing the reins and proceeding to hitch up Sven.

The reindeer was having none of it, baring his teeth at Kristoff and Hans.

If you think I'm just gonna let you hook me up and drag your sorry, disbelieving ass out of here-!

"Get. In. The harness."

Kristoff's snarl was like the final blow to Sven's failing integrity. The sheer anger directed at him from his best friend was one he had not heard before. Ever.

And so Sven fell silent, lost in confusion, wondering how and why his best friend had to be brought so close to happiness…only for it to be stolen away.

As the last hook clicked into place, Sven stared as hatefully as he could at Hans. The man did not look at him.

You smug bastard…

Kristoff attached the wheels onto the side of the sleigh. Without a word, he climbed into the drivers seat and snapped the reins.

"Let's go."

Hans nodded in respect. "Thanks for all you've done for Anna. I'll tell her why you left."


Hans' eyebrows raised at Kristoff's response, but nodded once more, remaining silent. Sven shot one last glare at the Prince before Kristoff snapped the reins again.

With heavier footsteps than he ever thought possible, Sven pulled the magnificent, accursed sled and his magnificent, heartbroken friend out of the kingdom and into the solitude of the mountains.


A loud squelch rang out amongst the rain.


Elsa grimaced as she looked at her leg, now submerged in mud from the calf down. It seemed that the torrential downpour finally did enough of a number on the ground to make it try to eat her leg.

A laugh reached her ears. She looked up to see a grinning Ignus walk up to her, no doubt chortling at her predicament. His hood was back up, but Elsa couldn't blame him for it, what with the downpour. She herself had donned one to combat the weather.

"Whuh-oh." She heard him say. He had to speak up a bit over the sound of the rain.

Elsa rolled her eyes, smirking despite herself, and doubled her efforts to pull out her leg.

"God, I'm losing this shoe, aren't I?" She bemoaned, helpless against the earth's firm grip.

Ignus grimaced. "Probably. Need a hand?"

Elsa nodded pitifully. Ignus walked behind her and put his hands under her arms.

"One…two…" Ignus counted before heaving upwards quickly.


The most disgusting sound Elsa had ever heard was easily audible over the rain. Her foot popped from its temporary prison, and unfortunately, it was indeed unable to hold on to her boot.

Elsa groaned, staring at her filthy sock. She heard a stifled chuckle behind her.

"Oh, quiet." She chided to a clearly amused Ignus. "It's your fault for making us walk in the rain like this."

"And who exactly was in such a rush to get back to seeing the world? But I will apologize for the roads." Ignus answered. "I knew they'd get gross, but not leg-eating gross."

A silence passed as Elsa laughed lightly. Ignus then gestured towards the trees.

"Might as well find shelter. No sense in you catching a cold while trailing through this mess."

"Me catching a cold? Do you hear yourself? You're the one who should worry about getting sick." Elsa responded smartly.

"I haven't gotten sick in years. Rysiir says my magic burns away the harmful bacteria."

Elsa found this hard to believe, but…well, no, actually she didn't. Meeting a large, transcendent dragon will do that to a person.

"If that's the case, I too should be immune to the sickness. I've never so much as coughed in my life." Elsa responded dryly. "You won't one-up me on this one, Sir Spice."

Ignus ignored the humiliating chide and huffed.

"Perhaps we can continue this pointless contest out of the rain?"

"Lovely idea."

Ignus moved away from her towards the trees. It was only then that Elsa realized she had been leaning against him for the entirety of that conversation.

Fighting a blush, she walked after him to the refuge the canopy brought.


A short while later, with a freshly-conjured boot, Elsa sat across from Ignus next to a hearty fire. She had created a sheet of ice above them to block what little rain snuck through the trees.

"You're getting very good." Ignus noted, gesturing at her work.

Elsa smiled at the compliment. "Thank you. It's nice to finally exert some control."

"…just nice?"

"Alright, it's really, really, really nice." Elsa admitted, grinning a bit. "And it's happening so naturally now. I thought it'd have taken years…days upon days of concentration and withdrawal."

She smiled at Ignus. "And all it took was a strange, exploding man."

"I am hardly to blame for your success." Ignus responded, beating off an involuntary grin. "You've just had so much else on your mind besides ice powers."

"Indeed. The dragon did occupy my mind for a while."

Ignus chuckled at that.

"How do you like the knife, by the way?"

Elsa perked at this. Not knowing how to answer, she pulled out the ornate object he was referring to.

Before they had bid Rysiir goodbye, he had given them both gifts. Ignus had received a large number of herbs and leaves (which he explained were for medicinal purposes), while Elsa had received an exquisitely crafted dagger. Its hilt was dark and smooth, like obsidian, and it fit very well in her hand. The blade had one edge (something Elsa was not used to seeing), and was silver as moonlight. On it was engraved what appeared to be shapes and symbols akin to Celtic artwork. It was truly stunning.

Elsa never really pictured herself ogling over a knife. But this was so much more than a knife. It looked more precious than any jewel or decoration. She had barely taken it out of its sheath for fear of somehow staining its beauty.

"I…enjoy looking at it." Elsa answered, a bit shyly.

Ignus' eyes pierced her. She couldn't see his eyebrows under his hood, but his smirk was enough to tell her that he had raised one of them in skepticism.

"I wasn't expecting a knife, that's all. I mean, what do I do with it aside from look at it? You're the survivalist, you should have received this and I the herbs…actually you should have received both. I could have gotten a nice pillow or something…"

"Perhaps he wants you to learn how to use it?"

Elsa frowned. "I have a hard enough time with injuring people unarmed. I hardly think I'm qualified to wield a weapon."

"I never said weapon, Els. I said-"


Elsa's interruption brought Ignus up short. His eyes widened a bit in embarrassment.

"…I mean, Elsa. Elsa." He muttered sheepishly.

Despite enjoying the rare pleasure of seeing Ignus flustered, Elsa decided to allay his worries.

"It's alright. I'm just not used to anyone calling me anything other than Elsa. And sometimes Elsie. I don't mind 'Els'."

Ignus put a hand on the back of his neck awkwardly.

"As long as you're okay with it. Sometimes I still forget I'm addressing royalty…"

"I'd rather you forget entirely." Elsa remarked. "You know that."

"You're going to be a Queen again at some point. Probably not a good idea to forget how to be one."

Whether or not Ignus had meant this to be sobering, it certainly had that effect on Elsa. She stared back into the fire, wrapping her arms around her knees.

At some point, yes. She'd have to face everything. Anna, the servants, her people…her powers.

But not quite yet.

"It's not something you forget." Elsa remarked, smirking. "I'll be ready to go back."

Ignus sat still for a moment, then shrugged in agreement.

"As I was saying, you don't have to use that knife as a weapon. It's just as good for hunting, skinning, whittling…knives are useful, Elsa. Never hurts to have one while in the wild."

Elsa acknowledged this, though the idea of skinning an animal wasn't a whole lot lower on her "things that make me uncomfortable" list. Experimentally, and a bit thoughtlessly, she swung the knife through the air a bit and rolled it around in her fingers.

Or at least tried to.


A surprised gasp escaped Elsa as she accidentally nicked her middle finger in her careless twirling of the knife. Her finger began to bleed.

Before Elsa even had time to say "That was really dumb", she felt a warm hand over hers. Ignus' palm warmed rapidly and began to glow as Elsa realized what he was doing.

"I forgot you could do that." Elsa noted.

Ignus acknowledged this with a small smile, but concentrated on her hand. After a second he moved away and Elsa looked at her hand, a shiny white line covering what used to be a nasty cut.

Elsa grimaced.

"Certainly not the most dignified way to earn a scar…"

Ignus sighed in exasperation, pulling down his hood and revealing a bemused expression on his tired face.

"I'm almost certain I did not mention 'flipping it around' as a useful function…"

"I wasn't thinking." Elsa muttered in embarrassment.

Ignus smirked again, then sighed. "Well, I am. I'm thinking about how we need some food." He then stood up. "Shouldn't be too hard to find a rabbit or deer…"

"You don't have to do it alone." Elsa interrupted, also standing. "I'll help."

Ignus stared at her for a moment, but then nodded. "Alright. Follow me. I'll go slow, but if you fall behind, call me. I'd rather lose the prey than lose you in these woods."

Throwing back up his hood, Ignus walked out of the shelter of the canopy, Elsa right behind him.

About ten minutes of silent traversal passed, Elsa doing her best to imitate Ignus' silent and careful stalking. He could practically float, the way he was moving…

They walked through the trees and over a few rocks, Elsa occasionally using her powers to create platforms for herself to walk on. Ignus had no trouble climbing anything they came across, and frequently looked behind him to make sure Elsa was keeping pace.

Finally, Ignus motioned for her to crouch low, which she did. He moved closer to her and pointed out towards a doe about twenty feet ahead of them, head bent low to the ground as it ate.

Ignus looked at Elsa, his red eyes gleaming with predatory intent.

"Wait here."

Elsa nodded, adjusting herself to stay in place. Ignus turned and drew a knife from his belt. It wasn't nearly as beautifully crafted as Elsa's, but it looked just as deadly.

Ignus took a step forward towards the doe. His footsteps, if audible at all, were hidden by the sound of the rain.

Another few steps and Elsa felt a pang of anxiety in her chest. It was nerve-wracking to see that amount of concentration in Ignus' every movement. To say nothing about the fact that she was about to witness a kill.

Her thoughts ceased as the doe quickly shot it's head up. Without a moment's hesitation, Ignus sprung from his crouched position with frightening speed and buried the knife deep into the side of the doe.

The poor animal made a pained cry as it fell to the ground. The rain pounded at the trees as Ignus pulled the knife free, a splatter of blood pouring from the wound.

Short of breath, Elsa felt her hands shake as Ignus made sure the animal's suffering had ended. Her heart rate was going berserk, yet surprisingly not because she just saw an animal be killed. If anything, she felt a surge of amazement at Ignus' abilities.

This new lifestyle is getting to me

She broke out of her thoughts as Ignus motioned for her to come closer. Tentatively, Elsa approached the corpse of the doe.

Ignus wiped his knife on a cloth, cleaning the blood from it. "Pierced it's heart. One strike, little pain. That's how you want to try to do it."

Elsa nodded, not realizing this was meant to be a lesson. "R-right…"

Ignus noticed her stammer. "This is how it is out here, Elsa. I can't sugarcoat this reality, much as I'd like to."

"It's alright. I'll get used to it." Elsa responded. "It's just the first time I've seen something…die."

Ignus didn't react at first, then his face darkened considerably, which startled Elsa.

"What is it?"

"I just…wish I wasn't the first person to show you death."

"You weren't." Elsa stated at once. "I may not have seen death, but I know death. I've experienced the feeling when a life is ended. Have you forgotten about my parents?"

She had no idea where the strength in her voice was coming from, but Ignus obviously noticed it.

"Of course not."

"Then don't blame yourself. Like you said, I am not that weak-willed."

Ignus remained still for a moment. Then his face softened into a small smile.


Elsa's heartbeat was already moving quite quickly, so the sudden spike in it wasn't entirely welcome.

"Then it's your turn, Ms. Reide." Ignus spoke again, using Rysiir's title for her, which he had begin to favor as yet another nickname for her.

Elsa blanched, feeling all her prior confidence cave in. "Excuse me?"

Ignus pulled back his hood, exposing his raised eyebrow. "You heard me. Your turn. You've proven before that you can pick up things quite quickly-"

"That was catching a fish! This is stalking and killing a wild animal!"

"You just described the same thing twice." Ignus said simply. "This animal simply moves faster and doesn't swim. No better way to learn than by doing." Ignus stated lightly, in direct contrast to the context of the conversation.

Elsa gave him an irritated look. "What exactly am I supposed to do? You have to at least teach me a few tricks! I don't have ten years worth of dragon magic in my head!"

"The last thing I want to do is teach you to be like me, Elsa." Ignus responded seriously. "I want you to do this on your own. You won't be alone, just independent."

Elsa made a sound like "tchah!"

"In any case, be creative." Ignus continued, ignoring her noise. "You used your powers to catch a fish. Try using them to hunt."

"Ice can't help me find anything." Elsa argued, not relinquishing her recently-born crankiness. "I can't create a spear and hope an animal will come close enough to use it. You could at least help me in that respect!"


"Insufferable…" Elsa ground her teeth. "Then I'll just create a magical deer-finder out of thin air, shall I?!"

"No need to get so angry." Ignus said, feigning hurt.

"You're making me angry!"

"Can't help it. Your face looks nice when it's emotional."

"I'll wager your face looks nice with frostbite…" Elsa growled.

Ignus grinned, his red eyes flickering with glee.

Sighing both at Ignus' behavior and her begrudging enjoyment of it, Elsa turned away. They might as well head back to camp, because there was no way she could find any prey in this weather.

Oh, oh! Use me!

A familiar voice reached Elsa's ears suddenly. Her eyes widened as she stared around.

Anna's voice again! She realized.

I'm not Anna! It's me! The snow-wolf you met in your dream…thing!

The strange creation had returned? But…where was it? She? Whatever?

Still in your head, boopsy! Try creating me and I'll give you a hand!

"What do you mean?" Elsa asked, accidentally speaking out loud.

"What?" Ignus asked, confused.

"E-er, nothing. Sorry. Thinking to myself." Elsa hurriedly explained, mentally berating herself. With added caution, she spoke again in her mind.

You are that snow-creation? How are you speaking to me?

Because I'm a part of you! Well, kinda…wait, no, yeah! I am a part of you! And I can help you hunt!

What? How?

Uh…wolf? Durr?

Elsa's face twitched at the wolf's attitude.

Look, um…I'm not sure I'm comfortable making another…snow-man? Woman? You know what I mean. She communicated to the Anna-Wolf.

Do I sound like a man?

No, but…look, I don't know anything about you. What if something happens when I create you? I can't fully control my powers yet…and I mean this is creating life we're considering! It seems a bit too cosmic for me to simply decide to do!

Oh. Came the Anna-wolf's subdued reply. W-well, yeah! Of course! I'd never want you to be uncomfortable…and yeah life is pretty cosmic. I'll stay up here, then.

The tone made Elsa's eyes widen. It was one she recognized. One she had heard for years and years.

"Elsa, please come out! The fjord totally froze over! And no one else knows how to skate like you do!"

"Not now, Anna."

"But it's gonna thaw soon and-!"

"Anna, please…leave me alone."

"…A-alright…fine…If it makes you that unhappy I won't ask."

Her mouth widened slightly.

"Elsa, Gerda made cookies! They're TRIPLE chocolate! How the heck can you even do that?! Y'know what, don't care! Want some?"



"Slide them under the door."

"Oh, uh…I was hoping we could eat them together…"




"They-they're good, right?"



Her hands began moving before her thoughts could.

Ice swirled around her body and hands like a strong wind, circling around a spot on the ground in front of her.

As Ignus made a startled exclamation, Elsa's mind remembered Anna. How she had waited so long, for so many years. How she hadn't given up. And how Elsa herself had squandered that trust.

How in the world could she say no to that voice any longer?

Snow appeared before her, manifesting into the familiar form of a luminescent and beautiful she-wolf, with white fur and startlingly blue eyes. With a final flash, the snow around it disappeared, leaving the wolf to shake it's fur and gaze at its creator.

Elsa simply stared at it, not entirely certain what to say.

I felt bad about mistreating my sister so I created you to make me feel better. Nice to meet you!

Not exactly an appealing introduction.

Yet no introduction was necessary, apparently, as the wolf immediately launched itself at Elsa and nuzzled her affectionately.

Thanks! Thank you so much! I'm sorry, I hope I'm not freaking you out too much, it's just…wow, I'm so happy to be able to really meet you!

Elsa stared at the wolf in amazement. "It's…it's fine. I'm sorry for not listening to you at first. It was wrong of me to-"

Bah-bah-bah-bah! None of that!Anna-Wolf interjected. It's all okay.

Elsa laughed in exhaustion. This wolf claimed not to be Anna, but she certainly had her energy.


Ignus' uncertain voice interrupted the exchange. Both Elsa and the Anna-Wolf turned to look at him.

"So…um…Ice wolf?" He said awkwardly.

"Sorry about that…" Elsa muttered, suddenly embarrassed. "Um…yes. Ice wolf."

There was a palpable silence as both parties tried desperately to think of something to say.

"You know that giant snow monster you saw when you first entered my castle?" Elsa said quickly, picking up the slack.

"Uh…yes. It tried to eat me."

"R-right. Well…apparently my…emotions? Feelings? I'm not entirely sure but I can sort of manifest them into snow…men. And women. And wolf."

"So…you put a little part of yourself into each of your creations?"

"Yes!" Elsa confirmed, glad to have the proper words for it. "And this creation is manifesting how much I care about Anna."

She relaxed as comprehension dawned on Ignus. He smirked as took a step around the wolf, almost like he was inspecting it. "That's amazing. And it's a beautiful wolf."

Oooooooh, I'm blushing. Geez, I am blushing. Came the wolf's voice into Elsa's mind. Why didn't you ever tell me he looked this handsome?!

The adjective hit her like a brick.

I never did! Elsa claimed in defense. Besides I figured you were able to, I don't know, see what I see or something…

I'm not THAT much of a privacy invader, Elsa.

Not that much? You hijacked my consciousness and made me naked!

Well, when you put it like that

"…Are you two talking?"

Elsa whirled her head back to the very confused-looking Ignus. "What?"

"Can you talk to it? Her?"

Her. Tell him it's her, for god's sake.

"It's a her. I think." Elsa muttered the last part quietly to herself. "And yes, I can communicate with her. It's…strange, I know, but-"

"Seen stranger." Ignus assured her with a smirk.

"Right." Elsa relaxed a bit, seeing that Ignus wasn't looking at her like she was a loon.

Wow…it's way different seeing his eyes in person…they're so intense…

The wolf's increasingly soft voice made Elsa raise an eyebrow.

If I didn't know better, I'd say you were infatuated with my friend here.

Hey, I'm only following the leader, here! Not like I have much of a choice, being LITERALLY A PART OF YOUR MIND.

Her words sank in. Elsa felt her heart skip a beat, but managed to keep her face straight.

It's not like that.

Not yet, at least…

Stop it! I have no interest in any of…that.

The wolf made an audible snort.

So you'd just run off to see the world with any man that comes along and says hello?

I followed Ignus because he had powers! We just…had a connection! I felt like I could talk to him, like he understood me. I don't just have some child-like crush on him!

'Don't just'?

Elsa realized this wasn't really helping her case. But to her surprise the wolf seemed to back off.

Fair enough! You've convinced me.

Elsa had less than a second to relax before the snow-wolf made a sudden movement towards Ignus, who immediately backed up on instinct. The wolf jumped onto its hind legs and began to mercilessly and affectionately lick Ignus' face.

Elsa felt every muscle in her face strain as she fought the urge to grimace.

"Agh! Well, you're friendly…!" Ignus managed, looking overwhelmed, but smiling nonetheless.

"That's. Enough. Wolf." Elsa growled through gritted teeth.

The snow-wolf gave Elsa a look, and then gave Ignus one final lick before stepping back and padding in an almost regal fashion back to Elsa's side.

Ignus laughed lightly once more, wiping his face with his sleeve.

"Ech…beslobbered…anyways, you're not really naming her "Wolf" are you? That'd be a bit cruel."

Elsa snapped out of her questionably created funk. "Of course not! I just haven't thought of a good name…"

"Perhaps 'Face-melter'." Ignus joked, wiping off the last bit of the wolf's handiwork from his face. "Didn't even think an ice-wolf could salivate."

"I think it's just water."

"Oh. Neat." Ignus grinned.

Elsa smiled curiously at his excitement. "You're being unusually giggly…"

"I like animals." Ignus said simply, and with just a hint of embarrassment. "Never had any pets, but always wanted a dog."

Oh, you've GOT one, sweetheart…

Could you not!? Elsa berated. I'm getting mental images! Bad ones!

So make me into a woman, then! A shapely, curvaceous ice-woman!The wolf replied scandalously. It really was difficult to tell if she was joking or not.

Elsa grit her teeth. "Look," she said out loud. "Could you just help me hunt? We can continue contemplating both your existence and your behavior once we have a meal."

Fair enough.

"What do we name her?" Ignus asked once again.

"I don't know, umm…"

The first name that came to her head was, obviously, "Anna", but that seemed a bit wrong. After all, the creation had assured her several times that she was not Anna.

"Erm…how about…"

Elsa racked her creativity. It was a wolf. A hunting wolf. It was white…

"What about Artemis?"

Ignus perked at this. "Artemis…? I've never heard that name."

"It's actually Greek. I studied their mythology when I was young, and one of their gods was named Artemis. She was the goddess of the hunt, and was often associated with the moon and the color white."

Oooooh, I love it! I love it I love it! So dignified and majestic yet it also has personality and flair! Love it.

"I think it sounds fitting." Ignus agreed, albeit unknowingly.

"Very well. Artemis." Elsa stated with finality.

The newly-christened Artemis panted happily, it's snowy tail wagging like a flag in a hurricane. She ran around for a bit like a puppy and then leaned against Ignus in contentment.

Tell him he can call me "Arty" if he wants!

I will not do that.

Wh-?! Come on!

Tuning you out now.




Elsa grinned in a rather cat-like fashion as she pointed towards the woods.

"Perhaps you could demonstrate those hunting skills you bragged about now?"

Artemis snorted, but moved away from Ignus, who had been affectionately scratching the wolf's ears. He almost seemed a bit crestfallen.

Hmmm…I smell meat! That way!

Artemis bounded towards the trees, and stopped to wait for Elsa. Elsa gave one last look at Ignus, who smiled encouragingly.

"You can do this. I'll be watching."

And he leaped into a nearby tree and disappeared into the canopy.

Elsa exhaled once more before chasing after Artemis. Ignus had said that almost like she was taking an examination. A laughably bizarre image of Ignus in traditional professor's clothing appeared in her mind's eye.

Bit hot for teacher over there, Els?




Hans' feet moved as quickly as his mind as he strode through the castle. He clenched the scroll in his hand tightly.

It was showtime. Not that he could complain, he was the one to make it so. James and the rest of the council had wanted to wait to make a move, give the situation time, but Hans wasn't as willing to let things stagnate as they were. The kingdom had been in an uproar for the last few months, and there was not better time to throw a stone into water when there was a storm going on.

Queen Elsa was missing. Last known sighting: Dezertis after causing massive blizzard. Red-eye was wanted dead or alive for kidnapping and suspected-regicide. Kristoff was heartbroken and shunned. Anna was clueless.

This was not a pep-talk for himself, it was a reminder of facts. Of what was, not what could. It was what he needed to remember. And it helped him cool his thoughts.

He shivered. Never had he felt so nervous. It probably was natural, considering what he was about to attempt, but he had never been a fearful person. Unafraid of his father, unafraid of his brothers, unafraid of the unpleasant animals they sometimes hid in his room (though the tarantula was a bit much, to be honest). Fear was not typically a part of his equation.

But no longer. His heart beat uncomfortably. Sweat simply begged to ooze from his forehead, but he managed to make it stay. He could not slip. Not now.

Not for this show.

He reached a door in the hallway and knocked three times. There was no one in sight. Or earshot.

"Yeah?" Came a perky and all-too-familiar voice from within.

"Anna? Could I talk with you about something?"

"Yeah! Yeah, yeah! Come in! I have something to tell you too!"

Hans felt his eyes flash. She sounded happy. Not a good sign.

He forced a happy demeanor onto his face and entered the room. There he saw a rather disquieting sight. Anna was throwing her things into a bag, a letter on the bed next to her.

Hans cocked his head in curiosity.

"Going somewhere?"

"Hans! We found her! We know where she is!"

His heart nearly stopped.

In as calm a voice he could, Hans asked, "Um…who?"

"Elsa! We found Elsa, she's okay!" Anna squealed, bouncing like a toddler. She was ecstatic. This could not simply be false news.

"Th-that's great! But…well, I mean how?! How do you know?"

"I got a letter from Rapunzel! Or, Princess Rapunzel, I guess you'd know her as. She and I met last year after she was returned to…ah, long story, nevermind. She and I are great pen-pals! And she just sent me news that there was this giant freeze in Dezertis and it couldonlybeElsaandohmygodohmygodshe'sokay!"

She squealed happily and gave Hans the letter. As he pretended to read it, his mind raced. This Rapunzel girl must have been sending private letters to Elsa, outside the discretion of those he and the council had bought off at the docks to intercept mail. They indeed detailed the events he had read about in the news that arrived by boat in the last few weeks. There were also many drawings of flowers and cats. Rather good ones, too.

Hans forced his eyes to widen. "That's great! But…how did we not hear about this?! This should have been everywhere! We should have received some sort of news!"

The irony was deliciously sickening.

Anna flopped her arms. "I know, right!? That's what I was thinking! But again, whatever! We have the news now, that's all that matters!"

If you only knew, you'd hold your tongue before saying such lies. Hans thought darkly.

"So yeah! I'm packing! We need to leave for Dezertis right now! We can find her!"

Hans counted his blessings. Had he not prepared like his instinct had advised, everything would have been ruined…

"Wait, you needed something, right?" Anna asked, turning to him.

In what was pure muscle memory, Hans managed to put a midly surprised look on his face, as if he had actually forgotten.

"Oh! No, it's just some documents need signing, that's all. I don't even know what they are, some obscure inventory assessment or audit or whatever…"

"Ah, the council give you that? Ugh, they're still worrying about such stupid things. Like how much grain we have. You know how many Queens we have? ZERO." Anna grumped.

Hans smiled gravely. "Right. But just to keep them happy…"

He unfurled just enough of the scroll to reveal the signature line and prayed to every god there was.

Within one second, Anna had snatched the quill, signed the paper, and went back to packing.

"So I was thinking we stop on the coast first, you know? Check if she's made it to the ports yet or-"

Anna's words barely registered as Hans held the paper in his hands. His eyes widened, this time on their own.

He had done it. Just like that. All that planning and acting and preparation and she just…signed it.

He could cry. Or laugh. Or scream. He chose to do none of these.

Anna prattled on as Hans tucked the document inside his jacket. He had to admire the hope he saw on Anna's face as he picked up a vase on her dresser. She was so naïve…Hans couldn't help but find it fascinating, like he was watching a wild animal whose behavior he couldn't ever understand, but could certainly be entertained by.

Suddenly, he felt something. A curiosity. A question he desired answered. He wished to probe at this animal and see what it would do. To see what would happen if he disturbed this blissful ignorance.

The desire was beyond his willpower.

"I'm going to bludgeon you with this vase."

His words hung in the air. Like a waft of some strong scent, weak at first, but growing in strength with every passing moment.

Anna's rambling slowed as she contemplated his words. Then she, amazingly, smirked at him in amused confusion, like she was trying to decipher his riddle. It was like watching a kaleidoscope. Hans couldn't look away.

Then her eyes moved to the vase raised above his head.

And in that one, single, shining moment, Hans finally saw reality appear on Anna's face as her face lost it's innocent gleam.

It was beautiful. And so, undeniably worth it.

With incredible force amplified by his adrenaline at seeing such a reaction, Hans brought the vase down onto Anna's crown. It shattered in his hand as her eyes swam. She was unconscious even before gravity claimed her.

Princess Anna fell to the ground in a slump.

Hans stared at her limp body, making sure her chest still rose and fell. He needed her out, not dead. Her expanding bosom erased his fears, however, and he heard the very soft sound of air entering her mouth.

Incredible. Not so much as a single stumble in the show.

But the finale beckoned.

Hans lay the vase on the ground in a carefully measured position. He then searched Anna's drawers and found a single knife beneath her jewelry. It was more for decoration than anything, but the blade was edged nonetheless.

Hans left the drawer open and walked slowly back over to Anna. The knife was rather light in his hands. Most likely because he had held one before. Or perhaps his excitement was getting to him.

He stared into Anna's face. It was cute. He had to admit, despite all her other unpleasant features, she at the very least had good genes.

Then he made a sharp movement and the knife fell.

Pain shot through his body like nothing he had felt, and Hans could not reduce the cry of pain he made. This had obviously been the part of the plan he looked forward to least. But this couldn't simply be a scratch or flesh wound. This had to hurt. It had to be real.

Hans ground his teeth as he pulled the knife back out of his right shoulder, a stream of red liquid chasing after it, free of its home. He felt his head swim with both pain and the sudden loss of blood, and allowed his knees to buckle. As he crashed to the floor, he managed to turn and with one hand open the door to Anna's room.

Hans thought he could hear a standing ovation somewhere.