A/N: I've been watching Doomsday over and over again, and it shattered me every single last time. This is a Doomsday fix-it. It's my first DW fic, be kind!

"Oh no you don't," she growled, "He's not doing that to me again."

She stared at the transport disc around her neck for a long moment, before slamming her palm down on it.

"It's jammed!" she cried. The exterior appeared to be slightly dented, rendering the device useless as it blocked the button.

She turned to glare at Mickey. "Pass me yours," she demanded, "Now!"


Jackie clutched Pete's arm as he attempted to reason with her. "Rose, the Doctor said every time we use one of these, it damages the whole world. "

"I don't care!" she sobs, cheeks flushing, tears dripping down her cheeks. "I've got to get back to the Doctor."

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a screwdriver in a storage box in the corner.

"Rose, love, even if you went back, you could end up being sucked into the Void."

Jackie's statement made Rose lift her head. Unless I wait. Until the last possible moment. Just as the breach closes.

She wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her jacket, and composed herself. "Alright," she mumbled, "I understand."

Mickey passed his transport disc to Pete before making his way over to her, laying a comforting arm on her shoulders.

"Could you-could you give me some time alone please? I need to think." She sniffed.

"Of course darling," Jackie soothed, ushering the two men out of the room.

Rose waited until their footsteps have quieted, before lunging desperately at the storage box, snatching the screwdriver triumphantly and squatting.

She spent the next few minutes frantically detaching the exterior of the device from its core.

Three screws left.

Two screws left.

One screw left.

The light on the transport disc started to dim.

"No, no, no, NO! Come on!" She cried, fingers clumsy as a result of her devastation.

She finally managed to detach the core of the device, and smashes her palm on it just as the light flickers out, squeezing her eyes shut, and hoping, pleading, begging that it would work.

Silence. I've failed, she thought, tears streaming freely from between her eyelids. I'm never gonna see him again.

She let the transport disc fall from her hands, ignoring the clatter as she buried her face in her hands, letting out loud, choking sobs.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her from the front, and froze. She knew those arms. Hardly daring to believe it, she raises her head.

"Oh, my Rose."

A/N: I know this is really short, but it's just the intro, so bear with me, alright? Did you like it?