*Disclaimer: I do NOT own Love Live!
She sipped on her fresh cup of coffee, sighing contently. The sun was shining brightly through the windows. From her table, she could see into her backyard. It was a big yard, compared to what she had grown up with, and also nicely kept. There was a flower bed at the far end, and nearby was a big tree. The tree provided a lot of shade during these sunny days.
The young woman watched with a warm smile as two small figures were playing under the shade of the tree. The bigger of the two had ginger hair that was tied with a bow in a side ponytail, and green eyes. The smaller of the two had light brown hair that ended just above her shoulders, and blue eyes.
The ginger led with a big smile while the two continued with their pretend play. Most people wouldn't be able to tell what they were doing just by looking, but the movements gave it away to the young woman watching. It was something she had a lot of experience with, after all.
She turned her attention away from the backyard and back to her laptop sitting in front of her on the table. She took another sip of her coffee as she scrolled through web pages of news articles. After not finding anything new or interesting to look at, she switched windows and started scrolling through another site.
"Aww, what a cute baby."
She clicked on the newly uploaded album and started scrolling through the pictures. The baby in all the pictures had short purple hair, and blue eyes. It wasn't exactly clear how old the baby was from the pictures, but the woman had a good guess about, looking at the parents.
"It's been a year. We'll finally get to see them again soon, now that the baby is one."
Just then, she heard the doorbell right. She got up from her seat, checked the backyard quickly to make sure everything was fine, and then went to the front of the house. She pulled the door open, a big smile across her face as she saw who stood at the door.
"Good afternoon," Eli greeted.
"Hey, Tsubasa," Nozomi greeted casually, smiling.
"Good afternoon Eli, Nozomi," Tsubasa greeted in return. She turned her attention to the girl with long blond hair and green eyes holding Eli's hand. "And good afternoon, Ai-chan."
"Hi, Tsubasa-san," Ai said happily. "Is Aoi-chan and Himeno-chan here?"
"Yes. They're playing in the backyard. Would you like to join them?"
"Go ahead," Eli said, answering the question before it was asked.
"Thanks, Mama!" Ai said before heading into the house. She removed her shoes and brought them along as she ran for the backyard.
"Well, at least she remembered this time," Eli said, watching after her older daughter with an amused smile.
"Even if it was months ago, I think you gave her a lecture she'll never forget," Tsubasa said jokingly.
"That's my Eli-chi," Nozomi said cheerfully.
Tsubasa turned her attention to the baby in Nozomi's arms.
"So you must be Noel, huh?"
"Yup, that's her," Nozomi said before giving her baby a kiss on the cheek.
"I was just looking at her uploaded pictures. Nice to finally meet you in person." She looked up to Nozomi and Eli. "Anyway, come on inside."
After they removed their shoes, Tsubasa led them back into the living room. They all sat on one of the couches. Nozomi let Tsubasa carry Noel, who had been asleep the entire time. Once she was done passing her kid on, Eli had put her arms around Nozomi.
"Ai-chan and Aoi-chan are both three now, which means Himeno-chan is two, right?" Nozomi asked.
Tsubasa nodded. "Her birthday just passed last month."
"Aoi-chan is starting to really look like Honoka, especially with that hairstyle," Eli said, looking at the three kids in the backyard.
"Yeah, though she has Tsubasa's eyes," Nozomi observed.
"Speaking of which, where is Honoka?"
"She's upstairs, giving Nemu-chan a bath," Tsubasa answered.
"Ah, right. Your youngest child."
"Yes. A month apart from Noel, just like their older sisters."
"That's right," Nozomi said. "Though, Ai-chan is the older of the two in that case."
"Yeah. And their birthdays mean they'll still be in the grade after Himeno-chan."
"Hehe, how convenient."
"Ah, I thought I heard some familiar voices," came a new voice.
They all turned to see as the ginger woman walked into the room, with a baby in her arms.
Eli let go of Nozomi so she could get up and greet Honoka first. She carefully hugged Honoka, as to not disturb Nemu. After, Nozomi took her spot on the couch again, and Honoka let Nozomi hold Nemu. Once she was secure with Nozomi, Eli got up to greet Honoka with a hug before the two of them took spots on the couch next to Nozomi and Tsubasa.
"So, how has everything been?" Eli asked. "It's been a while since we've seen you."
"Everything's been fine," Honoka answered. "Living in a quiet neighborhood like this means not a lot of exciting things happen."
"Something to look forward to then," Nozomi said.
"Hmm, does that mean..?" Tsubasa asked.
"Yes, we're going to be moving in this area soon," Eli answered.
"Really? That's great!" Honoka said excitedly. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"We didn't really have time, with the new baby and all."
"Ah, right. And how are you doing, Nozomi-chan?"
"A lot better now," Nozomi replied. "Noel-chan didn't give us trouble like Ai-chan did."
"Yeah, but it still wasn't easy on Nozomi," Eli said.
"What about you, Honoka? Mother of three now?"
"Eheh, yeah. I'm fine though. All three of them were easy to have," Honoka said.
"Heh, lucky you. Thinking of having another one?"
Honoka shook her head. "Unless Tsubasa-chan says otherwise, I think we're happy with three."
"I still can't believe Rin and Hanayo have three as well," Tsubasa said.
"Yeah," Eli agreed. "It's brave of them to have another after having twins. Especially for Hanayo."
"She's definitely changed from that shy girl we first met," Nozomi said.
"Yeah. It's already been seven years since then, huh?" Honoka asked.
The four of them started to catch up on the things that have passed since the school idol group known as Muse separated. How Otonokizaka High School was when Eli, Nozomi, and Nico graduated. How things were before the nine got back together. And how things were after their reunion and settling into their current lives.
Both Muse and A-Rise as school idol groups disbanded after graduation. Muse did reunite after Rin, Hanayo, and Maki graduated. However, their professional idol careers didn't last long. They ended up taking different routes to find jobs and raise a family.
As they were talking, the glass door leading to the backyard opened. The three kids took their shoes off and hurried inside. One moved quicker than the others, and as she turned to the couches, she tripped over herself, landing on the carpeted floor in front of the adults.
"Oww..." the small ginger said as she picked her head up.
"Not your best landing, sweetie," Honoka said playfully.
"Mommy!" Aoi was instantly on her feet and ran to Honoka.
"I was only upstairs. Did you miss me that much?" She asked, picking up Aoi and setting the girl on her lap.
Aoi wrapped her arms around Honoka's neck. "Yes. I don't like when your or Mama are gone for too long."
"She was only upstairs for twenty minutes, sweetie," Tsubasa pointed out.
Nozomi giggled. "She really is like Honoka in so many ways."
"Hehe, yeah," Honoka said, hugging Aoi tightly.
Himeno and Ai finally caught up. Ai climbed onto the couch and then took a seat on Eli's lap. Honoka helped Himeno onto the couch. Aoi let go of Honoka and sat between her and Tsubasa, letting Himeno take her spot on Honoka's lap.
"Mommy, is Shiro-chan going to come over today?" Aoi asked.
"Yes. Actually, everyone is coming over today."
"Really? Is that true, Mama?" Ai asked.
"Yes. All of us wanted to get together again, now that the babies are a little older," Eli told her.
"Which means you get to see all your friends again," Nozomi said.
They barely heard the sound of the front door opening and closing. "I'm home!" a voice called out.
"We're in the living room, Cocoa-chan!" Honoka called out.
"Pardon the intrusion," they heard another set of voices say.
"Is that..." Eli was about to ask.
Cocoa walked into the room, followed by two others. A girl with black hair that fell past her shoulders and green eyes, and another with short blond hair and blue eyes.
"Ah, Sharo, Chiya," Tsubasa said.
"Hello everyone," Chiya, the black haired girl, greeted.
"Ah, Eli and Nozomi are here to," Sharo said.
"Hey you two," Nozomi greeted with a smile. "It's been a while."
"Yeah. Good to see you two again."
"By the way, where are Chino-chan and Rize-chan?" Honoka asked.
"They said they'll be here late," Cocoa said.
"Cocoa-san," Ai said. "What's in the bags?"
Cocoa smiled. "I bought all your favorite snacks."
"Yay!" Aoi cheered. "Snacks!"
"Aoi-chan, shh," Honoka tried quieting her daughter down.
It was a bit late, as Nemu started to cry.
"Oops... Sorry Mommy," Aoi said apologetically.
"Eheh, it's alright."
Honoka got up and sat Himeno on the couch next to Aoi. Then she went and got Nemu back from Nozomi.
"Alright, come here." She picked up Nemu, who calmed down right away. "There we go. That's better."
"Mama, can I have some snacks?" Ai asked, tugging on Eli's sleeve.
"Sure, go ahead," Eli answered.
Ai hugged Eli, then jumped off the couch and ran up to Cocoa. Aoi helped Himeno off the couch and they followed Ai. As the kids gathered around Cocoa, and Sharo and Chiya sat down, the doorbell rang again.
"I'll get it," Eli offered, getting up.
"Thanks Eli-chan," Honoka said.
"Well, while you take care of that, I kind of miss my baby now," Nozomi said playfully. She got up and got Noel back from Tsubasa.
Eli made her way to the front and pulled the door open.
"Hello there," she greeted.
"Ah, Eli. You're here already," Umi said.
"Hello, Eli-chan," Kotori greeted cheerfully.
Eli then turned her attention to the blue haired, amber eyed girl standing between the two and holding one of their hands in each of hers.
"And hello, Shiro-chan."
"H-hello," Shiro said shyly.
"Come on inside. The other kids are about to have snacks. There might even be sweets."
At the mention of sweets, the two-year-old's eyes lit up. Her shy mood quickly vanished as she hurried into the house.
"S-Shiro-chan," Kotori tried calling.
"Hmm, I wonder where she gets that love of sweets," Umi said sarcastically.
"Eheh, well why don't you come in as well?" Eli suggested.
They both thanked her before they proceeded inside. Eli was about to close the front door when caught sight of a certain red head walking down the sidewalk, holding hands with a girl with long black hair and violet eyes.
"Hey, Maki!" Eli called, waving.
"Ah, Eli." Maki waved back.
Eli waited for Maki and her daughter to get to the front door.
"Hello, Kisara-chan. I like your dress."
"I suppose so..." The three year old said, not making eye contact.
"Yup, just like your parents." Eli smiled. "Speaking of which, where's Nico?"
"She'll catch up in a bit. She had to park a little far," Maki said.
"Mama's just being slow," Kisara remarked.
"Well, why don't you both come inside?" Eli asked.
Both just quietly agreed, and walked inside. Eli stayed by the door, waiting for Nico. She didn't have to wait long, as Nico quickly made her way to the house.
"There you are," Eli said.
"I thought this was a quiet neighborhood. Why is there never parking?" Nico asked, not really expecting an answer.
Finally, Eli got to close the front door. She and Nico made their way into the living room, which was now a lot more lively with all the recent arrivals.
"Cocoa-chan, I think we should get started with lunch," Honoka said, still carrying Nemu.
"Ah, alright." Cocoa put down the back of snacks and picked up the other bags they brought.
"Do you want me to take Nemu-chan?" Tsubasa asked.
"I can handle her," Honoka said. "Just make sure our girls aren't causing trouble."
"Are you sure?"
"She'll be fine. She's one, it's not like she could get herself out of her highchair."
With that, Honoka led Cocoa and Chiya into the kitchen. As they left, the doorbell rang once more. But before Tsubasa got to move, she felt a small arm tugging at her hand. She looked down, and smiled.
"Would you like to see who's at the door with me?" she asked Himeno.
Tsubasa picked Himeno up and they walked to the front door. As she opened it, she was caught a bit off guard by the nine people standing there. Once the door was opened enough, three of the girls rushed in. A three-year-old with brown hair and blue eyes, as well as two-year-old twins with short orange hair and purple eyes.
"Ah, Ami-chan, Mami-chan! Sorry Tsubasa-chan," Rin apologized before heading in after her twins.
"I guess I should make sure Asuna-chan isn't getting into anything bad," Erena said, before following in after Rin.
"Uhm... Mama?" Himeno asked slowly.
"Did you want to go play with them again?" Tsubasa asked.
Himeno nodded, and Tsubasa put her down so she could run after them.
"Eheh, sorry about that," Hanayo said. She was carrying Haruka, her and Rin's one-year-old daughter with brown hair and green eyes.
"They were quite excited when they found out everyone else was going to be here," Anju said. She was carrying her and Erena's own one-year-old Yue, who had purple hair and eyes.
"It's fine. I wouldn't blame them I guess," Tsubasa said. "It's excited for us as well."
"Yes. We get to reunite after so long," Hanayo agreed.
"Well come on in. Wouldn't want to be standing out here the entire time," Tsubasa joked.
The three went inside and back into the living room. The room got quieter again, and only Nozomi, Kotori, and Maki were still there. The other halves of their pairs were outside. They were with all the kids, except for Noel, who still slept in Nozomi's arms despite the earlier noise. Tsubasa, Hanayo, and Anju took spots on the couches alongside the other three.
"So, what's new with everyone?" Anju asked.
"I showed Ai-chan the old shrine I helped out at in high school," Nozomi said. "She's starting to take an interest in my tarot readings as well. Otherwise, Eli-chi is still a ballet teacher."
"Just like her parents, Umi-chan is starting to teach Shiro-chan about her traditions, starting with traditional dances," Kotori said. "And I am now a manager at the cafe in Akihabara."
"Recently the town's symphony has been taking more and more of my compositions," Maki said. "And thanks to Nico-chan, Kisara-chan is starting to take interest in idols."
"Rin-chan and I started a daycare business at our house," Hanayo said. "The kids all love Rin-chan, and our girls get to have playmates each day."
"Erena recently got promoted at her company," Anju said. "Since she's out longer now, Asuna-chan has been helping me with Yue-chan at home."
"Honoka-chan works at a children's center," Tsubasa said. "And after she helps out at her family's shop. I work at The Rabbit House, and also help out with the Kousaka's shop."
"You're both working two jobs?" Hanayo asked.
Tsubasa nodded. "We want to earn enough to comfortably support the five of us."
"Not a bad idea," Nozomi said. "Some of us weren't as well off as others after high school."
"Hey, I didn't follow the rest of my family and become a doctor," Maki pointed out "So we don't make as much."
"I know, I'm just joking."
Maki sighed, causing Nozomi to smile.
"Aww, look at everyone outside," Kotori said.
The others looked out in the yard. They saw all the kids in a group, led by Aoi and Ai. As they watched the girls continue to play, it brought a smile to their faces.
"Looks like we're raising another idol group," Nozomi said jokingly.
"I wouldn't be surprised if they do want to become idols when they get older," Tsubasa said.
"Well, if they all end up going to the same school, it's definitely possible," Maki pointed out.
"I think it'd be so cute if they all wanted to be school idols like we were," Hanayo said.
"They are all our kids, it's only a matter of time," Anju said.
"Let's hope that's without all the problems we went through," Honoka said, walking out of the kitchen.
"I don't know, you seem to have a habit of drawing attention to yourself," Nozomi teased. "I wouldn't be surprised if any of your girls are like that as well."
"They'll definitely be like that," Anju said. "Both their mothers were our centers. Attention is only natural."
"I kind of hope that's not true," Tsubasa said.
Cocoa came out of the kitchen as well. "You know... if they really do take after you all and become school idols, isn't it possible they start liking each other as well?"
"... That's a real possibility, isn't it?" Maki asked.
"That's fine though," Honoka reassured. "We'll get to be even closer than with Muse and A-Rise."
"Then we really will be like a big family," Kotori said.
"That wouldn't be a bad thing at all," Hanayo said cheerfully.
"Yeah, it could be a lot of fun," Anju agreed.
"Seems like our girls' fates are set," Nozomi said with a smile.
"Hopefully that doesn't include all the drama," Anju said.
"Maybe the drama is exactly what they'll need," Tsubasa suggested.
"Eh? Why do you say that?" Hanayo asked.
"Because all that drama is why we're here," Tsubasa explained. "If it wasn't for that rainy day, Honoka-chan and I might not have fallen in love, and everyone might have grown apart."
"You... may be right about that," Kotori admitted.
"We should all be thankful for that experience," Honoka said. "With it, we found out how we truly felt about each other. And we got to become a lot closer."
"A little cliché, don't you think?" Tsubasa asked jokingly.
"Did she take the words out of your mouth?" Nozomi teased
Tsubasa smiled. "Every single one."
Honoka just kissed Tsubasa before she and Cocoa returned to the kitchen to finish cooking. Tsubasa, Nozomi, Hanayo, Maki, Kotori, and Anju started talking about recent news and other random topics. Eli, Umi, Nico, Rin, Erina, and Sharo let the kids continue to play until lunch was ready. The ex-Muse and ex-A-Rise members finally came together.
Maybe this is a preview of the future, Tsubasa thought as she looked at everyone gathered around. What it will be like to be a big family with everyone here.
Not that she could have known this moment, but she wasn't wrong with her guess.
Almost done. Just one last set of Author notes/comments from me ;)
First, let's talk about the kids. Yes, science babies. I apologize, but I really wanted to. X3 Felt a little more appropriate for this story. Also, so I did the usual thing of mixing characteristics of each parent for the kids, like the eyes and hair. But I didn't want to do that for the name. Instead, the names are all references to characters of different anime that sort of resemble that mix of facial features. The only exceptions are Noel, Ami, and Mami. Noel is the typical mix of parent's first names, just the romanji way rather than mixing hiragana characters. Ami and Mami don't look like a mix of Hanayo and Rin, but they are twins. I just looked through a bunch of anime I've watched to find these, but those three were the only ones I couldn't match. Yes, I was that stubborn about making this work. It's was mostly for my own amusement, haha.
Here's where the names come from. There's also pictures in my dropbox if you'd like a visual:
- Aoi, Himeno, and Nemu are all from the D.C. ~Da Capo~ universe. Aoi and Himeno are from D.C. III, while Nemu is from the original D.C.
- Ai is from Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi.
- Shiro is from No Game No Life.
- Kisara is from Black Bullet.
- Ami, Mami, and Haruka are from the iDOLM STER.
- Asuna and Yue are from Mahou Sensei Negima?!
Next, this chapter was interesting. Basically the only idea for the original plan I had for this chapter was the very beginning, with Tsubasa and the kids. Other than that, this chapter was changed a few different times until it ended up like this. I won't bore you with details, though X3
As far as naming goes in this, because it wasn't never really mentioned, it goes off how the parents are addressed. Mama is used for the one I felt would act a little more "fatherly" than the other. Mommy is more self-explanatory. In that same way, whichever of the two is referred to as Mama would be the last name used. Tsubasa and Honoka Kira, Nozomi and Eli Ayase, etc. Originally I would've had that referenced in the chapter. But the chapter changed a lot and it never came up again.
µ's + A-Rise = 12 girls. So, 12 kids. And because their ages in high school are 15, 16, and 17, the kids are 1, 2 and 3. And three for each year (with the exception of six second-years between µ's and Arise), so four kids for each age. As far as deciding how many kids and which age each couple got, the only basis I had was that I wanted Tsubasa and Honoka to have three kids, one of each age. Eli and Nozomi I wanted them to have two kids, oldest and youngest. As for Hanayo and Rin, I just entertained the idea of her having twins, though I ended up sticking with that and then giving them another one. After that the other three couples kind of sorted themselves out.
Did I overdo it with all the themes and stuff? Seeing how much I had to explain, I think I did. Haha.
Final thing, I felt like at least bringing the GochiUsa girls back one last time. Yeah, they would've been in pairs too, but kind of like Love Live, I don't have preferred pairings for them X3. So they're left without that in this chapter.
Well, that's about it for this story. Thanks so much for reading it. Got a little shaky in some spots, but we came out alright. For the last time, let me know your thoughts on the chapter, and the overall experience you had with this story. And no, I don't have any interest in making a sequel to this story. Sorry X3
Once more, thank you so much for reading. Hope to see you again.~