Disclaimer: I do NOT own Love Live!
She did this. She wanted to do this. She couldn't help it. It went against everything she believed in if she didn't do everything she could to help others. Especially when they're her best friends, and her fellow idols. And once she set her mind to something, there was absolutely nothing that could stop her.
It took a little while, but everything finally worked out. She managed to accomplish some of her biggest goals. Now was usually the time where one could look back over their work and admire their accomplishments.
This, however, wasn't the same.
Yes, she did put a lot of work into this. She had seen the signs before anyone else did. She took the time to plan things out, see things through. She made sure that things would go as smoothly as possible, no matter what. She made sure things would work out.
The one the she didn't plan for, was the price she would pay after everything was said and done. The one thing she didn't realize, was how she would be affected as a result.
It was too late for her now. The damage was done. And as she left the nurse's office to go home, Kousaka Honoka could only wipe another tear from her eye and tell herself that it's for the best.
The ginger-haired girl walked slowly through the hallways of Otonokizaka High School. She could only smile lightly as she recalled some of her fondest memories she's made at this school. But her smile was short-lived.
She walked by her classroom, with the door slightly opened. She had her bag with her already, so she didn't need to go inside. Not that she wanted to go inside. Not only because it was the end of classes for the day, but because her two best friends were probably still in there. She made the mistake of looking into the classroom once before, knowing they were alone in there. While she knew they wouldn't do anything inappropriate, it still tore at her heart when she saw just how close she made them.
Minami Kotori and Sonoda Umi had been her best friends since childhood. The three of them were almost inseparable. Though, she noticed things changing since entering high school. And once they were all together in Muse, it became even more noticeable. The way they looked at each other was different. The way they acted near each other, how they spoke, their reactions to certain phrases, it was all different. She caught on to her best friends' growing feelings for each other. So she did what any best friend would. She got them together.
Honoka sighed before she continued her slow walk down the hall. They're probably in there kissing again, she thought to herself.
The image of the scene she accidentally walked in on would have gone through her mind again, if it weren't for where she was. Stopping again, Honoka turned to look up some stairs. These stairs were the ones they would take to get to the rooftop, where Muse had their dance practices. Right now, it only held one meaning to Honoka, which screamed for her to avoid like her classroom.
Hoshizora Rin and Koizumi Hanayo were two of Muse's three first-year members. Like her with Kotori and Umi, Rin and Hanayo have been best friends since childhood. They were a little harder to get together, as neither of them knew or thought much about love, especially of them being lovers instead of best friends. But they had been showing signs, they started to show interest. And of course, Honoka wanted to help them.
They had kindly asked to be alone on the rooftop every now and then to spend more quality time with each other. Or, it used to be like that. Now, at least it seemed to Honoka, they were there almost all the time. Then again, the only other time she saw the two of them were during Muse activities. Still, Honoka knew not to even dare to wander up there. So she continued walking again.
The next thing she knew, or was aware of at least, she heard a loud noise nearby. She snapped out of her thoughts and turned to the source, only to regret that she did. She found herself outside of the clubroom, the noise most likely from inside.
Nishikino Maki and Yazawa Nico, first-year and third-year members, respectively. They were also a handful for Honoka to help. If anything, their feelings for each other were the most obvious to figure out. The thing was, neither would ever admit it. That's something they both shared. They had a hard time showing their true feelings, especially to each other.
Well, that sound made Honoka wish that was still the case. They are Muse's first couple, and in the time since that day, they've mostly gotten over the difficulties of showing their feelings for each other. Their displays of affection were something Honoka wish they would go back to having trouble with. Even if she is the leader of Muse, the sounds she sometimes heard outside the clubroom door had made her skip a few meetings already. While there was no meeting today, she didn't want to find out if they were doing those things in the clubroom again. She quickened her pace past the clubroom.
Last but not least, she passed the Student Council room. No doubt Ayase Eli and Toujou Nozomi were in there. They were the Student Council President and Vice President, respectively, as well as the last two members of Muse. And while Eli was everything you would expect a good president to be, Nozomi was somewhat the opposite. She wasn't bad or anything, but she had a very mischievous side to her. They often worked alone in the Student Council room, as they stayed late after school. She wouldn't really put it passed Nozomi, or maybe even Eli for that matter, to try a few things with all that privacy.
The two third years have a familiar story. Best friends who slowly started to grow feelings for each other during high school. And like the first and second year couples, Honoka had helped them figure it out. Or, she helped Eli figure things out. Nozomi had seemingly given the topic a lot of thought already, as when she brought the two together, Nozomi worked the courage to make her feelings crystal clear to the blond.
After what felt like forever, Honoka finally made it outside the school buildings. A strong wind blew, and Honoka brought her free hand to her skirt to keep it from the wind's control. Once the quick breeze passed, she looked up to the sky. There were a lot of clouds overhead.
Honoka frowned. She might have heard that the weather wasn't going to be good today. But after spending the last twenty or so minutes crying to herself in the nurse's office, she no longer had the energy to care. She pulled on her jacket sleeves, as if trying to stretch it to cover a little more of her hands, and started walking toward her home.
One street. Three streets. Wasn't she supposed to turn there? Yes, but Honoka was lost in her thoughts to pay attention to where she was walking. She walked down another street before she realized she wasn't heading home anymore. She looked around her, trying to get her bearings.
It didn't take her long to figure out where she was. She ended up at a nearby park, a place she had come to so often as a child. The park itself wasn't anything special, but it was right nearby a lake. With the right weather and at the right time, it had some of the prettiest views Honoka has ever seen. But with the cloudy weather today, there was no such view to enjoy.
Not wanting to turn back to head home, Honoka decided to sit on one of the benches facing the lake. She could hear the sound of some kids playing in the playground behind her, nut not even that was enough to distract her from her thoughts.
"So, this is how it's going to be huh?" she said to herself.
Passing by on the lake she saw one of those boats made for couple's to enjoy together. The site didn't do much for her, as it just reminded her of the rest of Muse again. She silently cursed at her luck.
"I guess I was asking for this all along.." She shook her head. "I guess I really am an idiot."
Did this really make sense? All she wanted to do was help her friends. She wanted to make them happy.
"And yet..."
Oh.. no..
Don't... don't do it...
"Why am I the only one that ends up like this?!"
The tears started flowing once again. As if her shouting upset her surroundings, or something was trying to hide her crying, it started to rain. From behind her she could hear the sounds of parents and kids talking and rushing to get out of the rain. She should be running too, but Honoka didn't see the point. She continued to sit still on the bench. Her clothes were getting soaked, but she didn't want to move.
"What's the point... I'm probably better off just crying here until the rain stops."
"Trust me. No one, especially you, deserves something as cruel as that," came a voice behind her.
The next thing she knew, she couldn't feel the rain falling on her anymore. Surprised by the stranger's kindness, she turned around to face them. Except, all she could do after was stare in absolute shock. For standing there, holding her umbrella overhead and wearing a warm smile, was the last person Honoka would have expected to meet here.
"Kira... Tsubasa?"
Hey guys, nobodD here!
So, here's something I didn't think I'd be posting yet. I was planning on holding onto any story involving A-Rise until after season 2 ended. But between the last few eps and not having a one-shot I'm totally satisfied with, I felt like this might be a better time than any.
This is just the prologue. I'm curious to see if you guys would be interested in this story idea. If a lot of you are, then I can continue with this. If not, then it'll disappear after a few days.. ;)
Also don't worry. I won't make the rest of this story sad or anything if people wish to see more. But I felt this was the best way for the prologue to go to set up the story. It's also based off a photo from pixiv I saw a while ago.
**Reminder about the poll for "The Center of µ's" Sequel**
The poll will be up for another week. You have until Monday, June 23 to vote on how you want the sequel to be written, or if you don't want a sequel at all.
That's all from me. Hope to see you around~