A/N: Ms Estella Black: This is after the Name of the Doctor, but I figured Clara wouldn't know anything about regeneration because she doesn't typically remember her past lives.

"Want to go for a walk, Clara?" River asked.


The Doctor had brought them to Central Park, after convincing the Master and Clara that the angels had fallen into the crack. The two Time Lords leaned on the rail, looking out over the river, while discussing brain-bending time and space things. Things weren't as tense between them anymore.

The Master had cleaned up considerably. He had dressed in a sharp shirt and pants, combing his hair back thoroughly. It had been considerably matted beforehand.

"What about you?" River asked the Woman, who was seated at the table.

She looked up from the Jane Austen novel she was reading. "Hm? Oh, no thank you dear. I find the literature of this planet quite enthralling. Besides, I don't think these old bones could take much more after today."

"Suit yourself." She and Clara started walking up the path. It was a wonderful afternoon. The sun shone, the wind blew softly, and the temperature was just right.

"Manhattan was the first place he took me." Clara said.

"It was." River said. "I was there, remember?"

Clara chuckled. "Oh, yes. I still can't believe that was you."

"I've regenerated since then, mind you. But I was there."

"So, you've already seen the future, and what will happen?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"So that's how you knew we were going to get away from Gallifrey alive, and that's how you knew to tell me to take the teleporter with me?"


"Tell me something that happens in the future!" Clara said excitedly.

River shook her head. "I'm afraid I can't. Time can be rewritten, and it's dangerous to tell somebody something about the future, for it can be changed. Because let me tell you…" She leaned in closer. "It's good."

"Aw…" Clara fell silent for a moment, then said: "Time Lords are strange, aren't they? They forget to tell us mutually important things, such as not changing during regeneration!"

River laughed. "They certainly put us girls through a lot, but they make up for it by whizzing you off into the most wonderful places!

"The Doctor is so different from the Master, it was hard to believe they were ever friends."

"I got the awkward, quirky Time Lord, and you got the arrogant, flirty one."

"Well, if you've seen the future, then at least tell me this. You're married to the Doctor, right?"


She breathed deeply. "Does the Master ever get married?"

River paused. "…I guess it would be safe to say that… yes, he does."

"Who to?" Clara asked, intrigued.


She stopped in the middle of the road, staring after the woman. Then she ran to catch up with her. "Hold on a sec! You wouldn't say that unless it was somebody I knew, wouldn't you?"


"Well who is it?"

River sighed. She was having an internal war with herself. On one hand, it was a bad idea to tell her. But, on the other, it was too good to keep away from her. "Fine, I'll tell you, but you must promise that you won't tell him, got it?"

She nodded. "Got it."

"It's you."

Clara pointed to herself, her eyes widening. "He marries me?"


It took a moment for it to sink in, then she squealed, and they embraced.

"I don't believe it!" Clara exclaimed, pulling back.

"Technically, you would be marrying a madman, but he's not that bad, really."


"Now that, I can't say. I've already said too much."

"Here they come." The Doctor said, watching the two figures approaching.

The first thing that Clara did was run up to the Master and hug him.

"Woah." He said, hugging back. "Not that I don't appreciate it or anything, but why the hugs all of a sudden?"

Clara smiled. "No reason."

River sat down across the table from the Woman.

The Time Lady looked up from her novel, glancing from the happy Clara back to River. "You told her something about the future, didn't you?"

"I may have let a few details slip."

She sighed, laying her book on the table. "That's going to get you in a lot of trouble one day."

"I know. Would you like to know what I told her?"


"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure! Older and wiser, you know."

Clara laid her head on the Master's shoulder. The Doctor had gone to get food, and River and the Woman were behind them, talking. She and the Master stood at the railing, looking out over the river silently, enjoying each other's company.

She reflected on what the past few days had done. The Master was no longer mad at the Doctor, or at least, not as much. The Doctor had been reunited with his wife and mother for the first time in a long while, and now, she was standing with her future husband. She really wanted to tell him, but didn't dare. She didn't want to ruin what was to come. The only downside to it all was that all the Time Lords were still trapped in the time lock. She had never figured out who the mysterious Time Lord who had helped them was. She figured that one day she would know.

Sighing, she snuggled closer to the Master as she felt his lips brush over her head. He gently rapped out the beat of the drums as he wrapped an arm around her middle. Clara smiled, feeling happy because everyone else was happy.

A lot could come of a few hours.


Thank you all for your awesome support! There will be a sequel, not sure when though. :P