As soon as Jane opened one eye, she knew she was in for the worst hangover of her life. Slamming her eye shut again, she brought her hands up to her face as she waited for the dizziness to pass. Oh God -she thought- how much did I drink last night? Shit. I can't even remember. Jane groaned and rolled over onto her stomach, trying to recall the previous night's events. The small movement intensified the churning feeling in her stomach, and she took a few deep breaths in hopes that the nausea would pass.

After waiting several minutes, Jane finally felt brave enough to open her eyes, and mustered the strength to sit up slightly. The curtains were pulled tightly across the hotel window, blocking out all light and preventing Jane from being able to figure out what time it was. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room and she glanced around, taking stock of the disaster zone. A collection of beer bottles and plastic cups littered the table in the corner of the hotel room. There were clothes strewn all over the room, and Jane was able to pick out the dress she had worn out last night lying in a crumpled heap by the door. Her eyes followed the trail of discarded clothing, noting her bra and underwear as well as a pair of sexy black lace underwear that were decidedly not hers. Another dress was dangling precariously off the end of the bed.

Sitting up proved too much for Jane in her hung over state, so she slumped back over into the soft pillows. Even in her fuzzy mind, it registered that if all her clothes and underwear were on the floor, she must be naked. She lifted up the wrinkled sheet to confirm that she was indeed, jaybird naked.

While the sheet was lifted, she also noticed she was not alone in the bed. That explains the other clothes – Jane thought. A pair of shapely legs were resting next to hers, and Jane followed their delicate line up to a nicely toned ass. Her eyes lingered appreciatively for several seconds, mentally congratulating herself, then her eyes roved further, taking in the gentle curve of the woman's hip and the expanse of skin of her back and shoulders, milky white but with a smattering of freckles. The woman was on her side facing away from her, so Jane couldn't see her face, just a mass of beautiful honey blonde hair that spread across the pillows.

Jane grinned to herself and settled back into the pillows. Another wave of nausea hit her, and wiped the grin right off her face. She groaned again and waited for it to pass.

The mystery woman shifted in the bed, stretching briefly then repositioning herself, still asleep. She ended up on her stomach with her face towards Jane, who was finally able to get a good look at the blonde woman. A few strands of hair had fallen over her face, but Jane was struck with how beautiful she was. The woman had striking but delicate features, with a distinctive nose and a soft, womanly jawline. Jane's eyes lingered on the set of lips before her, somehow remembering how those full lips felt against hers.

Well, you could do a lot worse for a drunken one-night-stand in Vegas -Jane mused. The woman shifted again, her left hand appearing from under the pillow. Jane's eyes immediately fixed on the gold band that rested on the woman's fourth finger, and her heart skipped a beat. That ring wasn't just any ring, but certainly looked like a wedding band to Jane. Holy shit! I slept with a married woman!

Her heart began to beat faster as she struggled to process the situation before her. Waves of nausea assaulted her relentlessly, and she ran a shaky hand through her dark curls, trying once again put together the pieces from last night. The nausea became too much, and Jane flung herself out of bed and stumbled as quickly as she could toward the bathroom.

Jane spent several agonizing minutes hunched over the toilet, the alcohol she had consumed in excess last night taking its revenge in earnest. When she had emptied her stomach, she slumped over next to the toilet, the cool bathroom tile and the bright florescent light overwhelming her sluggish senses. She sat there for quite some time until she felt like the worst was over, and then got to her feet. Remind me never to let Frost convince me that Vegas is a good idea ever again.

She turned on the faucet and rinsed her mouth out, the cool water washing away the bitter taste. Jane cupped her hands and splashed some on her face, hoping the coolness would help remedy the fuzzy feeling in her head. She bent over the sink, letting the excess water drip off her face and reached for the hand towel that was hanging on the wall. Drying off her face as she straightened up, she finally got a good look at herself in the mirror. Jane gasped as she took in her disheveled appearance, but her heart started to beat faster when her eyes locked on her hands, still clutched around the towel by her face.

On her ring finger sat a gold band, identical to the one that was currently on the finger of the mystery woman in her bed.

Jane's head was reeling as she dropped the towel like it was burning.

"What the fuck!?"

Hey all, I am back! Just throwing this out here to see what kind of response it gets. I have several more chapters written for this, so let me know what you think so far. This story will be A/U and will take some creative license with the characters and such. Let me know what you think, and I should have another chapter up later today or first thing tomorrow. Enjoy!