Blackness, thats all I could see, I can hear voices, I recognize them. The sound of the vikings laughing, the sound of their mugs clashing together, the sound of their swords, everything I can hear everything. Something is in my eye, I tried getting it off but my hands are tied on my back, Im sitting on a chair, I can hear the swinging of a light. What's happening? Where am I? My head hurts, what is this on my mouth is this a piece of cloth? It keeps me from talking, I groaned as I felt my head hurts more, Toothless. I tried breaking free that my hurts are starting to hurt then suddenly the vikings stopped laughing, I can feel them staring at me. Oh, I get it!

This isnt a dream, we were caught, Astrid told the people about my secret and now they are holding us. They're planning to torture me, I can't speak, I can't explain that I can talk to the dragons, I need to tell them and maybe they'll understand. The chances of me surviving this torture is 0.1%, I want them to know, I want them to see that they are not who we think they are, we can be friends with them. I groaned again, trying to break free, I felt a water in my hands trailing to my fingers, Blood. That was blood, I can feel the sting in my wrist.

"He's awake!" A man said, I stayed still.

"Tell the others!" Another man said, I heard the door open and closes."Look, what we've got here, A traitor!." The voice spat "Miss your little Night Fury?" he said in a singsong voice, I growled at him, I want to get away and rescue him, wherever he is. I want to stand up and hit him unconscious then escape."Oh!,you think that will scare me, Hiccup!?" He said, then we heard footsteps not far away from where we are, opening the door with a loud bang. ''Get ready to meet the gods," He said, then I heard him walk away while another steps forward, taking the piece of cloth in my mouth to let me speak.

"Tell me, why did you do it?!," The voice asked me, his voice was deep, so deep. I shook my head. "What are you talking about?!" I asked him, then he slapped me on my cheek. I thought of Toothless hitting me on my cheek before. The vikings wooted not afar

"I do the questions, you do the answers!" He snarled, I felt his face close to mine, that his saliva is already hitting my face. "Toothless where are you?!" I asked Toothless in my mind, but there were no answer.

"Why did you do it? Where you planning on running away? Where you planning on revenge? Why didnt you kill that dragon?" He asked me, I gritted my teeth and didnt answer. "So thats how you wanna play it,eh" He said then he punched me on my stomach, making me groan. It hurts, this hurts, I can still make it, I can still endure for Toothless. We only met 2 days ago, but I am willing to risk my life for him.

"Why?!" I said and he didnt answer me, and kept silent. "Do you really have to torture me?! What did I do wrong?! You were treating me lik-" I was cutted off by a strong punch on my face, my cheeks are stinging, it hurts, when is this gonna end... My head is dizzy, I can't see, it's all darkness but I can still feel the world spinning.

"Your asking us, what you did wrong?" He chuckled and the others laughed, and I stayed still waiting for him to finish his little sarcasm."You were born, that's what's wrong! You brought that beast on us, it would've killed us, your clan,your family,your home!" He spat, "and your asking me, What the hell did you do wrong?!, well then that's your answer, Traitor!"

"This was never my clan, you guys were never my family," I said my voice full of hatre and he kept silence, If I dont speak now when will, this is the only chance, the right time, Im gonna die anyway."this place were never my home! A home is somewhere you misses when you leave, guess what?! If ever I leave, I wont miss this place, infact I would celebrate everyday single day that I finally got out of this excused place!" I said, then he punched me again.

"How dare yo-" He said but I cutted him off. "How dare me?," I yelled and scoffed, "How dare you?! All I wanted to do was to help, was to be greeted 'good morning', I wanted you people to be proud of me and you tell me How dare me?!" I said, they were silent "Yeah right! How dare me, wanting my so called family to be proud of me, to be kind towards me, to atleast notice me! You feel that?! You people kept on humiliating me, you kept on picking on me, Do you think I wanted to be this way, huh?! Do you really think I wanted to be small, skinny, weak and a runt as you call it!" I said, spatting the word 'family'

They were silent, no one talked, it felt nice. Silence. I wish it would stay forever, I feel like the burden on my chest is gone, I feel like Im in valhalla. Is this what it feels like to let out all your frustration infront of all vikings, who did it to you, who put you in the place where you are now.

"Why can't you atleast treat me right?, I only wanted people to see me as who I am, not what I am.." I said, I heard a man say 'enough with this!, continue the torture!' He said then the guy punched 4 times on my face 'phow' I can hear his fist connect to my cheeks, I felt the pain. All of it, I just wanted it to be over I want to end this misery, I coughed blood, "Toothless,are you still here?" I asked him in my mind but there were no answer "Finished?" I asked the viking.

"No." He said then punched me continuesly, my body hurts all over. The vikings were cheering, I can see now how much they hated me. I smiled to myself, then the viking stopped punching "What's so funny?!" He asked me and I laughed, I dont care anymore, Just kill me!,

"Do you really think that punches would hurt me?!, You hit like a baby!" I said with a small laugh, hoping to provoke him and he did, "You bloody Traitor! How strong do you think you are to judge, how strong my punches are?!" He said, hitting me harder, I gritted my teeth waiting for another punch,

"Stop!," An angry voice said, voice whom I recognize who' . "What did you do?!, What the hell did you do?!" He yelled at the viking, "H-He provoked me, chief! You can ask the Vikings that are in here!" He defended, I grinned annoying them. 'Son of Loki!'

"Is that really?!" I said, "Take this freaking Blindhold off me, you filthy creature!" I snarled, shooking my head violently hoping that it would come out on it's own. I heard footsteps, I ignored it and continued to struggle, until it came near me and took my fold off. The light hurt my eyes, I blinked a few times until my eyes were okay to the light. I was in the Great hall, I was beside the seat of the chief. I saw the vikings looked at me, I saw Astrid. Her blue eyes were looking at me worried, Why are you looking at me like that?! I glared at her, I won't fall for your innocent act again.

"You must be happy now, Astrid!" I said, saying her name like I ate an Eel. "Seeing me all tied up in here, taking my only friend away from me! Are you happy now, does this satisfy you?!" I asked her then the viking before punched me on my stomach. He has Bloody-red hair, and Dark-brown eyes, I saw my father beside at him, looking at me his eyes were cold, I've never seen it that cold before, I looked at it and saw nothing, all anger, dissapointment. "Stop punching him!" Stoic scolded the viking who bowed his head down and backed down.

"What happened to you,Hiccup!." He asked me, I glared at him.

"You heard, what I said before right?!" I asked him, my voice with anger. "You treated me like a dirt!, and with that you guys created me, Im not afraid, not now!" I said, he eyes widen then turned to other side, "What you backing up?! Why don't you just kill me, so everyone would be happy" I turned towards the vikings. "You want that right?! For me to be killed, you want my bones crushed and my blood all over this place." I said with a chuckle "Guess what? I don't care, now who would do it?! Just kill me already! I've been living in this hell, since the day I was born.'' Others nodded, others didnt answer.

"son." He said, his back was facing me. "So, now your calling me 'son'?, Where's toothless?" I asked him and the vikings gasped. He turned to face me. "The dragon?! That's what your worried about, Aren't you scared about your life?!We can hurt you right now, if I order them to!" He told me.

"Why would I be scared now?," I said, I knew my body is covered with blood,bruises, black eyes. "look at me!" I said, he looked at me, and He stared at me.. "Im covered in bruises, and probably be dead in the morning, this is my only chance to talk so Im talking, Im gonna let out all of my anger, frustation and even my confusion" I told him the other's were silent, they were only watching the scene.

"Just answer me one thing, What did I do to deserve the humiliations, pain, betrayal and ignoring that I felt all these years?" I asked him, hopefully. Staring at him as he stared back he only shook his head and started walking away. "You weak, shameful person! You losing courage? Just kill me now, so I can be with my mother! Ever since she died. You treated me like crap, like I was something made from a...mistake! Well, maybe that's what I am, A mistake! Kill me, come on! Kill me, you murderer!" I said.

"Behead him, first thing in the morning. Leave him here for the night, 2 viking guard the door." Stoic said, The people gasps and almost all of them cheered some didnt and a certain blonde girl is one of them. I stared at the roof, imagining myself looking at countless of stars. This is how Im gonna die, beheading that was ordered by my father. I get my wish by dying, Toothless is gone, I dont have anyone or anything anymore. This misery has finally come to an end.

"Do you wanna run away with me?" I heard Toothless, I chuckled to myself. "Your alive?" I said, "Of course, I am! Do you really think I'd let myself be captured?"

"Didnt think so. Why werent you answering earlier?" I asked him. "I didnt hear you, Odin said that If we're 200 steps away from each other. We won't hear our minds." He said, He can talk to the gods? Is that how he came to my life. Thank the gods. "You can talk to the gods?" I asked him in my mind, completely amazed. "I can only talk to them, one more time and when I use that chance, I wont be able to talk to them for another time." He said, "wait bud."

I looked at the vikings who were leaving the Great hall with a wide smile plastered on their faces, leaving only one inside. Astrid.

"What do you want?" I asked, I can't believe that I loved her once, and now she's the cost of my worst pain. My father disowned me. I don't have anything or anyone besides Toothless now.

"Look, Hiccup, I didnt mean for things to hap-" She said, but I cutted her off. "Leave," I said coldly, staring at her with a bored face. "I dont want to hear your explanations, Astrid. You took everything away from me, and to think I used to love you and now your the cost of my worst pain." I chuckled to myself, her eyes widen. "Y-you love me?" She asked me like she just knew now, Almost all the vikings in Berk knew that I have a crush on her. I averted my eyes.

"I-Im sorry, Hiccup. I didnt know..." She said, "It would actually make me feel better,If you just ignore me and go away, Astrid." I said, with a defeated sigh, she walked away,

"Toothless where are you?" I said in my mind. "I dont know, where are you?" He asked me. "Im locked in the Great Hall, Do you know where it is?" I asked him, "Of course, I do. Just wait for me and I'll sneak you outta there." He said and I answered Okay.

After a while, A loud bang was heard on the Great Hall. There was smoke all over the door, Toothless used the chance and untied me from the chair.

"Is this your way of Sneaking?" I asked him in mind. "Im not really good at sneaking, Im the type Blow-it-up-then-kill-every-one-in-the-way-and-go-in type of dragon." He said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Okay, Thanks bud." I said and mounted him, away from Berk. Anywhere, but not in Berk. "You still have the Golds?" I asked him and he nodded. "Good! Because were gonna need that in order to start a new life."