Time for some more FFIII.

Here's a little two-chapter father's day special for all of you.

Hope you guys enjoy reading.



"Interesting…" Arc muttered as he quickly turned page through page on the current book that he was reading. The brunet smiled to himself, reclining on his seat as he closed the book "After all these years-" Arc's smile grew, pushing the book away dismissively as he took another tome from his right "Doga's documents never cease to amaze me."

"Excuse me, Grand Magus." A high-pitched voice rang through the brunet's ears "A letter-" Arc turned around to see the Moogle who maintained the Mognet letters that he sent and the letters sent to him in turn "From the Master Smith."

"Ah, bring it here." Arc gestured with his hand while turning to his books once more "Thank you." He muttered as the Moogle placed the letter on the desk "The Master Smith, hm?" The brunet snorted, folding the upper right corner of the page of his book "Wonder what she would want with me?" He asked no one in particular, closing the book as he burnt the seal on the letter, successfully opening it.

Arc's eyes widened in amazement as a small smile crept upon his features "So that's how it is…"

Dear Arc,

How have you been doing? I suppose you are doing quite well after we parted three years ago. The Moogle that's been relaying your messages tell me you've shut yourself in Doga's library. For the past three years.

I suggest you try to come out once in a while. Or go see VmVeV us once in a while.

The Master Smith thought it was time to pass the torch; so, yay for me!

Luneth's been gone longer than you have, though. The idiot's wanderlust is peerless.

Ingus is doing pretty well with Queen Sara, though I wish he'd have more confidence around her.

I'm not really good with this letter business so I'll just stop here. VBefVVoreVIVembaVVVrraVssVmyselVf

Hope you're going to visit VmVeV VUVrV SVaVVsunVe us once in a while.


The MV#%$aSAF #ster Sm%#^#ith


The brunet was grinning stupidly at the letter "I suppose IT has been long…" He folded the paper and tucked it inside of the book that he was reading earlier, standing up after neatly stacking the books that littered Doga's desk.

"I'll be gone for a while." Arc draped a light green cloak over his shoulders, clipping it on to him using a metal button that was found on its edges "Make sure nothing gets-" The brunet laughed to himself "Never mind, I know you guys will be fine." He smiled, ruffling the head of the Moogle that he was talking to.

Arc muttered something under his breath, a large intricate symbol formed beneath his feet "Refia's the Master Smith now, hm?" He smiled as he teleported to the surface, walking away from Doga's Manor. The brunet fished his notebook from the inside of his robes "Let's see…" He turned each page quickly "What's the fastest way to get back to Ur?" He asked no one in particular, a smile creeping onto his face "Ah, this would do."

The brunet inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly "Dual-cast." He said in a commanding tone, two symbols formed on his hands "Haste-" Arc's body was then encompassed in a thin reddish film "Aeroga." Strong winds pushed the brunet upwards, propelling him upwards.

"Whoa!" Arc smiled, laughing "This is much stronger than I had anticipated!" He screamed, flailing his arms in an attempt of regaining his balance. The brunet clenched his fists and placed them on his sides, leaning forward "I hope this works-" As he successfully mimicked a position reminiscent to that of lying on a bed on one's stomach; the wind beneath his feet had abruptly pushed him forward, filling the brunet with glee "This is amazing!"

He glided through the air in speeds that were enough to make the Nautilus jealous for a few minutes before he gained control of his pseudo-flying. Arc stopped in the middle of the sea, shuffling through his pockets, taking out his map "Now, let's see." The brunet raised a brow as he rubbed at his chin thoughtfully, smiling as he looked at the islands around him.

"Supid!" He laughed, tucking his map inside of his robes "I'm at least three miles away from the floating continent." Arc slapped at his face, snorting "After thirteen years-" The brunet leaned towards the south, the winds propelling him southward as he intended "I still can't seem to memorize all the locations around the world." He smiled "I wish I had Luneth's sense of direction." Arc leaned forward even more, seeing the floating continent peeking from his line of sight "I've got my magic. So I guess I've got that going for me."

Arc's eyes widened in horror as he had noticed that he was going way too quick for comfort "Oh dear…" The floating continent came closer and closer, and as Arc tried to slow himself down, he had come to a horrifying conclusion. He was going to crash, and the brunet prayed that his landing would at least be soft enough to a degree.

The brunet tried turning over, so that his feet were facing the floating continent, instead of his head " Ah, fiddlesticks-" Arc rotated and spun in the air uncontrollably "This… was-" He felt dizzy just from talking "A bad-" The brunet had entered the floating continent, but his erratic flight had no indication of stopping "Idea-" He slammed onto the northern face of the Tower of Owen "Aaahh…" Arc muttered in a pained tone, slowly sliding downwards the tower before falling gracelessly on the grassy plain beneath.

"Ow…" He rubbed at his face gingerly, playing with his mouth while trying to find out if he had lost any teeth "Halt! Who goes there?" A booming voice came from above the brunet "Do not expect to leave alive after what you've done to this tower!"

"Thundaga!" The voice boomed, several dark clouds formed over the Tower of Owen as thunder crackled "Oh dear…" Arc's eyes widened in horror as the clouds spiralled in a strange way, lightning flashing near the hole in the sky "Reflect!" The brunet screamed in habit as a strong flash of light blinded him momentarily. A strong buzzing noise rang through the brunet's ears; a muffled noise that sounded like a scream entered his hearing.

Arc blinked owlishly a few times before hearing a strangely loud thump followed by a scream "Ah! That s-s-smarts!" The voice that commanded Arc to stop earlier had stuttered in pain beside him. The brunet rubbed at his eyes and looked at the source of the voice.

The man that fell to the ground beside him stood up and brushed the dirt off his dark blue coat, shivering due to his earlier shock "Ow, damn!" He hissed in pain and looked at Arc with a scowl which quickly faded away from his face when he recognized the brunet "Arc? Is that you?"

The brunet smiled widely and stood up from the grass "Desch!" He rushed towards the guardian of the tower and embraced the older man "Haha!" Desch laughed, ruffling the brunet's hair "You've grown!" The blunet chuckled, planting his arms on his hips "What brings you to the Tower of Owen?"

Arc laughed nervously and rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly "I was actually headed to Ur…" Desch laughed heartily, smacking the brunet behind the back with unnecessary force "Ah, for reminiscing eh?" The blunet caught the slightly embarrassed face of the brunet and snorted "Or is it perhaps for Refia?"

The brunet jumped in surprise and shook his head violently "It's n-not like that!" Arc waved and flailed his arms frantically "It's just that she sent me a letter and-" Desch laughed once more "Ah, a date. I see, you should've just said so!" The blunet elbowed Arc on the shoulder, earning him more protests.

"Ah, I'm just kidding." Desch stuck his tongue out "Well, you better get to her, then." Arc gulped audibly, a small tinge of red on his cheeks "Y-yes." The brunet snapped his fingers and an intricate symbol appeared beneath his feet. Strong winds propelled Arc upward "I wish we could've chatted a bit longer!" Desch said in a laughing tone, waving at Arc.

"He never changes…" Arc chuckled as he flew by Canaan. As much as he wanted to see and greet Cid, he was much more eager to see the others, namely Refia. The brunet could feel his face heat up when he had remembered Desch's teasing "Get a grip, Arc." He inhaled deeply, turning towards the mountain range that served as a gateway to Sasune, Kazus and Ur.

"Ye sure about this?" Takka asked Refia incredulously, his one brow rose up in a curious fashion.

"I already told you!" Refia furrowed her brows at her foster father, earning her a laugh "Well, I ain't stoppin' ye."

Refia blinked her eyes owlishly "That's it? No objections? No 'he's too scrawny'?"

Takka laughed heartily, wiping a tear of mirth from his eye "I've seen what the boy can do-" The smith grinned "And a weakling like him needs a strong woman like you."

Refia pouted at her foster father, planting her arms on her hips "He's not weak- Just… physically lacking."

The smith laughed, earning him a punch to the face from her foster daughter.

Arc landed on the middle of Kazus with as much grace as a baby chocobo trying to fly for the first time "I need more practice…" He muttered through the dirt, quickly standing up and spitting any ground from his mouth "Landing is the hardest part of all." He brushed the dirt off his clothes and exhaled through his nose.

The brunet audibly gulped when he had felt the strange stares of the townspeople around him "Ah, it's just the Grand Magus." One of the men shrugged the earlier spectacle off and walked away. The other people nodded and "Ah'd" in unison before going back to what they were doing earlier.

Arc cleared his throat and looked around "Well, Kazus hasn't changed one bit." A small smile crept on his face as he advanced towards Refia's house, his smile being replaced by a full on laugh when he had heard Takka's pleas for help and Refia's angry screaming.

The door to their house was open, and Arc simply poked his boot on the wood of the door to let it fall back "I suppose this is a bad time-" The brunet quickly lowered his head when a hammer had come flying from inside.

"Not at all, boy!" Takka ran behind Arc, cowering behind the brunet "Oi, Refia!" The smith screamed in a shaky voice "Yer man's here!" "Protect" Arc muttered as another hammer flew towards his stomach, successfully pushing the two men to the ground.

"Oh, damn!" Refia covered her mouth in an apologetic manner "I am so, so, sorry!" She ran towards the door, kneeling on the ground beside Arc "A-are you alright?!" She asked in a frantic tone, earning her a weak smile from the brunet "Peachy."

"I'm fine, don't worry, girl." Takka grunted as he slowly pushed Arc upwards "I wasn't talking to you, stupid old man." She snarled, grabbing both of the brunet's arms to help him stand up.

"My own little girl-" Takka was abruptly interrupted when Refia had punched him square in the gut.

"Err, is he going to be alright?" Arc smiled sheepishly, earning him a snort from the redhead "Don't worry. Dad's a pretty tough guy." She smiled back at the brunet, dragging her father inside of their house.

"I just got your letter." Arc started as he picked up the hammers and various smithing apparatuses that littered the floor "Just put 'em there." Refia gestured with her head towards the empty crate beside the furnace. The brunet continued to tidy up the place as Refia had dragged her foster father towards her bed, an unpleasant sound akin of that of thunder was heard followed by complaints and reprimands.

Arc smiled slightly, using Aero on the rest of the items so that they flew towards the crate "So, how've you been-" Refia was taken aback at how tidy the place was "Whoa." She furrowed her brows " S'like I never fought with my dad, eh?" The brunet chuckled while nodding "Quite fine, thank you."

"Hmm?" Refia raised a brow curiously "I'm quite fine." Arc smiled "Thank you for asking." The redhead rubbed at the back of her head sheepishly and avoided the brunet's gaze "A-ah, right." She was about to speak when Arc had cut her off "So you're the Master Smith now, hm?" Refia shrugged "Well, she said it was time to pass the torch and all."

"Congratulations then." The brunet smiled "I suppose a celebration is needed?" Refia felt her face heat up and shook her head violently "Ah… don't be silly." Arc snorted "Don't be so modest now-" He reached for her hand and took it "Being the 'Master' of anything is… an excellent achievement for anybody." He smiled, earning him a very flustered redhead.

Thankfully he had his eyes closed, she thought.

"S-so what do you have in mind?" She asked sheepishly, strangely surprised at how strong the brunet's grip was "Hmm…" Arc looked around in thought "Ah!" He smiled, snapping his fingers "How about we go to Sasune, I am sure they'd be overjoyed as well."

Refia smiled but then bit her lip "But wouldn't Queen Sara and Ingus be too burdened?" Arc smiled a toothy grin "It's been a while since we've all had a celebration anyway."

The two departed for Sasune, their hands still entwined. Refia couldn't believe that Arc was unconsciously walking hand in hand with her, it was like they were on a dat-

"Wait, Sara's queen of Sasune?!"

The bold letters found in Refia's letter indicate erasures (sadly, the document manager does not save the 'strike-through' feature).

Her erased words are (in order):


'Before I embarrass myself.'




'The Master Smith'

Next part is coming soon (hopefully before Father's day ends).

Hope you guys had an enjoyable read.