Ryke woke up and immediately began to choke on something down his throat as he tried to breathe, he could hear something kinda like voices but they sounded distant and underwater while his vision was black and blurred. He felt the tube being slowly removed from his throat allowing him to heave in a few rasping breaths before being interrupted by a few coughs. The voices were slightly clearer now and he could make out a few words of a female voice "Go…tell…he…awake"

He felt tired and weak, Ryke could feel himself slipping unconscious and despite his best efforts he passed out. After an unknown amount of time he stirred again forcing his eyes to open, which was a bad idea as he was blinded by lights shining on his face. His blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked around the room which had wash white walls with a cream ceiling. A window was on the wall to his right with what looked like the early afternoon light filtering though the curtains and blinds, looking around more there was a table to his immediate right with a vase full of flowers and a few cards.

To his front was a wall with several windows into the looked out into a corridor and a plain wooden door painted white was to the left of the wall. On the left side of his bed his mother was laying her head on the mattress sleeping quietly, Ryke slowly reached out wincing at the pain throughout his body and placed his hand on her head almost to make sure that she was really there. Valerie stirred and her grey eyes flickered opened before snapping open as she meet his own eye "Ryke" she sniffed as she sat up and embraced him in a light hug.

"Hiya Mum" Ryke croaked when she pressed a kiss onto his forehead "Are you okay? What about Val and Ruby and the rest?"

"They're fine calm down" His mother laughed as she sat back onto her chair "You on the other hand took a beating"

Ryke smiled but didn't say anything before his mother spoke again "About what Cinder had said…" Ryke raised his hand slightly stopping his mother mid-sentence with a small smile on his face.

"It's okay while I was out…I met dad" Ryke then explained what he remembered of his conversation with his father as his mother sat fighting back tears.

"That man" She sighed "He always wore his heart on his sleeve"

They were silent for a for moments before Ryke broke the silence in a scratchy voice "Mum, get me a mirror" Valerie froze for a second before standing up and taking the large mirror off of the left wall and placing in front of Ryke.

He looked like shit his eye was dull and sunken in with massive bags under them. His skin was a sickly grey pale and an IV and heart monitor were connected to his left arm. Though the one thing that made the bile climb up into the back of his throat this his wings, his powerful broad wings that carried him throughout his life….

Were gone…..

Authors Note: Hey guys, i know this is a short chapter but i wanted to give you something, ya see school has proceeded to dump a metric shit tonne of wokr on me and i doubt it will let up for a least a month or two. This is not stopping completely but for the time being a hiatus is officially in effect

- Till next time