A/N: So, I've decided to finish this story here (that is until S5 begins and I'll be able to start working on a second part to it). I want to thank everyone for reading this story and for the support. This fic is special to me because it was the first Richonne fic that I wrote; the feedback has been phenomenal and I just wanted to leave you all with this epilogue until I am inspired to write what will happen to our favourite survivors next. Thanks again; you've been amazing!




We've gotta recognize and appreciate the beautiful things that are still in front of us; and remember that, even though tomorrow ain't promised, there's still the chance that we'll get to see it.

For Michonne, it had seemed so long ago when Rick had said that, as they both sat atop the ranger's cabin, with Carl and watched the sunset. He said it the day before they decided which path they would take; what they would do with themselves in this new life. It had been a treacherous road that had brought them here, and if Michonne was being honest, she was unsure of if they would survive now. For so long, that was all that they did; survive. Then there was the prison where they thought that they could live again; and they did live for a while, but all of that was lost to them too.

They had been separated from their group, had no idea what had happened to their loved ones, been forced to scrape for food and came face-to-face with the cruelty and evil that dwelled inside of other human beings. Michonne took comfort in the fact that she had found Rick and Carl, but now, as she sat holding Carl in this unknown, darkened place, she feared the worst; for despite the fight that was within her and despite how hard she struggled against their captors, Rick had been taken.

even though tomorrow ain't promised, there's still the chance that we'll get to see it.

Rick's words brought tears to her eyes and a sharp stabbing in her heavy heart. She would never hear him speak again, she thought; never hear him laugh or say her name. Never again would she feel the soft caress of his hands as he held her; of his lips as he kissed her and claimed her for his own. She would never be blessed to see his rare smile once more; a smile that changed his whole countenance. Michonne sighed and gripped Carl tighter while the tears ran down her face. Never again would they watch a sunset together.

The End