Tara And Jax Attend Their 14 Year High-school Reunion
(sorry for any punctuation, spelling or syntax errors)
At least on more chapter coming :)
Jax's POV
Church had been going on for too long, and the only thing worse than an overly drawn out meeting was attending an overly drawn out meeting where everyone is hung-over and cranky, except you. The party last night was wild, or so he was told. Ever since he became a father he had lost even more interest in drinking so much you blank out and awake on a pool table with a couple of crows and Happy sprawled on top of you. Last night Tara and Jax made a fort in the living room with Abel while Thomas was sleeping, then they made, well Tara mostly made, Pizza. When Thomas was up and ready for his own dinner they all ate as a family under the sheet canopy and tried to 'out funny' one another. Of course Abel won, as Abel usually does, unless Thomas pulls an indescribable funny face that leaves the threesome in fits of giggles. People say that fatherhood changed Jax but only did a few people, mainly Tara know, that this is what he had always been like and this is what he desired most of all.
Today's meeting started out as most of the meetings do.
"What the fuck happened Tig? I thought I said to stay the hell away from Roosevelt, we don't have a beef with him anymore ".
With this sentence, which Jax had regretted making 2 hours ago, the incredibly overly drawn out meeting commenced. Everyone was on edge and at the same time looked like they needed a shower. He decided to stop the craziness with his authority. He sounded his gavel loudly as his own voice would not even be heard over the raised voices or the 8 or so men.
Everyone paused and saw Jax's incredibly inpatient and emotive facial expression.
"ok enough now. Jesus. Here's what we are gonna do. Tig your beef with Roosevelt, I want it sorted without bullets but with an apology. I don't want any more heat than we already have and he has proved himself a decent enough guy so I don't want anything to change that for the time being." Tig nodded although anyone could plain as day see the disappointment flood the man's face.
"Bobby I don't want to talk to the Irish until absolutely necessary and especially since that would mean also mixing with Clay and none of us want that until as I said, absolutely necessary. Now finally I have an idea about the Russians." Jax took a deep breath. It felt good to get things sorted quickly and in a manner where he wasn't interrupted or second-guessed. Presidency made that clear.
"In two weeks time, Tara and myself have been invited to our 14 year reunion, god help us." A couple of the guys made noises about this as clearly he and Tara were and are quite the Charming commodity.
"Now both Tara and I pretty much hated high school and everyone in it, the only good thing about it, we have agreed upon, is that's where we met and that's where we mostly created this blossoming thing called love. We both laughed when we received the invitation and through it in the bin however that is when my most illustrious wife hatched a plan that would solve our Russian problem without bringing the heat back on me."
The boys where all listening now, even though Jax wasn't the only one who could be found and thrown back in Chino they all knew that any event would fall onto Jax as he is the president and has the final word with all and every plan so caution meant everything.
"In two weeks Tara and I will attend the reunion and half way through the event I will slip out for 30 minutes, and meet with Chibs, Tig and Bobby, to show the Russians what it means to meet Mr. Mayhem as a form of retaliation. Any questions?"
"Security measures at the reunion? Any chance camera could pick up your absence?" Juice asked Jax.
"The reunion is going to be held at the high school in the gym. Tara checked it out yesterday they have plans to install a security system but they have to wait for funding so there's no chance of that being a problem. And a gym full of hundreds of people who would really notice except Tara?"
The group deemed the plan solid and they finally were able to put the business talk to rest and discuss more lighthearted topics.
"Jackie Boy, you have white powder under your ear. I thought you said last night was anything but rowdy." Chibs asked Jax, almost concerned for what the suspicious substance really could mean for Jax and the club.
"Relax, Abel threw flour at me when we were making pizza."
"Ahh and what did big bad president of SONS retaliate with?"
"Naturally I flicked my son with pizza sauce."
next chapter coming super soon!
Georgia :)