Hello people! Here I am with a new project! Hope you enjoy it! However, I'm probably not going to update soon, I'm really busy with exams and all, but as soon as I'm off on vacations I'll update!
Chapter 1
Severus looked up from his plate to the mass of new students that had arrived to the Great Hall. He knew the Potter brat had arrived that year, so he looked around the eleventh years for a head of messy black hair and an arrogant face. 'Surely he is arrogant and already fat from all the food he gets'. He didn´t find him although, but he wasn´t worried. His name would be announced for the Sorting and Severus was sure he would be just like his father, arrogant and selfish. He shot a look at Albus and saw him looking for something, maybe the same boy as him, but he had a worried face. Severus raised a brow. Surely Albus was worried his little savior would be too arrogant. Severus smirked and turned to Minerva who was announcing the names. He was in time for his godson's sorting:
"Malfoy, Draco!"
He looked at the blonde. He was the spitting image of his father. Elegant and cunning. Tall for his age, already looking like the perfect pureblood. He felt proud of him like he knew his parents would be. He made a mental note to owl Lucius and Cissy to tell them the news. They would be happy.
"Potter, Harry!"
Severus looked up; expecting to see the brat walking with arrogance, but nobody appeared from the crowd. Albus frowned and rose from his seat.
"Harry Potter? Harry, please come here for your sorting" nobody answered.
The first years looked at each other, trying to figure out who was Harry Potter. Severus frowned. The brat was already trying to draw attention to him. The rest of the people were dissolving in whispers. Then they made a path making a little figure stand out.
The tiny frame was shivering and was looking down. Surely a muggleborn terrified of the Giant Squid Severus thought. Then a little redhead, maybe a Weasley, gently tapped him on the shoulder and bent down to whisper something in his ear.
Then a face shot up and Severus saw the eyes.
Lily's eyes.
That was Harry Potter? That was impossible! Severus was sure there was a mistake. The Potter brat was supposed to be tall, well fed, cocky and arrogant; not tiny, skinny and terrified. Maybe the Dursley's didn´t pamper him so much like Severus had thought.
The Weasley boy gently took his hand and took him to the Sorting hat. He exchanged looks with a shocked Minerva and placed Potter on the stool. Harry looked at him gratefully, not letting his hand go
"Harry, you have to drop my hand to be sorted okay? As soon as you are sorted you can take it again" reluctantly Harry dropped his friend's hand and Minerva placed the hat on his head. It fell down to the poor boy's nose, blocking his view. Minerva immediately took it, fixing it at the top of Harry's head, before the boy fell into a panic attack.
One minute later, with everyone waiting, the hat shouted:
Ron Weasley sighed with relief. At least he had a chance to be with Harry, he didn´t want to leave him alone, the little one seemed so scared. Ron understood then his brothers and their over protectiveness, he now felt the same for Harry, and he already was like a little brother for him, someone he had to protect.
Harry looked up to Minerva and Ron expectantly and they motioned him to the Gryffindor table. Ron found his brother Percy in the crowd and whispered to Harry to go to him. Percy understood and stood up to pick Harry and take him to their table. Harry was trembling embarrassed and scared and when he sat down he looked down at his lap and didn´t raise his head.
Ron looked up at the Deputy Headmistress and asked:
"Professor, do you think you could sort me already? I don´t want to leave him alone" Minerva looked up at Dumbledore who instantly nodded. Ron sat down on the stool and, as soon as the hat touched his head it shouted:
Minerva barely had time to take the hat off the kid's head before he practically flew to the Gryfindor table where a distressed Harry was waiting for him in Percy´s arms, trying to avoid looking at all that people. Ron took Harry's hand in his and soon the little brunette was breathing normally again. Soon the noise got louder; sign that all the people was involved on their own business.
At the professor's table Albus, Minerva and Severus exchanged glances. This was really weird. Harry Potter was not what they were expecting. Albus dismissed everyone as soon as he could and motioned Minerva and Severus to follow him. Leaving the Great Hall, he saw Harry still in Percy's arms, with Ron by his side, in direction to the Gryffindor tower. The brunette had his face hidden completely in the prefect´s chest and was still shivering.
"What was that Albus!?" an enraged Severus asked.
"Albus I told it was a bad idea to leave Harry with those horrid muggles!" said Minerva.
Albus looked haunted. If he had known Harry would turn up like that he wouldn't have left him with the Dursleys. Just with looking at the boy he knew he would regret that decision for the rest of his life.
Severus for his part didn't know what to think. He was expecting a noisy arrogant brat, confident and with high self esteem. In his place was a tiny, insecure, scared little kid who looked like he was seven instead of eleven years old. This was not what he had imagined the child of James Potter would be.
"He looked really attached to the Weasley boy" interjected Minerva "Maybe he will take good care of him, until he gets comfortable in this environment."
"We can only hope" said Albus "However, I want you two to keep an eye in him for now. Anything that happens you report it to me."
Severus left the Headmaster's office deeply troubled. It seemed that all he had thought was wrong in all levels. He turned to Minerva and saw a determined look on her face:
"Severus, I think we need to pay a visit to those Dursley's…just to see how they are don't you think?" she finished with a smirk.
"Okay Harry, my bed is this one; the one over here next to mine is yours." Ron explained to Harry the bed arrangements. Percy had to leave to do prefect rounds, and reluctantly left them on their own.
The other 3 first years were already changing into their pajamas and getting into bed. Ron helped Harry find some pajamas to use. He scowled when he looked at them: they had holes all over them and looked 4 sizes too big. He sighed and passed them on to Harry. He wished he could lend him some but he had only brought one pair. Maybe he could ask his mother to make some for Harry. In the meantime he got into his pajamas hoping Harry would do the same. But when he turned around, ready to get to bed, he saw the little brunette gripping the fabric with a tight fist, looking around in panic. Ron frowned and suddenly understood. He was afraid to get changed in front of the others. What had his relatives done to make him feel so insecure?
"Harry, would you like to get changed in the bathroom? No one will look at you, don't worry" Harry's features lit up and he practically ran to the bathroom. Five minutes later he emerged already changed, trying to stop them from falling. Ron smiled sadly at him, and motioned the little one to his bed.
Harry got into the bed and sat on top of the covers, looking at Ron expectantly. Ron sighed and helped him to get under them. He was getting more surprised by the minute. Although they were almost the same age, Harry seemed to be much smaller and less mature. He looked so…helpless and innocent.
With Harry tucked in and ready to sleep, Ron turned around to get into his own bed, when a small hand caught his arm. He turned back to see Harry looking at him with wide scared eyes.
"W-would you please stay with me? I'm scared"
"Of course Harry, don't worry." Ron got into bed with Harry. He looked at the others and they nodded at him understanding a little of the situation.
Harry snuggled into the sheets and Ron's warmth. Here he felt safe. He felt like the Dursleys couldn´t reach him here.
Ron wrapped his arms around his new friend protectively. He wouldn´t let any harm come to this little boy. And he would find out what had happened to him.