Hey everyone! I'm trying to get back into writing Fanfic with this St. Berry one-shot. It's my first attempt at a Glee fanfic (so sorry if it sucks...I also wrote it pretty quickly)...hope you guys like it! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any of the characters

"No music is so pleasant to my ears as that word-father." ~ Lydia Maria Child

Rachel St. James smiled to herself as she slipped a picture into a card that she would be giving to her husband Jesse over dinner that night. It was Father's Day, and she had a special surprise planned for him.

Heading into the kitchen, Rachel placed the envelope on Jesse's plate before going to check on the vegan lasagna that she had cooking in the oven. She set the timer for another 10 minutes before getting the ingredients for salad out of the fridge.

As she began cutting up the vegetables, Rachel smiled to herself. She was excited and anxious to see her husband's reaction to the surprise she had for him. They'd talked about starting a family, but now that she was pregnant, Rachel was nervous about what Jesse would say when he found out.

Just as she was placing the salad on the table, she heard the front door open.

"Rach, I'm home." Rachel smiled when she heard Jesse call out to her as he entered their house. She heard him place his keys in the bowl near the door before joining her in the kitchen. When Jesse wrapped his arms around Rachel's waist, she smiled and turned to give him a quick kiss before going to get the lasagna out of the oven.

When Jesse saw the envelope resting on his plate, he wanted to open it right then.

"Not until after dinner, mister," Rachel scolded as she brought the lasagna over and placed it on the table. Jesse pouted slightly.

"Fine," he reluctantly agreed with a sigh. The dinner was delicious and the conversation flowed easily between the couple. Once the food was gone, Rachel placed her fork on her plate and let out a contented sigh.

"Now can I open the envelope?" Jesse asked, holding it up and pouting slightly. Rachel laughed at her husband's expression.

"Yes, Jesse, you can," she replied. Rachel chewed on her bottom lip nervously as she waited for Jesse to see what was inside. When he saw the picture, Rachel heard his breathing hitch before he looked up and looked at her from across the table, a big smile on his face.

"Are you serious, Rach?" he asked excitedly. Rachel just nodded her head with a massive smile on her face.

"Best Father's Day gift ever," Jesse said, going over and giving his wife a kiss. And next to Jesse's plate was the picture, with writing visible at the bottom.

Baby St. James' first photo