I hear noise in the kitchen and roll over groaning. Ross laughs as his hand rubs circles on my back, "We have to get up baby." I turn and face him slightly, "I don't want to." He laughs and leans forward and kisses me passionately. He pulls away and kisses my nose, "Let's go before they come running in here." I laugh and nod.

We get up and get dressed. I pull on a pair of sweats and one of Ross's t-shirts. He pulls on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I pull my hair up into a messy bun. I open the door and he sneaks another kiss before we make our way out of the room and to the kitchen.

I see flour everywhere and two heads bobbing to music. I look over and see Rydel sitting at the island smiling at them. I shake my head, "What is going on here?" Everyone turns to us and I smile. "Mommy. Daddy." I am soon wrapped in little arms and Ross is laughing with me. He bends down and picks Tyler up. I smile and pick Emily up. She smiles and kisses me. "We were making breakfast. I smile and look around, "I know baby. I see. Thank you and how about I take over and make breakfast for you." She smiles and nods before letting me put her down. She runs off with her brother to watch television.

Tyler is the baby he is six. Emily is eight and loves to act older than she is. Rydel is smiling, "They really wanted to cook for you." I nod and look at her holding my youngest. Derek was a surprise but a great surprise. He is only five months and a daddy's boy. I watch as Ross picks her up and smiles at him, "How is my boy?"

I get to work on breakfast as the kids watch cartoons. Ross is feeding Derek while Rydel packs her things. "Ratliff is going to be so mad. I was supposed to be home to take over for him." She laughs. She is talking about going home to take care of Elaina while Ratliff goes to work. Rydel and Ratliff married five years ago and Elaina was here a year later. She smiles before kissing all of us and walking out. "See you tomorrow." Tomorrow is Ross and I's nine-year wedding anniversary.

Ross hands me Derek as he answers his phone, "Riker, Hey what's up?" I smile knowing Riker is calling to complain about Morgan and the wedding planning. They get married in two months and he is losing it. He can't handle the planning anymore.

Rocky married a girl named Kayla two years ago and he couldn't be happier. He was so excited when he walked down the aisle.

Ryland is the only single one. He is having a blast being young and single though. He always has a new girl but he is happy.

Ross smiles at me. He looks older but my attraction for him has not dulled. He looks even better in my opinion. He kisses me quickly and take Derek back from me. "I am thinking we all go out and have a family day." I laugh and flip the last pancake. "We always have family day." Ross and I really don't work anymore. We do small projects here and there but nothing big that would take us away from our kids. We have money saved and are very well off, so we don't worry about anything. "I know. I was just thinking we could go out and do something as a family." I nod and kiss his cheek, "Sounds fun."

We eat breakfast as a family like we always do. We then all get dressed and head out to the car to head wherever Ross decides he wants to go today.

We actually end up at Chuck E' Cheeses. The kids get excited and want out of the car as soon as they see the sign. Laughing I get Derek and pop him on my hip as I get Emily and hold her hand. Ross gets Tyler and smiles at him as we make out way into the restaurant. The kids take off with their tokens and have fun. I sit down with Derek and Ross while we watch the kids play. "I thought you wanted a family day?" He smiles, "I did but I decided that the kids would love coming here." He smirks at me with that famous smirk of his, "Plus I wanted alone time with my wife, even if it is at Chuck E' Chesses." I laugh because our date is here but I wouldn't want it any other way. Our kids come first now and that is something we both believe in and wouldn't want any other way.

We end up back home after some stops at the toy store and book store. I put the kids down for a nap because they all need one. We go to the living room and curl up on the couch. "How about I pour us wine and we both sit here watching our shows for once drinking wine?" I smile and nod because that sounds amazing. We haven't been able to watch our shows in a while. We record all of them and then binge watch at times like this or after the kids go to bed.

Ross comes back with a bottle of red and I smile. He pours two glasses and places the bottle on the table. He wraps one arm around me and soon we are watching our shows and having fun being together. This is one of my favorite times between us. Just me and him enjoying quiet time together.

Time has come for the party. Ross's parents are taking the kids for the night. They said we deserve to have time alone together. Honestly we will probably just watch television and sleep. All we seem to do anymore when we do get time alone is sleep. Sex is still there but we aren't teenagers anymore and honestly we just don't have the time anymore or the energy. We love each other and we still have sex and show each other just how much but we do it differently now. We just show each other without sex now.

I put my hair to the side and move over to put my shoes on. I hear a whistle and turn to see Ross leaning against the door frame. I smile and he comes over and kisses me. "I love you. You are even more beautiful than the day I married you." I smile and kiss him. "Why thank you. I love you too Mr. Handsome." He laughs and kisses me again before turning around and zipping my dress up for me. He places a kiss on the back of my neck before turning me around.

He grabs my hand and looks at me ring. He loves to stare at my ring and play with it. It is a way for him to feel like we are real and everything between is real and is really happening. I smile and he wraps his fingers with mine, "Let's go wife." I smile and we walk out of the room and to the car.

I get in the passenger side and he starts driving us to the hall. His family is going all out for this party even though we told them not to. I smile as he reaches over and grabs my hand drawing small circles on the outside of my hand as he drives.

We pull up to the hall and honestly I just want to go back home. I have kind of became a hermit and like to stay home with my kids and husband.

I do end up having fun though. I got to talk with adults about adult things and hand a drink or two without worrying about the kids. I got to listen to real music and just enjoy myself.

We end up taking a ride back home. We were a little drunk. He kisses me as soon as we make it into the house and I smile. He pulls my hand to the bedroom and tonight looks like one of those night where we have sex. I smile into the kiss as I am pushed onto the bed.

I lay my head on his chest and rub circles on it as he plays with my ring, "Can you believe that nine years ago you were here with me and we were thinking of baby names?" I laugh because it seems like yesterday but also like a lifetime ago. He kisses my head, "I love you so much Laura and can't wait for another nine years." I smile and look up at him, "Another forty years at least, don't you think?" He smiles wide, "Of course. Everyday happier than the other and everyday more special than the other." I kiss him and he kisses me back with passion. We have a great, happy marriage and honestly I couldn't imagine being married to anyone else or living a different life. I love my life and I love the laughs and smiles that come with living my life.

I look at Ross one more time before kissing him again. I lay down with my head on his chest and he smiles and wraps his arm around me as I think about my kids and husband and my happy life. I smile as I think about all the years to come and all the memories and happiness to come in my future.

I am so sorry, people were writing me thinking another chapter was coming. The last chapter was supposed to be the last but I decided to do a epilogue for everyone. I am so sorry if I confused anyone.
