"Cut. We are done for today." I smile and walk off the stage heading to my dressing room. I close my door and sit down on my couch going over my script for next episode. I yawn and place the script on my table and grab my phone and scroll through my notifications.

I see I have new followers on twitter and some cute tweets about me. I smile and reply to some. I hear a knock at my door. "Come in." I hear my door open and close and look up to see my co-star Ross standing in front of my door. "Hey Laura I was wondering if you were still coming over today." I smile and look at the time, "Oh I am so sorry. I didn't realize the time. I got caught up." He laughs and smiles that amazing smile of his. "It's okay. I will be outside when you are ready." He opens the door and closes it.

I smile and get up changing into my regular clothes and not my character Ally's clothes. I put on my light grey skinny jeans and pink tank top. I slip on my pink converse. I grab my light grey jacket that looks like a burn out. I grab my phone and smile at the mirror. It looks cute but funny because I still have my make up from the shoot today on which includes light pink lip gloss on and blush. I even have black mascara and eye liner on. I have a dark eye shadow on to match it all. My hair is in very very light curls. My colored tips with my dark hair ties it all together. I grab my script off the table and walk out the door.

"Ross." He turns and smiles before walking back my way. "Hey, you ready to go?" I nod and he throws his arm around my shoulder as we walk out of the building and into the parking lot. I see his car and he opens the door for me and then gets on his side.

We are driving to his house. When I hear a good song comes on the radio. I turn it up and sing along. "Been around the world, don't speak the language, But your booty don't need explaining, All I really need to understand is, When you talk dirty to me, Talk dirty to me, Talk dirty to me, Talk dirty to me, Get jazzy on it." We pull into his driveway. He stops and looks at me. I smile, "What?" He shakes his head, "Nothing, you just surprise me every day." I laugh and get out of the car and walk with him to his house.

He opens the door. "I'm Home!." He tilts his head and laughs, "Wow, I think no one is home." I laugh, "That's a first." All of a sudden I see his sister come running down the steps, "LAURA!" She runs up and hugs me. I laugh and hug her back, "Hey, Rydel." She smiles and pulls away. "I didn't know you were coming. I have to go but we need to hang out." I nod, "We will." She smiles, "Bye." She runs out the door and I laugh.

I see a blonde headed boy that could only be Ross's brother round the corner as he comes and picks me up spinning me around. He puts me down and hugs me. "Laura, Ross never tells us when you are coming but I thought I heard you." I smile, "Oh, Riker I am touched." He laughs, "You know I am always available Laura." I laugh as he grabs his keys and walks out the door.

I turn and smile at Ross. He grabs his hand and pulls me to the couch. We are reading the script for the next episode we are suppose to shoot. I yawn and put my script down, "Lets just hang." He places his script down and turns on the television. He pulls a blanket over us and we start watching the new version of The Great Gatsby .

"I swear, I won." "No, you didn't." "Will you both shut up." "Lets get along." I laugh and all four boys come running around the corner. "LAURA!" I turn just in time to get hugged by another of Ross's brothers. "Hi Rocky." He smiles, "Are you here to hang out with me?" I smile and shrug, "You will have to ask Ross if he will share." He sighs and walks to the chair. I turn and Ross's family friend Ratliff hugs me. "I'm happy to see you." I smile, "Its great seeing you too Ellington." He shrugs and walks into the kitchen. I turn and see Ryland Ross's younger brother. "Hi Ryland." "Sup." He turns and walks up the stairs. I laugh and turn back to Ross.

We all start watching the movie again. "LAURA!" I swear its like I live in this house or something. I laugh and turn to see Rydel walk in. "I want girl time." I smile, "Like I told Rocky, have to ask Ross if he is sharing today." She sighs and sits on couch next to Riker. "He never shares. Your not even his girlfriend and he doesn't let any of us have time with you." I shrug, "He invited me over." She smiles, "Great, then I invite you tomorrow." Ross laughs, "Rydel, you can have her after the movie." She smiles in success.

The movie finishes and Rydel pulls me off the couch and up the stairs. I walk in her room and sit on her bed. "What did you need?" She smirks and sits down, "Nothing, just wanted to know what you think of my brother?" I tilt my head, "Which one, you have four." She laughs, "Ross." I Shrug, "He is cool, and nice. Why?"

She smirks and shakes her head, "No, do you like him?" I smile, "Of course, he is my best friend." She tilts her head and I sink knowing she is wanting to know if I have feeling for Ross. No one knows how I feel about him. I kept it this way for a reason. Ross is my co-star and my best friend I don't want anything to happen between us. If I am being honest, then yes I have feeling for my best friend but no one has to know that.