When I woke up this morning, I was just looking forward to sleeping in my warm bed at Hogwarts, and chatting with Rose. All the classic happy things you do at a wizarding school.

Hello, I'm Adelaide Wright. I'm a seventh year Ravenclaw, which doesn't actually make any sense. I'm willing to bet fifty galleons that the sorting hat was just so tired and pissed that he just gave up by the time he got to my name and sorted me into a random house. It's the only explanation that makes sense! I'm so not Ravenclaw material. I get stuck out of the common room everyday, it's horrible. In fact, that's what happened today. It did not end well for me. Maybe I could make a petition for McGonagall to make a separate entrance for me, the pariah . . .

I pulled the small blanket from my bag, sat down, and stared. And stared. And stared.

How did I get into Ravenclaw? That's a good question. I would like to know that too. I would especially like to know now, so maybe I could have a chance to sleep in my dorm tonight. I covered my legs in the blanket, leaned back against the cold marble wall, and closed my eyes. Merlin, I was tired. I could just imagine the warm, sweet comfort of my bed. Ahhh. But, as always, I couldn't figure out the riddle to open the door. I never can, except for a few rarities. Most of the time I had to just wait for someone to come by. A lot of the time, it took a long while. Some of the time, I lay here all night until someone comes out the next morning and wakes me up. Let's just say that has happened a few times too many. I kept the blanket in my bag for a reason. If only a had a way to get Rose down here . . .

Look, normally I wouldn't get back so late, or I would warn Rose so I could do our special knock and she would open the door for me, but not today. I had to bake for Rose's birthday, and I couldn't let her know that. Okay, true, I baked for her every year, but sometimes it's gotta remain a mystery, yeah? I have a reputation to keep up, you know.

I settled back into the stone that was slowly warming up to my back. Merlin, I love being warm-blooded.

"What are you doing?"

A savior! My eyes opened, and I stood up quickly, only for my smile to drop.

"You're not a Ravenclaw." I grumbled, eyes narrowing. Bloody Gryffindors. Why are they the only ones out at night? Are there no other rebellious Ravenclaws left in Hogwarts?

James Potter pointed at his Gryffindor tie. "What were you doing laying on the floor asleep?"

"I couldn't figure out the riddle." I said awkwardly, scratching the side of my head. "Don't judge me."

A smirk slipped onto his lips, and I held in the urge to smack it off him.

"What was the riddle?" he asked, the smirk not leaving his face.

"You hear it speak, for it has a hard tongue. But it cannot breathe, for it has not a lung. What is it?" I quoted.

He paused, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You know, how about instead of sleeping out here all night, you come with me? I'll let you steal my warm fluffy bed." He teased, the smirk rejoining his lips.

"Excuse me?" I sputtered, bright red tinging my cheeks. Sleep in James Potter's bed? Sleep in James Potter's bed. Though he was Rose's cousin. It couldn't be that bad right? "You're lucky I like sleep." I muttered, gathering up my bag and blanket.

"Wait, you're actually coming with me?" he said, raising an eyebrow. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You do not offer to let me sleep in your bed then take it back. I'm sleeping in your bed tonight, and there is nothing you can do to stop me." I declared, with a wave of my hand. I needed sleep, and I was not going to get much on the floor of the castle.

He grinned.

"Follow me, Ada." He turned around and walked away. And because I'm a hormonal teenager with no self control, I checked out his butt. It's a good butt, by the way. In case you were wondering. I sure was.

I let out a soft groan, turning over in my bed, reaching an arm around my pillow and pulling it closer to me. I snuggled my face closer in, smelling that wonderful, clean smell. Merlin, I love the stuff those house elves used this time. I could sit here all day sniffing my pillows. I shifted my leg over on top of the pillow, pulling it closer to me with a soft sigh. I should probably get up. Although it is a weekend . . . But I don't really know what time it is, do I? I sighed into my pillow. I was so comfortable, though. This pillow and I are best friends now. Okay, I really should get up. I rolled over, missing the absence of my warm, good smelling pillow. Bye pillow. I stretched my arms above my head, and fluttered my eyes open. I sat up, scratching my head and yawning loudly. That was when it hit me. I was surrounded by red and gold, and the pillow I was using was most certainly not a pillow. I let out a shriek, flailed, and found myself falling on the floor and getting a face full of a Potter jersey. I guess the house elves hadn't been using something else on the pillow.

"Why the hell is Adelaide Wright in our bedroom?" I heard a husky voice ask from across the room. James was peering down at me, a smirk on his face. I swear to Merlin, if he smirks at me one more time. I sat up, and pushed my skirt down. It had rode up while I was asleep. Oh my Merlin, James Potter saw my underwear. I could feel my face turning a deeper red by the second.

"I, um, uh-" I stuttered, unable to come up with an explanation that didn't make me sound insane. So instead of being reasonable, I grabbed my bag and made a break for it.

I'm mentally unstable. Probably insane. Actually, scratch that, definitely insane. How could I be so stupid? How could I be a Ravenclaw? How could I let myself do this? I ought to be locked up.

I raced into the common room, only to come to a grinding halt. It was completely full to the brim of people. All of which were staring at me, completely silent. I guess I can get that, I am in my Ravenclaw uniform and I just came racing from the boys dormitory. Wait, boys dormitory. This looks bad. This looks really, really bad.

"Ada, you forgot your blanket." James said, coming up from behind me. Then he looked out, and caught a glimpse of what I was staring at. And I thought it couldn't look any worse. Note to self: never think that again. I ripped the blanket from him, and ran towards the exit. I just had to get out. If I got out, I would be fine. That was when the whispers started. I ripped open the portrait and ran like I was on bloody fire.

Shit, shit, shit, shit! What did I just do? Was the bed really worth it? Was the sleep really worth it? Actually . . . Yeah, it kind of was, to be honest. James may not have actually been a pillow, but he was still really comfy.

Now that I think about it, was James in bed with me when I fell asleep? Cause I don't think he was. In fact, I distinctly remember him promising to sleep on the floor or something. That prat! He snuck into bed with me!

I slowed my run into a walk as I entered the Great Hall. I wasn't going to stop by the commons. If I did, I would get stuck again, and by the time I changed and got ready, breakfast would be over. Food over cleanliness. I plopped down across from Rose and made a grab for the pancakes.

"You look like shit." She said bluntly.

"I hate your cousin." I said, stuffing the pancakes into my face. Bless the house elves.

"Which one?" she asked dryly, cutting up her waffles. Ugh, waffles. So not as good as pancakes, as much as Rose would disagree with me. I mean, I like waffles and all, but they don't possess the blessed texture of happiness and joy like pancakes do.

"James the prat."

"Why James?" she asked, not really surprised. I get that, James was always doing something pratty at one point or another. Just not usually with me. Usually her cousins and I stayed at a comfortable distance, and I liked that just fine.

"Okay, so you know how I get stuck out of the common room all the time?" she nodded. "Well, last night it happened again. I was getting ready to sleep on the floor, cause I knew I was probably the last one out. And then comes James, who invites me to the Gryffindor dormitories."

Rose held up her hand.

"Please tell me that he lets you sleep on a couch." I shook my head.

"So in my desperation to sleep on something over than a cold marble floor, I agree. I follow him up to the boys dormitories." Rose placed her head in her hands. She looks distressed. "He tells me I can take his bed, and that he will sleep on the floor." Rose snorts at this. Agreed. Why was I the only ignorant one here? "Only then I wake up this morning using him as a bloody pillow!" I said this bit, flailing my hands around to emphasize this. "So I race downstairs only to find the entire common room staring at me!" I could feel my face start to burn. I can't believe I actually did this. "And then James comes down!" I slapped my hand on the table, making a few first years jump in the process. "And I have never been so ashamed of myself in my entire life." I said, putting my face into my hands. "I am a right idiot."

"The Gryffindor table is staring at you, Adelaide." Rose sighed. I peeked up at her.

"What do you mean the Gryffindor table is staring at me? The entire Gryffindor table?" I asked, my voice raising in pitch.

She nodded solemnly and pointed. I swung around. Yes, the entire Gryffindor table. Including James. Shit. I turned back around, banging my head on the table, causing a few first years to inch away from the train wreck that is my life. Good. Get away while you still can. Wouldn't want to catch what I've got.

"I'm an idiot!" I wailed. "I don't deserve to be alive! How could I do this? How could I let James Potter ruin my life!"

Rose stifled a laugh.

"Aw, it's not that bad, Ada. You could have actually slept with him." She said, unable to keep the humor from her voice. What a best friend I've got, right?

I grabbed a pile of bacon ferociously. Well, as ferociously you can grab a grease soaked breakfast food. (Which isn't very ferocious, just so you know.)

"Excuse me?" a meek voice came from behind me. I turned around to see a small second year Gryffindor smiling weakly at me. I gave her a sweet smile. See? I can be nice. I don't scare all the youngin's. Well, all of the time. "I, uh, was wondering . . ." The little girl looked away, tucking her dark hair behind her ear. "If you were dating James Potter. Y-you would look v-very sweet t-t-t-together."

My smile dropped.

"No, we are not." I hissed. The little girl had tears pricking at her eyes, and she ran off. Okay, so maybe I am a bit mean.

"Adelaide!" Rose said, her mouth dropping. "What was that for!"

"She asked me if James and I were dating." I said defensively.

"Do I have to give you a detention?" she said sternly.

"Nah, I'm good!" I said cheekily. Rose just glared at me in return.

Rose Weasley is my best friend. I love her, I do. But this prefect power is going to her head. Plus, she's getting more neurotic with her old age. Not that I'm much younger than her, that is. Only three months. But I'm beginning to see a hint of grey peeking out from under that red hair.

Suddenly, Rose ripped me from my thoughts.

"Hey James!" she said cheerfully.

I snapped around to find him, only to find there was nothing there. Instead, Rose just let out a loud laugh.

"You suck." I muttered, turning back to her. Why did I keep her around again?

A/N: Hi! I really hope you liked that. I've had this story in mind for a while, so it's amazing to finally have this on paper. It's kind of a relief.

Note: Rating subject to change

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