Chapter 109

"Bentley Jonathon Good!" Kenzie said with her hands on her hips standing in the door way.

"What?" He said looking up at her as he was playing in the bath tub.

"My bathroom floor is flooded?" She said now tapping her foot.

"Yeah well I was playing." he smiled at his Mom.

"Bentley man what am I gonna do with you?" She said with a laugh.

"Love me silly because you the mom."

"You are right about that." She said as she wrapped a towel around him as they went into his room.

"Is sissy sleeping?"

"Yes she has a big day tomorrow." Kenzie said as she helped Bentley get into his Pajamas.

"Her party right Mommy."

"Yes. Now let's get you to bed too."

"Mommy can I sleep in your bed?"

"Bentley honey we've talked about this you have a bed. A new bed you and daddy picked it out." Kenzie said as she tucked him.

"Story please?"

"Of course little man I will tell you a story." She began to read.

When they heard the front door open and some one come in.

"That's my daddy!" Bentley said as he jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs screaming daddy.

"Bentley not so loud honey your sister is sleeping." Kenzie said as she rushed to follow him.

Jon wasn't in the door but five seconds when there was a little boy attached to his leg.

"Daddy I missed you so much."

" I missed you too little man." Jon said as he as he hugged him.

"But shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Yeah well I was but then you came home." he smiled.

"Bentley honey come her say good night to daddy and you will see him in the morning."

"Good Night Daddy! I love you and I'm glad you're home." Bentley said as he hugged him tightly.

"I love you too little man."

Kenzie but him back to bed and read him a story and he finally drifted off to sleep.

Jon was laying on the bed by the time Kenzie came in to their room.

"You look tired."

"Yeah it was like none stop the last two weeks. European tours are a bitch." Jon laughed.

"Oh I remember."

"I missed my wife thou this tour wasn't the same with out her."

"I know that but I got so much done! The house is actually being lived in both kids got their check up and teeth cleaned. I planned and am all ready for our daughters birthday party. Its amazing what you can get done when we are home more than two days a week."

"I have to admit happy looks good on you." Jon told her as he pulled her close to cuddle.

"I love being home. I didn't know if I would like it and I honestly thought that I would have some sort of regret but I don't. We even went to the park this afternoon and had a picnic." "I am happy that my family is safe and happy. That's all I've ever wanted." Jon said.

"I love you so much Jon. I hope you know that."

"I love you too. Kenz I knew exactly what I was going to say to you today. But when I saw you walking towards me you took my breath away. You make me want to be a better person for you , our son and our daughter. I will love you everyday for the rest of our lives, even when you are bossing me around and are being stubborn and don't want to listen to me. I remember the first time I saw you in the ring and you flipped of that top rope and slammed Punk to the mat. I knew right then that I wanted to be with you. The moment I fell in love with you , you were actually yelling at me we were in a match. I was concerned you had been hurt but you just looked at me and scrunched you're nose like you do when you are annoyed and said "Let's get that Son of a bitch" Every day since then I have loved you. I ask my self how did I get so lucky to have you in my life. Today I stand here and become your husband a title I never dreamed I would ever have. I vow to love you all of you when your happy, when you're sad, when you're angry. I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Jon those are your wedding vows. You memorized them?" Kenzie asked as she looked in to her husbands eyes.

"Of couse I did with a few moderations of course. Kenzie I ment every word that day just as much as I mean them now. I love you so much."

"I love you too. You know that night you came to my apartment in Florida did you ever think we would get here? Married with two kids?"

"Nope. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know we've been through so much the last four years but we will got through it together and tomorrow our little girl turns two."

"I know where did the time go." Kenzie smiled. "So are you really tired?"

"What do you have in mind?" Jon grinned as he pulled her closer.

But they were interrupted by Bryn's cry over the baby monitor.

"I'll get her." Kenzie said as she got out of bed.

Kenzie went in to Bryn's room and saw her daughter sitting up in her crib.

"You just knew that daddy was home didn't you?" Kenzie laughed as she picked her up and changed her.

"Dadda." Bryn said.

"Yeah you want to see daddy don't you." Kenzie smiled as she headed back to their room.

"Really?" Kenzie said as she stood in the door way of their bed room seeing their 4-year-old son in the middle of their bed.

"What can I say he missed his daddy." Jon said with a laugh.

Kenzie sat on the bed with Bryn who crawled over to her brother and cuddled next to Jon.

"Hi sweetie." Jon beamed as he hugged and kissed his daughter.

"Daddy said we can watch Nemo in here." Bentley said with the biggest smile on his face.

"He did , did he." Kenzie said looking at Jon.

"What can I say I am a sucker for these little faces."

They all cuddled together and began to watch "Finding Nemo" by the end of the movie both kids were sound asleep.

"Life doesn't get any better that this does it." Kenzie said as Jon kissed her cheek and looked down at Bentley and Bryn.

The love of a family is life's greatest blessing!

Thank you so much for your support on this story. I plan to do a sequel to this story set when the kids are a little older. I just don't know when I will start it. I hope you enjoyed this story! Thank you to everyone who reviewed , commented, favored and followed this story!