Chapter 3

A few hours later, after she had given Lily enough time to settle in Mia went to see her friend, knocking on the door first before being allowed in.

"Hey Lily, how you settling in?"

"Great, this room is ridiculous"

"I know right, I designed it similar to my suite 'cause I remember you said you liked it"

"You are amazing, you know that right?"

"Well duh, I am the Queen"

The two friends then laugh before going to sit down together on the couch.

"So umm, meeting Nicholas properly will have to wait until he gets back"

"Get's back from where?" asks Lily.

"He's got a business meeting in Rome and is then going to see family in London for a few days"

"Oh right, sure, it doesn't bother me, but are you happy, with him?"

"I am"

"Then that's good enough for me"

"Thank you"

"I saw Trevor just before I left San Francisco and oh my god Mia he has grown so much, he's huge"

"I haven't seen him since the non-wedding and it's sad because he's my brother and I'm not there to watch him, to keep him safe as he grows up"

"They're coming for Christmas though yeah"

"Uh-huh, I just wish America wasn't so far away, but on a brighter note my Joe and my Grandma are coming back for a little bit"

"Really, when?"

"Just before the banquet"

"What banquet?"

"Katie will fill you in on everything that's on the calendar over the next couple of days before she leaves"

"Ok cool, but is there anything to do over the next couple of days?"

"Apart from paperwork and a parliament meeting no, not really, I wanted to organise it so that you could settle in easily"

"Thank you, what time is dinner served?"

"6, I'll meet you in the small dining room at quarter to"


"Have you unpacked everything yet?"

"Almost, I've done most of my clothes and some CD's, but there's a little ways to go yet"

"If you get hungry or thirsty before dinner just come find me and I'll show you down to the kitchen"


"And tomorrow you're gonna meet all the staff who work here, you're gonna need to know them all for future references"

"You know what my memory's like"

"You'll be fine, I still don't know everyone, Brigitta is always reminding me"

"So, guess what, I saw Princess Asana when I went to L.A. a little while ago"


"Yeah, she said hi"

"That's nice, so, you wanna go for a walk in the garden?"

"Sure, let me change my shoes"

A few minutes later the two friends walked out of the room and out of the palace for a gentle walk around the garden. They were in the newly renovated Rose Garden when Lily asked "Hey, how's your plan's for the orphanage coming along?"

"Not bad, all I want is to make conditions better for them"

"And how's that little girl you talked to at the parade, Carolina wasn't it?"

"Yeah and she's doing good, a lot more confidant"

"That's great, I'm happy for her"

"I haven't voiced this with Nicholas yet but I was thinking of adopting her"


"Yeah, I really feel for her, she has no one, what do you think?"

"I don't know, but you should definitely what until Nicholas wait"

"Oh I will, and if he agrees I want to do this soon"

"You'd be a good mom Mia"

"You think?"

"Yeah, you're kind, nurturing"

"Thanks, I think you'd be a good mom too"

"I don't know about that"

"I do, trust me, now come on, let's go get something to drink, I'm parched"

"You are on"

The two then head back inside the palace.

End of Chapter