
and this is the last one-shot.

I hope you guys like it!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for loving this story and following it all this time.

you guys are truly the best and I hope you are as enthusiastic for the next story I choose to write as you were/are for this one.

Goodbye for now!


I wake up alone and completely covered in rose petals.

Bewildered, I pick up a handful of the petals and bring them to my nose to smell.

They smell just as wonderful as they look.

"Caleb?" I call tentatively. He is the only one who could've done this and now I am just wondering why.

I'd moved into his apartment a month and half ago and in my experience he's never awake before me so this is a rather strange occurrence.

When he doesn't answer my call I pull the cover back and pull my legs over to the side of the bed, if he did this I want to find him and thank him for the random lovely rose petals.

I watch as a few rose petals flutter to the floor with the movement of the blanket and something white catches my eye.

I reach down to pick it up and realize it's an envelope with my name written across the front.

I gently tear it open and find myself looking at tiny note card.

Cara, it reads,

Good morning.

I hope the roses make you smile.

I hope everything about today makes you smile.

I am waiting for you at your favorite place in the entire world.

Come find me because I can't wait to see you.

Love, Caleb

I know exactly where he is.

I'd told him a long time ago that my favorite place in the world is the library.

If I could die surrounded by books, my life would be complete.

Suddenly my stomach feels tight.

I know what's happening and I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

I reach for the telephone without even really thinking about it and dial Four's number.

He answers sleepily on the fourth ring.


"Hi. It's me. Sorry. Were you sleeping?"

He groans a little but I hear him shuffling around, probably to sit up.


I glance at the clock. It's almost eleven in the morning.

I don't feel bad.

"Do you always sleep in this late?"

He sighs heavily.

"Have you tried sleeping in bed with a pregnant woman? It's impossible. She tosses and turns all night long which prevents me from actually sleeping. This is the only time the bed is free."

I laugh a little.

"Right. I forgot you're a light sleeper."

"What's going on? You sounded sort of frantic when I answered."

I pause for a moment, not really sure what to say and then it all comes rushing out.

"I think Caleb is proposing to me today and I have no idea what I'm going to do."

He is quiet for a moment and I wait with nerves rushing my body.

"Why do you think that?"

"There are rose petals and love notes."

Tobias laughs a little bit.

"Okay, yeah. Probably."

"Don't make fun. What am I supposed to do?"

"What do you want to do? Do you want to say yes?"

I consider his words for a moment.

I love Caleb.

He is my soul mate and I feel that with every nerve in my body.

"Well…yeah, but…everything's going to change."

"Like what?" Four asks me sounding tired.

"I don't know. Our dynamic."

"Cara," He says softly. "What are you really afraid of?"

The answer is easy.

Getting hurt again.

I don't want to get hurt.

"I don't know…" I whisper.

Without having to say it, Four already knows.

"Cara, sometimes in life you just have to take a leap of faith. Trust that Caleb isn't going to hurt you. Not everything is going to end up in the gutter. Okay?"

"Okay." I say softly.

"He loves you. Go tell him that you love him too."

"Yeah…thank you, Four."

"Sure, no prob—"

He cuts off and I hear Tris in the background mumbling something about cake.

"It's eleven in the morning, you want cake?"

Tris mumbles something back to him and he sighs a little.

"Excuse me," he says into the phone. "I have to go. The pregnant lady needs cake."

"She's eight months pregnant, Four. Stop teasing her and give her the cake."

I can practically hear his smile over the phone.

"I'll call you later." He says softly and then I hear the phone click off. I hang up the phone and pull myself out of bed to get dressed.

When I finally get to the library my hands are shaking.

It took me a while longer than it probably should have.

I had only started driving again a couple of months ago and I have to drive slow just in case I have a leg spasm or something.

I approach Caleb slowly, clutching my walking stick harder than I really need to.

He smiles as soon as he sees me, the corners of his smile practically touching his ears.

"Hi…" He breathes once I'm in hearing range.

"Hi, love." I say back my lips stretching into a small smile.

"Did you like the flowers?" He says, still grinning.

I nod.

"Of course I did, they were beautiful."

"No, you're beautiful." He shakes his head a little bit looking so serious that it makes my stomach squeeze.

"Thank you…"

"Cara…" He watches me for a moment and then he lowers himself down to one knee.

I swallow hard, watching him.

"I've been thinking a lot about you and us and…everything in between. I was thinking the other day about when exactly I fell in love with you and I think it started that day that you looked up at me and said that I had a nice face…"

I barely even remember that. I was half unconscious at the time but Caleb brings it up almost all the time. It doesn't matter if I remember it or not because he does have a nice face and I will always think that.

"You do have a nice face…" I whisper.

He smiles up at me but his lips are trembling slightly.

"Cara, you are so strong and smart and the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my entire life and I will never know anyone that fits me the way that you do."

My whole body is shaking now as I stare down at him.

"You fit me, Cara, like a perfect puzzle piece. I love you and I want to marry you." He takes my hand and rubs his thumb of the back of it.

"Will you marry me, Cara?"

I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them again he's holding open a ring box for me.

The ring is silver but sitting in the middle is the most beautiful, blue, teardrop shaped sapphire with a ring of small diamonds around it.

It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

"Caleb!" I press a hand to my mouth.

"You don't like it?" He looks nervous for a moment. "I would've gotten you a diamond it's just…this seemed to fit you better…and it's blue. You really like blue and I just thought—"

"Caleb, it's perfect. It's so perfect I…I don't even know what to say." I am almost completely out of breath at this point.

"Well, you could say yes…or no…but preferably yes."

If I had any doubts before they are completely gone now.
Caleb is the one and every inch of me knows it.

"Yes! Yes! One thousand times yes!"

He gently pulls the ring out of the box and slips it onto my finger then he stands and wraps his arms around me.

I am still having trouble believing that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

He pulls back for a moment and then he presses his lips to mine

I could stay in this moment forever.


"Okay, it is my wedding day and I am officially upstaged!" I exclaim as Four brings tiny Caralynn into my bridal suite.

She's all dressed up today for the wedding in a white lace dress.

I hold my arms out for her and Four obliges me and gently places her in my arms.

"Cara, she's six months old, she can't upstage anybody." He takes a moment to take in my appearance.

"Besides, you look really beautiful."

I swivel around to face the mirror.

The dress is sort of amazing. It might as well be for how much money I'd spent on it. I look down at Caralynn and she's staring up at me with a sort of amused expression on her face.

She is such a beautiful baby that it's almost hard to look at her sometimes.

She is a perfect mix of Four and Tris.

She's going to be such a knock-out when she's older.

"Are you nervous?" Four asks me and I turn around to look at him.

"More excited than nervous, I think."

He grins a little.

"That's good. No cold feet, always a good sign."

I shake my head a little and Caralynn lets out an annoyed half-cry.

I look down at her and touch my nose to hers.

"I know." I say in a soft voice. "No one was paying attention to you for just a moment, but it's back. Don't worry, Aunt Cara will always pay attention to you."

Caralynn giggles up at me and I press a kiss to her forehead.

There's a knock on the door and Four rushes to get it before I can.

I am more than shocked when Uriah and Savannah are standing at the door.

"Oh my god! What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys couldn't come!"

Uriah and Savannah have been an Africa for a year and when I'd sent the invitation they responded that they couldn't make it.

"Are you kidding? We couldn't miss this." Uriah says softly. Four pulls him into an embrace quickly and I move towards Savannah and give her a one-armed hug with Caralynn on my other arm.

"It's so good to see you guys…." I breathe.

Savannah grins.

"We wanted to come up and see you before the ceremony started, you look beautiful, Cara."

"Thank you."

"And who is this little beauty?" Savannah says, peering down at Caralynn who reaches up and tugs on her hair.

"This is my beautiful niece, Caralynn."

Savannah laughs.

"Beautiful just like her namesake, hi sweetheart." She whispers softly and then looks over at Four.

"Christ, this kid loves her father. Seriously, it's the only thing I can feel out of every emotion in this room."

Four smiles a little bit and then shrugs.

"Yeah. She probably just feels guilty for pooping on me this morning. Twice."

I let a laugh escape my mouth and Uriah and Savannah join in with me.

There is something different about Savannah. She's a little edgier…darker but it's not necessarily a bad thing.

The door swings open again and Tris is standing in the doorway, her dress matching Caralynn's almost perfectly.

The second she sees Uriah and Savannah her mouth falls open.

"You guys are here!" She squeaks and Uriah runs at her and pulls her into a hug. He pulls away after a moment and shakes his head.

"Your daughter is beautiful, I'm sorry we couldn't be here when she was born."

She shakes her head a few times.

"Thank you...that's okay. I'm just glad you're here now." She stares at them for a few more minutes before Four raises his eyebrows.

"Why'd you come up?"

"Oh right." She says shaking her heads.

"Everyone's taken their seats and we're ready when you are Cara. Make it sooner rather than later. My brother is practically jumping out of his skin."

I laugh a little and then nod.

"I'll be right down."
Tris turns to Savannah and Uriah.

"I can take you guys to your seats." She says, and then holds her arms out to take Caralynn from me.

Reluctantly I let her go and watch as Tris leads Savannah and Uriah down the hall.

Tobias moves towards me and holds out his arm and I slip my arm through it.


"I'm more than ready." I say softly and then we start the long walk down the hallway towards the tiny chapel where I will finally marry Caleb.