To Write in Love & War

So I don't know how you guys feel about a little Lily x James fanfic. . . But here's one anyways! I know, I bet you are all going, "Okay, so she can write a new fanfiction. . . But not update Clockwork Academy, COTF, Dark Clarity, or Clockwork Enigma?!" Actually yes. I'm having writer's block with the two Clockworks and just about everything else. . . humiliatingly enough. I swear, updates are coming soon! In the meantime. . .

Summary: Lily Evans has hated James Potter and most of his friends, the mischievous Marauders from the moment they met each other. James, on the other hand, has forever been completely obsessed with Lily. Their love-hate relationship seems to have no change until seventh year, when James seems to have changed. But Lily won't fall for him. . . right? But most everyone at Hogwarts seems to have forgotten about one dangerous, lethal thing: Voldemort and his followers are rising– even within the formerly safe walls of Hogwarts itself. Love, betrayal, and war.


Lily Evans was beyond thrilled when she found out she was a witch, and not a Muggle. She was ecstatic— to be going to a magic school called Hogwarts and not the Muggle school that she had always found dull and daft. The children there relentlessly teased her about the fact that she was "odd" and Lily hated it. She absolutely hated it. But, Lily told herself, that's all water under the bridge now. You're going to Hogwarts, with your best friend, Severus.

And Lily didn't think she'd ever been more excited and overjoyed. She waved to her mother, father, and her sister, Petunia. Petunia pretended she was tying her shoes, and Lily abruptly withdrew from the Hogwarts Express window, feeling a pang in her stomach and turned back to Severus. Severus was looking rather wistfully out the window, but hid it as he faced Lily, grinning.

"Oi!" a brute shout came from the corridor. "Prat! Give me that, Prongs!"

Lily and Severus stared at each other. What kind of name was "Prongs"? The shouting continued, eventually lapsing into a bout of laughter.

"That hurt," complained someone. From the voice, it sounded like a boy. "Try not to wheel my insides out next time, all right? Go and punch Moony or Wormtail or something, Padfoot."

Lily felt bemused. Wormtail? Padfoot? Moony? Surely they had to be nicknames; no parent would be nearly that cruel. At last, she poked her head out the door of her and Sev's compartment as the voices came closer.

It was a pack of four boys heading down the corridor. The first one had a swagger in his step and dark hair falling over his sharply defined face, like he knew just how good-looking he already was. The boy next to him had black hair and glasses. Something about his smile seemed mischievous and conceited. The boy absently walking behind them had his face in a book, so Lily couldn't see him terribly well. And the fourth boy was small and short, hurriedly leaping alongside the third boy's side like he was afraid he'd be left behind. Lily swallowed a giggle.

"Sev, do you know those boys?" Lily wondered out of curiosity. She doubted Sev did, but then again, he seemed to know everyone in one way or another.

Severus stuck his head out alongside hers and stiffened. "Yes, actually, I do know them."

"Really? How?" Lily watched the four boys with interest.

Severus sounded like he was speaking through his teeth; not wanting to let an insult slip past his mouth. "Those two in the front are Potter and Black." The names were said innocently and blankly enough, but Lily sensed Severus's disgust for them. "And behind them are Lupin and Pettigrew."

"Oh." Lily knew she should probably sit back in her seat and shut the compartment door before Potter, Black, Lupin, and Pettigrew came closer to her and Severus's compartment, but it felt like her feet were glued to where she was standing. She just couldn't seem to move. The four boys came closer, Potter and Black still laughing. They hadn't seen her and Sev yet.

"Lily, come on," Severus muttered sharply, jerking back from the door as if he'd been burned. "Let's just—"

"Hey!" a yell cut Severus off, and Lily's head shot up. The four boys were about four feet away. Potter was staring at her, Black's eyes were fixed on Severus, Pettigrew was looking at Potter and Black for guidance, and Lupin had ran into the window while reading his book. "Prongs, look, it's Snivellus!"

Potter's gaze darted to Severus. So he was Prongs. A lazy grin stretched its way across Potter's face. Black's slightly malicious smile was all over his features. "Well, if it isn't little Snivelly. Finally got the brains to go to Hogwarts, eh? And who's she? Your girlfriend?"

Lily felt herself go a million shades of red all at once.

Severus glared fiercely at them. "Shut up, Potter."

Black snarled out a laugh that sounded more like a growl. Potter still had the lazy grin splashed on his face. "I don't think I will, Snape. What's your girlfriend's name?"

"I'm not his girlfriend," Lily snapped. She felt herself ignite with anger. God, she hated Potter and his little friends. They were so annoying and obnoxious, and what had Sev ever done to them? Nothing. So why were they treating him so meanly?

"She speaks!" Black announced mockingly after a minute of silence. "So what's your name again? I didn't quite catch it over Snivelly's breathing."

"Lily, really," Severus said lowly, "let's just. . ."

Potter interrupted him, flashing a blinding smile full of arrogance at Lily. She was dying for the chance to slap it right off his face. "Go out with me?"

Lily reached up and slammed the compartment door so hard she felt the vibrations under her fingertips. Black and Potter waltzed off, laughing like hyenas. Lupin followed more slowly, rubbing his head sheepishly and mouthing "Sorry" at Lily and Severus through the glass. Pettigrew scurried after the two ringleaders, and Lily fell back into her seat, breathing like she'd just run a marathon.


"Hmmm?" Severus still sounded furious.

"I hate him."

Lily nervously walked up to what Professor McGonagall had called the Sorting Hat. She could feel hundreds of pairs of eyes on her as her knees knocked together. She felt her face go red again as she scanned the crowd of students. In the Slytherin table, a girl with long, dark hair and heavily lidded eyes whispered something to a boy with cold features. The Gryffindor table looked cheerful, its new recipients smiling at Lily. The Hufflepuff table was quiet, and the Ravenclaw table looked studious and solemn. Which house did she belong in?

Lily sat on the stool and the professor lifted the Hat and put in on her head. Lily nearly fell off the stool when she heard the small voice in her ear as it said, "Hmmmm. Loyalty. And. . ." the Hat chuckled slightly and Lily flinched. "A fair bit of power too. Lots of bravery. You belong in. . . GRYFFINDOR!"

The Hat was whisked off Lily's head as the sound of applause assaulted her eardrums, and she smiled shakily as she walked over to the Gryffindor table. Someone slapped her on the back as cheering erupted. Lily could see Black smirking slightly at her, and sent a scowl back.

That night, Lily watched as Potter, Lupin, and Pettigrew were all Sorted into Gryffindor, while Severus landed in Slytherin.

Oh no. . .

So there goes the prologue. Opinions? Thoughts?