A/N: WARNING! Semi major smut ahead, but that's why you guys are reading...duh. Enjoy xoxo
It felt like they've been all through the city, passing few challenges like sneaking past Twilight Beasts or hiding amongst the shadows to keep from the Kargaroks. At most they only really traveled half the city. Or rather he traveled through half of it. The tired princess remained semi perched on his shoulder throughout the past few hours. How he hadn't grown tired of carrying her all this way was a great feat in her own opinion. Unless he was tired...he had a splendid way of hiding it. Every so often she would could feel him skip a step slightly and grab at his face again although she could barely see out of the corner of her eye. What is wrong with him? Her question fell upon deaf ears as she lay draped over the demon's shoulder. Rather than say anything or overthink more than she already had, Zelda closed her eyes. Maybe some rest would do her good afterall.
"Do not sleep."
One eye open, a soft serene sneer forming. "Why not?"
Without even opening her other eye, she was beginning to slide from her perch. With a gasp, she fell on to the cold ground. The princess turned her head to look at the shadowed hero and possible do him great harm, but...he was gone. Getting to her feet, Zelda darted her eyes in every which way.
After a few moments of no response, there was a soft thud. Allowing her feet to guide her, she made her way through the still empty street near the palace. There was one alleyway in particular that caught her eye. Seeping out of the ruggid opening was a shadow. Rushing toward it, the princess turned the corner and covered her lips with her hand to cover the gasp that escaped her mouth. On the ground, was Dark Link. His body was stiff and throbbing with the thick mist that was around his face. The charcoal fog creeped under and over his body, slowly making its way up the crooked stone walls. The sight of it made her throw up her other hand, Triforce visible with light. Walking slowly, the light glow of her hand made a path through the darkness and to the body. She took a deep breathe before kneeling down beside his body and reaching out her fingertips to touch his skin, so dark and smooth under the pads of her fingers.
"Please wake up," she pleaded. "I can't finish this without you...damn arse."
Just as her eyes began to form small bubbles of salty tears, the demons body twitched, his arm moving beside his torso to push himself up and onto his back. "I doubt that entirely."
His eyes widened as a barely visible red mark formed on his cheek. When Zelda raised her hand to swing again, he gripped her wrist. They stayed this way for some time, both breathing heavily until she broke the silence.
"Why did you walk off without me? And what is this mist that has been around you recently!"
He tightened his grip in response. "It's nothing."
"Tell me."
"I comma-"
At this point his wrist flicked behind his head, bringing Zelda forward to smash her lips against his. Dark Link raised his other arm and reached around her waist, pulling her on top of him. Her arms had no choice but to be pressed into his chest, her fingertips barely touching his jaw. In a princess' upmost opinion, he'd been teasing her from the fucking start. She didn't care anymore, she wanted him to touch her in ways no one else had and explore her with his wicked demeanor and he did just that. His hands ran along her body, his tongue grazing her bruised lips. Soft moans left her throat like musical notes, encouraging the demon to go further and slide his hands up her torn dress and slide his index fingers under the fabric of her private areas. In return, she mustered the courage to bite his bottom lip and tug lightly. A soft growl rumbled in his chest and he slid his tongue further into her parted lips until it met her own. Her cheeks inflamed at the slippery contact. But then, he stopped.
She raised a brow. "What is it?"
His crimson stare looked past her. "Look up."
And she did just that. There, in the sky, was no ominous orange with flecks of charcoal scattered about. Zelda removed herself from the shadow to stand, all while looking to the sky, his fingertips sliding down her legs as she did so.
"He did it," she said softly.
Dark link stood as well. "I assume by him you mean my lighter doppelganger."
"Well..." the princess began. "Yes, I would think Link succeeded."
"And if he didn't and someone of higher power has..?"
Zelda looked to him with furrowed brows. "He's chosen by the goddess, it's unlikely someone else had the ability to destroy the barrier."
He nodded. "Then let's go find your hero."
She didn't answer, just held out her hand to which he slid his fingers between her own hesitantly. He didn't understand her sudden act of affection and silence but didn't question it either. Keeping to the shadows, they moved through the now repaired city with few residents going about their business as if nothing happened. The princess' attire however made her appear unlike herself, but rather a regular citizen if not someone of lower class. It never bothered her dark companion though. It made her comfortable to be around his aura without looking like the goddess she was told she was. Especially having his fingers laced with hers, it gave her a small sense of safety despite who he actually was. Perhaps he's of higher power than Link...he is his shadow after a-
"Zelda wait."
At the whisper of her name she turned her head to look at the demon. "What?"
He said nothing, simply lifting his free hand to point ahead of them. Just as her violet gaze followed his pointing hand, she was met with sky blue eyes staring right at her. Her body froze in place, her hand tightening to grip Dark Link's. I am in the shadows, he cannot see us...hopefully. Zelda's thoughts were answered when a small imp, also known as Midna, popped over her hero's shoulder, whispering in his ear. The goddess chosen hero only nodded and ran off toward the palace. The small encounter was odd...if Link did see her, wouldn't he run to her aid? Especially if she were in the company of an enemy? He looked as if he stared right into her soul yet didn't see her.
I cloaked us from his vision," the demon said abruptly.
Zelda looked at him with a bored expression on her stiffened face. In return he shrugged, with a slight smirk forming at the corner of his mouth. They may as well just follow the Link and Midna. Surprisingly the princess still held the shadows hand, rather tightly in fact.
"Are we just going to sit here and play for the remainder of this journey or follow the little imp and her companion?" he deadpanned.
"I..." Her voice completely crumbled. There was no response she had to what he just said. "Yes?"
Dark Link raised a brow and squinted his eyes slightly. "I shall assume you mean 'yes' to the first option, yeah?"
"Eh..." she paused, releasing the demons hand and twiddling her thumbs. Wait, why am I even thinking of this! "N-No!"
Rather than the rejection coming out firm and assertive, it was more of a cracked squeak that made the shadow smirk. It was a devilish thing that had the hairs on the back of her neck standing tall. She hated how he was nearly right to assume that's what she was thinking at first. It wasn't the task at hand however, she needed to find Link, again. Her mind was so cluttered that she ignored the rustling beside her. The demon was getting more into her space when she wasn't looking. Zelda glared at him when he grew closer, smirk widening. With a quick motion he licked at her lips and leaned back, hopping to his feet.
"Are we to head to the palace?" he asked, brushing off dirt from his charcoal armor, or rather fabric. Whatever he preferred to call it.
Zelda thought for a moment, chewing on the inside of her cheek with wide eyes as to the assault on her mouth. "No." When she was rewarded a raised brow in response, she continued. "I still desire to leave the city."
Dark Link blinked. "And then...?"
"Then, I shall go to a temple that I assure you, you are very familiar with," she said, sounding confident that he would go with her and continue their journey that was starting to spiral into an adventure she wasn't nearly ready for.
"The temple has long been forgotten, Zelda."
She frowned. "I know it has been. I simply want to investigate the area," the princess explained.
The demon nodded. "I see. And shall I be your companion during this little quest of yours?"
Zelda's pink lips began to turn in a cheeky smile. "I would hope so, but we need to finish the mission we're both currently taking part in, shouldn't we?" she finished, holding out her hand for him to assist her in standing, which he did without hesitation. Seems like he's becoming more of a gentlemen. Odd.
The duo walked throughout different alleyways, slowly but surely making there way to the gate of the city, which was heavily guarded and yet they managed to sneak past. Though regular citizens gave them curious looks when they had no choice to walk into the light, there was no real commotion. Neither were a threat anyway...then again one doesn't simply call the guards on a worn down princess and her demon companion. That would be ridiculous. By now she was only thinking of how close to freedom she really was. Just a few more pats of their feet running across the bridge and it would be straight grass land and paths from here on out. Birds chirping rung in her ears and the whistle of the wind blew through her golden locks. The fresh smell of flowers and water streams drifted in front of her face.
"Princess Zelda!"
Her heart collapsed, feet skidding to a stop just at the bridges edge. Dark Link stood just diagonal from her, his boots buried in the grass. When the princess turned her head hesitantly, she was met with fiery slits of eyes, but these eyes didn't belong to an imp. Rather than that, a tall woman stood in the middle of the bridge. Her skin was a soft hue of blue. Two large strands of phoenix hair hung beside her face, brushing against her high cheekbones and coming to tie together under her chin and in front of her chest. The soft breeze brushed against her charcoal attire, the air only managing to move the pieces that weren't skin tight.
The other woman smirked, sharp teeth peeking from behind her purple lips. "To you, its princess of Twilight."
Zelda allowed her lips to form a straight thin line. "I see that curse of yours had been sated."
"It has. Zant was defeated by your...chosen hero, as well as Ganondorf. Link and I are to venture to the Gate where he shall be banished to my realm."
Dark Link twitched beside the Hyrule princess, as if to show his impatience of wishing to leave. It was true, she too, was growing impatient speaking to the darker women standing with perfect posture at the middle of the bridge. The woman was wasting the time that hasn't been in their favor for at least two days. Zelda looked at her hand, her fingers laced with the demons. Her brows furrowed, violet eyes looking toward the Twilight princess.
"Midna, I need to go on my own adventure for once," she said sternly, tightening her grip on the shadows hand.
The Twilight princess almost frowned...almost. "I see." She sighed. "If it is what you wish so be it. I simply warn you of the company you keep."
With that she began to walk away from the pair and to the gates of the city. A soft mist enveloped her slim figure until it collapsed onto itself, leaving behind a small essence that Midna was even there. Just as the thick mist began to fade, Zelda squinted her eyes to look closer at the fog. Why does it seem so familiar? A tug on her hand made her turn her head to see Dark Link nearly dragging her arm across the last step of the bridge and into the soft grass and patches of dirt. It seemed so long ago that the princess had actually left her small tower and larger palace, to actually see blades of grass and touch the flowers besides the small gardens that resided in the palace. Zelda released the hand she held onto tightly to kneel onto the ground and run her fingers through the dirt. There was a soft prick on her shoulder as she leaned back to stand, but she remained kneeling, turning her head to come face to face with the hilt of a blade. Maybe this would be her end, beating with the hilt of the demons sword rather than a quick death. She squeezed her eyes shut and prepared her self mentally, but nothing happened.
"You're going to need this you know," his voice invaded her ears.
Zelda opened her eyes, blinking light a deer in the headlights. "What?"
The demon wiggled the hilt in front of her. "Unless you plan on dazzling your foes with that glowing hand of yours, I suggest you take the sword."
"Oh," she replied softly, and slightly relieved. Her hand slid over his and to grip the hilt closest to the actual blade. Just as he released the hilt himself, the sword began to shift entirely.
The sword began to brighten from the darkness, glistening into a pale golden color with intricate designs patterning the blade and the hilt a smooth purple. Three gems studded the top of the hilt in a triangle. The colors being blue at the top, red on the left, and green on the right. What was once a blade of darkness and copy of a sacred sword, turned into a sword fit for the princess and like no other sword she had ever seen. The blue stone encrusted into the hilt glowed softly and brighter than the others. Wisdom rang through her ears as if it were being whispered to her. All the while the sword changed she watched her dark companion from the corner of her eye, who simply watched.
"And here I thought there was only one sacred sword that my doppelganger possessed."
Zelda looked up to him and smiled. "I guess this makes two sacred swords...possibly."
The demon smirked. "The let's get going."
"Just a moment if you please," she replied, getting to her feet and holding the sword in a way one would present to a king.
The princess lifted the blade into the air, the sword glowing a soft blue. With effortless finesse, she swung the sword in front of her to which the demon merely stepped aside to watch a sting of blue light leave the blade and hit a tree, the bark sputtering in every direction while the trunk split in two. She hadn't realized it but while she stared at her handy work, Dark Link attached the sheathe of the sword to her hip. Her gaze went to it, raising a brow as it didn't change in color, but rather remained a dark ebony. Slowly, she held her sword with both hand and slid it into its casing. The sheathe only glimmered when the sword was fully into it with a soft click. Her eyes went to look into crimson ones.
"Now we can get going."
Alright, I've been m.i.a and delayed so much on this chapter that I decided to make it longer, including the story. I figured many of you if not some have been waiting to read and I feel god awful! Other than that if I delay on chapters, just know I'm MOST likely writing a longer chapter or I'm just busy.
p.s Ironically I've been playing Zelda lately...woops.