Matsuoka Gou drabbles




Under The Rain

Gou ran towards a shop through the heavy rain. As she arrived, she sighed in relief as she looked down her wet uniform. Luckily she's wearing a singlet underneath her school shirt.

"Really, the weather forecast is just all lie. 'No rain today.' Pfft! Now I'm all wet…" Gou sighed again and look at the dark sky. Then a napkin is shown beside her face. She blinked and looked up at the owner, which was Rei.


"It's Kou." Gou pouted, and Rei sweat dropped.

"Here's a napkin. Your face is wet."

"A-Ah… Thanks Rei."

"You welcome." Rei nodded as he adjusted his spectacles. He might enjoy being with his manager right now…

Carrying Boxes

Gou's carrying a heavy box towards the teacher's lounge. Miho-sensei ask her to bring the box to her desk, and Gou being the kind girl she is, help the teacher.

"Ughhh… heavy." Gou huffed as she peeked behind the box. The box is as big as her, and she barely see in front of her.

As she walked few more steps, she lost her grip of the box since someone pulled it from her. She blinked and looked up to see Makoto standing in front of her, smiling as he held the box easily.

"Gou-chan, this box is pretty heavy." Makoto spoke as he smile to his manager. Gou blushed lightly and nodded.

"B-but Makoto-senpai. I can carry it on my own…"

"Nonsense, you barely see in front of you silly. I'll help you. Where should I put this box?"

"Ahh, Miho-sensei desk."

"Alright. Oh yeah, about the next training…" And they both walk away together.

Extended Hand

"Gou-chan! Come! The scene from here is pretty nice!" Nagisa cheerfully call up Gou as he stand on the wall by the beach.

"It's Kou!"




Gou sighed in defeat and look up at the now taller Nagisa. And then her eyes turn to the clear blue sea.

"Come on Gou, stand on the wall. It's really nice to be in this height." Nagisa grinned at the red head and Gou shyly look down.

"B-But it's really tall. I think I can't climb this high…"

"Aww! Poor Gou-chan! Let me help you! Give me your hand!" Nagisa extended his hand to Gou as he giving her his trademark grin. Gou smiled and accepted his hand. Nagisa pulled her up carefully and now they standing next to each other, looking at the sea with silly grin on their face.

Grabbing Wrist

Gou checking out the Iwatobi swimmers progress as she taking and writing down information on the clipboard she was holding. As she walking towards Makoto lanes, her leg stepped on a small pool of water and she almost slipped. Her eyes widen.

'Oh crap!' Gou wanted to close her eyes, but she suddenly been pulled back by her wrist and her back collided on a chest. She blinked and looked up and her ruby eyes met with blue eyes. She blushed lightly. She noticed his wet hair, face and body. It seem like he just walk out from the pool.

"H-Haruka-senpai! I'm sorry!"

"It's fine Kou. You alright? You almost fall there." Haru asked, and his face showed his concern. Gou smiled at this.

"Yeah I'm fine Haruka-senpai. You helped me. Thank you so much." Gou grinned at him, and a slight pink on his cheeks appeared, but she didn't notice this.

"Be careful." With this, Haruka walked away and went to the toilet. Gou smiled and continue to checking out other members, being more careful this time.

Borrowing Jacket

"Nii-chan~!" Gou hug Rin's arm suddenly, startling the older Matsuoka. Rin glared at his little sister and sighed.

"You're late Gou. I've been waiting for 15 minutes." At this, Gou pouted at her brother.

"It's Kou! And it just 15 minutes of waiting. I'm here already aren't I?" Gou grinned and Rin sighed at this. They promised to hang out together today, as Rin promised last week with his sister.

"Have you eat lunch yet Gou?" Rin asked and Gou shook her head. She doesn't want to eat lunch since she'll be going out with her brother today, and it's exciting for her.

"What do you want to eat today?" Rin asked again as he looking around for a restaurant or something. Then Gou suddenly shivered. Rin blinked and look down at his sister.

"Gou, are you cold?" Rin asked again, and Gou only nodded. Well, no wonder, she's wearing a short jeans, and a thin long-sleeved shirt. Rin sighed and took off his jacket and put it over Gou's smaller shoulder.

"Nii-chan, you'll be cold."

"It's fine. It's not really cold for me anyway. Now, let's eat some burger." Rin suggested and they went to a fast-food restaurant.
