They talked for a while and then Cas paid some kid ten dollars for his frisbee and Dean just laughed. Castiel was so cute when he jumped for a catch like it was the most precious thing in the entire world. Although he'd never admit it, his jeans got a little tighter when he watched the sweat dripping down Cas' naked torso. He'd had to cool himself off with some cold water after that picture climbed into his brain and sprouted wings.

He noticed quickly that the man had impeccable aim, every single throw went where he intended, which was usually the exact distance he could clear in a dead sprint before it hit the ground.. Dean tried to act like it wasn't funny when the guy managed to beam him in the ass repeatedly, but he eventually he couldn't hold back anymore.

"You got some kind of fascination with my ass Novak?" Dean rushed to pick up the disc and held it high in the air after he noticed the lithe policeman headed for him at an increasingly faster pace. He nearly hit the ground when Cas's body smacked into him, had it not been for his years as a quarterback he probably would have. Instead he held the disc up as high as he could and Castiel's body was just an inch or so too short to reach it without jumping, and at the angle it would have been difficult at best.

"Don't make me fight you for that frisbee Winchestah, I'll take it by force if necessary." Castiel teased as he bumped his hip against Dean's in an effort to knock him over once again. Dean held firm in his stance and was tickled pink when he watched Cas jump for it and nearly fall over because of his quickly maneuvered pull back.

"I can't believe they let you put the uniform on and call yourself a public servant if you can't even fetch a little frisbee. I know a labrador retriever who can do a better job." Dean teased back playfully, which earned him an elbow in the side. He didn't let that stop him though, he still had the upperhand for the moment and Castel was clinging to him like the sweaty shirt he'd removed.

Dean backed up slowly, but not giving enough room for Castiel to have any kind of advantage. He slipped just out of reach, and then proceeded to take off in a dead run. He felt the wind tugging at his naked chest and laughed as he watched Cas pathetically attempt to chase him. It seemed as if the policeman's endurance was wearing thin. It finally got to the point where Dean was jogging in reverse circles around the slightly bent form of his date. He was doing a dance and readied himself to shoot his arms up in the air as a sign of victory, when the frisbee was snatched from behind him.

"What the…" Dean started but trailed off when he saw the cocky grin on Cas' face.

"You really think Imma let you get the bettah of me Winchestah?" The smile on his lips tightened further and Dean felt his already pounding heart speed up.

" were… oh you ASS!" Dean smiled as he realized that the man had played him, and done so perfectly.

"What, you honestly thought I'd let you weah me out on the first date? Real classy Dean, I'm not that kinda guy." Dean watched as Castiel's tongue poked out of his mouth and licked at the corner of it teasingly. He nearly groaned when Cas sucked the pink chapped lip in and bit down against it. His adrenaline was pumping and he really wanted to tackle the arrogant cop to the ground. He almost did, but then he quickly realized that it would undoubtedly end in an indecent exposure charges.

He shook his head and let the urge die down just a little as his laughter grew. "I gotta admit Cas, I didn't see that comin'. You're like a ninja, or a cat."

"Yeah well, couldn't take it easy on ya could I?" Dean just laughed harder, because the last thing he'd want is to win anything by default.

"Nah man, It's good to know you play to win,"Dean answered, with a playful smirk on his lips.

"Let's take a break, I think we'ah both bout ready to fall down." Cas said as he fell against the plush blanket that was spread across the ground.

Dean grabbed a couple bottles of water out of the cooler and eased himself down a perfectly safe distance away. He handed one to Cas, which was eagerly taken and drank in an almost constant guzzle. Dean watched as his adam's apple fluctuated and found it much more arousing than he probably should have, but it felt like everything was that way when Cas was involved.

"Your'e sittin pretty fah away there Dean. Don't tell me you're scared." Dean glanced over which was the wrong thing to do because the cocky asshole's crazy blue eyes were teasing him.

"I'm more scared of myself than I could ever be of you Cas. I'm afraid if I get close enough, I might just wring you're pretty neck." Dean laughed, but he scooted just a tad closer for the sole reason that it put him further on the blanket of course.

"Well at least you think it's pretty, I was stahtin to think this was all paht of the deal."

"What? Dude, what are you even talking about?" Dean asked, he was genuinely confused. He watched the wide smirk that seemed so familiar on Cas' lips fade away into a more serious, somewhat nervous looking smile.

"Well ya know, just thought maybe you were doin your paht fah the auction and what nawt. Wasn't suah if you were here fah me or cause I donated some money," Castiel said. It had been the second moment Dean felt like he'd seen the real man underneath all the attitude and the healthy ego. He found it intoxicating, the playful jabs and snarky barbs were fun and even kind of hot sometimes, but nothing compared to the look of vulnerability on Castile Novak.

"Well you did buy me for the night, but no.. I uh. I've had a good time Cas. Honestly more fun than I've had in a while. I'm not much on dating really. I spend too much time at work, and when I'm not there I do everything I can to hang out with my niece. I'd say it doesn't leave much time for finding someone but that's not entirely true, I just don't enjoy the bars and clubs anymore. I'm past that point in my life and I don't think Mr. Right is doing body shots down at the Mystery Spot ya know?"

"Yeah, I get that. So if your guy isn't down at the strip joint, where is he? What's he do in his spaah time? Tell me about yah dream man Dean, might as well cut to the chase huh?"

Dean rubbed his neck nervously. It had been far longer than it should've been since he'd even let himself think there was such a thing as a dream guy, much less what he'd be like if he did exist. He tried to think about the response before he answered and it was still mostly cloudy. "I dunno man, I don't have like a list. He doesn't have to cure cancer or anything but he needs to be a decent man. After that, it's mostly chemistry."

"So uh.. what's a guy gotta do to get a second date with the cute fiahman?"

"Well usually I'd say not be an egotistical ass, but seems to have gotten you this far." Dean laughed and felt a spike of electric excitement when Cas moved closer and nudged his shoulder. Sitting this close meant he could feel the hum under his skin that begged and pleaded for him to reach out and close the gap between their bodies.

"Well, I don't make a habit of being things I'm not Dean. Pretendin don't gethcya too fah when you're ready for somethin moah than one good night." Cas moved closer, Dean didn't shy away if anything he leaned into the touch. Their shoulders slotted against one another and Castiel's foot slapped against his casually as the tense quiet fell. It wasn't awkward but it was a little uncomfortable, air was harder to find and his eardrums were beating out the tune of his heart.

"So what about you? What are you lookin for Cas? Well, besides someone who understand the job." Dean asked leaning back on his arms just a little giving him a nice view of Castiel's muscled shoulders, toned back, and the gorgeous round ass that had been taunting him all day.

Castiel seemed to tense just a bit but it only lasted a second before his mouth was moving. "I'm pretty easy to please, just wanna find a good guy who's willin to fight with and fah me. I'm not a damsel in distress or anything, just think it'd be nice to find someone who thought I was worth the fight." Cas didn't make a show of it but he suddenly found the ground on the opposite side of him very interesting.

Dean watched as the light behind the blue eyes faltered before they turned away. It made everything inside him ache and he wanted so badly to wipe the solemn look off Cas' gorgeous face. He sat back up and wiped his sweaty hand against his shorts before nervously threading his fingers between the long nimble ones beside him.

"Ahh Winchestah, you're such a romantic," He teased. Dean nearly pulled away but the cop just held tighter and smiled up at him. Castiel's hand squeezed against his and they sat there leaned against one another in silence. Dean wasn't sure he'd ever felt so content to just be.. with anyone else that wasn't family. The end of the date found their hands still laced together and smiles that had been so wide that their cheeks were sore.

"See ya soon Winchestah."

"You got it Novak."

Dean smiled all the way home, his body still on fire from the moment of their almost kiss. He would have done it, but thought it wouldn't mean as much because the date had kind of been obligatory, even though he'd never planned to stay that long and wouldn't have with anyone else. He wanted Cas to know in no uncertain terms that he was kissing him because he wanted to, not because it was some unpaid debt.

He practically ran to the shower to wash the sweat from their date away, the warm water beating against his skin felt perfect. He tried to not get distracted, he just needed to get clean and get out. After a few thoughts of Castiel's body sweaty and panting he turned the hot water down and finished the shower quickly like he'd wanted.

They'd planned to meet up again for dinner an hour later, so he rushed to get ready He slid the denim of his best looking jeans over his hips and fastened them. He threw on an old band tee under an open dress shirt and double checked his hair again. He wanted to make an effort for Cas. The first date had been lunch, and not nearly as intimidating but this was official.

He slid into the Impala and made his way to the restaurant, luckily he made it first so he took a seat in one of the back booths. Not long after he saw Cas walk through the door wearing dark jeans and a dark grey button up with a tight black vest stretched over it. He nearly choked on his tongue when he saw how tightly the clothes hugged Castiel's body. He thought spending the day with the man half naked was going to be the hardest challenge, he was wrong. The sight of the cop in nicer clothes was as much if not more appealing than the idea of tearing him out of them.

When Dean stood up to meet him he smiled brightly, as if it were confirmation of something. Dean shook his head and just pointed to the opposite side of the booth. The waitress came over and was instantly disgruntled when she learned that neither was paying her more attention than a call out of their order as they stared at one another smiling. She left with a sigh and the conversation picked up once again.

They talked for what felt like eternity, their plates had come and gone and they'd even ordered dessert and then coffee as to prolong the interaction. Dean felt dizzy with happiness, and that was not a feeling Dean Winchester was used to. The waitress began to get pissy and Dean understood why when he looked at the clock and realized they'd already stayed thirty minutes past closing time. His smile fell just a little when he promised her they'd leave soon, and it picked back up when he realized Castiel's did the same. He left a large tip on the table and hoped it would make up for stealing some of her extra time.

This time it was Cas who entwined their fingers as they walked toward the door. Dean couldn't help the flutters that it caused and cursed himself inwardly for swooning like a teenage girl. Castiel followed him to the Impala and he nervously shoved his free hand in his pocket as he leaned against it.

"You're a pretty good date Winchestah, think maybe we might need to do this again sometime," Castiel slotted one leg in between Dean's but didn't move closer until he took the liberty of putting his hands on Cas' hips.

"Sounds like a really good idea Novak." Dean said inching his face closer to Cas' until he could feel the warm breath against his mouth and their foreheads were titled together.

"You gonna kiss me or not Winchestah?" Castiel smiled so widely that Dean felt the curve against his own lips.

Dean leaned in and tentatively pressed against the pink chapped lips, not moving until Cas' hand pulled against his neck and drew him even closer. He sucked Castiel's bottom lip into his mouth and groaned when his date pressed his hips in further against him. It was a soft kiss, heated and passionate as any he'd ever experienced, but there were no tongues involved. That fact only made him look forward to the next opportunity to kiss the man, and what would be in store for him when he did.

"Goodnight Dean."

"G'night Cas."

The summer night air was just a bit colder than he expected, but it didn't erase the goofy smile plastered on his face. He was pretty sure things were looking up for him.