2 years ago, there was an eclipse that was seen all over the world. The sun was momentarily eaten by the darkness and soon, a bright blinding light was seen over the Land of Waves. As the light died down, floating in midair was a young girl, approximately 10 years old. At a closer look, she had the most vibrant colour of hair they had ever seen. Her eyes were closed and she was emitting a strange golden light that reminded the villagers of sunlight. As she slowly touched down, a circle that looked remarkably similar to the sun appeared around her. The villagers stood in awe of the girl, their little ray of sunshine in the eclipse.

As the sun regained its strength, the girl's eyes slowly opened, mimicing the sun. Her eyes were like the forest, a bright emerald green. Her hair was the sunrise and sunset, a bubblegum pink. In the middle of her forehead was a red circle, a tattoo assumed the villgers. As soon as the eclipse was over, she spoke. "Take me to your injured. I am here to help you." The leader reluctantly agreed, unsure if this girl was as heavenly and god-like as she seemed. When they arrived at the old, run-down hospital, she rushed elegantly down the hall. So elegant in fact, the nurse swore she wasn't walking, but floating. She arrived in the room of a young sickly girl, so close to arriving at eternal rest, that the doctor had already told her mother that the 5 year old wouldn't live another 15 minutes. The strange girl went over and detached the few machines that were keeping the child alive. Holding the hand of the child, the same sun pattern appeared on the floor. Her emerald eyes turned to jade, and shs held her arms in front of her, cupping the air. Sunlight that was streaming through the window gathered in her palms. It looked like a bubble of trapped light under water. Lowering the bubble until it rested on the young girl's heart, the strange girl was muttering under her breath. At once, the bubble enveloped the sickly child and lifted her into the air. All the trapped light rushed into the child's small, frail body, breathing back life.
The strange girl had an almost nonexistant smile on her face as she gently lowered the now sleeping child back onto her bed. "The child will live a healthy life. She is no longer sick." The mother gasped, and drew both girls into a hug. "Thank you. How could I ever repay you?" The girl's eyes closed and returned to emerald. "I would like to stay here. This land needs help." The mother turned to the village head. His face lit up at the prospect of a godlike child living with them. "You may stay." For the first time, the girl smiled. The sun once again appeared under her feet as she lifted her arms and bwgan to float. Sunlight streamed even faster then before into an even larger ball. Her eyes were once again jade, and they all noticed the circle was surrounding the entire hospital. After a short amount of time, she let the sunlight escape and gently lowered herself to the ground. At once, the nurses rushed around the broken-down hospital only to find that all the patients, no matter how sick, had been cured. As she slowly checked all the rooms, she cought the attention of an old man.

"Hime-sama. Please look this way." He said in a cracked voice. He had just been cured of cancer and was just getting used to talking again. She looked over at him as he gasped at her ethereal beauty. "You are not a princess, but a goddess. May you be forever blessed with peace. Let your name be known and revered with the same respect as we would give any other. Thank you for your kindness and mercy." During his speech, a crowd of elderly and children alike had gathered ouside of his door. A small child, no older than 6, then asked a simple question that would change their world forever. "Princess, what is your name?" Her peircing emerald eyes darted over to look at him. Internally, she grimaced at his tiny stature and underfed body. Externally, she knealt down in front of him and gave a small smile. "My name is whatever you name me child." The young boy was delighted! He was given the honour of naming the princess. He remembered his grandmother, a woman who loved flowers. After thinking about his best memory with her, he settled on Hanami. The viewing of the cherry blossoms. "Your name is now Sakura!" Said the child, laughing. Murmurs ran through the croud. Sakura-hime, Sakura no Megami. The divine guardian of the Wave.