Disclaimer… blah blah don't own it blah blah
Things were calm.
And…he was content. Happy, even.
He watched his son do his kata under a tree, and he sighed in mild frustration. The boy had a bad habit of lowering his left shoulder. Something that wasn't corrected from when the Aquayan had taught him how to fight.
He remained silent though, and continued to watch under the cover of the ship's edge, taking in the cool the ship's shade was providing. Wiping away the sweat from his brow, he looked over to his right where his woman was tinkering away on the ships control panel. There wasn't anything wrong with it, but she was getting restless and had to find something to take up her time. The anticipation of coming events were affecting everybody in different ways. Bulma took up her time fixing things that didn't need to be fixed, Trunks trained, as did Vegeta.
It was the calm before the storm.
Five years had passed since Bulma walked back into his life. Five years since he discovered that he had a son. Five years since he learned the truth of his past. And, even though it had taken a while for the bitterness of it all to ease, he still thanked the gods above that he found his way back into Bulma and Trunks' lives.
Things had been rocky after he had decided to stay with the two of them. It was hard to slip into 'family life,' as Bulma had called it. It was a foreign thing to him. It had also taken a while for he and Bulma to decide what to do with their relationship, but it didn't take long for the both of them to realize they belonged together. That didn't mean their relationships didn't suffer some; they both were just as stubborn as the day they first met.
But he wouldn't have it any other way.
He looked up to see his woman standing before him, a small smile gracing her lips as she looked at him.
"Can you help me? I can't reach the fuse box."
Rolling his eyes, he reluctantly got up and followed her to the control panel just a few paces away. He knew better then to grouse at her for taking on this project, especially with her mobility hampered, but he wasn't in the mood to hear her screech at him.
"It's the first row. Can you insert the new fuse for me?" She handed him the fuse and gingerly sat down on the plush grass and shielded her eyes against the sun as she watched him fly up a foot and slip the fuse in its designated spot.
He floated back to the ground and frowned. "Now don't ask me to do anything else. I am not your handy man. I am a warrior."
She rolled her eyes and tried to hold in a smile as he sat down next to her. "Well if you'd let me use a step stool I wouldn't have to ask for your help.
Vegeta grit his teeth. The memory of him catching her up on a stool just a couple months ago, on her tip toes no less, made him growl.
"Oh, lighten up Vegeta. I managed to keep Trunks safe when I was pregnant without you."
His eyes turned into murderous slits, letting her know he didn't appreciate her bringing up that certain event. It was something he didn't like to talk about: the time they had been separated.
Realizing her blunder, she quickly changed the subject. "She's moving." She grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly.
Vegeta's brow lifted up as he felt his daughter kick under his large hand. It was something that never got old; feeling his child move and thrive. And even though he had made a fuss about his second child being a female, the thought grew on him. He was just happy he could be with Bulma during this time. And Trunks.
He looked to Bulma, who was smiling lovingly at him and he couldn't help the small smile that crept its way on his lips. Her smile was contagious.
The two directed their attention to their son and watched contently under the shade with his woman.
He was content.
He was happy.
And if anybody dared ruin it, they'd happily meet his wrath.
beta'd by: Springandbysummerfall