A/N: Last chapter (of this story; perhaps I'll revisit them again in the future).

Warnings: Smut. Crying. Happy-for-now ending.


They never did finish what they'd started. By the time Harry settled Maia down and went back to bed, Draco was sound asleep. Harry crawled beneath the covers himself and sank into a deep, dreamless slumber.

Much later that night, Harry woke needing to use the loo. He sat up and noticed the other side of the bed was empty. Concerned, he crept out from beneath the covers. When he exited the bedroom, he saw Maia's door partly open and worked out that Draco must have gone in to see to her. He quickly used the toilet and made to return to bed.

Something stopped him. He could hear faint humming, and he followed the sound to Maia's room. Quietly, he pushed the door further open. The sight that greeted him caused his breath to hitch and his mouth to go dry.

Draco stood in the middle of the room, his back to Harry. He was bare-chested and his pyjamas were so low on his hips the waistband of his pants showed. He held Maia in his arms, her head on his shoulder and her eyes closed. The moonlight illuminated Draco's tattoo, the long silver and green snake that wound up his left arm from wrist to shoulder—the one that hid the scar on his wrist. He swayed back and forth, singing to their daughter, his voice soft and low.

Harry wasn't sure exactly how long he stood there watching, but he was absolutely certain about how it made him feel. The sight of his half-naked husband, so utterly unguarded, was thoroughly arousing, but the sensation in his body was almost alien it had been so long since he'd felt that way spontaneously. For a time, he was frozen in place, staring and trying to work out what he was experiencing. By the time he realised what was happening, he was more than half-hard. As understanding dawned on him, he sucked in his breath.

The sound caused Draco to stop singing and look over at him. His eyes met Harry's, and it was clear he was taking in Harry's flushed cheeks and parted lips. He looked down, and Harry made no attempt to hide anything. Draco's eyes widened. When he returned his gaze to Harry's, a faint pink tinged his cheeks. Slowly, a smirk bloomed on his face, and Harry felt himself grow quite warm as his arousal increased. He'd never been able to resist that particular expression.

"Is she asleep?" Harry whispered.

"I believe so."

"Enough to lay her down?" He tried not to sound desperate, even though he was headed that direction.

"I think that could be arranged." Draco crossed to her cot and laid her in it. She remained asleep.

Harry turned around and walked out of the room, knowing Draco would follow him. The moment their door was closed, he had Draco pinned against it, kissing him and grinding against him. He could hear himself almost whining, but he didn't care. Draco ran his fingers down Harry's sides to the hem of his shirt, tugging on it and pulling it up and off when Harry shifted. He slid his hands down Harry's back and let them rest on his bum, eagerly answering every kiss and every thrust. It wasn't enough. Hastily Harry performed a neat bit of wandless magic, sending their remaining clothes to land in a heap in the corner. That made Draco laugh, and the vibrations thrummed through Harry, increasing his desire to an almost unbearable level.

They picked up where they'd left off, pressing against each other with increasing urgency. After only a few moments, Harry recognised that he was far too close, and he didn't want to stop. "Fuck yeah, nearly there…"

Draco understood and pulled his mouth away briefly to say breathlessly, "Are you sure—you want—to come this way?"

"Don't fucking care," Harry breathed. "Just need it." He moaned. "Shit." He gave in and let himself go, thrusting desperately through his climax, which felt as though it might never end. Draco dragged him closer, letting Harry collapse against his chest, panting as he came down from his orgasm.

"Fuck. I'm sorry I couldn't make it longer," Harry said ruefully, glancing down at Draco's still-hard cock. "It's been too long."

"I don't mind. That was incredible." Draco kissed him and pulled him towards the bed.

They lay down, and instead of using a cleaning charm, Draco Accio'd a towel. Gently, he wiped them both then continued to lightly rub Harry all over with the towel while they kissed tenderly. The gentle touches felt fantastic on Harry's over-sensitive skin, causing a pleasant prickle. He relaxed, letting his hands roam along Draco's arms and chest.

He said softly, "Do you want me to touch you?"

"No," Draco replied. "Not yet." He leaned down for another long, sensual kiss then ran his lips along Harry's jaw and down his neck. "If you're willing, I want to keep going."

"Yes," Harry answered. "Oh, yes."

Draco discarded the towel and trailed his fingers over Harry's skin, following them with hot, open-mouthed kisses. He paused in his path to nip and lick in strategic places, seeming to make it his mission to pull as many needy, filthy sounds from Harry as possible. By the time he reached the patch of dark hair between his legs, Harry was already breathless with renewed desire.

Instead of taking Harry's penis into his mouth or using his hands to stroke him, Draco looked up at him and gave a wicked smirk. He pointedly teased, touching Harry everywhere except exactly where he wanted. He rubbed his nose in the crease of Harry's left thigh while simultaneously running his hand over the inside of his right leg; his hot breath ghosted on Harry's erection. Shifting his hand, he toyed with the black curls just above Harry's cock, using his index finger to reach out and lightly stroke just the base. He kept it up so long Harry began to whimper, desperate to be touched.

At last Draco raised his head. "Tell me what you want," he said. "Do you want me to put my mouth on your dick?" He hesitated, then continued. "Or do you want my fingers in your arse?" This time, he slid his hand so that his thumb rested just below Harry's sac.

Harry saw him swallow; Draco had never been keen on dirty talk. "Maybe you want me to fuck you." Harry thought those words coming out of him with just a hint of shyness was about the sexiest thing he'd ever heard.

Unable to resist any longer and wanting to spare Draco from having to go on, Harry whispered, "All of that. Yes." He propped himself up slightly to look at Draco then offered a smirk. He had, after all, learned from the master. "I want you to suck me. And then I want you inside me, fucking me until I've forgotten everything but how much I love you."

Draco didn't need further invitation. He reached over and pulled the lube out of the night-stand then poured some out onto his hand. When his fingers were sufficiently slick, he slid one gently inside Harry. It had been so long that the intrusion was a little uncomfortable. Harry tried to relax into the sensation. Sensing his discomfort, Draco adjusted his position and lowered his mouth onto Harry's erection. He licked and sucked while he gently probed with his fingers, inserting a second digit.

When he had Harry panting and moaning, he removed his mouth and hand, shifting again so they were aligned. He drew Harry's knees up to give himself better access. After coating himself with lube, he carefully slid inside. Harry gritted his teeth against the ache and sense of fullness, and Draco waited. Eventually, Harry relaxed, and Draco began to move. They thrust together, holding each other and kissing or gasping into each other's mouths. Harry opened his eyes; he wanted to see Draco.

He was surprised to find that Draco was looking down at him as well. The emotional impact of their lovemaking, finally actualised, hit him full-force. Something broke inside him, and it unleashed a flood of tears. Through a watery haze, he saw Draco's surprised expression, followed by his own eyes filling. They slowed their movement to a gentle undulation, crying together and washing away each other's grief with deep, longing kisses. As their shared sorrow abated, hunger began to build again and their mouths turned greedy and desperate. When their need became unbearable, they resumed their pace, rocking and pushing against each other, tumbling nearer and nearer to the edge.

"Are you close?" Harry whispered. There was something he wanted, but he felt strangely shy about asking.

"Yes," Draco answered breathlessly. "So close."

"I want—" He paused.

"Anything." It was almost a whine.

"Pull out. I need to see you come all over me."

Draco gasped, not shock but lust evident in his expression. "Yes," he repeated. He thrust hard a few more times then, as he began to shudder a little, he withdrew and angled himself just in time. He looked down at himself as his orgasm hit, and they both saw him release onto Harry's stomach and his still-hard cock. He maintained his position, breathing hard and shaking almost uncontrollably.

"Oh, god," he choked out when he was spent. "That was…oh, god."

"Fuck," Harry muttered. The erotic sight of Draco's copious ejaculation had been almost too much for him. He grasped himself and stroked firmly, spreading Draco's spilled seed over himself as he did so. Something about pleasuring himself with his husband's fluids while being watched by him felt both a little dirty and very intimate, and it intensified the building urgency. It only took a few tugs before he came, coating his hand and splattering against Draco's chest. A sigh escaped his lips as relief flooded his whole body in a way he hadn't experienced in months. He felt boneless and almost dizzy from both the physical end emotional release.

Draco flopped onto the bed beside Harry, and this time he used a spell to clean them both. It took a long time before they calmed down, curled against each other, holding on as though they needed to be anchored in place.

When Harry's breathing had slowed enough that he thought he could speak, he said, "Fucking hell. I needed that."

Draco's laugh was still a little breathless. "Me, too."

They were quiet again for a minute. Harry asked, "Are we going to be okay, then?" He reached over and brushed the back of his hand against Draco's.

Draco didn't answer for a moment. At last he said, "I can't answer that."

Panic welled up in Harry's chest. "Why not?"

"Because you mean, 'Are we okay forever'. No one can answer that. But we're good for now, and all we can do is take one day—one moment—at a time."

That hadn't been the answer Harry wanted but he wasn't sure how to ask for the reassurance he needed. He withdrew slightly. Draco shifted and turned onto his side, sliding his hand across Harry's chest. He let his fingers come to rest over Harry's heart.

"You need to know something," he said.

Harry swallowed, preparing himself. "Okay."

Draco adjusted so he could look at Harry. "Not once, in all the months since Maia came home with us, have I ever considered leaving. Never."

Letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, Harry let the tension flow out of him. He relaxed against Draco, and they wound their arms around each other.

"Do you think we can do it? This dad thing?"

Draco chuckled into Harry's shoulder. "I don't think we've got much choice at this point, love."

Harry laughed quietly. "I suppose you're right."

"Of course I am. Maia is going to be the most beautiful, talented, intelligent witch the world has ever seen, thanks to us."

"Don't forget brave," Harry added. "She'll be brave, too."

"Let's just hope that doesn't get her sorted into the wrong house."

Harry thwacked Draco playfully. "You're right. She'll probably be a Hufflepuff."

"The horror." Draco paused. "No, wait. She probably will. She's surrounded by loooove."

"My work here is done. I've turned you into a sap." Harry grinned at his husband.

"You have not! You take that back." Draco rolled over and pinned Harry.

"Nope." Harry reached up and kissed Draco, still smiling around his lips.

They kissed again, their mock-argument forgotten as they found their way back to arousal and need and, eventually, sated bliss. This time, they let themselves drift into contented sleep, still folded in each other's arms. The future would sort itself; for now, they had everything they required.