A/N: I do not own the book, movie, and other productions of Flipped, and not any of the beloved characters either.

Egg Drama

For my science project

A chicken was hatched.

My baby,

My honey,

A new life is born.

As it grew,

And grew

My honey laid an egg.

"Now, Sweety"

My mother said

"We got a whole flock of hens now,

"Can't hatch no more eggs,

"No more hens please,

"Let's eat them,

"And cook them

"And have a big feast."

But then even after,

We'll still have too much of these eggs,

We can sell them,

To our neighbors,

Make some money and some more,

But when we are finish,

We'll still have more

Our neighbors all bought our eggs

Yes they did

Except one

The Loskis

Who has yet to try them

"So why don't we ask

"And knock on their big wide door?"

She said.

And i said,




My love,

Hasn't to need to do such things,

I'll give them to him instead,

And wait for his big wide smile,

Wait for him to say

"It was tasty indeed"

Wait for him to say

"Thank you sweety."