
By: Tracy Cook

Disclaimer: I own nothing. These characters belong to the creators of The 100.

Couple: Finn/Clarke, Raven/Bellamy

Rating: M

Chapter One

This Is It, The Apocalypse

'I'm Waking Up To Ash And Dust, I Wipe My Brow And I Sweat My Rust,

I'm Breathing In The Chemicals.'

He had his long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail so that he could see the screen. He was wearing a headset so that he could talk to his friends, and his brow eyes were wide and intensely focused on what was happening on the television.

Finn Collins was eighteen years old. He had just graduated high school, and honestly he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. He didn't have a strong desire to have money or a well-paying job. He was more interested in the concept of making the world a better place. Everyday he watched as people were destroying it while putting up a facade of saving it by changing their diet or using solar power, but no one was actually trying to change anything.

They were still waging wars. There were still starving children and homeless people. The rich ran the world and the poor were left to die.

No one actually cared about anyone but themselves.

He hated it.

He also knew that he couldn't really do anything about it. He was an eighteen year old kid. No one was going to listen to his ideas or take him seriously. He didn't have money to throw at the problems. All he had was his video games to escape into. He loved video games. He loved delving into another world and forgetting about the world he currently lived in.

Right now he was playing Resident Evil with his best friend.

At least he had been. His friend's character was no longer moving.

Finn moved the joystick and furrowed his brow as he walked up to his best friend's character, aiming his gun directly at the back of his head. "What the hell, Monty?" He spoke into the headset. "Did you leave for another bathroom break?! You better get your ass back here, we're about to face the boss!"

There was only silence on the other end of his headset.

"Seriously, if you don't come back right now I'm killing your character and taking on the boss alone!"


He aimed the gun at Monty's character and he pulled the trigger. The game wouldn't let them continue on unless the other character was present, so when one of them disappeared they would often times kill them off and keep playing. He would find a save point and revive him when he got back from the bathroom.

Finn pushed the joystick, telling his character to run into the main room where the boss was. It was a giant two-headed zombie carrying an ax. The music on the game got louder as a cut scene started. The zombie was shredding a young woman's stomach with it's teeth and she was screaming out in agony.

'Wait.' He knit his brows together and focused. 'Those screams aren't coming from the game... What the fuck. That sounds like...MONTY!?'

He pressed the pause button.

"Ahhh! Finn!" He could hear Monty's terrified screams on the other end of the headset. His eyes immediately filled with concern as he stood to his feet and set down the controller. "There's something here! It-It doesn't look human! Help!"

When he heard his best friend say that there was something at his house that didn't look human he started to wonder if he was pulling an elaborate prank on him. He was probably fine. But, as static blared loudly into his ears and the connection was broken Finn could feel his heart racing in his chest. He had heard the genuine fear in Monty's voice and even if it was a joke, he couldn't exactly risk his life.

Reaching up, he took off the headset and threw it onto the couch. Grabbing the baseball bat beside his bed.

If there was something attacking his friend then he needed to have a weapon to fight back. 'If there isn't, then I need to have a weapon to beat the crap out of Monty.'

Finn ran up the stairs and headed through the kitchen. His mother was standing at the sink. The water was running and he assumed that she was washing the dishes. "I'm heading over to Monty's." He said.

"Aaaargh!" His mother groaned out, her head snapping to the side and the bones in her neck cracking loudly. He paused mid-step and he stared at her with wide brown eyes, his hair falling out of his ponytail and falling in his face and his heart pounding loudly in his ears. Something was wrong. His mother didn't look like herself. She looked sick. "Agghh." She moaned again, drool falling from her lips and rolling down her chin.

"Mom?" His voice heightened as fear took over.

He had played enough video games and he had an active enough imagination to piece together what was going on. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. But, his mother was standing in front of him, her mouth hanging open, and her eyes deadly white.

"Are you and Monty pulling some kinda prank on me?" He asked. It was easier to believe than the alternative. Still, his grip tightened on the bat as he took a step away from his mother.

She turned so that she was facing him and that was when he noticed something on her neck. There was a large chunk of skin bit out of her and blood all over her dress. Finn didn't have the chance to mourn the loss of his mother as she lunged toward him and opened her mouth wide, attempting to sink her teeth into his skin.

He knew how to kill a zombie.

But, he couldn't. He couldn't kill his mother.

'She's already dead...' The thought caused Finn's stomach to twist in knots and the urge to vomit to arise. He didn't have anyone else. He had no siblings. His father left them when he was little. His mother was the only family he had left and she was gone. 'And Monty will be soon, shit!' He forgot that Monty was currently being attacked by something he claimed wasn't human. Now he knew that it was probably a zombie. 'I got to get to him before he's turned into one of these things!'

He pushed his mother away from him, using the bat as a shield, and then he hurried out the front door.

Monty only lived down the block.

Once outside he started to panic. The dead were dragging their bodies along the street and they all turned to notice him when he walked outside. They were groaning loudly and moving toward him and he didn't know what to do. Finn was against killing people. He didn't believe in violence. But, these people weren't people any longer. He didn't understand what had happened to the world while he was locked away in the basement playing his favorite video game. Had some sort of virus spread? Had he fallen asleep on the couch? Was this all a dream?

He wanted to believe it was all a dream, but it felt so real.

Finn decided not to kill anyone unless he had to. Even if they weren't still alive, they had been alive at some point and there was still a chance that deep down they still had some recollection of who they were. He didn't feel right about it.

So instead, he started to run as fast as his legs would carry him.

Luckily, the undead creatures were slow. They couldn't keep up with him as he jumped over the fences and ran down the alley behind his house. It was the fastest way to get to Monty's with the least risk of running into any zombies.

Finn's ears perked up as he heard someone walking down the alleyway. He quickly moved to hide behind one of the large trashcans, holding his bat tightly against his chest. He didn't want to kill the creatures because they still looked like humans, but deep down he knew if he had to he would. He held his breath and listened closely as the person got closer and closer.

They were now within a few feet of the trashcan and he had no choice.

He had to attack before he was attacked.

He stood to his feet and jumped out from behind the trashcan, wielding the bat and swinging it through the air aiming at the person's head. To kill a zombie you always aimed for the head. At least that was what video games and comic books had taught him.

"Ahh!" The young man screamed, holding his hands up in front of his face.

"Ahh!" Finn screamed back.

He hadn't expected the person to be alive and breathing.

Standing in front of him was a kid that lived across the street from him. His name was Jasper Jordan. He had hung out with him a few times and smoked pot a few years ago, but for the most part they didn't really talk. His hair was long and shaggy. He had on baggy jeans and a jacket, and he was wearing goggles on top of his head. He always wore them.

"What the hell are you trying to do, kill me?" Jasper exclaimed, lowering his hands when he realized Finn wasn't going to bash his skull in.

"Keep it down." Finn whispered. "Do you want them to hear us?"

"Them?" His lips stretched into a smile. "You mean you can see them too?! Thank god! I thought I was having a really bad trip after that acid I took this morning!"

"You seriously need to keep your voice down." He reprimanded again. Jasper was obviously under the influence of drugs and he didn't understand how loud he was being or how dangerous the situation was, but if he kept shouting he was going to draw all of the zombies to them. Finn started to look around for a weapon Jasper could use to protect himself. He spotted a pitchfork leaning against one of the garages in the alleyway and he quickly ran over and grabbed it handing it to the boy with the goggles.

Jasper stared down at the pitchfork with wide horrified eyes. "What do you expect me to do with this?"

"You'll know what to do with it when it happens."

'I'm Breaking In, Shaping Up, Then Checking Out On The Prison Bus,

This Is It, The Apocalypse.'

Author's Note :

This first chapter is really short, but the other chapters will be longer I promise! The next chapter will introduce Monty, Clarke, and Raven. :) This fic will have both Flarke romance and Rellamy romance and it will switch between main characters! There will be smut in the later chapters so y'all have been warned! ;) I am kind of posting this as a test chapter to see if y'all would be interested in reading more of this! I know that Flarke/Rellamy aren't the most popular ships of the fandom and this is an AU fic so it might not be very popular so I'd love it if y'all would tell me your thoughts and if you want me to continue this!

I promise that if people are interested I will post the next chapter ASAP and I will make it longer! :))

Thank you so much for reading!

-Tracy Cook-