[On Track]*[Extra]

Disclaimer: Ha. Disclaimers. Yu-Gi-Oh! was written and illustrated by Kazuki Takahashi. I wish to call upon Fair Use to use it to practice my narrating skills and screw around in my free time. Doth I claim ownership? Ah [4filter] no - I don't want be apart of that drama.

Narrator's Note (Author's Note): Whatever you want to call it, I don't care, get creative. Just not Huggers creative. Because if that's the case, let's just all agree to never be creative again. Agh, alright. Yes, I am rambling. I'm nervous, okay? Yes text can get nervous, if I can get pissed off I can certainly get nervous. I've been trying to upload this for days, but I keep wussing out. This is my first fanfiction for this website for...you know, legit fanfics. But whatever, go ahead and rip-er-a new one.

Prologue I - First Encounter in Domino: " It seems the past is coming back around in more ways than I expected"

Alternate Titles: I'm the Narrator She's Amy and He's a [4filter], Amy Meets the Resident [4filter], I Start to Tell a Story

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, in the city of Domino, the rain was falling fast and hard. Too fast and too hard to even play card games. I know right, you know things are bad when one can't play a children's card game in Yu-Gi-Oh!.

So what does someone do when they can't duel? Well, let's look at Amy here: a girl (a particularly short fanfiction OC) running in the rain. Where she should be placing trap cards and summoning monsters, she was just running. And not for fun mind you - it's not like the girl just went for a jog in the late evening down pour - she was trying to escape the prying eyes of a cannon character that you all know and love.

His name is Bakura, the thief king. Also known as the resident [4filter] of the show. You know him as Ryo Bakura, the sweet cinnamon roll too good for this world, who's possessed by the Spirit of Millennium Ring. And like the entire series Bakura was on a hunt, stocking his prey and trying to capture and grasp his grizzly ridiculously British fingers around any Millennium Items he could find.

Him and Amy had been playing this little game of cat and mouse for way too long now, to the point Amy was drenched with rain and particularly pissed off. All she wanted to do was wrap her pudgy little fingers in a pudgy little fist and use it to punch his little freaking face. This whole event was beginning to become tiresome, her hair and clothes now officially sticking to her body, clinging to every centimeter of skin. She wiped the rain out of her eyes, and tried to remove her side braid from practically gluing itself to her face.

For all the things Amy knew about this world, she didn't know where in particular she was. Domino was a big place and some parts of it were - how would you say it - less savory than the others. It was clear that she had wandered into one of those unsavory parts, littered with broken down houses and abandon buildings that gang members were probably gathered it, beating to death some poor unsuspecting soul over shoes or something.

Exhausted, the OC stopped running, finally accepting her fate. Weighing the options here - Bakura verses thug teenagers, the dark spirit was starting to sound like the better option. Especially because there was a 70% chance that he would leave her alone once he realized he was wrong. And he was so wrong.
You see, unintelligent and monkey-like readers, with Bakura's aforementioned hunt he was always efficient about sensing ancient magic entering the city. However, while the item Amy possessed on her person enmities this magic, it wasn't exactly a Millennium Item. It was close enough to the real thing, as many cheep copies are, but lacked a few certain benefits of the original. It certainly had no use to Bakura, but since he just wouldn't get the hint, she would have to tell him that herself. So, Amy folded her arms and waited.

"I see you've finally realized that there is no hope of getting away." The face of Bakura emerged from the darkness with a flash of lighting. In lighting his expression up, Amy could see that main antagonist smirk, his canine teeth showing and everything.

To that, Amy could only roll her eyes. She'll do that a lot. Its her number one way of expressing bitter and annoyed sarcasm. "Oh please," she said to emphasize this eye roll, "save it. I got it, you're evil, good gwad, have some originality. Sorry to burst your precious freaking ego, but you're not as frightening as you think you are."

Bakura smile grew wider, the 4Brit's evil voice getting more deep, more menacing. "Is that so?"

Amy paused for a second, thinking that while there was a 70% chance he'd just leave, there was a 30% chance Bakura would just up and send her to the shadow realm. While those odds were up in the air at the moment, one this was certainly clear. This dirk face thought he was better than her. Thought he was scary and all powerful because he could kill people. Well that made something click in the back of her mind that fumed Amy's anger. Oh, he really, really deserved to be punched down. She raised her arm, angling it back and oh so ready to release a savory punch and send this cocky little smucker flying.

But, at the last second, something stopped her. It was Ryo's body after all, and it wasn't like he had done anything wrong. But she still had so much angry tension in her muscles, it had to be used up somewhere. So she slipped an item off her wrist and instead of giving Bakura one well deserved one 'across the lip', she threw the object instead. He caught it promptly, like there was nothing too it.

"That's what you've been stalking me around about. Go ahead, take a look you [4filter]. Take a long hard look." she glared, growling under her breath. At this point, the girl didn't even have the patience to substitute her bad potty mouth.

It took a few moments, but after looking down at the object, his face turned to a cringe, another bolt of lighting illuminating the area. "This is merely a fake!"

"Ding ding ding we have a winner. He's not a totally moron after all." Amy spat, "And its not a [4filter] fake, its just not from your set, so back off. I never claimed it was the thing you were looking for. You just assumed that."

I am contractually obligated as your Narrator to describe what Bakura held in his hand. To inform you about the physical details of the object he thrust on the ground in disgust. Well my little genuineness, lets see if we can work through this tough word problem together. (Did you catch my sarcasm. Well you should. Because its [4filter] there as light as [4filter] day. Oooh look! I'm a potty mouth too, aren't I so bad?) Here's a hint, it came off of the wrist of a teenage girl, what the frig do you think it?

No wait, never mind. I just realized I don't care about your mindless little answer. The object was a bracelet, gleaming in the nighttime with it's golden form. It was a little rough here and there, the infamous symbol of the Millennium Items – the eye, staining the front.

But Narrator – you'll say – a Yugi/Yami love story with a new Millennium Item, that's so lame. Ocs with new items are never good or ever make sense.

But Reader – I'll replay – shut up.

Because as Amy picked up the Millennium Bracelet from the ground, she starred hard a Bakura. And him and all his disgust starred back. This wasn't anything but a game between the two of them, in this case with where neither would win. Games. Those had stopped being fun so long ago. Once that was all games were meant for, Duel Monsters, Capsule Monsters, Dungeon Dice Monsters, and all the other games without monsters in its name, having fun wit friends or experiencing a little competitive spirit. But not now. Not anymore. They would be nothing but trouble for a long time.

And perhaps, right then and there, Bakura would have self proclaimed himself the winner of this game by sending Amy to the Shadow Realm to quell his anger. But as he looked at her face, slipping the bracelet back on without breaking eye contact, something clicked. The ancient power that drew him too the item, that face, he all of a sudden understood where this had come from. "I don't believe it." he muttered.

Amy blinked, her considerations on how much she wanted to strangle him now broken. "W-what?"

Unable to hold it back, Bakura let out a laugh. "How didn't I see it before? How could I not recognize that hair, that face, even if it it a bit puffed up, a little scruffy. And that cheep trinket." Amy held her hand over the bracelet protectively. "You so made it to this time too, Amiee. Are you here to assist me, or betray me again for your precious king?"

Amy's eyes flickered in alert. "You know Amiee?" she shifted her body to the side, in a attempt to further shield the item from Bakura's glare. "The spirit of the Millennium Bracelet?"

"Know her?" there were Bakura's canines again, "You don't know the half of it. It seems the past is coming back around in more ways than I expected. This is going to get very interesting." Then Bakura turned around, laughing to himself as he walked away. Amy watched him fade into the fog and rain silently.

As he disappeared, Amy relaxed her body, looking down at the object. She took her hand off it slowly, gently, and it gleamed one more time in the next strike of lightning. And finally, after a moment passed, the last thing Amy did was reach up and flip Bakura the good ol' American Bird.

(Don't get your hopes up too high. I regret to inform you that this part was not kept by 4Kids, and cut off the anime scene that you are picturing in your mind because it is a physical swear. So enjoy this moment while it lasts, before 4Kids edits it out of your little brains.)