Actually, there should be no continuation but I have now written again another chapter for xxspiritxx. One Shot is set in 1883 and is about Terlingua, Secretariats daughter and her second foal StormCat:
I was grazing on the pasture.
The summer was low over the country and sent his rays of sunshine in the world.
My son stayed close to my side, and sniffed the meadow flowers.
I had day after day looking at my son with a new pride:
Storm Cat, my second foal and the wonderful son of my great love Storm Bird.
He had never seen his child but he certainly thought of him every day. And to me.
Whether my father still thought of me?
I'll Secretariat, my great father, never forget.
I always wanted to be a race horse, as he does.
My racing career I have successfully completed.
In every race I felt strong pump the blood of my father in my veins.
And now I was happy with my son.
Even if he looked outwardly different, so it was exactly like my father.
Adventurous, playful, charming and great passion for horse racing.
He made tremendous progress, even if he stumbled on his long legs from time to time.
But he never gave up. Just like Secretariat.
"Mama?" asked me Storm Cat.
"What's the matter, my darling?" I said, licking his nose.
"There is a funny name on my stall table." Said my son.
"And what name is it?"
Storm Cat wiggled his big brown ears.
"There is quite big my name: Storm Cat. And then you're there, Terlingua and Dad, Storm Bird. But there is a fourth name ... "
He sneezed.
"Sec ... Secre. Secritat or something like that. "He rhymed.
I whinnied with pleasure.
"You mean certainly Secretariat, my darling."
"Yeah, Mama. Who is this Secretariat? "
I looked up at the blue sky.
"Secretariat is my father, Storm Cat. And so your grandpa. "
Storm Cat cocked his head.
"Did you know your dad Secretariat, Mom," he asked.
I nodded my head.
"He has visited me many years ago when I was as old as you, he has played with me and has given me my courage for my racing career."
"Really? He must be a great dad! "
I scratched him between his ears.
"For me he is the best father in the world. He will not let you down. And he is always there for you, even if it's far away. "
Storm Cat hung his brown head.
"And why did my dad Stormbird not yet visited? If he is not proud of me, "he asked disappointed.
I looked in to his eyes large foal-eyes.
"Your father loves you very much, Storm Cat. And he will come to visit you, too, just as Secretariat visited me. These are fathers who love us and believe in, no matter how far we are apart. Because we are all one. "
And of course,this meetingnever took place(therearehorses andnot humans) but I imagineSecretariatandStormBirdas avery lovingfathers =).
RIP Storm Bird (1978-2004) und Storm Cat (1983-2013)