If you can endure the long updates, I'll try my best to work on the story. However, please take note that in real life, I'm a rather busy person. Please enjoy the story...
July 22nd:
-Third Perspective-
12:00 PM
Akihiko had entered a dark, and unkempt laboratory. He watched his step, making sure he does not trip on any books and research notes on the tiled floors. The only light source was a computer monitor and glasses that reflected the luminosity. A lone man in a lab coat sat at that desk, typing away whatever reports he had to do.
The boxer decided to make his way up to the scientist. He needed to chat about the reports that Minato had found.
"Edogawa-sensei, did you look over the reports?"
Edogawa is a skilled doctor, despite his eccentricities and habits. The man stopped what he was doing and spun the chair around to face Akihiko.
"Yes Sanada-kun, I have examined the research-notes of the Kirijō Group. However summarizing their Euchre Project will take me a while…"
Akihiko crossed his arms while Edogawa continued.
"To use their analogy, the euchre is a game that utilizes playing cards, but that's not the important part. The important part is that it is believed to be the game that introduced the joker to the modern deck."
The Judgment Member cupped his chin and held a solemn expression.
"So what you're saying is that the Kirijō Group is trying to create something?"
"Correct, if the fifty four cards represents all the espers in [Academy City], then the Euchre is the successful test subject that represents the joker. The sample came from [Child Error] but from these results, a lot of them lost their lives…"
Akihiko slammed an electrical charged fist into the table.
"How could the Kirijō—"
Edogawa then raised a palm near Akihiko face.
"Please do not destroy the research lab's property…"
Before Akihiko could argue, the doctor stopped him by presenting a concoction. The putrid solution made the boxer flinched back. The medic put away the potion and persisted in his explanations.
"Your anger is justifiable, and understandable. In addition, this goes against human ethics but please remain calm or I won't be able to help you by explaining the studies."
Akihiko relented and took a deep breath.
"Sorry…" he apologizes.
"It's okay," Edogawa replied, "Continuing on, the Kirijō Group is looking for a high level esper in order to transcend them into level 6 by using shortcuts."
"What kind of shortcuts?"
"By using magic…"
Akihiko looked at the doctor as if he had lost it.
"Despite what you think, magic exists and it seems that you don't know how deep the dark side really is. After all, [Invalid Entry] is on watch by a lot of people…"
The boxer thought that [Invalid Entry] was a familiar term but couldn't remember where he had heard it. Nonetheless, supernatural powers exist but he thought that the idea that magic exists was ludicrous.
"Edogawa-sensei, what you're suggesting here is that magic is real? That's ridiculous—"
Before Akihiko continued, Edogawa raised a single needle in the air and traced a figure. Wherever the needle drew, a glowing line followed. The needle then burst into sparks and was replaced with a blazing flame that illuminated the shadowy room. Akihiko was in awed until it sparked into a minuscule explosion.
"Regardless what you think, it does not change that magic exist and what the Kirijō Group is doing is illegal on both fronts."
Akihiko does not know what to think of the events other than assuming that Edogawa was an esper that manipulated light but the Edogawa dipped another needle into a breaker that held a clear liquid inside of it. He stirred the fluids and the concoction flashed into a golden solid.
Akihiko was speechless.
"If you want, I could go and take a scan or do more demonstrations, but that would be a waste of time and quite dangerous to myself."
The boxer was at a loss of words and did not what to make the spectacle before him. However, he decided to listen to the doctor.
"A-hem, now then, about the Euchre Project, the researchers do not only want to create an esper that can use magic but something that isn't categorized as a hybrid. What they want is an esper who can control time and transcend into Level 6. An esper who can time travel and have the abilities to challenge the Gods."
July 23rd:
-Minato Arisato-
6:13 PM
I had received a note from William but the odd thing was it was also signed by a smeared name that spelled Eliza. Was it Elizabeth, I asked myself, was she here? It brought thoughts and questions wondering if something was going on in the Velvet Room.
According to the note, I was supposed to meet my benefactors who requested the Amakusa's help. However I've been waiting for a while, but there were no signs of the person I'm supposed to meet. What's more, I wonder why the location was at the switchyard. Aegis decided to scout out the area for any intruders or possible traps.
"I've made contact with them," Aegis stated.
She wore a black suit and a red tie. She insisted that I should also dress formally to which I complied. My outfit was basically the same as Aegis' but with a black tie instead.
I followed after her through the cargo containers and the gravel path. When the moon shine forth and I saw three figures in the light. I widen in my eyes and stopped moving because I was not sure if the person before me was an illusion. One of the individuals standing in front of me disappeared when the Dark Hour was gone, but he was also someone who was with me on that blazing bridge, even when I did not know of his existence. He was there since the beginning of the Kirijō Group's experiments.
"Hey," the familiar voice called out, "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"
The person wore a yellow scarf and black suspenders. Slicked-back black hair and a smile brought back all sorts of memories. Blue eyes that stared into the soul and a beauty mark, it could only be one person. After all, he was once my Death social link…
Ryōji Mochizuki…
Standing in front of him was a girl I did not know with a pony tail, and next to her was Kenji Tomochika, my former Magician Social Link, acting as both of Death's guards.
I put my hands into my pocket while Aegis stared warily at Ryōji. She stood in front of me and made sure I did not get too close. The former harbinger simply smiled at the both of us.
"Ryōji, do you remember me?" I asked.
The fact that we're both here is both alarming and yet, reassuring in a way. I was glad that I saw a familiar face and one that remembers everything but it was foreboding that there are many implications of our existence here. One being, the beginning of [The Fall] and the Great Seal.
"Yes, I remember everything. Of course, if you lived a few centuries, you tend to forget things."
"Then say something that both you and I would reminisce."
He slumped his shoulders.
"You don't believe me?"
I simply shrugged. I fought him at the top of the tower and followed him to the moon and faced Nyx. Like how I sacrificed the mother of shadows, he too was supposed to be gone. At least, that was how it was supposed to play out.
"You could be an illusion, and I am being targeted."
"Yet, you took the time to meet with us," he pouted, "Hmm, then how about the time when Mitsuru executed—"
I held out my hand to stop him. Remembering the trauma of going to the hot springs, I also palmed my face. It took about a week for us to be forgiven despite being an honest accident. I put my hands down into my pockets.
"Okay, I believe it's you…" I sighed, "How long have you been around?"
Ryōji looked confused at first but realized that I was referring to how long he had his memories. He crossed his arm and closed his eyes, trying to recall things.
"Hmm, from your perspective it's been 16 years since we last met, but I've been around since, about, 325 B.C. I think?"
"You've been alive for about 2333 years?" I stated incredulously.
"When you put it that way, I feel quite old."
He simply laughed it off and seems to be enjoying his life.
"This is Kenji Tomochika, and next to him is Rio Iwasaki."
Kenji simply said an informal greeting which earned a disapproving glaze from Rio Iwasaki. She then held a neutral expression when she faced me and formally bowed. I also return the gesture and turn to Ryōji.
"Tell me," I gave him a solemn expression, "Is [The Fall] beginning once again?"
In turn, he gave me a serious mien.
"No, but at the pace the Kirijō Group is going, they'll create something possibly worse than the Dark Hour or rather, attract something much worse…"
He covered his face into his scarf and took a deep breath.
"Unfortunately, [Academy City] is outside of my jurisdiction or any of magic sides'. It involves with a lot of politics and a lot of other things that get in the way. It's why it took so long to get to you…"
His answer did not ease my mind. While he gave me time to reflect on what he had said, I realized I need to hurry up. Both of us remained silent for a good few minutes. That is, my companion decided to speak.
"Thanatos," Aegis regarded Ryōji cautiously, "One of the oldest Majins alive. What is your relationship with Minato?"
I was confused with term Majins, but it seems Ryōji knows what she meant. He gave a sheepish smile to my cyborg companion, muttering in a low breath that even here, she distrusted him.
"Hmm, well it's a bit convoluted, but Minato and I used to be friends in our past lives. That is, until we had to fight for the fate of mankind."
Aegis held a surprise expression.
"You're saying that you and Minato reincarnated?"
It made me wonder if the fact that we were reincarnations was something that should be openly deliberated. Before I could say anything however, he continued.
"That is correct but before all that, I was inside Minato and became one with him. We then formed a strong bond together…"
No one said anything, even Kenji and Iwasaki-san stared at us curiously. There was an awkward silence that seems suffocating to me. So I decisively broke that inaudibility by sighing.
"Ryōji, I know I'm one to talk and while it is the truth, to a certain extent, but can you not phrase it like that."
He simply blinked in confusion.
"What? But it's true, I was (sealed) inside of you and we bonded (via Social Link)."
"Yes, can you not phrase it like that?"
Aegis was silent until she made an outburst.
"I've thrust (a book) into Minato, and began (temporarily) living my life with him!"
I felt a headache coming forth.
"Again, while true, did you have to phrase it like that?" I sighed, "Also, why are you competing against him?"
Aegis ignored my question and shielded me by raising her arm.
"This person is dangerous…"
Kenji decided to speak up to break the growing tension.
"So uh, are you guys in some sort of love triangle?"
I palmed my face once again and decided to clarify the mess before it was too late.
"Okay, here's a short summary of what happened," I started, "He was in a battle with someone and ended up sealed inside of me. He broke free but had amnesia and when we met, we became friends. However, he regained his memories and reluctantly, had to fight me to the death for the fate of a world, which I guess you could say, I won but we both perished in the end. Eventually, we then reincarnating, got our memories from the past back, and here we are in a filthy switchyard…"
Kenji simply stared at me for quite some time while Iwasaki-san seems to be observing the interaction passively.
"Seems complicated…" he finally spoke and then gestured towards Aegis, who was glaring at Ryōji, "What about her?"
"It's… complicated," I replied tiringly.
Recapitulation of my previous journey along with my current predicament seems too troublesome to go through. Not only that, it seems that certain events are repeating themselves which makes both my current life and my past has become quite lengthy.
He nodded in accepting my short and vague but somewhat understandable elucidation. The girl on the other hand is keeping an attentive eye on Aegis and I.
"So you were friends with Thanatos-sama in the past?" Iwasaki-san asked, "And you reincarnated into an esper?"
"Like I said," I put my hands into my pocket once more, "It's complicated."
I faced towards in Ryōji's direction.
"Why are you here?"
He gave a sad smile.
"Although I would like to hang out like the good old days, regrettably, I'm here to warn you."
He then hid his face under his scarf once more and looked down.
"You, Minato Arisato, are one of the biggest paradox to exist in this world."
"Paradox?" I echoed out.
"Yes, whatever Elizabeth did, she created a paradox which resulted in your revival. To be honest, I'm not sure if there are any negative or positive implications of you being here. Unlike my situation, you seemed to be here and yet somewhere else. The other residents of the Velvet Room are doing a good job hiding your presence, but it won't be long for Othinus to seek you out."
"A fellow Majin like myself, and a beaut at that."
While I decided to disregard that last part what made me confuse the term "Majin." I wonder if Othinus was some sort of deity but I did not recognized the name. Yet, the name itself sounded familiar.
He then noticed my confusion over the term.
"Ah, Majin is like a very powerful magician that has mastered magic and can do what seems to be impossible for normal humans to achieve. Kind of like what you have accomplished except magic here works very differently than [Personas]."
I see, if that's the case, then Othinus would be viewed as a "Magic God" due to having master the pinnacle of magic itself. However, that doesn't answer why she would seek me out.
"I don't know what Othinus wants with you," Ryōji nonchalantly answered the questions in my mind, "However, I do know is that she is seeking something out, and planning to do something with [Imagine Breaker]."
I was surprised to hear Ryōji spoke that particular ability name. As far as I know, Touma-san was not involved with the magic side considering his reactions to Index claims.
"Touma-san? What does Touma-san have to do with anything?"
He was surprised to how I refer Touma-san but he smiled.
"So you're acquainted with him?" he laughed a bit, but return to his solemn expression, "You would be surprised how much Touma Kamijou can do but for now, I would say he shouldn't have any knowledge regarding the magic side of things."
Uh, too late considering he met Index…
"Anyways, I would be more worry about your predicament. At least, the calamity that shall befall you within your journey."
"Please don't be cryptic," I dryly replied, "I already have enough of that in my life."
"Don't worry," he chuckled but turn back into a serious gaze, "Honestly, I do not know what she would do to you if she ever found out that you were a paradox. She can't do anything to [Imagine Breaker] to my knowledge, but she had big plans for him. Regardless, I'm warning you to be careful when you have to face her."
"I'll have to fight her?"
I was not in the mood to fight a person that might be near the level of Elizabeth or someone who is considered a god. I already have a lot on my plate as it is. Still, if she's planning something to hurt a friend of mine…
"Not necessarily, but telling you to run away or stay hidden and avoid conflict is a pointless endeavor. That is only when a friend is involved. After all, I did warn you and the others to not fight a Goddess of Death but you went ahead and did it."
To be fair, he's sort of right.
"Minato, this is my advice. Do not get involve with someone named Index Librorum Prohibitorum."
William also gave the same warning, but I decided to ask if there was any reasons that I should follow it. To see if Ryōji's reasons differ from his.
"Why?" I asked.
He passed for a bit and scrutinized me for a good while. He then realized why I reacted the way I did.
"You're already acquainted with Index…" he stated and palmed his forehead, "Okay, do not involve yourself any further with her."
"Is there any particular reason why?"
"Because the Church of Nessarius is observing her and they'll take notice of your presence and investigate you. Whatever the Church knows, there is a high chance that other organizations will know, and will either use you or eliminate you."
I understand that the revelation to my existence or rather the existence of Persona would probably cause a lot of problems, and that will get rid of the hard work of William and disregard Elizabeth's wishes to remain hidden, but if there was someone who wanted to live in front of me, someone who was about to die, then I shall try my best to help them. To ignore them would not only be disrespecting to those who fought alongside with me, it is disregarding the essence of my soul, my true answer.
The incorporeal figure of Messiah then stood at the shores of my mind.
Ryōji simply stared at me and must have seen a silhouette and sighed. This person knows me best in this world, other than the residents of the Velvet Room of course.
"Of course, you will not ignore them," he muttered and then stare at me with resolution, "Then I shall present to you with these two choices. You can either say screw it and try to help her but that means endangering yourself. Or, you could stay low and enjoy your peaceful days without worrying about anything. The choice is yours."
The choice was obvious to me.
"Well then," Ryōji began, "I shall give you some help when I can. This will probably make Necessrius angry with me but I'll tell you this. Index has a curse placed on her where she'll have a fever and requires the erasure of her memories."
"Why would this organization do that to her?"
"Because they probably didn't want her to betray them and become a Majin."
Although my expression didn't show it, I was furious but Aegis placed a hand on my shoulder and gave a concern gaze. I simple sighed and noticed my fist loosen.
I'm guessing Majins aren't popular, especially to big organizations.
"Removing it won't be easy. Anyways, that's all the hints I'm going to give you for today. I shall take my leave now considering it's illegal for me to be here anyways. The boundary field that the Amakusa Church set up will soon dissipate. Let's meet again in a café instead next time."
"Before you go, did you meet with Elizabeth? I haven't seen her in some time for some reason."
He gave an incredulously look.
"You don't know?"
"Know what?"
"…That Igor is missing."
8:05 PM.
Ryōji's reincarnation, Majins, Othinus, mysterious organization, the conundrum with the Kirijō Group, Index's situation, the magic side, and Igor's disappearance. There was a lot of information to take in tonight. I tried calling Touma. Nobody picked up. I tried calling William but no one was there.
Does that mean William lied to me? Why did he do it? How much of what he said was the Truth?
I suppose worrying about it now won't do any good since none of the foretold events have come up yet but I'll have to deal with it when the time comes. For now, it was time to set the game board up. There was another meeting that I have arranged. It'll be her first time meeting with me but this will be a reunion for myself. Except, it won't be pleasant.
The location was a family restaurant. There were barely anyone around and I found a seat that was at the back corner of the room. Aegis sat next to me to my right.
The expected person walked through the doors and simply regarded me in a professional manner but there was a certain coldness to her formal greeting.
"I am Mitsuru Kirijō," she curtly greeted, "Are you the informant?"
"Yes, I am," I spoke.
I needed her to believe I was a separate person from the frog suit just in case I need a disguise. Although it made me feel bad that I had to deceive a lot of people, it's better than dealing something worse than the abomination that was the Dark Hour.
She took a seat across from but kept a certain distance. She eyed Aegis briefly but I could tell she was on her guard.
"There is no need to be cautious of us. I chose this location because there would be people around so that if I tried to do anything, I'll be apprehended but not enough people so that anyone could eavesdrop on us."
Nonetheless, she still showed a certain distrust to us.
"How did you obtained this data?"
She tossed the packet of case studies and reports on the table.
"From an outside source," I spoke half-truthfully. While it was true that I obtained the data, it was from a shady computer in a lab.
"Who was it?"
There was a certain edge to her voice but I merely shrugged.
"I don't know, but I can assure you that the information is authentic. My life was in danger when I got it and Aegis, the girl next to me, can confirm."
"I am Aegis," she introduced herself, "You can look up my background which is linked to the Kirijō group's database. However, it also possibly since my departure from STREGA, that you won't find any information on me."
"What is STREGA?" Mitsuru questioned.
"STREGA is a group task to retrieve anything stolen from the Kirijō's with any means possible. It is entirely made up of individuals with dubious circumstances for example, my prosthetics."
Aegis detaches her left arm while Mitsuru held a brief astonished expression.
"I have seen my share of bloodshed in the dark side of the academy and it was only recently that the group had arranged kidnappings. Although it doesn't excuse my wrongdoings, I deeply regretted them…"
"You did nothing about this despite knowing?" Mitsuru was getting agitated to the injustice of it all.
"We do have a group working on stopping all the kidnappings," I chimed in.
Courtesy of the Amakusa Remix Church and Ryōji.
"However, stopping them won't be easy," I continued, "It's more likely we would be eradicated if we made too many rash decisions. While the Kirijō Group was once part of the Nanjo Group, the company is rather large and influential. Especially, the former head of Kouestu Kirijō. As it stands, a lot of people will be hurt if we carelessly acted."
In other words cut off the head of the snake, we'll still be stuck with it's poison. I want to make sure that no know will ever repeat those same mistakes in my previous life.
"Does my father know of any of this?"
"No," Aegis answered, "But your grandfather had full knowledge and even conducted these experiments but I do not know anything about more than that."
Mitsuru paused and ruminated the records that was presented to her.
"I'm not sure if I can trust your group yet, this is a lot to take in."
"If you wish," I began, "You could ask your father to investigate your grandfather or conduct research of your own."
Despite her calm demeanor, she still was not sure if what Aegis and I were speaking the truth.
"You can even choose to ignore us if you wish, believing what we have said to be no more than a fanciful tale," I baited, "However please consider this then, be careful when dealing with his follower, Ikutsuki. He created STREGA and has been up to shady dealings."
"I'll consider it…"
It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. I handed her a number and left Aegis in toll. Aegis then spoke to me as we walked back to our current headquarters.
"Why did you contact Mitsuru Kirijō? From how Thanatos talked about you, you seemed to be a powerful individual."
"I could sabotage their facilities and the locations of where they are conducting the experiments, but that won't stop them. Brute force won't be enough. I have to be make sure that the experiment will not be able to be replicated by anyone. Kouetsu Kirijō and Ikutsuki will do anything to see through to their goals. After all, this all happened before."
Might as well come clean…
"What do you mean?" Aegis asked.
"Ikutsuki from my past life did something similar and I want to make sure it doesn't happened again."
Now then, it's time to make a deal with ITEM and send clues to Anti-Skill.
"You're playing a dangerous game, Minato…" Aegis warns.
"I know and a lot of people will be livid with me, but I don't want more tragedies to befall on the people I care about. If that's the case, then it's a small price to pay."
July 23rd:
6:07 PM
Junpei, Yukari and Fuuka were running through District 9 in order to get to District 17.
"Come on Junpei! We're late" Yukari urged her cap-wearing friend.
The trio were running and reached the bridged that will take them into the switchyard.
"Hold your horses!" Junpei lagged behind the archer and Fuuka.
The three of them were late because one of them had forgotten where they were supposed to meet. Today was the day where they find their missing friend, Minato Arisato, who was supposed to have a meeting with a benefactor at the switchyard.
As they were running across the bridge, Fuuka felt like she had forgotten something crucial…
"Hey, do you guys notice something strange about this bridge?"
She felt something was off about their current location. She then took a good look around and while the bridge seemed normal, that in of itself put her off.
"Now that you mentioned it," Yukari began, "I feel like something important was supposed to happen to this bridge today."
All three of them stopped in their tracks. They took a moment to look around and contemplated.
"What do you think Junpei?" she asked.
Junpei was not sure how to respond because normally, he never took this route besides the time the facility gave him a tour and attended orientation when he first got here. So he simply shrugged.
Yukari palmed her face but then remembered that a bridge was destroyed and was currently under construction.
"Didn't they say a bridge was destroyed?"
Fuuka's eyes widen at the revelation that the bridge they were currently on was supposed to be under repairs. Despite the city's technological advances, it would took some time to fix the bridge. Junpei took longer to realize that the bridge should be closed due to it's mysterious destruction.
The teal-colored hair girl then sensed a fourth presence.
"Guys, I think we're being followed…"
"Oh, you have someone with sensing abilities?" a voiced echoed in sighs, "I swear, Sakaki, despite being our leader, is quite sloppy…"
They couldn't pinpoint the location of the echoing disembodied voice.
"Still, to think they would make a well-fortified bounded field."
"Who the hell are you?" Junpei demanded.
"It doesn't matter who I am," the voice casually disregarded the remarks, "Unfortunately for you, you'll taken in for questioning."
From the shadows, a group of men in black shades and suits walked into the light wielding assortment of weapons. They approached the trio. Yukari managed to generate enough wind to knock them away. They simply got up again as if nothing happened. While the three of them were espers, there was too many of them to fight off. They didn't move until a voice coming from behind them interrupted their thoughts.
"Not if I can help it! Itsuwa's Sexy Midriff Striker!"
A girl in a scarlet raincoat wielding a spear rode a skateboard that lounged over the trio. She then got off of the board and stepped on one of the men's faces. She battered him into the crowd. The girl landed in front of the three of them while having her back to them.
"This spear shall pierce the heavens…" she paused for a moment, "And your arsehole."
One of the men charged forward using a hammer but was stopped when a spear stabbed through his abdomen.
Another girl appeared with purple hair pulled out the spear and the man turned into gravel.
"Please don't use my name for your attacks!"
"But it's true," she pouted and turn to Junpei, "You there! Don't you think that she has a sexy navel!?"
Junpei pulled his cap over his eyes.
"Please don't bring me into this…"
"Uh," Yukari was dumbfounded by the situation, "What's going on here? Why did that man turn into gravel, and who are you?"
"Well," the girl known as Itsuwa began, "We're at the border of a barrier and the reason why that man turn into gravel is because he's a life-like golem. I'm Itsuwa and this is…"
The girl in the red coat interrupted Itsuwa.
"I'm Kotone Arisato! Summoner and adventurer extraordinaire!"
To Be Continued…
Author Notes: Hello and thank you for reading. Sorry it took a long time but writing five thousand worded chapter, while juggling 3-4 story lines within the story itself, is quite challenging. If anyone is interested to know, I've been following a TAMNI timeline hence why I put dates in the story, and have characters reference certain events. Sometimes, I have to get rid of some events and jokes.
I have stated that Original Characters (OC's) are not well regarded but here's my thoughts regarding them. If you do not care, just ignore this and proceed to the question section. I'm rather indifferent towards OC's. In fact, I don't mind them because I simply view them as What-If stories, another perspective that might explores the story's universe, or authors trying to play around with the concept. It's interesting when people try to develop them and build them up. However, I also understand why they are hated.
When I wrote this story, Persona 5 was announced and I was wondering what the developers would do. So I decided to reference that Igor was busy with another guest (Akira Kurusu). I was actually using William to temporarily replace Fuuka until she joined, and then he would be just comic relief or reference Persona 1 & 2. However, as I wrote the story, he seems to have become more ominous now. Perhaps his true identity is a certain evil god? Joking, or am I? Basically Williams original role was suppose to be comic relief and exposition. Yet, he ended up being used for foreshadowing that something terrible will happen to Minato or perhaps a future enemy? Anyways, I was trying to play around with the concept because throughout the story, I experimented with elements that I wouldn't normally use.
Romance genre is not my forte. Usually, when I write romantic stories, they tend to become really realistic, dark, or satirical. So I'm not sure if that's something anyone's interested in.
Kotone Arisato, I wasn't really sure how to name her but I settled for the name used in the play.
Question Time...
1) Which kind of villain would you like to see?
2) What are your thoughts on 4th wall-breaking characters?
3) Favorite genre
4) Is Itsuwa's midriff sexy?