School, Lies and Video

AN: This story finds Tori in a bad spot at school. She goes to a teacher for help in math and ends up a victim. No one will believe her story about this loved teacher except for the one girl that Tori would never think would come to her aid.

This is my first try at writing a Jori story. At first I didn't think that I would write it, but then the story started to nag at me and want to be written, so here it is. I don't own any of the Nickelodeon characters nor do intend to make any money off of them.

Tori Vega was a good student. She always got straight A's all the way through the tenth and eleventh grade at Hollywood Arts High School. That was until she took Mr. Wyatt's math class.

Mr. Wyatt was a nice guy and a good teacher. Everyone liked Mr. Wyatt. That is part of what bothered Tori. Even though he was nice she did not do that well in her class. She wanted to hate Wyatt for not getting an A in his class, but she couldn't. She knew that it was not his fault, she just didn't understand the material.

The final bell rang for the day and Tori was putting her books in her locker. She took a deep breath and sighed as she pushed the little black button that turned out the little led lights that spelled out Make It Shine. Most days the lights brought a smile to her face, but not today. Today she had to face her failure.

She was just about to close the door when a small set of hands covered her eyes from behind and said, "Guess who Tor Tor?"

"Ah Cat?"

"How did you know?" The smaller girl with hair the color of red velvet cupcakes spun around in front of Tori.

Cat usually could make Tori smile. She was fun and childlike. Everyone looked out for Cat and tried to protect her from the bad that was in the world. In exchange Cat would do her best to remind them what it was like to be young and see life through eyes that were still amazed at what they saw.

"Why the sad sounds? I don't like sad sounds coming from my friends." Cat started to look sad too.

Tori didn't want to make Cat sad, too. "Oh it is nothing. I just have to go see Mr. Wyatt about my mark in his math class. I am not doing so well."

"I wouldn't be sad if I had to go talk to Mr. Wyatt. I don't know if you noticed Tori but he is kind of gorgeous." Cat was lost for a moment or two. "I could maybe go instead of you. Are you failing?"

"No I am not failing!"

"Are you sure you are not failing? We would still like you if you were a failure." Cat hugged Tori.

"Who is a failure?" Andre walked up to the girls.

Andre was the first friend Tori had at HA. She met him when he came to her house to help Trina with her song for the showcase. Then when Trina's tongue swelled up Tori had to take her spot and do the song. Andre played the piano for her and told her how good she was.

"Tori is failing math and might have to do another year." Cat said with a tear in her eye.

Andre stood there with a stunned look on his face, but he had learned over the years that he should never take Cat's word as the gospel truth until he verified things with others. He just turned to Tori with his hands raised in a questioning manner.

"I am not failing math and where did you get the idea that would have to redo a year?" Tori said with the slight frustrated whine that she gets when she has to straighten out Cat's imagination.

"So why would Cat think that you are failing math?" Andre asked with a confused look.

"I am not failing!" Tori raised her voice to try to get through to them.

Then this southern accent from "Gone with the Wind" came sauntering across the hallway. "I am not failing math. I have never failed at anything in my whole life. Whatever will I do?" Jade West strolled over to the group.

"I don't sound like that! I don't!" Tori said frowning and stomping her feet.

"Whatever! So what are you getting in Wyatt's class then?" Jade asked while not looking at Tori. She was playing with the silver streamer that Cat had hanging in her hair.

"I got a hrmm." Tori mumbled.

"A what?" Andre asked?

"A hrmmm." Tori suddenly found something interesting on her shoe.

"We didn't quite hear you Vega! What did you get in math?" Jade quizzed.

Tori stuck her chin out and with embarrassment in her voice said, "I got a B, alright I got a B in math!"

"Oh my god! A B Vega? Is that what this is all about? The brainy Vega only got a B in math!" Jade said with her snide smirk on her face.

"I have never had a B, so to me that is like a fail. What did you get on your last math test Jade?" Tori said looking for some kind of satisfaction in the fact that Jade might have got a worse mark that she did.

"I got an A+. You know what that means Vegas? My mark was over 90%. That is what an A+ means." Jade couldn't help but rub it in the half Latina's face.

"See even you think that my mark sucks!" Tori was pouting again.

"No I think you suck Vega." Jade walked back to her locker enjoying this little moment.

Tori knew she could put it off no longer. She grabbed her math books and slowly plodded down the hall that lead to the math room. She stood before the half closed door and took a moment to shore up her strength to knock on the door. This for her was admitting failure.

She raised her fist and knocked on the door being careful to not push it open as she knocked.

A calm voice from inside beckoned, "Hello come on in, it is open."

Tori peaked around the door and showed her face to Mr. Wyatt that was sitting at his desk marking papers. "Ah Mr. Wyatt!?"

"Ms. Vega please come on in." He beamed at her. She always thought that his teeth were way to white to be natural, but when she mentioned it to Trina once she told her not to be so judgemental.

Tori slipped into the room and moved towards the desk at the front of the room. With her eyes on the floor she took a deep breath and screwed up her courage and blurted out, "I am having trouble in your class and I was wondering if I could arranged for some extra help?" She thought that the best approach would be like removing a Band-Aid ®, just tear it off in a hurry and there will be only pain for a second or two.

Wyatt looked at her with a slight smile on his face. He really didn't think that her mark was all that bad on the last test, but he also knew that she was a perfectionist and would see anything less than an A to be a poor mark. That was when he started to see this girl differently. This is when he started to smile a big wide smile that if Tori had seen it she would have known that something was up.

"Well, I have time after school every day from three until four that I could help you." Mr. Wyatt said looking the girl up and down, taking in all of her features.

"Thank you Mr. Wyatt. It will only be until I understand this unit better." Tori felt a big weight lift off her shoulders. She had no idea how small that weight was compared to the one that was about to be placed on her neck.

AN: I hope you enjoyed chapter 1. I will post chapter 2 soon. Let me know what you think.