a/n: Okay I so need to explain myself and why I have stopped updating. I still love OuaT, don't get me wrong, but I simply have lost inspiration for this fic. I'm so sorry to everyone that has enjoyed it, but I personally will no longer be writing chapters. But wait! My very good friend Sophie (Dreamerwriter15) has picked up this story and will be writing chapters, which I will upload for her (all credit to her of course) Anyways, I hope you enjoy this installment, I certainly did!

Chapter 9 of Back to You, written by Dreamerwriter15.

"Where is Addison?!" demanded Prince Thomas as he readjusted his broken nose. He had been knocked out by the force of his wife's blow and was oblivious to what had transpired after. The greedy, egotistical, uncompromising, complete jerk of a prince stared at the distraught Queen and fuming king, who sat motionless in their thrones.

"I sent Addison away. And good riddance to her!" shouted the King, still furious with his only child.

"Peter," stayed his queen, sobbing at his side, "she is still our daughter, and Thomas's wife. And we can't disown her; she is the only heir to the kingdom we have." Queen Annette pointed out.

King Peter turned away from his wife and rested his chin on his hand as he thought. He was now faced with a dilemma; his only child had damaged herself beyond repair, impregnating herself with another man's child—whether or not he was a prince from another kingdom, which King Peter seriously doubted about the Henry fellow Addison kept going on about—and he and his queen were too old to produce another heir, with no relatives close enough to be considered to have royal blood who weren't Martyrs or bastards. What was he to do? And for all he knew, his daughter was on a ship to Arendelle by now.

Prince Thomas, carefully watching the distress of the ruling monarchs, realized that he could use it to his great advantage if he played his cards right. Turning off the cockiness and turning on the charm, broached, "If I may your Majesties, I think I have a solution to your problems."

The King and Queen glanced up from their revery to pay attention to their son-in-law. The prince smirked and said carefully. "Your daughter—my wife, is still the only heir to your kingdom. I believe that we can keep her in the kingdom since it is well within your power to recall any ship in the Royal waters."

"How would that solve anything, Thomas?" Asked Queen Annette, puzzlement filling her gaze.

"Ah." Pointed out the prince, threading his hands behind his back and pacing back and forth in front of the royals. "If we keep her in the kingdom, she will have to have her child here. We simply have her give birth in the castle, and when she does, I will claim the child as my own. She is still my wife after all. Once the heir is born, we can exile her or send her to the convent or whatever you see fit for women of her dishonor. You and I get a legal heir, thereby saving the kingdom from collapse, and we rid ourselves of a liability. If we let her go free and she rallies the people to revolt they will surely follow her." Prince Thomas suggested, hoping his argument would stick in the minds of the distraught, grieving parents of his wife.

It was a very good argument, and in all aspects, seemed sincere, but it disgusted Prince Thomas to propose that he adopt the bastard child of his disgraced wife, but he was nothing, if not ruthless, and he would put up with the little brat if it meant that he secured the throne for himself. His plan had another phase that not even this mother or father-in-law knew of, and for good reason. Even with Addison dead, and a child of his own, he would be no closer to the throne with the king and queen still alive.

Addison's betrayal had throne a sword into the works, certainly, but that was a minor workable hiccup in his grand scheme. He would not rest until he was the sole, undisputed ruler of Thoryn.


"Paige." Called Captain Julian of the Saint Jane.

Princess Addison looked up from her seat on a barrel on the wharf. The brig, which reminded her very much of the Jolly Roger that she had been on once on a sailing trip with Killian, swayed to-and-fro in the rolling waves, and the captain had asked her to stay off of the ship until they were ready to set sail. The captain nodded, and she gathered up her belongs, quickly striding up the gangplank. Strangely, she heard what sounded suspiciously like running coming from the pier. Glancing behind her to the dock below, she saw a host of Royal guards storming the Marina. Addison's blood ran cold.

"Can we leave Captain, Quickly? Those men are after me." She pleaded to the Captain.

The Captain, adrenaline beginning to course through his veins, ordered the crew to cast off. Addison tried to force her way into the hold of the ship, but the door was locked in preparation for departure.

She knew that her father had been driven back to his senses and ordered her return. Her freedom, and her life, it seemed again, was ridding on how quickly the ship could disembark. Even though she couldn't hide below deck, she still felt safe as the anchor was hoisted, the ships moorings already undone; her relief was short lived. As the crew was withdrawing the gangplank, the soldiers, led by none other than her cruel husband, stormed the ship, crushing the crew member's fingers and trampling many others in the process.

Addison tried to find somewhere to hide, but there was no place, and no time. In the blink of an eye, she was glaring into the smirking face of her husband and two burly guards had her arms held firmly in place. "You thought could run from me, Princess?" Thomas crooned, carefully emphasizing her title. "You know I always get my way Addison."

In answer she spit in his face. He gently wiped the spit from his face. "You really shouldn't have done that." He said. With a wave of his hand, the guards started leading his struggling bride off the deck of the ship.

"You bastard!" She spat as she struggled in the arms of her captors.

Prince Thomas tsked lightly, then turned to the crew and Captain of the Saint Jane. "The kingdom of Thoryn thanks you for your service." He said gentlemanly, then leisurely strode down the gang plank after his wife.

The door to the highest tower in her castle slammed open, and Princess Addison was thrown unceremoniously into the tiny cell. She picked what dignity she still had off the floor and winced when the door squealed closed with a heavy thud and she heard the door latch and the rattle of a key in the lock few moments later.

She sat on the bed with her head in her hands, and cried.

She was once again trapped, and it seemed that her ruthless husband would succeed after all.


"Mom, is it time?" asked Henry. Ever since they had decided to return to the Enchanted Forest at whatever the cost to save Addison, Henry had been devoting every spare moment to discovering a way to return. From the Land Without Magic, those ways were few and far between. Finally, Regina thought of a way to get them back to their world: the same way they had after Pan's Curse; by reversing the Dark Curse. In this case however, since Henry had to go with to save Addison, the price of the Curse was different, and all encompassing for anyone who ever wanted to cross the realms again, the price was that the Dark Curse would be completely and irrevocably destroyed, and the walls between the worlds would be thrust up once again, never to be taken down. It was a price, they were more than willing to pay.

On the way to this event, everyone was required to get their affairs in order, this included a trip to Boston and New York for Emma to get everything settled there. For Henry, the day of the trip back to the Enchanted Forest couldn't come fast enough.

On the day of the shift, Henry, along with the rest of the town, stood in the town square, crowded around Regina who once again held the scroll in her hand. It trembled. She had second thoughts about permanently destroying the town that she had worked so hard to build. She realized though, that family was more important than any long forgotten revenge, and now one of her family was in danger in the Enchanted Forest. What choice did she have?

"When I do this, there will be no going back." Regina warned her son.

"I know Mom." Henry acknowledged.

"Can we go now mom?" asked Clara, clinging to her older brother's knee.

Regina smiled at her daughter, and, taking the scroll in her hands, pulled it apart. The purple glow of the power filled her hands as it had done all those years before. She trust her hands towards the sky, and Henry closed his eyes as the purple smoke enveloped them.

For most of the residents of Storybrooke, this was going home. For Henry, it wasn't going home, not yet. He knew it wouldn't be home until he had Addison by his side, and, in time, his child in his arms.