Alright, so this is the make up story to Angel's Frights... Yeah, it didn't come out the way i want it to and it's gonna take a little too long to fix it up... SO! I decided to do something normal. Something I can start off with when they were little kids, and just jump into their normal life as I wanted.. I'm gonna stop talking now, ENJOY!

~Eight Years Ago In The Town Of Peaceville~

I was on the play ground with my sister in Peaceville, the town we just moved to. I was 5 at the time and I remember it perfectly, even if it was years ago... It was the day I met my friends, the day I met my best friend, and the day my sister over came her small shyness problem... Well, to be honest, it wasn't small. She won't even face someone she didn't know till she met Corey Riffin, her best friend who was playing Pirates with his friends as my best friend, Carrie Beff, was talking to her friends right when we came.. This day would change everything for the rest of my life for me.


Two red haired kids walked out onto the wood chipped playground, right when the boy of the two stepped onto the black rim of the playground the girls stopped talking and looked at him. They noticed that right away he had the slight geeky look on him that made them giggle together. The boys that had their foam swords though were only looking at the red haired girl that was behind the boy. To them, she had a shy exterior that if you looked at her in the right way, had a tough one under it. The boys jumped off the ladder they were on and landed right in front of the twins.. Well Corey, the blue haired self bound leader of the group did, his best friends Kin and Kon landed on each other making Laney, the girl with red hair laugh lightly as they stumbled to stand behind their 'Caption'. "Who are you two? I never see you around town before." The girl then hid behind her brother slightly. "Well, I'm Lenny Nepp, and this is my sister Laney Penn. We're twins. And before you ask, our parents are no longer together so we have different last names." The three boys nodded, getting what Lenny was talking about. "What's with her though?" Lenny smiled, knowing that they were talking about his sister. "She has a shyness issue. She doesn't like talking to people that she doesn't know." This is when the three girls decided to join the conversation. "Well, why don't we get to know each other better, that way she can know a few people here." Lenny smiled at the blue haired girl. "Great idea. Come on Lane. You can show your self now." After Laney stepped away from her brother's back they all noticed how much the two looked alike. They weren't like Kim and Konnie or Kin and Kon. "Wow, there's actually a pair of twins in town that actually look alike! I never thought I would see the day sense I met Kin and Kon." Corey pointed to the two boys behind him. "They're twins too, but as you can tell, they look NOTHING alike." "Same with Kim and Konnie." They all laughed at this. This was the beginning of something all of them would love.

Lenny's POV

Ever sense that day, we've all became quick friends.. Especially me and Carrie. We became best friends pretty quick. Same with Lane and Corey. We all became friends quickly, well until Trina, Corey's sister, started to treat Mina, Carrie's sister, like a slave. that's when Corey and Carrie started hating each other. I would always help Carrie calm down, and Laney would always help Corey calm down. Especially after they get into a screaming fight. After I turned seven, Carrie and Corey decided to make two different bands at the same time. The Newmans was Carrie's idea which was made out of me, Kim, Konnie, and Carrie. As Grojband was Corey's idea which was made up of Laney, Kin, Kon, and Corey. After we made the bands official, that's when we all started fighting for gigs and everything. Set for me and Laney. Me and her just agreed to act it out for our friends. That way when they get finished with fighting, we could tell them we hated the yelling from the beginning. But, all of that got harder for me when I turned nine.. That's when I found out that I had a crush on Carrie.. I don't think she knows about it though. It's pretty easy to hid it from her, even if it's easy to be seen by everyone else. She's pretty oblivious as you could tell. I did try to get over it, but it's kinda hard if your crush as everything in common with you, that she gets your attention with out knowing it, if she gets close to your face everyday, hugs you everyday, also there's the things I started to notice about a year ago when I was twelve... That her blue hair frames her face perfectly, that her blue eyes are like looking into the ocean, and that her smile actually lights up a room.. I've always known I had a crush on her, but I really never knew... That I was in LOVE with her.